Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

And that has nothing to do with our gun has to do with our criminal culture......and in Australia, Canada, England......their gun crime rates are all going up....with their extreme gun control.....gun control laws don't effect the gun crime rate.
Every time the "gun control" advocates put these laws into place, usually the same advocates pop up a year or two later, wringing their hands over the latest mass shooting or vehicular mass murder, and wailing that the laws are not adequate, that we need "just a few more reasonable restrictions". In other words, they are admitting that the laws they put in place, didn't work.

And this is the result EVERY time. No leftist has ever said that at last we have enough gun laws. Instead, no matter how many are enacted, the response is that it wasn't enough, it didn't work.

There's a name for the mental process by which people like this keep trying the same thing over and over, and expect a different result.

Why do they keep demanding more of the same gun laws, often laws that have been tried in the past and have always failed? It can no longer be claimed that they didn't know it would turn out that way. They have tried it too often, and failed too often. They KNOW their demands won't produce the advertised result. Yet they keep demanding the same thing, over and over, with more and more restrictions and regulation.

What are they really trying to accomplish?
You want to compare us to Venezuela? Yeah they are really economically and politically stable.
And why are they not economically and politically stable? Oh yeah - they implemented the same idiotic left-wing policies that you call for here in the U.S. :eusa_doh:

Dictators mostly. Europe is quite stable.
Really? Didn't we just go over all of the women in Germany suffering horrific assaults and rapes at the hands of muslim migrants? You can't seem to keep your story straight...

And yet Germany has much lower crime rates than us.
And that has nothing to do with our gun has to do with our criminal culture......and in Australia, Canada, England......their gun crime rates are all going up....with their extreme gun control.....gun control laws don't effect the gun crime rate.
Every time the "gun control" advocates put these laws into place, usually the same advocates pop up a year or two later, wringing their hands over the latest mass shooting or vehicular mass murder, and wailing that the laws are not adequate, that we need "just a few more reasonable restrictions". In other words, they are admitting that the laws they put in place, didn't work.

And this is the result EVERY time. No leftist has ever said that at last we have enough gun laws. Instead, no matter how many are enacted, the response is that it wasn't enough, it didn't work.

There's a name for the mental process by which people like this keep trying the same thing over and over, and expect a different result.

Why do they keep demanding more of the same gun laws, often laws that have been tried in the past and have always failed? It can no longer be claimed that they didn't know it would turn out that way. They have tried it too often, and failed too often. They KNOW their demands won't produce the advertised result. Yet they keep demanding the same thing, over and over, with more and more restrictions and regulation.

What are they really trying to accomplish?

If guns aren't a problem, why is it we have toddlers killing so many people with guns? This isn't a problem in countries with strong gun control.
Toddlers Killed More Americans than Terrorists in 2015
Tell you what you get our crime rate down to zero and then and only then will I consider getting rid of my guns. I probably won't get rid of them but I will consider it.
You want to compare us to Venezuela? Yeah they are really economically and politically stable.
And why are they not economically and politically stable? Oh yeah - they implemented the same idiotic left-wing policies that you call for here in the U.S. :eusa_doh:

Dictators mostly. Europe is quite stable.
Really? Didn't we just go over all of the women in Germany suffering horrific assaults and rapes at the hands of muslim migrants? You can't seem to keep your story straight...

And yet Germany has much lower crime rates than us.

And that has nothing to do with their gun control laws...again, it is their culture not their gun control laws.
And that has nothing to do with our gun has to do with our criminal culture......and in Australia, Canada, England......their gun crime rates are all going up....with their extreme gun control.....gun control laws don't effect the gun crime rate.
Every time the "gun control" advocates put these laws into place, usually the same advocates pop up a year or two later, wringing their hands over the latest mass shooting or vehicular mass murder, and wailing that the laws are not adequate, that we need "just a few more reasonable restrictions". In other words, they are admitting that the laws they put in place, didn't work.

And this is the result EVERY time. No leftist has ever said that at last we have enough gun laws. Instead, no matter how many are enacted, the response is that it wasn't enough, it didn't work.

There's a name for the mental process by which people like this keep trying the same thing over and over, and expect a different result.

Why do they keep demanding more of the same gun laws, often laws that have been tried in the past and have always failed? It can no longer be claimed that they didn't know it would turn out that way. They have tried it too often, and failed too often. They KNOW their demands won't produce the advertised result. Yet they keep demanding the same thing, over and over, with more and more restrictions and regulation.

What are they really trying to accomplish?

If guns aren't a problem, why is it we have toddlers killing so many people with guns? This isn't a problem in countries with strong gun control.
Toddlers Killed More Americans than Terrorists in 2015

Yeah.....give us the follow up on those toddler shootings....none of the reports that are linked actually state what happened...odds are the parent or an older kid did the shooting.....and none of them mention the nature of the home...since the other link you gave for kids getting killed was filled with criminals and drug users I would need to know more before we trust your link....
With the most guns in the world and the highest incarceration rate we still have much higher crime rates than other civilized countries with gun control.
Which is why you should leave. The U.S. is clearly to scary and rough a place for you to live. Talk is cheap. If it actually bothered you as much as you like to pretend it does - you'd get the fuck out. Cuba has gone control (and beautiful weather). I promise you that Raul Castro would welcome you with open arms too.

Still lying. No surprise.

As you have been shown before but are not capable of accepting facts, allow me to remind you.

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

UK is violent crime capital of Europe
God is positive energy....guns are negative energy that destroys....therefore you worship Satan.
God??? Well, prayer has been shown to work no better than chance, so it's a pretty safe bet that there isn't one. No matter how hard you pray, if someone is determined to kill you, they will succeed at some God involved.
Better to have a firearm.
Why does the left always support what fails to be effective or successful?
Over the course of the January call, which lasted more than 13 minutes, the tipster warned the F.B.I. that Mr. Cruz had been adrift since his mother’s death in November. She said that Mr. Cruz had “the mental capacity of a 12 to a 14 year old.” The tipster provided four Instagram accounts for Mr. Cruz, which she said showed photos of sliced up animals and the firearms he had amassed.
So to recap - the left wants to give more power and control to the government that failed to act to protect the children and take away citizens right to defend themselves.
Why does the left always support what fails to be effective or successful?
Over the course of the January call, which lasted more than 13 minutes, the tipster warned the F.B.I. that Mr. Cruz had been adrift since his mother’s death in November. She said that Mr. Cruz had “the mental capacity of a 12 to a 14 year old.” The tipster provided four Instagram accounts for Mr. Cruz, which she said showed photos of sliced up animals and the firearms he had amassed.
So to recap - the left wants to give more power and control to the government that failed to act to protect the children and take away citizens right to defend themselves.
The left supports anything that promotes total subjugation by the government....and government ownership of everything, including guns.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Damn it! If only Sweden had banned hand grenades, then obviously none of this ever would have happened.
In January, a man at a train station on the outskirts of Stockholm died after picking up a discarded grenade, which he mistook for a toy. In August 2016, an 8-year-old British boy was killed in a grenade attack on an apartment in the city of Gothenburg while visiting family members.

Grenade attacks are perhaps the most striking example of increasing crime in Sweden. The number of grenade attacks in Sweden has risen dramatically, jumping from eight in 2014 to a staggering 52 in 2016.
Of course, my comment above was satirical. Explosives are absolutely banned in Sweden (as is carrying any kind of firearm - though you may own them and hunt with them). So how is that whole “banned hand grenade” thing working out in Sweden, progressives? :eusa_doh:

Russian Aggression, Rising Crime Rates Could Factor in Swedish Elections

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