"Thank you" Alabama for helping to turn sane women AGAINST the GOP

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Not your womb, not your business.

Tell a Trump ass kisser that we need a universal background check to buy a gun.....and they go ape shit........BUT, telling women what they MUST do with their own womb......well, that's a Bible thumper for you......
Not your womb, not your business.

Tell a Trump ass kisser that we need a universal background check to buy a gun.....and they go ape shit........BUT, telling women what they MUST do with their own womb......well, that's a Bible thumper for you......
They aren't pro-life, they are pro-forced birth. After that, screw 'em.
You have a lot of faith in these southern women.

All these old white bastards are married to women.

If their women were that uncomfortable w/this they'd make it known and influence, at least half of them not to take that path.

This is not what happened.

These women are still standing by their husbands/men.

These women agree w/what they are doing.

I'd have to see it to believe otherwise.
You might be the biggest racist I ever met

Harmonica has that title.

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No, the intention is to force the SC to grow some balls and make a decision.

maybe someday the GOP could "grow some ballz" and stop petitioning their government to control their wimminz.
A vagina, isn’t a liscence to kill. Sorry. But murder is wrong regardless of what sex you are. Feel free to turn in your victim card. We’re in the age of “equality”. So you won’t be needing it anymore. Responsibility, agency, and self determination is all you need.
Not your womb, not your business.
Murder is everyone’s business. No matter where the victim dies.
Not your womb, not your business.

Tell a Trump ass kisser that we need a universal background check to buy a gun.....and they go ape shit........BUT, telling women what they MUST do with their own womb......well, that's a Bible thumper for you......

Because we all know for assholes like you it isn't about the check, it's about an eventual general ban.

You can't even be truthful about it, you dime store oxygen thief hack.
Not your womb, not your business.

Tell a Trump ass kisser that we need a universal background check to buy a gun.....and they go ape shit........BUT, telling women what they MUST do with their own womb......well, that's a Bible thumper for you......
No ones telling women what to do with their womb. More failed hyperbole... Don’t want to be pregnant? Don’t get yourself knocked up...
No one is entitled to privacy for the purpose of murdering another person.

...."murdering another person"???.........Just how fucking IGNORANT are you?
Who turns your computer "on" for you with that kind of :brain capacity"???
As with most other issues, when it comes to privacy rights, conservatives resort to red herring fallacies and lies.
As with all other issues, you bring nothing to the table but projection, name calling, recriminations, lies, and partisan hackery.


Not your womb, not your business.

Tell a Trump ass kisser that we need a universal background check to buy a gun.....and they go ape shit........BUT, telling women what they MUST do with their own womb......well, that's a Bible thumper for you......
They aren't pro-life, they are pro-forced birth. After that, screw 'em.
And you ghoulish shitheels are pro-parting-out-fetuses-like-junked-cars.

Fuck you murderous assholes.
Hard to believe the day has come when the definition of a "sane" woman is one who wants the unfettered right to murder her unborn child in her womb.
Not your womb, not your business.

Tell a Trump ass kisser that we need a universal background check to buy a gun.....and they go ape shit........BUT, telling women what they MUST do with their own womb......well, that's a Bible thumper for you......

Where, oh where, are those "small government" conservatives...

Most of us are OK with States doing what they want, as long as the State follows the Federal Constitution and their own Constitution.
Not your womb, not your business.

Tell a Trump ass kisser that we need a universal background check to buy a gun.....and they go ape shit........BUT, telling women what they MUST do with their own womb......well, that's a Bible thumper for you......

Where, oh where, are those "small government" conservatives...
Where, oh where, are those "pro choice" liberoidals when I want to buy an MG42?
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