Thank goodness this attempt at Christian Sharia Law nipped in the bud

That’s America. Now if you were in a country where Sharia law was practiced there would be some dead LGBTQers.

However an Imam can preach violence against Jews in this country with impunity. I guess we hold Christians to higher standards than Muslims in this country.

Over the past six months, at least five prominent US imams have been caught on tape preaching violence against Jews in sermons at mosques across America.

Yet these radical preachers inciting anti-Semitic violence aren’t prosecuted or even permanently banished by the leadership of their mosques.

Various white supremacist groups, including the KKK, and Trump's fan base in Charlottesville, also routinely preach racial and religious violence, so what is your point?
GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.
There is no sharia law in christianity, therefore your entire premise is wrong. This is literally just one pastor who said it, but even he would never actually do it, unlike muslims all around the world who do kill in the name of their god.
There are attempts all the time. Think Kim Davis.
Did she create law, or interpret it to suit herself?

And how did it work out for her?
That’s America. Now if you were in a country where Sharia law was practiced there would be some dead LGBTQers.

However an Imam can preach violence against Jews in this country with impunity. I guess we hold Christians to higher standards than Muslims in this country.

Over the past six months, at least five prominent US imams have been caught on tape preaching violence against Jews in sermons at mosques across America.

Yet these radical preachers inciting anti-Semitic violence aren’t prosecuted or even permanently banished by the leadership of their mosques.

Various white supremacist groups, including the KKK, and Trump's fan base in Charlottesville, also routinely preach racial and religious violence, so what is your point?
So does antifa and the communist elements of your party. So what's your point?
That’s America. Now if you were in a country where Sharia law was practiced there would be some dead LGBTQers.

However an Imam can preach violence against Jews in this country with impunity. I guess we hold Christians to higher standards than Muslims in this country.

Over the past six months, at least five prominent US imams have been caught on tape preaching violence against Jews in sermons at mosques across America.

Yet these radical preachers inciting anti-Semitic violence aren’t prosecuted or even permanently banished by the leadership of their mosques.

Various white supremacist groups, including the KKK, and Trump's fan base in Charlottesville, also routinely preach racial and religious violence, so what is your point?
So does antifa and the communist elements of your party. So what's your point?

You listen to WAY too much AM radio, Nobody in the USA is closer to a communist régime than Trump and Dennis Rodman, and neither of them are Democratic.
That’s America. Now if you were in a country where Sharia law was practiced there would be some dead LGBTQers.

However an Imam can preach violence against Jews in this country with impunity. I guess we hold Christians to higher standards than Muslims in this country.

Over the past six months, at least five prominent US imams have been caught on tape preaching violence against Jews in sermons at mosques across America.

Yet these radical preachers inciting anti-Semitic violence aren’t prosecuted or even permanently banished by the leadership of their mosques.

Various white supremacist groups, including the KKK, and Trump's fan base in Charlottesville, also routinely preach racial and religious violence, so what is your point?
So does antifa and the communist elements of your party. So what's your point?

You listen to WAY too much AM radio, Nobody in the USA is closer to a communist régime than Trump and Dennis Rodman, and neither of them are Democratic.

That’s America. Now if you were in a country where Sharia law was practiced there would be some dead LGBTQers.

However an Imam can preach violence against Jews in this country with impunity. I guess we hold Christians to higher standards than Muslims in this country.

Over the past six months, at least five prominent US imams have been caught on tape preaching violence against Jews in sermons at mosques across America.

Yet these radical preachers inciting anti-Semitic violence aren’t prosecuted or even permanently banished by the leadership of their mosques.

Various white supremacist groups, including the KKK, and Trump's fan base in Charlottesville, also routinely preach racial and religious violence, so what is your point?
So does antifa and the communist elements of your party. So what's your point?

You listen to WAY too much AM radio, Nobody in the USA is closer to a communist régime than Trump and Dennis Rodman, and neither of them are Democratic.


Yes, it means that you are part of the ignorant base that the RW rallies whenever they want to excite them over a non issue, because you are so mailable as to believe that shit.
" Surrender Your Identity Destroy Yourself "

* Reverse Racist Racists Lacking Self Reflection *
Yes, it means that you are part of the ignorant base that the RW rallies whenever they want to excite them over a non issue, because you are so mailable as to believe that shit.
The white nationalists are stirring because the left wants to import 6/7ths of the global demographic into the west until any homogeneity of japhetic peoples ceases to exist , until any self autonomy , or self determination , or identity with a land as a peoples has been removed , until the socialist shit holes from which those fleeing and over breeding themselves into the same stupor of poverty are recreated .

If racism is extinction of a people , even if by breeding them out of existence , the left is promoting racism beyond compare , as they continue to badger that unless one is willing to bed down with anyone of any race , or object to it in any way , then such an individual is a racist .

I encountered a woman on the internet bragging that she was not a racist because none of her children looked anything like her ; so , is that the standard for not being a racist , self deprecation , suicide ?

In the interests of unfairness , the left sees no conflict that non japhetic peoples be entitled to exactly that which it seeks to deny the japhetic peoples , which the vast majority of non japhetic peoples already possess .

If the left were all about " multiculturalism " they would espouse the japhetic peoples breed incessantly and export themselves abroad until they represent 33% of the global demographic throughout the world .

* Mental Stupor *

Whenever the left does not get its way , whenever they cannot face their reverse racist racism , they put the godwin focus their nazi poster children and point to the statistically insignificant ( compared with other gun violence ) but sensationalized mass shootings .

Gangs in the United States - Wikipedia
In 1999, Hispanics accounted for 47% of all U.S. gang members, African Americans for 34%, whites for 13%, and Asians for 6%.[28]
American gangs are responsible for an average of 48% of violent crime in most jurisdictions, and up to 90% in other jurisdictions.[4][14]

* Ignoring The Dementia *

The worst example of left wind idiocy is when they use their nazi poster child as an excuse to blatantly ignore and defend the fictional ishmaelism degenerate .

Hisbah - Wikipedia
Hisbah (Arabic: حسبة‎ ḥisbah) is an Islamic doctrine which means "accountability".[1] Hisbah is an individual or collective duty of the state to intervene and "enjoin good and forbid wrong" in order to maintain the norms of sharia (Islamic law).

The Hisbah has the following major aspects:[3]

  • An obligation of a Muslim.
  • An obligation of a state to ensure its citizens comply with hisbah such as sharia.
This is why it’s important to defend Establishment Clause jurisprudence against attacks by the social right and other conservatives who seek to conjoin church and state in violation of the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.

I am in total support of the 2nd Amendment. Next?
That's undeniably a rare leftist position.
I doubt it...but that is the story pushed by the Right. I'm also pro-2nd Amendment.
You doubt it? Here are some search results. You just keep pretending your support of the Second is a common liberal position.
Oh I'm sure there are some who don't support gun rights...there are those on the Right the same way....but there are many of us on the Left quite happy with our guns and our right to own guns. I have always encouraged women and minorities to get gun saavy.
GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.
There is no sharia law in christianity, therefore your entire premise is wrong. This is literally just one pastor who said it, but even he would never actually do it, unlike muslims all around the world who do kill in the name of their god.
There are attempts all the time. Think Kim Davis.
Did she create law, or interpret it to suit herself?

And how did it work out for her?
She tried....and she too was nipped in the bud. Just like the example in the OP.....very happy to still see the MAJORITY of Americans are vigilant against all of these attempts at sharia.
Please show us one they support, you made the claim.

Don't draw a Mohammad cartoon.

Let's sympathize with terrorists.

Let's go against Israel's interests.

Let's not refer to them as "Christians."

Don't use terror and Islam in the same sentence.
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" Wealth Of Nations And Median Intelligence Quotients Lacking "

* Klingon Playing Highlander Game Of Call It Fate ( Caliphate ) *
Maybe we should say Darwin was evil. He had racist pseudo-scientific ideas from his father. His ideas led to social Darwinism, eugenics, Hitler, and the Holocaust.
Another idiotic example proving godwin .

The hate speech militant manifesto of surah 9 was written 113th out of 114 in chronology .

9:28 O you who have believed, indeed the polytheists are unclean, so let them not approach al-Masjid al-îarŒm after this, their [final] year. And if you fear privation, AllŒh will enrich you from His bounty if He wills. Indeed, AllŒh is Knowing and Wise.
9: 29. Fight those who do not believe in AllŒh or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what AllŒh and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth [i.e., IslŒm] from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the jizyah429 willingly while they are humbled.

Persecution of Hindus - Wikipedia
Persecution of Buddhists - Wikipedia
Persecution of Zoroastrians - Wikipedia
Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia
Caliphate - Wikipedia
Pan-Arabism - Wikipedia
History of slavery in the Muslim world - Wikipedia

Darwin was evil. He ended up supporting his cousin's, Francis Galton's, eugenics. That eventually led to black genocide. Not only that in his follow up book, he stated that blacks were inferior to whites. The start of humanity was in Afrikkka according to Darwin, i.e. monkeys and apes became blacks first.

Today, we still have black genocide and Planned Parenthood based on Darwin's wrong ideas.
What the heck are these things you are talking about?

The first one shoulda been do not draw cartoons of Mohammad. It's all what libs have advocated in order to support Sharia Law. I think it started with foot wash basins in airports for Muslim cab drivers.

The most egregious? It was support for the Benghazi fiasco where "deadly incompetence and blatant deceptiveness of the administration that resulted in four Americans murdered and the pushing of a false narrative to the American people to cover for the failures of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama." This is in the 800-page Benghazi report. The Mohammad stuff came out of that.
What the heck are these things you are talking about?

The first one shoulda been do not draw cartoons of Mohammad. It's all what libs have advocated in order to support Sharia Law. I think it started with foot wash basins in airports for Muslim cab drivers.

The most egregious? It was support for the Benghazi fiasco where "deadly incompetence and blatant deceptiveness of the administration that resulted in four Americans murdered and the pushing of a false narrative to the American people to cover for the failures of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama." This is in the 800-page Benghazi report. The Mohammad stuff came out of that.
I could care less about pictures of Mohammad....I am a lib and never even brought it up....and honestly don't see the sharia law in drawings. But, whatever.
Why should any religion, operating under our Constitution, be banned? Why should the faithful be deported? Are you nuts? Or just itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom?

Islam is an ideology that prohibits freedom of religion. Tell us how many Jews live in Islamic countries? Are Christians allowed to openly practice their religion in Islamic countries?

If you support importing Muslims and giving them citizenship, then it is you who is itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom. Every single time Muslims become a majority in a country, they immediately persecute and oppress all non-Muslims, as their “religion” dictates they do.
So you’re going to teach others religious freedom by denying them religious Freedom?

Nope. They can worship whatever false god they want. We’re talking about the fact they want to supplant the Constitution with Sharia Law. Traitors can and should be expelled from the country.

Who are "they" and what proof do you have of your supposition?


And yet Muslims have been in America since its founding...And still no Sharia law. Plenty of Christian "Blue Laws" though...

I am in total support of the 2nd Amendment. Next?
That's undeniably a rare leftist position.
I doubt it...but that is the story pushed by the Right. I'm also pro-2nd Amendment.
You doubt it? Here are some search results. You just keep pretending your support of the Second is a common liberal position.
Oh I'm sure there are some who don't support gun rights...there are those on the Right the same way....but there are many of us on the Left quite happy with our guns and our right to own guns. I have always encouraged women and minorities to get gun saavy.
On this, we agree. :113:
GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.
There is no sharia law in christianity, therefore your entire premise is wrong. This is literally just one pastor who said it, but even he would never actually do it, unlike muslims all around the world who do kill in the name of their god.
There are attempts all the time. Think Kim Davis.
Did she create law, or interpret it to suit herself?

And how did it work out for her?
She tried....and she too was nipped in the bud. Just like the example in the OP.....very happy to still see the MAJORITY of Americans are vigilant against all of these attempts at sharia.
She tried...what? She tried to create law, or she tried to interpret existing law?

I don't think you're quite grasping the fact that neither deputy sheriffs nor county clerks can establish a theocracy.
" Boo Who "

* Sexual Perverts Histrionic For Control *
Darwin was evil. He ended up supporting his cousin's, Francis Galton's, eugenics. That eventually led to black genocide. Not only that in his follow up book, he stated that blacks were inferior to whites. The start of humanity was in Afrikkka according to Darwin, i.e. monkeys and apes became blacks first.
Today, we still have black genocide and Planned Parenthood based on Darwin's wrong ideas.
There are 1.2 billion africans with a population growth twice that of the global demographic .

How many are laughing that you pretend to actually give one ounce of concern that between 0% and 200% of the poverty line have 75% of ELECTIVE abortions , rather than actually trying to dispel an anxiety over mortality by implementing a uniform fetish ?

Perhaps you encourage your children to breed themselves out so that their children do not look like them or their ancestors .
Last edited:
" Deception To Enter "

* Really I Promise Not To Cum In You *
And yet Muslims have been in America since its founding...And still no Sharia law. Plenty of Christian "Blue Laws" though...
Numbers translate into votes and into political policy , so let us know what you imagine the political persuasion would be when of a population with at least thrice the propensity for being a bunch of drone lofted assholes than the first shows up .

All i can figure is how truly stupid a black must be to join an ideology that institutionalizes slavery , guessing that they must be truly clueless to conjecture ad nausea that its was heinous when whites did it but it is just thrilling when espoused by arabs .

To rationalize evil whitey one would have to ignore that slavery to americas pales in comparison to that under i slam and that slavery to americas was a legacy from the invasion of spain by the moors ( Slavery in Portugal - Wikipedia ) .

The qurayn does not apply outside of hejaz - period , and the entire promotion of qurayshism outside of hejaz ( fictional ishmaelism ) is reasonably on par for the mental stupor of those inclined to be subdued by it .

Islam in the United States - Wikipedia
Islam is the third largest religion in the United States, after Christianity and Judaism.[1] A 2017 study estimated that 3.45 million Muslims were living in the United States, about 1.1 percent of the total U.S. population.[2]

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