Thank a Cop


May 23, 2014
The news media is smearing the good men and women of our local police departments. Do the police get a bad rap in light of events like the Brown incident? When is the last time you told a cop "thank you."
Thank them for what?

Where I come from, they get paid very nicely, so if anyone should be thanking anyone, it should be them thanking me and all the rest of us rather generous taxpayers.
The get a bad rap when they show up like a military posse with no training on their Pentagon toys. They get a bad rap when they started pointing guns at protesters while allowing the rioters to destroy the place. They get a bad rap when they hurl flash bangs at reporters. So fuck the Ferguson police.
Thank them for what?

Where I come from, they get paid very nicely, so if anyone should be thanking anyone, it should be them thanking me and all the rest of us rather generous taxpayers.

Spoken like a typical asshole.
Thank them for what?

Where I come from, they get paid very nicely, so if anyone should be thanking anyone, it should be them thanking me and all the rest of us rather generous taxpayers.

I agree in my town they are paid btw $60-$80K for most driving around and giving tickets. They respond to a burglary or two, in which they never make an arrest if the perp is caught at the scene.

Thank and inner city cop. That is who I will thank.
The get a bad rap when they show up like a military posse with no training on their Pentagon toys. They get a bad rap when they started pointing guns at protesters while allowing the rioters to destroy the place. They get a bad rap when they hurl flash bangs at reporters. So fuck the Ferguson police.

This is not true. Most police officers are military veterans and have special weapons training. How could they have stopped looters? They were outnumbered by the savages. Flash bangs at liberal media...awww too bad.
The get a bad rap when they show up like a military posse with no training on their Pentagon toys. They get a bad rap when they started pointing guns at protesters while allowing the rioters to destroy the place. They get a bad rap when they hurl flash bangs at reporters. So fuck the Ferguson police.

I read a report that these cops had a warrant to enter a home without warning and the cops threw a flash bang whatever into the crib of an infant, putting the child in the hospital.
Baby in Coma After Police ?Grenade? Dropped in Crib During Drug Raid - ABC News
Any sane person would want payback for something that stupid. They raid the wrong houses all the time, shoot pets, put guns against children's heads all because of loosened rules thanks to the SCOTUS and defense department/pentagrams little 1033 or whatever program which came about under HERBERT WALKER BUSH and was re-branded for the phony domestic war on terror.

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