Thank goodness this attempt at Christian Sharia Law nipped in the bud

GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.

Does this mean you’d like to see Islam banned and Muslims deported?

Or are you just being a hypocrite again?

Why should any religion, operating under our Constitution, be banned? Why should the faithful be deported? Are you nuts? Or just itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom?

Islam is an ideology that prohibits freedom of religion. Tell us how many Jews live in Islamic countries? Are Christians allowed to openly practice their religion in Islamic countries?

If you support importing Muslims and giving them citizenship, then it is you who is itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom. Every single time Muslims become a majority in a country, they immediately persecute and oppress all non-Muslims, as their “religion” dictates they do.
GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.

Does this mean you’d like to see Islam banned and Muslims deported?

Or are you just being a hypocrite again?

Why should any religion, operating under our Constitution, be banned? Why should the faithful be deported? Are you nuts? Or just itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom?

Islam is an ideology that prohibits freedom of religion. Tell us how many Jews live in Islamic countries? Are Christians allowed to openly practice their religion in Islamic countries?

If you support importing Muslims and giving them citizenship, then it is you who is itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom. Every single time Muslims become a majority in a country, they immediately persecute and oppress all non-Muslims, as their “religion” dictates they do.
So you’re going to teach others religious freedom by denying them religious Freedom?
GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.
There is no sharia law in christianity, therefore your entire premise is wrong. This is literally just one pastor who said it, but even he would never actually do it, unlike muslims all around the world who do kill in the name of their god.
There are attempts all the time. Think Kim Davis.
That was 1 person, 4 years ago. That doesnt sound like "all the time" to me.

And Muslims don't throw gays off buildings all the time but y'all sure like bringing it up every time a liberal says "not all Muslims are extremists".
GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.
There is no sharia law in christianity, therefore your entire premise is wrong. This is literally just one pastor who said it, but even he would never actually do it, unlike muslims all around the world who do kill in the name of their god.
There are attempts all the time. Think Kim Davis.
That was 1 person, 4 years ago. That doesnt sound like "all the time" to me.

And Muslims don't throw gays off buildings all the time but y'all sure like bringing it up every time a liberal says "not all Muslims are extremists".
It's the "be thankful we don't throw you off buildings...yet" gambit. Very similar to the "blacks ought to be grateful we brought them out of Africa" move.
GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.
There is no sharia law in christianity, therefore your entire premise is wrong. This is literally just one pastor who said it, but even he would never actually do it, unlike muslims all around the world who do kill in the name of their god.
There are attempts all the time. Think Kim Davis.
That was 1 person, 4 years ago. That doesnt sound like "all the time" to me.

And Muslims don't throw gays off buildings all the time but y'all sure like bringing it up every time a liberal says "not all Muslims are extremists".
Most muslims dont throw gays off buildings, but none of them tolerate homosexuality. They hate gays a fuck of a lot more christians do.
GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.
There is no sharia law in christianity, therefore your entire premise is wrong. This is literally just one pastor who said it, but even he would never actually do it, unlike muslims all around the world who do kill in the name of their god.
There are attempts all the time. Think Kim Davis.
That was 1 person, 4 years ago. That doesnt sound like "all the time" to me.

And Muslims don't throw gays off buildings all the time but y'all sure like bringing it up every time a liberal says "not all Muslims are extremists".
Most muslims dont throw gays off buildings, but none of them tolerate homosexuality. They hate gays a fuck of a lot more christians do.

Do you live in America? I do.

Majority of U.S. Muslims now support gay marriage, while white evangelical Christians remain opposed
There is no sharia law in christianity, therefore your entire premise is wrong. This is literally just one pastor who said it, but even he would never actually do it, unlike muslims all around the world who do kill in the name of their god.
There are attempts all the time. Think Kim Davis.
That was 1 person, 4 years ago. That doesnt sound like "all the time" to me.

And Muslims don't throw gays off buildings all the time but y'all sure like bringing it up every time a liberal says "not all Muslims are extremists".
Most muslims dont throw gays off buildings, but none of them tolerate homosexuality. They hate gays a fuck of a lot more christians do.

Do you live in America? I do.

Majority of U.S. Muslims now support gay marriage, while white evangelical Christians remain opposed
Most muslims arent in America.
Oh snap. Weren't you defending Sharia law before? What does it say about killing gays via stoning?
Moreover, there are Christians who are LGBTQ, further complicating the situation.
There are NONE. NO CHRISTIAN embraces that lifestyle. You are deceived and so are they

Spoken like a true member of a trash cult. Of course there are LGBTQ Christians.
What is your denomination?
You realize YOU disagree with Jesus dont you.

"My Denomination"? I follow Christ. You follow Satan.

Therefore sGod gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to tthe dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, ua lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, vwho is blessed forever! Amen.

wGod gave them up to xdishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; ymen committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

zGod gave them up to aa debased mind to do bwhat ought not to be done

It is quite clear that you do not follow the teachings of Jesus. I do not "follow Satan." I don't even think that this evil god, "Satan," exists. I think that you are nuts.
The BIBLE says "Satan is the God of this world."

If you dont follow Jesus, you follow Satan.

Only those in whom the Spirit of God dwells are Children of God.

You apparently believe in biblical inerrancy and infallibility. I don't. We don't even know who many of the writers were. Or why Constantine's committee chose to include some writings and exclude others. There were several disputing factions at that time, and more writings have been found. The spirit of the Supreme Being is shared among all.
I noticed you used Christian and Sharia law in the same sentence. False flag. Take a hike.
It's useless to argue with these right-wing "Christian" idiots. They are members of a bizarre sexually-obsessed cult, and the females are programmed for early sex on demand and unquestioning penis worship. The males are trained to be loud-mouthed assholes who actually think they know everything and want to get everybody preggers. These are deeply disturbed individuals. The only thing that can be done is to make sure that those whom they attack are well protected and their lives not disrupted.

Hysteria thinks we're all the Duggars
GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.
There is no sharia law in christianity, therefore your entire premise is wrong. This is literally just one pastor who said it, but even he would never actually do it, unlike muslims all around the world who do kill in the name of their god.
There are attempts all the time. Think Kim Davis.
That was 1 person, 4 years ago. That doesnt sound like "all the time" to me.

And Muslims don't throw gays off buildings all the time but y'all sure like bringing it up every time a liberal says "not all Muslims are extremists".
Most muslims dont throw gays off buildings, but none of them tolerate homosexuality. They hate gays a fuck of a lot more christians do.

6 times Muslims took a stand for the LGBT community

21 LGBT Muslims Who Are Changing the World

Majority of American Muslims Now Support LGB People | Human Rights Campaign
There are attempts all the time. Think Kim Davis.
That was 1 person, 4 years ago. That doesnt sound like "all the time" to me.

And Muslims don't throw gays off buildings all the time but y'all sure like bringing it up every time a liberal says "not all Muslims are extremists".
Most muslims dont throw gays off buildings, but none of them tolerate homosexuality. They hate gays a fuck of a lot more christians do.

Do you live in America? I do.

Majority of U.S. Muslims now support gay marriage, while white evangelical Christians remain opposed
Most muslims arent in America.
You said "none". Are you moving the goal posts now?
I noticed you used Christian and Sharia law in the same sentence. False flag. Take a hike.
We have attempts at inserting christian beliefs beyond our secular into our laws...that is sharia...christian sharia. And Kim Davis is just a small example. Now we see it in bible belt states (even that name stinks of christian sharia) inserting their religious beliefs to control women's bodies.
I noticed you used Christian and Sharia law in the same sentence. False flag. Take a hike.
We have attempts at inserting christian beliefs beyond our secular into our laws...that is sharia...christian sharia. And Kim Davis is just a small example. Now we see it in bible belt states (even that name stinks of christian sharia) inserting their religious beliefs to control women's bodies.

And there it is, the true motivation behind the hysteria, abortion first last and always.
GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.

Does this mean you’d like to see Islam banned and Muslims deported?

Or are you just being a hypocrite again?

Why should any religion, operating under our Constitution, be banned? Why should the faithful be deported? Are you nuts? Or just itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom?

Islam is an ideology that prohibits freedom of religion. Tell us how many Jews live in Islamic countries? Are Christians allowed to openly practice their religion in Islamic countries?

If you support importing Muslims and giving them citizenship, then it is you who is itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom. Every single time Muslims become a majority in a country, they immediately persecute and oppress all non-Muslims, as their “religion” dictates they do.
So you’re going to teach others religious freedom by denying them religious Freedom?

Nope. They can worship whatever false god they want. We’re talking about the fact they want to supplant the Constitution with Sharia Law. Traitors can and should be expelled from the country.
GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.
And, when the far-left gets into power, the government death squads come out to play.
The church address is 715 N Cherry Hill Knoxville Tn. Google the address and see what you come up with. No building. Could be in someone's home.


GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.

Does this mean you’d like to see Islam banned and Muslims deported?

Or are you just being a hypocrite again?

Why should any religion, operating under our Constitution, be banned? Why should the faithful be deported? Are you nuts? Or just itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom?

Islam is an ideology that prohibits freedom of religion. Tell us how many Jews live in Islamic countries? Are Christians allowed to openly practice their religion in Islamic countries?

If you support importing Muslims and giving them citizenship, then it is you who is itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom. Every single time Muslims become a majority in a country, they immediately persecute and oppress all non-Muslims, as their “religion” dictates they do.
So you’re going to teach others religious freedom by denying them religious Freedom?

Nope. They can worship whatever false god they want. We’re talking about the fact they want to supplant the Constitution with Sharia Law. Traitors can and should be expelled from the country.

Who are "they" and what proof do you have of your supposition?
GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.

Does this mean you’d like to see Islam banned and Muslims deported?

Or are you just being a hypocrite again?

Why should any religion, operating under our Constitution, be banned? Why should the faithful be deported? Are you nuts? Or just itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom?

Islam is an ideology that prohibits freedom of religion. Tell us how many Jews live in Islamic countries? Are Christians allowed to openly practice their religion in Islamic countries?

If you support importing Muslims and giving them citizenship, then it is you who is itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom. Every single time Muslims become a majority in a country, they immediately persecute and oppress all non-Muslims, as their “religion” dictates they do.

Bullshit. The very fact that you want to include certain religions fro citizenship shows us you are not at all about religious freedom.

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