Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.
Stop lying scum bag.

And my response to that is: Drum roll please:


^^^^^ look, is that a rabbit?
Absolutely nothing ends in catastrophic failure like left-wing policy...
Crime in the UK has spiraled out of control. There are no guns in the country, and yet the murder rate in London has now overtaken that of New York City. How can that be!? People were still hurting and killing each other, but they just moved on to doing it with knives.

They’re also confiscating — and this isn’t a joke — scissors, pliers, screwdrivers, hammers… anything AT ALL that might be used as a weapon. What’s next? A ban on hands and feet?
Yes...progressivism really is that stupid. Take away guns, people will kill with knives. Take away knives, people will kill with hammers. Take away hammers, people will kill with automobiles. Take away automobiles, people will strangle their victims to death. And all the while, the idiotic left-wing policies just set society back centuries.

Quick, hide the cutlery!

You get your ass handed to you in another area and you just start another one hoping some of us won't see it. Well, hate bater. I'll always find it.

It's my right to have my firearm(s) for home defense. If I go through the proper steps and get the proper licensing I can also have a CCW. No one is even remotely trying to seize my weapons. If they are yours maybe there is a reason like you are a convicted felon on parole or you are a nutjob under a shrinks care that is a danger to yourself or those around you. There has to be a reason. I vote for the nutjob reason. Just because you haven't been bagged by a shrink yet doesn't change the fact you are a nutjob.

My right to have my firearms is quite secure as per the latest rulings by the Supreme Court. Yours, not so good.

It’s your right, then you continue with “as long”. Do you even understand what a Right is?

Yes, I am very aware. And I paid for those rights. You didn't.

I didn't? Good God man, now only trolls have rights!

Oh, you have the rights but they were paid for by others. Enjoy them. But some of us enjoy them even more because we know the cost.
The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.
Stop lying scum bag.

And my response to that is: Drum roll please:


^^^^^ look, is that a rabbit?
Absolutely nothing ends in catastrophic failure like left-wing policy...
Yes...progressivism really is that stupid. Take away guns, people will kill with knives. Take away knives, people will kill with hammers. Take away hammers, people will kill with automobiles. Take away automobiles, people will strangle their victims to death. And all the while, the idiotic left-wing policies just set society back centuries.

Quick, hide the cutlery!

You get your ass handed to you in another area and you just start another one hoping some of us won't see it. Well, hate bater. I'll always find it.

It's my right to have my firearm(s) for home defense. If I go through the proper steps and get the proper licensing I can also have a CCW. No one is even remotely trying to seize my weapons. If they are yours maybe there is a reason like you are a convicted felon on parole or you are a nutjob under a shrinks care that is a danger to yourself or those around you. There has to be a reason. I vote for the nutjob reason. Just because you haven't been bagged by a shrink yet doesn't change the fact you are a nutjob.

My right to have my firearms is quite secure as per the latest rulings by the Supreme Court. Yours, not so good.

It’s your right, then you continue with “as long”. Do you even understand what a Right is?

Yes, I am very aware. And I paid for those rights. You didn't.

I didn't? Good God man, now only trolls have rights!

Oh, you have the rights but they were paid for by others. Enjoy them. But some of us enjoy them even more because we know the cost.

Yeah, I know, sending your Son off to War, or nursing a Brother back to health from his service is nuttin.

Now, back to those imaginary 600 round per minute AR-15s. Know where I can get one Sarge?
The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.
Stop lying scum bag.

And my response to that is: Drum roll please:


^^^^^ look, is that a rabbit?
You get your ass handed to you in another area and you just start another one hoping some of us won't see it. Well, hate bater. I'll always find it.

It's my right to have my firearm(s) for home defense. If I go through the proper steps and get the proper licensing I can also have a CCW. No one is even remotely trying to seize my weapons. If they are yours maybe there is a reason like you are a convicted felon on parole or you are a nutjob under a shrinks care that is a danger to yourself or those around you. There has to be a reason. I vote for the nutjob reason. Just because you haven't been bagged by a shrink yet doesn't change the fact you are a nutjob.

My right to have my firearms is quite secure as per the latest rulings by the Supreme Court. Yours, not so good.

It’s your right, then you continue with “as long”. Do you even understand what a Right is?

Yes, I am very aware. And I paid for those rights. You didn't.

I didn't? Good God man, now only trolls have rights!

Oh, you have the rights but they were paid for by others. Enjoy them. But some of us enjoy them even more because we know the cost.

Yeah, I know, sending your Son off to War, or nursing a Brother back to health from his service is nuttin.

Now, back to those imaginary 600 round per minute AR-15s. Know where I can get one Sarge?
They got them at walmart right next to the 600 round magazines.
The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.
Stop lying scum bag.

And my response to that is: Drum roll please:


^^^^^ look, is that a rabbit?
You get your ass handed to you in another area and you just start another one hoping some of us won't see it. Well, hate bater. I'll always find it.

It's my right to have my firearm(s) for home defense. If I go through the proper steps and get the proper licensing I can also have a CCW. No one is even remotely trying to seize my weapons. If they are yours maybe there is a reason like you are a convicted felon on parole or you are a nutjob under a shrinks care that is a danger to yourself or those around you. There has to be a reason. I vote for the nutjob reason. Just because you haven't been bagged by a shrink yet doesn't change the fact you are a nutjob.

My right to have my firearms is quite secure as per the latest rulings by the Supreme Court. Yours, not so good.

It’s your right, then you continue with “as long”. Do you even understand what a Right is?

Yes, I am very aware. And I paid for those rights. You didn't.

I didn't? Good God man, now only trolls have rights!

Oh, you have the rights but they were paid for by others. Enjoy them. But some of us enjoy them even more because we know the cost.

Yeah, I know, sending your Son off to War, or nursing a Brother back to health from his service is nuttin.

Now, back to those imaginary 600 round per minute AR-15s. Know where I can get one Sarge?

Myself, My Father, My Nephew, My Son, My Uncles, My Grand Father, and many generations past that. You almost make it not worth it. But most show that it was worth it. Thank you for not serving. You probably save many lives that way.
Stop lying scum bag.

And my response to that is: Drum roll please:


^^^^^ look, is that a rabbit?
It’s your right, then you continue with “as long”. Do you even understand what a Right is?

Yes, I am very aware. And I paid for those rights. You didn't.

I didn't? Good God man, now only trolls have rights!

Oh, you have the rights but they were paid for by others. Enjoy them. But some of us enjoy them even more because we know the cost.

Yeah, I know, sending your Son off to War, or nursing a Brother back to health from his service is nuttin.

Now, back to those imaginary 600 round per minute AR-15s. Know where I can get one Sarge?

Myself, My Father, My Nephew, My Son, My Uncles, My Grand Father, and many generations past that. You almost make it not worth it. But most show that it was worth it. Thank you for not serving. You probably save many lives that way.

Grandfather - Won Silver Star in WWI (Nominated for Congressional Medal of Honor for being seriously wounded while saving eight Men)
Father - Wounded at Normandy - Awarded Purple heart - Participated in every major Naval landing in both North Africa and Europe
Father in Law - Survived being severely wounded at the Battle of the Bulge
Uncle- Bailed from a Bomber after hitting a German munitions factory, prisoner of War.
Uncle #2 - Survived the Bataan Death March
Uncle #3 - Killed in Korea
Brother - Vietnam Vet, Injured on night patrol by a sniper
Son - Three 18 months tours in Iraq

Me - Organized group that raised $26,000 to help the local Soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan pay rent or mortgages so their spouses didn't have to borrow money to keep their homes together


Oh yeah, forgot. Helped come up with $20K for armor plates to better protect our local Soldiers Vehicles. So maybe by not serving, I actually did save lifes.

Last edited:
Stop lying scum bag.

And my response to that is: Drum roll please:


^^^^^ look, is that a rabbit?
It’s your right, then you continue with “as long”. Do you even understand what a Right is?

Yes, I am very aware. And I paid for those rights. You didn't.

I didn't? Good God man, now only trolls have rights!

Oh, you have the rights but they were paid for by others. Enjoy them. But some of us enjoy them even more because we know the cost.

Yeah, I know, sending your Son off to War, or nursing a Brother back to health from his service is nuttin.

Now, back to those imaginary 600 round per minute AR-15s. Know where I can get one Sarge?
They got them at walmart right next to the 600 round magazines.

They close to Cosmo?
And my response to that is: Drum roll please:


^^^^^ look, is that a rabbit?
Yes, I am very aware. And I paid for those rights. You didn't.

I didn't? Good God man, now only trolls have rights!

Oh, you have the rights but they were paid for by others. Enjoy them. But some of us enjoy them even more because we know the cost.

Yeah, I know, sending your Son off to War, or nursing a Brother back to health from his service is nuttin.

Now, back to those imaginary 600 round per minute AR-15s. Know where I can get one Sarge?

Myself, My Father, My Nephew, My Son, My Uncles, My Grand Father, and many generations past that. You almost make it not worth it. But most show that it was worth it. Thank you for not serving. You probably save many lives that way.

Grandfather - Won Silver Star in WWI (Nominated for Congressional Medal of Honor for being seriously wounded while saving eight Men)
Father - Wounded at Normandy - Awarded Purple heart - Participated in every major Naval landing in both North Africa and Europe
Father in Law - Survived being severely wounded at the Battle of the Bulge
Uncle- Bailed from a Bomber after hitting a German munitions factory, prisoner of War.
Uncle #2 - Survived the Bataan Death March
Uncle #3 - Killed in Korea
Brother - Vietnam Vet, Injured on night patrol by a sniper
Son - Three 18 months tours in Iraq

Me - Organized group that raised $26,000 to help the local Soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan pay rent or mortgages so their spouses didn't have to borrow money to keep their homes together


Oh yeah, forgot. Helped come up with $20K for armor plates to better protect our local Soldiers Vehicles. So maybe by not serving, I actually did save lifes.


They have more right to freedom. You don't but because of them and me, you get it anyway. Raising money isn't the same thing as putting your own butt on the line.
^^^^^ look, is that a rabbit?
I didn't? Good God man, now only trolls have rights!

Oh, you have the rights but they were paid for by others. Enjoy them. But some of us enjoy them even more because we know the cost.

Yeah, I know, sending your Son off to War, or nursing a Brother back to health from his service is nuttin.

Now, back to those imaginary 600 round per minute AR-15s. Know where I can get one Sarge?

Myself, My Father, My Nephew, My Son, My Uncles, My Grand Father, and many generations past that. You almost make it not worth it. But most show that it was worth it. Thank you for not serving. You probably save many lives that way.

Grandfather - Won Silver Star in WWI (Nominated for Congressional Medal of Honor for being seriously wounded while saving eight Men)
Father - Wounded at Normandy - Awarded Purple heart - Participated in every major Naval landing in both North Africa and Europe
Father in Law - Survived being severely wounded at the Battle of the Bulge
Uncle- Bailed from a Bomber after hitting a German munitions factory, prisoner of War.
Uncle #2 - Survived the Bataan Death March
Uncle #3 - Killed in Korea
Brother - Vietnam Vet, Injured on night patrol by a sniper
Son - Three 18 months tours in Iraq

Me - Organized group that raised $26,000 to help the local Soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan pay rent or mortgages so their spouses didn't have to borrow money to keep their homes together


Oh yeah, forgot. Helped come up with $20K for armor plates to better protect our local Soldiers Vehicles. So maybe by not serving, I actually did save lifes.


They have more right to freedom. You don't but because of them and me, you get it anyway. Raising money isn't the same thing as putting your own butt on the line.

Sure Sarge. Pretty full of yourself, bet you gave up that pension, huh?
Sure Sarge. Pretty full of yourself, bet you gave up that pension, huh?

They remember me the first of every month for the last 38 years. You keep working and paying those taxes. But you probably don't pay taxes either.

So make sure you hide your guns under your bed and buy more guns. We are coming for your guns. And we are armed.
Sure Sarge. Pretty full of yourself, bet you gave up that pension, huh?

They remember me the first of every month for the last 38 years. You keep working and paying those taxes. But you probably don't pay taxes either.

So make sure you hide your guns under your bed and buy more guns. We are coming for your guns. And we are armed.

Oh, I pay a helluva lot of taxes Sarge.

I remember a retired Marine Corp veteran of Vietnam, helping me put the funds together if I ever served? I told him I hadn't. He said what I was doing far more in Service to the Soldiers then most of the pencil pushers State Side ever would.

So Sarge, I never spent a day in the field, but neither did a hell of a lot of others as well.

So bring your boys, my boys and I would look forward to it.

Oh, no fair using one of those 600 rd per minute AR-15s.
Oh, you have the rights but they were paid for by others. Enjoy them. But some of us enjoy them even more because we know the cost.
Yeah...and Duh-ryl “celebrates” the cost of those rights by advocating that they should be revoked by executive fiat.
Sure Sarge. Pretty full of yourself, bet you gave up that pension, huh?

They remember me the first of every month for the last 38 years. You keep working and paying those taxes. But you probably don't pay taxes either.

So make sure you hide your guns under your bed and buy more guns. We are coming for your guns. And we are armed.

Oh, I pay a helluva lot of taxes Sarge.

I remember a retired Marine Corp veteran of Vietnam, helping me put the funds together if I ever served? I told him I hadn't. He said what I was doing far more in Service to the Soldiers then most of the pencil pushers State Side ever would.

So Sarge, I never spent a day in the field, but neither did a hell of a lot of others as well.

So bring your boys, my boys and I would look forward to it.

Oh, no fair using one of those 600 rd per minute AR-15s.

Thank you for paying those taxes. That's thanks enough for me.
Oh, you have the rights but they were paid for by others. Enjoy them. But some of us enjoy them even more because we know the cost.
Yeah...and Duh-ryl “celebrates” the cost of those rights by advocating that they should be revoked by executive fiat.

Actually, we aren't coming for sane peoples guns. We are just coming for yours. So go buy more guns, more ammo and more Aluminum Foil for those hats. Meanwhile I will be investing in the Gun Manufacturers and Reynolds Aluminum. I just as well make a profit on your nonsense.
We are coming for your guns. And we are armed.
Which begs the question why? If you are “coming” for the guns, wouldn’t it make sense for you to practice what you preach and surrender your firearms? Oops...

How about posting where I once said I wanted to ban guns? Or that anyone that is sane should have to turn in their home defense weapons in. You sure stepped in it that time. Just because the trolls keep going on like they do doesn't mean that they are right, nope, they are just trolling trying to make you believe they are. If they say something wrong enough times, does that make it right?
We are coming for your guns. And we are armed.
Which begs the question why? If you are “coming” for the guns, wouldn’t it make sense for you to practice what you preach and surrender your firearms? Oops...

How about posting where I once said I wanted to ban guns? Or that anyone that is sane should have to turn in their home defense weapons in. You sure stepped in it that time. Just because the trolls keep going on like they do doesn't mean that they are right, nope, they are just trolling trying to make you believe they are. If they say something wrong enough times, does that make it right?

Ok then, so you're just coming for guns of conservatives?
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded
Hang on to them and hide them because they are going to try to round them up. It happened under Hitler, otherwise the Jews might have been able to avoid being murdered.

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