Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

The right to bear arms doens't go far enough in this country. The military is developing some pretty powerful weapons such as laser tanks. Why can't we have access to those things? What is the point of having the right to bear arms if the public's access to them is severely restricted?

Why would you worship a God who causes so much damage and killing?
Nazi Germany couldn't defeat the Red Army, but untrained Russians citizens would.
No, fuckstick, I didn't say that. You did. You are incapable of understanding what I said.
Don’t take it personally, asaratis - TTMK is so stupid - he’s incapable of understanding anyone here on USMB. He’s just lashing out because Donald Trump is his president and he was taught that he would always get his way in life.

Nope, that's how you worthless Repugs act. That's why the Repugs in Congress have never compromised on a bill since Obama became President. That's why Repugs threw a temper tantrum the entire time Obama was President, voting over 50 times to repeal ObamaCare and then failing to repeal it now that Trump is president.

The biggest cry baby pussies in the world is you and the Repug Party.
This would be hilarious if it wasn’t so tragic...
Rev. Al Sharpton’s half-brother was charged with murder in a Sunday shooting death in Alabama after participating in Saturday’s anti-gun “March For Our Lives,” according to a report.
There’s a reason these people want you disarmed. They have no intention of giving up their firearms. And they desperately want helpless, unarmed victims.

Al Sharpton’s Half-Brother Charged With Murder In Shooting One Day After Participating In Gun March
Once again a mass shooting was averted because of more guns...not less.
Pulse wasn’t the killer’s intended target. It was Disney. At 10 pm, the killer arrived at the Disney World shopping and entertainment area. He used a stroller to conceal his weapon. Security camera footage shows him passing multiple police and security officers and even watching their movements. It apparently made him rethink his choice.

Good guys with guns stopped a terror attack on Disney that night, and they didn’t even know they were doing it. Imagine if more people open-carried. How many more attacks would that stop before they even got started?
I marvel at the left’s shameless ability to be wrong 24x7 but to continue with the same idiotic narrative.

The narrative for the Pulse nightclub killing just fell apart and the media doesn’t give a crap
Nazi Germany couldn't defeat the Red Army, but untrained Russians citizens would.
No, fuckstick, I didn't say that. You did. You are incapable of understanding what I said.
Don’t take it personally, asaratis - TTMK is so stupid - he’s incapable of understanding anyone here on USMB. He’s just lashing out because Donald Trump is his president and he was taught that he would always get his way in life.

Nope, that's how you worthless Repugs act. That's why the Repugs in Congress have never compromised on a bill since Obama became President. That's why Repugs threw a temper tantrum the entire time Obama was President, voting over 50 times to repeal ObamaCare and then failing to repeal it now that Trump is president.

The biggest cry baby pussies in the world is you and the Repug Party.

Ainchu all tough and shit? Your boy's Mc and Ryan just gave your side everything they wanted in that ugly omnibus.
Once again a mass shooting was averted because of more guns...not less.
Pulse wasn’t the killer’s intended target. It was Disney. At 10 pm, the killer arrived at the Disney World shopping and entertainment area. He used a stroller to conceal his weapon. Security camera footage shows him passing multiple police and security officers and even watching their movements. It apparently made him rethink his choice.

Good guys with guns stopped a terror attack on Disney that night, and they didn’t even know they were doing it. Imagine if more people open-carried. How many more attacks would that stop before they even got started?
I marvel at the left’s shameless ability to be wrong 24x7 but to continue with the same idiotic narrative.

The narrative for the Pulse nightclub killing just fell apart and the media doesn’t give a crap
They still think socialism will work....this time.
Absolutely nothing ends in catastrophic failure like left-wing policy...
Crime in the UK has spiraled out of control. There are no guns in the country, and yet the murder rate in London has now overtaken that of New York City. How can that be!? People were still hurting and killing each other, but they just moved on to doing it with knives.

They’re also confiscating — and this isn’t a joke — scissors, pliers, screwdrivers, hammers… anything AT ALL that might be used as a weapon. What’s next? A ban on hands and feet?
Yes...progressivism really is that stupid. Take away guns, people will kill with knives. Take away knives, people will kill with hammers. Take away hammers, people will kill with automobiles. Take away automobiles, people will strangle their victims to death. And all the while, the idiotic left-wing policies just set society back centuries.

Quick, hide the cutlery!
Absolutely nothing ends in catastrophic failure like left-wing policy...
Crime in the UK has spiraled out of control. There are no guns in the country, and yet the murder rate in London has now overtaken that of New York City. How can that be!? People were still hurting and killing each other, but they just moved on to doing it with knives.

They’re also confiscating — and this isn’t a joke — scissors, pliers, screwdrivers, hammers… anything AT ALL that might be used as a weapon. What’s next? A ban on hands and feet?
Yes...progressivism really is that stupid. Take away guns, people will kill with knives. Take away knives, people will kill with hammers. Take away hammers, people will kill with automobiles. Take away automobiles, people will strangle their victims to death. And all the while, the idiotic left-wing policies just set society back centuries.

Quick, hide the cutlery!

You get your ass handed to you in another area and you just start another one hoping some of us won't see it. Well, hate bater. I'll always find it.

It's my right to have my firearm(s) for home defense. If I go through the proper steps and get the proper licensing I can also have a CCW. No one is even remotely trying to seize my weapons. If they are yours maybe there is a reason like you are a convicted felon on parole or you are a nutjob under a shrinks care that is a danger to yourself or those around you. There has to be a reason. I vote for the nutjob reason. Just because you haven't been bagged by a shrink yet doesn't change the fact you are a nutjob.

My right to have my firearms is quite secure as per the latest rulings by the Supreme Court. Yours, not so good.
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

She needed some training. Would have been better had she killed the guy.
The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.
Stop lying scum bag.

And my response to that is: Drum roll please:

The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

She needed some training. Would have been better had she killed the guy.

That was over a year ago. Something like that does happen but the law of average is very, very low for it to happen again for quite some time. Even with a gun, she is about the luckiest woman that ever lived. And he is about the dumbest.
Absolutely nothing ends in catastrophic failure like left-wing policy...
Crime in the UK has spiraled out of control. There are no guns in the country, and yet the murder rate in London has now overtaken that of New York City. How can that be!? People were still hurting and killing each other, but they just moved on to doing it with knives.

They’re also confiscating — and this isn’t a joke — scissors, pliers, screwdrivers, hammers… anything AT ALL that might be used as a weapon. What’s next? A ban on hands and feet?
Yes...progressivism really is that stupid. Take away guns, people will kill with knives. Take away knives, people will kill with hammers. Take away hammers, people will kill with automobiles. Take away automobiles, people will strangle their victims to death. And all the while, the idiotic left-wing policies just set society back centuries.

Quick, hide the cutlery!

You get your ass handed to you in another area and you just start another one hoping some of us won't see it. Well, hate bater. I'll always find it.

It's my right to have my firearm(s) for home defense. If I go through the proper steps and get the proper licensing I can also have a CCW. No one is even remotely trying to seize my weapons. If they are yours maybe there is a reason like you are a convicted felon on parole or you are a nutjob under a shrinks care that is a danger to yourself or those around you. There has to be a reason. I vote for the nutjob reason. Just because you haven't been bagged by a shrink yet doesn't change the fact you are a nutjob.

My right to have my firearms is quite secure as per the latest rulings by the Supreme Court. Yours, not so good.

It’s your right, then you continue with “as long”. Do you even understand what a Right is?
Absolutely nothing ends in catastrophic failure like left-wing policy...
Crime in the UK has spiraled out of control. There are no guns in the country, and yet the murder rate in London has now overtaken that of New York City. How can that be!? People were still hurting and killing each other, but they just moved on to doing it with knives.

They’re also confiscating — and this isn’t a joke — scissors, pliers, screwdrivers, hammers… anything AT ALL that might be used as a weapon. What’s next? A ban on hands and feet?
Yes...progressivism really is that stupid. Take away guns, people will kill with knives. Take away knives, people will kill with hammers. Take away hammers, people will kill with automobiles. Take away automobiles, people will strangle their victims to death. And all the while, the idiotic left-wing policies just set society back centuries.

Quick, hide the cutlery!

You get your ass handed to you in another area and you just start another one hoping some of us won't see it. Well, hate bater. I'll always find it.

It's my right to have my firearm(s) for home defense. If I go through the proper steps and get the proper licensing I can also have a CCW. No one is even remotely trying to seize my weapons. If they are yours maybe there is a reason like you are a convicted felon on parole or you are a nutjob under a shrinks care that is a danger to yourself or those around you. There has to be a reason. I vote for the nutjob reason. Just because you haven't been bagged by a shrink yet doesn't change the fact you are a nutjob.

My right to have my firearms is quite secure as per the latest rulings by the Supreme Court. Yours, not so good.

It’s your right, then you continue with “as long”. Do you even understand what a Right is?

Yes, I am very aware. And I paid for those rights. You didn't.
Absolutely nothing ends in catastrophic failure like left-wing policy...
Crime in the UK has spiraled out of control. There are no guns in the country, and yet the murder rate in London has now overtaken that of New York City. How can that be!? People were still hurting and killing each other, but they just moved on to doing it with knives.

They’re also confiscating — and this isn’t a joke — scissors, pliers, screwdrivers, hammers… anything AT ALL that might be used as a weapon. What’s next? A ban on hands and feet?
Yes...progressivism really is that stupid. Take away guns, people will kill with knives. Take away knives, people will kill with hammers. Take away hammers, people will kill with automobiles. Take away automobiles, people will strangle their victims to death. And all the while, the idiotic left-wing policies just set society back centuries.

Quick, hide the cutlery!

You get your ass handed to you in another area and you just start another one hoping some of us won't see it. Well, hate bater. I'll always find it.

It's my right to have my firearm(s) for home defense. If I go through the proper steps and get the proper licensing I can also have a CCW. No one is even remotely trying to seize my weapons. If they are yours maybe there is a reason like you are a convicted felon on parole or you are a nutjob under a shrinks care that is a danger to yourself or those around you. There has to be a reason. I vote for the nutjob reason. Just because you haven't been bagged by a shrink yet doesn't change the fact you are a nutjob.

My right to have my firearms is quite secure as per the latest rulings by the Supreme Court. Yours, not so good.

It’s your right, then you continue with “as long”. Do you even understand what a Right is?

Yes, I am very aware. And I paid for those rights. You didn't.

I didn't? Good God man, now only trolls have rights!

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