Thank goodness this attempt at Christian Sharia Law nipped in the bud

GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.

Does this mean you’d like to see Islam banned and Muslims deported?

Or are you just being a hypocrite again?

Why should any religion, operating under our Constitution, be banned? Why should the faithful be deported? Are you nuts? Or just itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom?

Islam is an ideology that prohibits freedom of religion. Tell us how many Jews live in Islamic countries? Are Christians allowed to openly practice their religion in Islamic countries?

If you support importing Muslims and giving them citizenship, then it is you who is itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom. Every single time Muslims become a majority in a country, they immediately persecute and oppress all non-Muslims, as their “religion” dictates they do.

Bullshit. The very fact that you want to include certain religions fro citizenship shows us you are not at all about religious freedom.
Do you honestly think the Founding Fathers were including a cult that advocates what Islam teaches?

Never mind. I know the answer
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GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.
And, when the far-left gets into power, the government death squads come out to play.
Yeah...all those death squads from 2008 to'd they miss all the CRCs?
The crazy angry incoherent left seems to support Sharia law except when some obscure Preacher in Tennessee isn't friendly to sex change freakazoids. The world is upside down in the liberal mind.
GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.

Does this mean you’d like to see Islam banned and Muslims deported?

Or are you just being a hypocrite again?

Why should any religion, operating under our Constitution, be banned? Why should the faithful be deported? Are you nuts? Or just itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom?

Islam is an ideology that prohibits freedom of religion. Tell us how many Jews live in Islamic countries? Are Christians allowed to openly practice their religion in Islamic countries?

If you support importing Muslims and giving them citizenship, then it is you who is itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom. Every single time Muslims become a majority in a country, they immediately persecute and oppress all non-Muslims, as their “religion” dictates they do.

Bullshit. The very fact that you want to include certain religions fro citizenship shows us you are not at all about religious freedom.
Do you honestly think 5he Founding Fathers were including a cult that advocates what Islam teaches?

Never mind. I know the answer

The founding fathers also endorsed slavery, had no rights for women, used child labor, would, funny enough, included some Muslims in the early settlement of America so....yes. But then I don't think you really know much about Islam, only what your hate sites tell you.
The crazy angry incoherent left seems to support Sharia law except when some obscure Preacher in Tennessee isn't friendly to sex change freakazoids. The world is upside down in the liberal mind.

What specific Sharia law do they support?
GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.

Does this mean you’d like to see Islam banned and Muslims deported?

Or are you just being a hypocrite again?

Why should any religion, operating under our Constitution, be banned? Why should the faithful be deported? Are you nuts? Or just itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom?

Islam is an ideology that prohibits freedom of religion. Tell us how many Jews live in Islamic countries? Are Christians allowed to openly practice their religion in Islamic countries?

If you support importing Muslims and giving them citizenship, then it is you who is itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom. Every single time Muslims become a majority in a country, they immediately persecute and oppress all non-Muslims, as their “religion” dictates they do.
So you’re going to teach others religious freedom by denying them religious Freedom?

Nope. They can worship whatever false god they want. We’re talking about the fact they want to supplant the Constitution with Sharia Law. Traitors can and should be expelled from the country.

Please give us an example of American Muslims trying to supplant the Constitution please.

Should this preacher then be expelled?

And if so...where to?
It's useless to argue with these right-wing "Christian" idiots. They are members of a bizarre sexually-obsessed cult, and the females are programmed for early sex on demand and unquestioning penis worship. The males are trained to be loud-mouthed assholes who actually think they know everything and want to get everybody preggers. These are deeply disturbed individuals. The only thing that can be done is to make sure that those whom they attack are well protected and their lives not disrupted.

Hysteria thinks we're all the Duggars

And hysteria thinks all muslims are violent misogynists.

Let's try to be a little less hysterical.
' A Drop In The Bucket Public Castigation By Example "

* Deserve The Trophy For Most Homicides Attributable To An Ideology Through Out History *

[URL=""]Persecution of Hindus - Wikipedia[/URL]

Muslim conquest of the Indian subcontinent began during the early 8th century AD.

Muhammad Shah I's draft on Vijayanagara Empire's treasury in 1365 incensed the king Bukka Raya I, who insulted the envoy with the draft and besieged the fort of Mudgal held by no less than 800 Muslim troops. Many men, women and children were killed. The fortress fell and its garrison was massacred before any relief could reach it. Ferishta's claim of only one survivor narrating the incident to the Sulatn may be one-sided. Muhammad in response attacked Bukka's army and vowed to not sheathe his sword until he avenged the massacre by killing 100,000 Hindus. At Raichur Doab, Muhammad killed 70,000 Hindus. He pursued Bukka throughout his dominions and the slaughtered no less than 400,000 Hindus around Vijaynagara. Bukka sued for peace and even the Muslim officers were moved to beg on hopes the slaughter might cease. Muhammad replied that though he had killed four times the number of Hindus than his promise, he will not desist until the draft on treasury was honoured. The envoys agreed to this, resulting in an end to the war.

But But But But Only Nazis Are Evil - LOL *

Godwin's law - Wikipedia
Godwin's law (or Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies)[1][2] is an Internet adage asserting that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1";[2][3] that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Adolf Hitler or his deeds, the point at which effectively the discussion or thread often ends.
Maybe we should say Darwin was evil. He had racist pseudo-scientific ideas from his father. His ideas led to social Darwinism, eugenics, Hitler, and the Holocaust.
Does this mean you’d like to see Islam banned and Muslims deported?

Or are you just being a hypocrite again?

Why should any religion, operating under our Constitution, be banned? Why should the faithful be deported? Are you nuts? Or just itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom?

Islam is an ideology that prohibits freedom of religion. Tell us how many Jews live in Islamic countries? Are Christians allowed to openly practice their religion in Islamic countries?

If you support importing Muslims and giving them citizenship, then it is you who is itching to live in a country that does not recognize religious freedom. Every single time Muslims become a majority in a country, they immediately persecute and oppress all non-Muslims, as their “religion” dictates they do.
So you’re going to teach others religious freedom by denying them religious Freedom?

Nope. They can worship whatever false god they want. We’re talking about the fact they want to supplant the Constitution with Sharia Law. Traitors can and should be expelled from the country.

Who are "they" and what proof do you have of your supposition?


The crazy angry incoherent left seems to support Sharia law except when some obscure Preacher in Tennessee isn't friendly to sex change freakazoids. The world is upside down in the liberal mind.

What specific Sharia law do they support?
Which Sharia law don't they support?

Please show us one they support, you made the claim.

Well I guess there aren't any Sharia laws the left supports and he's just blowing it out his ass.
" Fictional Ishmaelism Degenerates "

* Supremacist Sectarian Intolerant Bigoted Militant Manifesto *
And hysteria thinks all muslims are violent misogynists.
Let's try to be a little less hysterical.
They are all terrorist facilitators , whether passively condoning it or actively engaged in it .

There is not a difference between religion and creed , and if one maintains tenets of creed that violate non violence principles , then all subject to those tenets are entitled to self defense .

* Modus Operandi Feigning Passivity Till Might Makes Reich *

The author of the qurayn named surah 47 at itself and none are lying about the motivations of the fictional ishmaelism degenerate , other than those trying to usurp others or deluded fools .

47:5 So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds,1392 and either [confer] favor1393 afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens.1394 That [is the command]. And if AllŒh had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of AllŒh – never will He waste their deeds.

47:11 That is because AllŒh is the protector of those who have believed and because the disbelievers have no protector.

47:35 So do not weaken and call for peace while you are superior; and AllŒh is with you and will never deprive you of [the reward of] your deeds .
" Wealth Of Nations And Median Intelligence Quotients Lacking "

* Klingon Playing Highlander Game Of Call It Fate ( Caliphate ) *
Maybe we should say Darwin was evil. He had racist pseudo-scientific ideas from his father. His ideas led to social Darwinism, eugenics, Hitler, and the Holocaust.
Another idiotic example proving godwin .

The hate speech militant manifesto of surah 9 was written 113th out of 114 in chronology .

9:28 O you who have believed, indeed the polytheists are unclean, so let them not approach al-Masjid al-îarŒm after this, their [final] year. And if you fear privation, AllŒh will enrich you from His bounty if He wills. Indeed, AllŒh is Knowing and Wise.
9: 29. Fight those who do not believe in AllŒh or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what AllŒh and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth [i.e., IslŒm] from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the jizyah429 willingly while they are humbled.

Persecution of Hindus - Wikipedia
Persecution of Buddhists - Wikipedia
Persecution of Zoroastrians - Wikipedia
Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia
Caliphate - Wikipedia
Pan-Arabism - Wikipedia
History of slavery in the Muslim world - Wikipedia
Anti-Christian bigots like you work really hard to find this, and granted, this guy is an attention seeking moron. He is not ordained, his "church" is a non-affiliated, "independent" church. If they even garner 100 people on their BEST day I would be shocked. But of course, they serve your narrative so you will give him all the attention he doesn't deserve, while ignoring the bigger threat that is now encompassing Europe, and cheering Ilhan Omar.

The church address is 715 N Cherry Hill Knoxville Tn. Google the address and see what you come up with. No building. Could be in someone's home.

Yeah, bigot. The theocracy is coming for you.
Didn't have to look hard at all. But what I find interesting is the effort made to attack the messenger. The effort made to make this look like not a big deal. But NO effort to condemn this guy and his message. Very telling. (I'm seeing the same excusing/blame the messenger behavior in the thread about the anti-gay christian sharia supporters having a conference also)
Oh, you mean effort to condemn messages like your refusal to condemn Islamists who want you dead because you're gay?

Very telling, indeed.

For the record, since I know you're going to pretend you had a point, I condemn any effort to establish religious rule in the United States.
I am always condemning fundie muslims who say they want gays dead. Apparently doing it over and over isn't enough....I now understand the frustration of moderate and liberal muslims when they do the same and their condemnations get ignored.
I don't read everything you post, but I can't really recall where you've done that.
Just do advanced search on my posts keyword muslim or islam or even fundie patriarchal Islam.
I'll take your word for it. It's not worth the effort.
GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.
This is why it’s important to defend Establishment Clause jurisprudence against attacks by the social right and other conservatives who seek to conjoin church and state in violation of the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.

I am in total support of the 2nd Amendment. Next?
That's undeniably a rare leftist position.
I doubt it...but that is the story pushed by the Right. I'm also pro-2nd Amendment.
You doubt it? Here are some search results. You just keep pretending your support of the Second is a common liberal position.
GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.

Attempt? One guy spouts off and we're on the verge of totally overturning our system of law? That's strange.
One guy? Only one guy?

Sheriff's deputy as well as minister....a part of government wanting to enact his christian sharia law. Thank goodness the county sheriff shut him down.
How, exactly, would a deputy sheriff enact "christian sharia law"?

No one can enact any Sharia criminal law. Or any other religious criminal law. That's all a product of hysterical fear mongering from Islamophobes who piss themselves every time they see Subway offering Halal meat.
Really? Because it looks like OP is afraid of deputy sheriffs enacting Sharia law...although she never has managed to explain how one would do that.
GRAPHIC: Tenn. deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Deputy/pastor calls for the execution of LGBTQ citizens. Thank goodness, the Sheriff's Department suspended him and the District Attorney is looking over all his past arrests.

Calling for the government to commit genocide based on biblical "reasons"....the very definition of religious law aka sharia.
This is why it’s important to defend Establishment Clause jurisprudence against attacks by the social right and other conservatives who seek to conjoin church and state in violation of the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.


‘Leftists’ support and defend Second Amendment case law – they own guns, enjoy the shooting sports, and carry firearms for lawful self-defense.

Indeed, it’s most on the right who have contempt for Second Amendment case law and rail against necessary, proper, and Constitutional firearm regulatory measures, just as most on the right have contempt for settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence and seek to conjoin church and state in violation of the First Amendment.
I've seen what you guys consider "necessary, proper, and Constitutional firearm regulatory measures". They're anything but.

And no one outside a few crackpots wants an official American religion. That's a common leftist victimhood fantasy.

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