Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

So would the raid on this guys office be akin to me having arms st home so the government won't break into my house?
Sure Sarge. Pretty full of yourself, bet you gave up that pension, huh?

They remember me the first of every month for the last 38 years. You keep working and paying those taxes. But you probably don't pay taxes either.

So make sure you hide your guns under your bed and buy more guns. We are coming for your guns. And we are armed.

Oh, I pay a helluva lot of taxes Sarge.

I remember a retired Marine Corp veteran of Vietnam, helping me put the funds together if I ever served? I told him I hadn't. He said what I was doing far more in Service to the Soldiers then most of the pencil pushers State Side ever would.

So Sarge, I never spent a day in the field, but neither did a hell of a lot of others as well.

So bring your boys, my boys and I would look forward to it.

Oh, no fair using one of those 600 rd per minute AR-15s.

Thank you for paying those taxes. That's thanks enough for me.

Happy to do it. No thanks required
We are coming for your guns. And we are armed.
Which begs the question why? If you are “coming” for the guns, wouldn’t it make sense for you to practice what you preach and surrender your firearms? Oops...

Troll been doin troll stuff, it's what they do....

Got some real estate you might be interested in there Troll.


Cuz you live under a bridge don’t mean you own it.
We are coming for your guns. And we are armed.
Which begs the question why? If you are “coming” for the guns, wouldn’t it make sense for you to practice what you preach and surrender your firearms? Oops...

How about posting where I once said I wanted to ban guns? Or that anyone that is sane should have to turn in their home defense weapons in. You sure stepped in it that time. Just because the trolls keep going on like they do doesn't mean that they are right, nope, they are just trolling trying to make you believe they are. If they say something wrong enough times, does that make it right?

Ok then, so you're just coming for guns of conservatives?

Just the nutcases. And I am sending the names I find in here that are fruitcakes to the special secrit weapons collection police. Did I get the spelling correct on your name? Doesn't matter, they just know.

No doubt your name is on that list...dumbass.
Which begs the question why? If you are “coming” for the guns, wouldn’t it make sense for you to practice what you preach and surrender your firearms? Oops...

How about posting where I once said I wanted to ban guns? Or that anyone that is sane should have to turn in their home defense weapons in. You sure stepped in it that time. Just because the trolls keep going on like they do doesn't mean that they are right, nope, they are just trolling trying to make you believe they are. If they say something wrong enough times, does that make it right?

Ok then, so you're just coming for guns of conservatives?

Just the nutcases. And I am sending the names I find in here that are fruitcakes to the special secrit weapons collection police. Did I get the spelling correct on your name? Doesn't matter, they just know.

No doubt your name is on that list...dumbass.

Nope. I am a special envoy in protected status. But you are on that list for sure. Beware, it may happen soon or maybe not so soon. But it will happen. Now that I have increased my Gun Stock (not bump stock) portfolio, please go out and buy more guns. The NRA would appreciate it.

The NRA gets a piece of gun sales?

Who knew?
We are coming for your guns. And we are armed.
Which begs the question why? If you are “coming” for the guns, wouldn’t it make sense for you to practice what you preach and surrender your firearms? Oops...

Troll been doin troll stuff, it's what they do....

Got some real estate you might be interested in there Troll.


Cuz you live under a bridge don’t mean you own it.

You are right. I do have some rentals just for you. And some are furnished with Gun Racks.

Dude, we get it. You lose about every point and you go off the deep end.
How about posting where I once said I wanted to ban guns? Or that anyone that is sane should have to turn in their home defense weapons in. You sure stepped in it that time. Just because the trolls keep going on like they do doesn't mean that they are right, nope, they are just trolling trying to make you believe they are. If they say something wrong enough times, does that make it right?

Ok then, so you're just coming for guns of conservatives?

Just the nutcases. And I am sending the names I find in here that are fruitcakes to the special secrit weapons collection police. Did I get the spelling correct on your name? Doesn't matter, they just know.

No doubt your name is on that list...dumbass.

Nope. I am a special envoy in protected status. But you are on that list for sure. Beware, it may happen soon or maybe not so soon. But it will happen. Now that I have increased my Gun Stock (not bump stock) portfolio, please go out and buy more guns. The NRA would appreciate it.

The NRA gets a piece of gun sales?

Who knew?

You didn't know? They are the treasurer on the Secrit Society of the Gun Grabber Society. First they grab all the guns and destroy them and then they help sell you new ones later one. And here you thought it was a Liberal Move. Sales are slowing down and they have to find a way to rescue the Sgt at Arms Remington.
Which begs the question why? If you are “coming” for the guns, wouldn’t it make sense for you to practice what you preach and surrender your firearms? Oops...

Troll been doin troll stuff, it's what they do....

Got some real estate you might be interested in there Troll.


Cuz you live under a bridge don’t mean you own it.

You are right. I do have some rentals just for you. And some are furnished with Gun Racks.

Dude, we get it. You lose about every point and you go off the deep end.

I sound about as silly as your bunch does when you go off on the Gun Ban routine. Think about it a bit.
Troll been doin troll stuff, it's what they do....

Got some real estate you might be interested in there Troll.


Cuz you live under a bridge don’t mean you own it.

You are right. I do have some rentals just for you. And some are furnished with Gun Racks.

Dude, we get it. You lose about every point and you go off the deep end.

I sound about as silly as your bunch does when you go off on the Gun Ban routine. Think about it a bit.

Got some real estate you might be interested in there Troll.


Cuz you live under a bridge don’t mean you own it.

You are right. I do have some rentals just for you. And some are furnished with Gun Racks.

Dude, we get it. You lose about every point and you go off the deep end.

I sound about as silly as your bunch does when you go off on the Gun Ban routine. Think about it a bit.

He is a total fuckstick.
This is what happens when oppressive left-wing policy disarms citizens. London is a bloodbath. It’s crime rates and violent crime have now surpassed New York.

Lead Surgeon Says London Hospital Like 'War Zone,' Two More Slaughtered Overnight
For a long time, I had on my bucket list an extended tour of Europe to include GB, France, the Netherlands, Poland, Germany, Italy and a few other countries. I have recently replaced it with a plan to visit all major National Parks in the my own vehicle.
Law enforcement literally ran away. And with thousand rioting, more than 6 rounds were needed. Hell, more than 600 rounds were needed.

And the debate is officially over!
Indeed, the CDC study, which the federal agency conducted from 1996 to 1998, found there are 2.46 million defensive gun uses in the U.S. each year.
One would have to be an absolute unhinged lunatic to proclaim that we should trade 30,000 lives (the overwhelming majority of which are the result of criminals killing criminals and suicides) for 2.46 million lives (almost all of which are honest, law abiding citizens).

Newly revealed government statistics hidden from public dismantle liberal gun control narrative
So much for the progressive false narrative that "nobody needs a magazine with more than 6 rounds". Once again we see progressives proven wrong and ignorant.

Residents Open Fire with AR-15, 9mm Handgun and Turn the Tide on 7 Invasion Suspects | Breitbart

You leave out the fact that there was a running feud between those two groups of armed camps. It was one groups turn to invade the other. You just condoned the arming of one side of a gang. Nice job, there cupcake. Had you gone one link deeper you would have known this. But that would have meant that your little scenerio would not have been as cut and dried as it seems. While I am glad that one side of the "Gang" Violence is off the streets that still leaves the other side of the gang violence on the street armed to the teeth. Some heroes.
And the debate is officially over!
Indeed, the CDC study, which the federal agency conducted from 1996 to 1998, found there are 2.46 million defensive gun uses in the U.S. each year.
One would have to be an absolute unhinged lunatic to proclaim that we should trade 30,000 lives (the overwhelming majority of which are the result of criminals killing criminals and suicides) for 2.46 million lives (almost all of which are honest, law abiding citizens).

Newly revealed government statistics hidden from public dismantle liberal gun control narrative

Wow, another Government Conspiracy. Let's take a look at it.

The study was done by polling 5000 people coming to a conclusion that of 1 million. That's quite a stretch and some really crazy math.

Then the cite they want us to believe out of the SSRN Abstract Database comes up as: The abstract you requested was not found. Please check your search criteria and try again.

And we all should trust the BLAZE in anything they post or say, right? Wrong. They bat about 74% on the BS scale when you check them on the truth scale. Like you, they just make a lot of crap up.

Patriots try and tell the truth more than 74% of the time, traitor.

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