Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

Wow, another Government Conspiracy. Let's take a look at it.
Wait...the CDC conducts “government conspiracies” in your mind now? :lmao:

You post edited the meat of the response. Well, here it is again.

Wow, another Government Conspiracy. Let's take a look at it.

The study was done by polling 5000 people coming to a conclusion that of 1 million. That's quite a stretch and some really crazy math.

Then the cite they want us to believe out of the SSRN Abstract Database comes up as: The abstract you requested was not found. Please check your search criteria and try again.

And we all should trust the BLAZE in anything they post or say, right? Wrong. They bat about 74% on the BS scale when you check them on the truth scale. Like you, they just make a lot of crap up.

Patriots try and tell the truth more than 74% of the time, traitor.
He was commenting on your fucked up attempt to make a coherent sentence. That's all he needed to quote.

He was avoiding the discussion completely because he doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Listen up, fuckwit! You couldn't hold your own against anyone over the age of six in a logical debate.

P@triot is lightyears ahead of you.

He is just too polite to tell you to fuck off.

I'm not.

Fuck off!
Wow, another Government Conspiracy. Let's take a look at it.
Wait...the CDC conducts “government conspiracies” in your mind now? :lmao:

You post edited the meat of the response. Well, here it is again.
Your post edited all of the facts found in the study. Well, here it is again...

And the debate is officially over!
Indeed, the CDC study, which the federal agency conducted from 1996 to 1998, found there are 2.46 million defensive gun uses in the U.S. each year.
One would have to be an absolute unhinged lunatic to proclaim that we should trade 30,000 lives (the overwhelming majority of which are the result of criminals killing criminals and suicides) for 2.46 million lives (almost all of which are honest, law abiding citizens).

Newly revealed government statistics hidden from public dismantle liberal gun control narrative

:dance: :dance: :dance:

One huge problem. Your study is faked. There is no evidence that the CDC ever made such a study. Now, produce that evidence. Your cites certainly don't.
Once again, reality proves that progressive policy is idiotic and ends in failure...

If Current Laws Had Been Followed, There Would Have Been No Waffle House Shooting

Let's see. Authorities took his guns away from him believing he was unstable. WITHOUT A COURT ORDER. They gave the weapons to his Father who returned them to his son. Outside of Misdemeanor Trespassing at the Whitehouse which was not pursued, he had not broken any gun laws at all in his state at that point. If the shooting had not happened and the Cops had kept his weapons I am sure you would have been standing shoulder to shoulder with him screaming about his gun rights as a citizen.

There was no Judge ruling to take his weapons from him therefore, the Cops had no choice but to release those weapons. Your source saying that onus was on the Father is bogus. The Weapons owner was the Son. Even the Father could not legally keep those weapons from his son on demand of their return to his son.

Now, why aren't you talking about the hero that was on the scene that prevented a real mass shooting. Or does it not fit in with your real reasons.
Aside from your illiteracy forming an astoundingly incoherent sentence, the study was done by the CDC (which holds an extremely anti-gun view).

Now go play with your toys. The adults are trying to have a conversation here.

Care to come up with the Study? When I follow the link that your cite uses here is what comes up
SSRN Electronic Library
SSRN Abstract Database Search Results

The abstract you requested was not found.
Please check your search criteria and try again.

TheBlaze is just making crap up again. Hoping no one will actually fact check their supporting link. The story is a fake and so are you.

My rights do not come from polls or even the SCOTUS. When a corporate "gubermint" and their owners via the deep state lackeys keep perpetuating false flags and staged shooting events? Feel free to meekly surrender one of the "privileges" granted to you by your masters via the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 and HJR-192 and accept more draconian legislation like the good little sheeple that you are. You will simply have to excuse me for the fact that I will never comply or acquiesce.

Furthermore, I dare you to put your fat ass on the line for a "door to door" search for non-compliant people that separated themselves and are no longer de-facto employees of USA.INC......I doubt that your testicles have dropped yet and will simply leave it up to someone else?

If you are found to be a danger to society and I am task to do so by the legal authorities, you can look for me to be knocking on your door with a very large door knocker and a swat team. If you wish to act like a nutcase expect to be treated like one.

If you are too stupid and so dumbed down that you can't see that most of the recent mass shooting events have been contrived using the time tested Hegelian dialectic? I can't help far as your comment about being a "danger to society"? Whom is the arbiter/decision maker? Is it someone that gives the double middle finger salute to this corporate entity that you lovingly refer to as "guberment"? If so....come knocking at my door and make sure that your last will and testament is properly filled out lest this corporate entity steal the inheritance you intended to leave to your kin.

I opted out out of the UCC and reclaimed my pre-14th amendment status. I am no longer a de-facto employee of USA.INC thus forfeiting the "perks" of being one that came with the cost of having 1/3 of my wages (paid for in fiat scrip) confiscated. I have brass ones and I will defend my right to exist while on my feet instead of on my knees....are we crystal clear on this point?

Does this mean you don't:

  • Pay any Taxes on Anything
  • Have a Drivers License
  • Have any form of insurance
  • Have a License and Registration on your Vehicles
  • and more
And what about the Public Transportation like Roads. Or the Public Utilities like Electrics and Natural Gas. And more.

Are you just joshin' or are you just a blood sucker on society that uses the benefits and refuses to contribute to the upkeep.

  • Pay any Taxes on Anything: I pay consumption taxes which we all have a choice of paying...don't want to pay a tax on tobacco or alcohol? Don't use them...don't want to pay a tax on gasoline? Ride a bike or walk...but the graduated income tax is unconstitutional and the SCOTUS even said as much on four different rulings INCLUDING the bogus 16th amendment that never garnered enough signatures from enough states to ratify it into their codes, acts and statutes, but nonetheless even then SCOTUS ruled that the 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" new taxing authority. How can this corporate entity called "gubermint" sit there with a straight face and claim that their owners believe that they are entitled to a slice of our labor that we barter in exchange for debt notes that have no intrinsic value?

  • Have a Drivers License: : The right to travel does not require a "license". If you are engaged in commerce, a license is required, if not, the right to travel is guaranteed under the Constitution..and the SCOTUS has ruled on this as well....

  • Have any form of insurance:I have a bond that goes above and beyond any state requirement should I be at fault that results in the loss of property or physical damage. As an American state citizen not beholding to USA.INC does not mean that I am not liable for my actions

  • Have a License and Registration on your Vehicles: Why would I register my mode of transportation with the state unless I was engaged in commercial use? According to Black's Law Dictionary under statutory code, when you "register" anything, you are turning over ownership of your property to the state and you have made a cohesion contract with them and will be allowed to use said "property" as long as you agree to abide by their acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and public policy that are subject to their whims at any time. What may be "legal" today could be deemed "illegal" tomorrow.
"And what about the Public Transportation like Roads. Or the Public Utilities like Electrics and Natural Gas. And more."

"Da gubermint" makes more off of a gallon of gas than the oil companies that they have controlling shares in...every town, city and county are subsidiaries of the states that are a subsidiary of USA.INC and all of them have to file a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report just like any company or corporation. Their job is to fleece the people as gently as possible.

Here is the bottom line......I know more than you because I have invested the time effort to educate myself about the nature of the cage. I opted out of the Uniform Commercial Code at a great cost because I forfeited any and all "benefits" that I had paid into since I started working full-time 37 years ago. I despise the federal "gubermint" and I will make my own way without the "safety net" that comes with strings attached in order to make me compliant and subservient to them.

Have you any further questions?

P.S : If your beloved masters decide that their little serfs need to be disarmed? They better wear bullet proof vests.
Care to come up with the Study? When I follow the link that your cite uses here is what comes up
SSRN Electronic Library
SSRN Abstract Database Search Results

The abstract you requested was not found.
Please check your search criteria and try again.

TheBlaze is just making crap up again. Hoping no one will actually fact check their supporting link. The story is a fake and so are you.

I've heard this BS before. Mostly from people just before they get a nice stay in a prison cell from the nice Judge. You just haven't been caught yet or you are just blowing smoke.

My rights do not come from polls or even the SCOTUS. When a corporate "gubermint" and their owners via the deep state lackeys keep perpetuating false flags and staged shooting events? Feel free to meekly surrender one of the "privileges" granted to you by your masters via the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 and HJR-192 and accept more draconian legislation like the good little sheeple that you are. You will simply have to excuse me for the fact that I will never comply or acquiesce.

Furthermore, I dare you to put your fat ass on the line for a "door to door" search for non-compliant people that separated themselves and are no longer de-facto employees of USA.INC......I doubt that your testicles have dropped yet and will simply leave it up to someone else?

If you are found to be a danger to society and I am task to do so by the legal authorities, you can look for me to be knocking on your door with a very large door knocker and a swat team. If you wish to act like a nutcase expect to be treated like one.

If you are too stupid and so dumbed down that you can't see that most of the recent mass shooting events have been contrived using the time tested Hegelian dialectic? I can't help far as your comment about being a "danger to society"? Whom is the arbiter/decision maker? Is it someone that gives the double middle finger salute to this corporate entity that you lovingly refer to as "guberment"? If so....come knocking at my door and make sure that your last will and testament is properly filled out lest this corporate entity steal the inheritance you intended to leave to your kin.

I opted out out of the UCC and reclaimed my pre-14th amendment status. I am no longer a de-facto employee of USA.INC thus forfeiting the "perks" of being one that came with the cost of having 1/3 of my wages (paid for in fiat scrip) confiscated. I have brass ones and I will defend my right to exist while on my feet instead of on my knees....are we crystal clear on this point?

Does this mean you don't:

  • Pay any Taxes on Anything
  • Have a Drivers License
  • Have any form of insurance
  • Have a License and Registration on your Vehicles
  • and more
And what about the Public Transportation like Roads. Or the Public Utilities like Electrics and Natural Gas. And more.

Are you just joshin' or are you just a blood sucker on society that uses the benefits and refuses to contribute to the upkeep.

  • Pay any Taxes on Anything: I pay consumption taxes which we all have a choice of paying...don't want to pay a tax on tobacco or alcohol? Don't use them...don't want to pay a tax on gasoline? Ride a bike or walk...but the graduated income tax is unconstitutional and the SCOTUS even said as much on four different rulings INCLUDING the bogus 16th amendment that never garnered enough signatures from enough states to ratify it into their codes, acts and statutes, but nonetheless even then SCOTUS ruled that the 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" new taxing authority. How can this corporate entity called "gubermint" sit there with a straight face and claim that their owners believe that they are entitled to a slice of our labor that we barter in exchange for debt notes that have no intrinsic value?

  • Have a Drivers License: : The right to travel does not require a "license". If you are engaged in commerce, a license is required, if not, the right to travel is guaranteed under the Constitution..and the SCOTUS has ruled on this as well....

  • Have any form of insurance:I have a bond that goes above and beyond any state requirement should I be at fault that results in the loss of property or physical damage. As an American state citizen not beholding to USA.INC does not mean that I am not liable for my actions

  • Have a License and Registration on your Vehicles: Why would I register my mode of transportation with the state unless I was engaged in commercial use? According to Black's Law Dictionary under statutory code, when you "register" anything, you are turning over ownership of your property to the state and you have made a cohesion contract with them and will be allowed to use said "property" as long as you agree to abide by their acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and public policy that are subject to their whims at any time. What may be "legal" today could be deemed "illegal" tomorrow.
"And what about the Public Transportation like Roads. Or the Public Utilities like Electrics and Natural Gas. And more."

"Da gubermint" makes more off of a gallon of gas than the oil companies that they have controlling shares in...every town, city and county are subsidiaries of the states that are a subsidiary of USA.INC and all of them have to file a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report just like any company or corporation. Their job is to fleece the people as gently as possible.

Here is the bottom line......I know more than you because I have invested the time effort to educate myself about the nature of the cage. I opted out of the Uniform Commercial Code at a great cost because I forfeited any and all "benefits" that I had paid into since I started working full-time 37 years ago. I despise the federal "gubermint" and I will make my own way without the "safety net" that comes with strings attached in order to make me compliant and subservient to them.

Have you any further questions?

P.S : If your beloved masters decide that their little serfs need to be disarmed? They better wear bullet proof vests.
All tyrants want to disarm others while being sourrounded by an arsenal themselves.

NRA member asks Alyssa Milano’s security if they’re armed at anti-gun rally. Watch the response.

And why don't you morons do the same thing at your own NRA Conventions. It's a gun free zone as well with armed security guards as well. No wonder we need to come get your guns.

Sleep well. We are coming for your guns
Sleep well. We are coming for your guns
In the dead of the night in a frightful sight
We are coming for your guns, we are coming for your guns
All tyrants want to disarm others while being sourrounded by an arsenal themselves.

NRA member asks Alyssa Milano’s security if they’re armed at anti-gun rally. Watch the response.

And why don't you morons do the same thing at your own NRA Conventions. It's a gun free zone as well with armed security guards as well. No wonder we need to come get your guns.

Sleep well. We are coming for your guns
Sleep well. We are coming for your guns
In the dead of the night in a frightful sight
We are coming for your guns, we are coming for your guns
Well, I have never been a member of the NRA so it is most certainly not "my NRA Convention". But that being said, I'm not aware of a single NRA meeting where firearms are banned.

Now one must ask themselves why Duh-ryl here is attempting to deflect and protect astounding hypocrisy instead of calling it out? In Duh-ryl's eyes, the left can do no wrong and the right can do no right, and he will make every argument imaginable to support that.
Sleep well. We are coming for your guns
Sleep well. We are coming for your guns
In the dead of the night in a frightful sight
We are coming for your guns, we are coming for your guns
Duh-ryl is a fool.
Duh-ryl is a fool.
He claims he has a gun, then he says he has none
What a complete and total tool.
Duh-ryl is queer to his core.
Duh-ryl is queer to his core.
He write poetry, like flaming homo
Then he's off to troll some more.
All tyrants want to disarm others while being sourrounded by an arsenal themselves.

NRA member asks Alyssa Milano’s security if they’re armed at anti-gun rally. Watch the response.

And why don't you morons do the same thing at your own NRA Conventions. It's a gun free zone as well with armed security guards as well. No wonder we need to come get your guns.

Sleep well. We are coming for your guns
Sleep well. We are coming for your guns
In the dead of the night in a frightful sight
We are coming for your guns, we are coming for your guns
Well, I have never been a member of the NRA so it is most certainly not "my NRA Convention". But that being said, I'm not aware of a single NRA meeting where firearms are banned.

Now one must ask themselves why Duh-ryl here is attempting to deflect and protect astounding hypocrisy instead of calling it out? In Duh-ryl's eyes, the left can do no wrong and the right can do no right, and he will make every argument imaginable to support that.

You mean you are not aware that the National NRA Convention that happens every year is a gun free zone? WE all can see your hypocrisy and feel the lying from you on that one. It's what we all would expect a NRA paid shill to say. You can collect your pay from the NRA on this one.

We are coming for your guns as you feared the most
WE can no longer trust you with a gun,you are dumber than a post
So, we are coming for your guns
Sleep well. We are coming for your guns
Sleep well. We are coming for your guns
In the dead of the night in a frightful sight
We are coming for your guns, we are coming for your guns
Duh-ryl is a fool.
Duh-ryl is a fool.
He claims he has a gun, then he says he has none
What a complete and total tool.
Duh-ryl is queer to his core.
Duh-ryl is queer to his core.
He write poetry, like flaming homo
Then he's off to troll some more.

Now you gone and done it. Now the LGBT community might get involved. And if you think the snowflakes are rough, you just wait. Is there any group that your bigoted ass doesn't try and offend? Well, maybe one; the KKK or any other White Supremacy group.

Hide your guns. We are coming for your guns. We will find your guns. And make you watch us melt them down. Ah, the irony of it all.
You mean you are not aware that the National NRA Convention that happens every year is a gun free zone? WE all can see your hypocrisy and feel the lying from you on that one. It's what we all would expect a NRA paid shill to say. You can collect your pay from the NRA on this one.
Well, like I said, I'm not (nor have I ever been) a member of the NRA, so I'm not terribly knowledgeable about their day-to-day operations. I do know, however, that they protect our 2nd Amendment rights from your scared little anti-American snowflakes! And I know that pisses you off, so....

Since you can't back up anything you're saying here, I'll assume you're lying again like you usually do.
Sleep well. We are coming for your guns
Sleep well. We are coming for your guns
In the dead of the night in a frightful sight
We are coming for your guns, we are coming for your guns
Duh-ryl is a fool.
Duh-ryl is a fool.
He claims he has a gun, then he says he has none
What a complete and total tool.
Duh-ryl is queer to his core.
Duh-ryl is queer to his core.
He write poetry, like flaming homo
Then he's off to troll some more.

Now you gone and done it. Now the LGBT community might get involved. And if you think the snowflakes are rough, you just wait. Is there any group that your bigoted ass doesn't try and offend? Well, maybe one; the KKK or any other White Supremacy group.

Hide your guns. We are coming for your guns. We will find your guns. And make you watch us melt them down. Ah, the irony of it all.
...and burn your bras, books and flags at the same time
You mean you are not aware that the National NRA Convention that happens every year is a gun free zone? WE all can see your hypocrisy and feel the lying from you on that one. It's what we all would expect a NRA paid shill to say. You can collect your pay from the NRA on this one.
Well, like I said, I'm not (nor have I ever been) a member of the NRA, so I'm not terribly knowledgeable about their day-to-day operations. I do know, however, that they protect our 2nd Amendment rights from your scared little anti-American snowflakes! And I know that pisses you off, so....

Since you can't back up anything you're saying here, I'll assume you're lying again like you usually do.

Do your own Google search. And hide your guns. We are coming for them.

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