"Thank you" Alabama for helping to turn sane women AGAINST the GOP

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Roe v. Wade was a landmark legal decision issued on January 22, 1973, in which the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Texas statute banning abortion, effectively legalizing the procedure across the United States. The court held that a woman’s right to an abortion was implicit in the right to privacy protected by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

Why do you just keep posting copypasta and links about Roe?
Fascists Find Fertile Recruitment Ground in Anti-Choice Movement

Those on the far right who have long discussed and acted upon their desire to dominate women’s sexual and reproductive rights are pushing that agenda into the political mainstream with help from the anti-choice movement.

The traditional right wing in the United States tries to distance itself from fascists, but far-right groups are weaponizing traditionalism and “normie optics” to infiltrate anti-choice platforms to recruit and organize young white men.

Fascists Find Fertile Recruitment Ground in Anti-Choice Movement
Fascists Find Fertile Recruitment Ground in Anti-Choice Movement

Those on the far right who have long discussed and acted upon their desire to dominate women’s sexual and reproductive rights are pushing that agenda into the political mainstream with help from the anti-choice movement.

The traditional right wing in the United States tries to distance itself from fascists, but far-right groups are weaponizing traditionalism and “normie optics” to infiltrate anti-choice platforms to recruit and organize young white men.

Fascists Find Fertile Recruitment Ground in Anti-Choice Movement

Wow, a pathetic Nazi link attempt....

Until the late 19th century, abortion was legal in the United States before “quickening,” the point at which a woman could first feel movements of the fetus, typically around the fourth month of pregnancy.

Some of the early regulations related to abortion were enacted in the 1820s and 1830s
16 “‘The priest shall bring her and have her stand before the Lord. 17 Then he shall take some holy water in a clay jar and put some dust from the tabernacle floor into the water. 18 After the priest has had the woman stand before the Lord, he shall loosen her hair and place in her hands the reminder-offering, the grain offering for jealousy, while he himself holds the bitter water that brings a curse. 19 Then the priest shall put the woman under oath and say to her, “If no other man has had sexual relations with you and you have not gone astray and become impure while married to your husband, may this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you. 20 But if you have gone astray while married to your husband and you have made yourself impure by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband”— 21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse—“may the Lord cause you to become a cursed among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. 22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”

Lozier Institute

I appreciate that, but I don't really care about that.

My point with that post was to point out that the NY Senate passed a bill, allowing women to have an abortion up to the time they were due, if they had a psychologist claim it would harm their financial livelihood or give them depression. Anything could be a harm to the "health" of the mother and be a cause for infanticide.

No one needs a "source" for this piece, but the source used was NOT the Lozeir Institute, it was the washingtonexaminer. Albeit, they are really biased, so you can find a more liberal bias source if you like for different spin, but the fact is, it happened;

Abortion laws in New York: How they changed with the Reproductive Health Act
Until the late 19th century, abortion was legal in the United States before “quickening,” the point at which a woman could first feel movements of the fetus, typically around the fourth month of pregnancy.

Some of the early regulations related to abortion were enacted in the 1820s and 1830s

It would be nice if states could vote to make that the law of the land again with out outrage of other states. . . . .
Sane women don’t murder their children
Why don't we force men to get vasectomies until they can prove they are married and are planning of having and supporting children, then reverse the v-section?

You do realize that only a percentage of vasectomies are successfully reversible, right? It's not a guarantee by any means. The post-reversal pregnancy rate is around 65%. And there are side effects that are associated with vasectomies, such as swelling and pain in the testicles. Finally, even after a reversal, it can take up to a year before sperm returns. Much easier to manage conception/contraception by responsible use of condoms and/or birth control pills.
"The abortion rate has been declining for decades"

"we're finally doing a better job of helping women get access to birth control that's affordable and that's high-quality"

"An important driver of the declining abortion rate appears to be improved access to contraception"


bbbut fascist emos must implore their gubmint to control theyz evul wimminz bajinas! :102:
Ultimately, the "good news" is that the Alabama fuck up will NEVER overturn Roe.....and the stupid showcase to hold on to the Bible base will allow yet ANOTHER reason for the GOPers to lose next year.........

Women (and sane men like myself) ....especially minority women have been given an ADDITIONAL reason to show up to vote and kick the sorry white, male asses off the senate and WH.
They have done everything women feared

Criminalized abortion, no exemption for rape or incest.

Let republicans defend it
yep, repugs under trump have proven how the dems were right to be concerned with the GOP's underlying fascist agenda all along...
Once again, the GOP shows that white, older, right wing males want to rule over women's rights......Regardless of what the eventual SCOTUS decision will be, the GOP has once again shown their misogynist view.
Once again Republicans show their contempt for the constitution, its case law,and the rule of law.
Yeah we Republicans have a nasty habit of ensuring rights, of those who have no voice of their own. First those pesky negros. Now people younger than 9 months... What’s next? Freedom and rights for everyone!?

And yet Alabama is one of the worst states for the well being of children, link below. You southern folks have a nasty habit of not spending the money that ensures a good life for the children you profess to love. What's this about Black people? What wonderful things are you doing for them besides figuring out how to stop them from voting?
The best and worst US states for children - CNN
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If republicans were "concerned" with the losing of the senate seat to a democrat in VIVID RED Alabama.......mostly because of the black women's turnout.............WAIT and see what will happen next year after having royally pissed off ALL women in both that state and the rest of the country.
Once again, the GOP shows that white, older, right wing males want to rule over women's rights......Regardless of what the eventual SCOTUS decision will be, the GOP has once again shown their misogynist view.
Once again Republicans show their contempt for the constitution, its case law,and the rule of law.
Just like Democrats showed their contempt for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to the children, likewise guaranteed by the constitution.

Disgusting: New York not only legalized late-term abortions, but also celebrated like it won the Super Bowl
Disgusting: New York not only legalized late-term abortions, but also celebrated like it won the Super Bowl


Cuomo says One World Trade Center's 408-foot spire, the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, the Kosciuszko Bridge and the Alfred E. Smith Building in Albany will be lit in pink tonight to celebrate passage of Reproductive Health Act https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/politics/albany/2019/01/22/abortion-laws-new

". . . Two of the most heinous parts of the bill describe the new parameters of abortion: if “the patient is within twenty-four weeks from the commencement of pregnancy” and second, and this is the worst qualifier, “or the abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s life or health.” The wording of that second phrase is so comprehensive, even in legal lingo, protecting the patient’s health could mean almost anything.

This new bill ensures that New York remains the most progressive of all the states in pushing forward “reproductive rights” (an absurd term for baby-killing). Per the CDC, about one in three unborn babies are aborted in New York City. Statistics also show more black babies are aborted than born alive in New York City.

Still, New Yorkers not only fail to be discouraged by this news, they also celebrate it.

To be clear, this is not the passage of abortion rights, but the permission to commit infanticide and call it by another name — an eight-pound baby can survive outside the womb with very little medical aid. Late-term abortion procedures are ghoulish and graphic: The Lozier Institute reports that "Abortions performed after 20 weeks gestation, when not done by induction of labor (which leads to fetal death due to prematurity), are most commonly performed by dilation and evacuation (D & E) procedures. These particularly gruesome surgical techniques involve crushing, dismemberment and removal of a fetal body from a woman’s uterus, mere weeks before, or even after, the fetus reaches a developmental age of potential viability outside the mother. . . . ”

So. . . as you can see, maybe both side should quit bitching and just leave it to the states. Let the people in each state decide for themselves, instead of lobbing opinions and Ad hominem at the other side.

So stupid.
What's disgusting is the reprehensible right's propensity for lying, this being one of many examples.
I think Women are going to turn out in YUGE numbers to Vote for Trump because of his PRO LIFE STANCE.

Murdering Babies, like you want to do is just EVIL.
No, the intention is to force the SC to grow some balls and make a decision.

maybe someday the GOP could "grow some ballz" and stop petitioning their government to control their wimminz.
A vagina, isn’t a liscence to kill. Sorry. But murder is wrong regardless of what sex you are. Feel free to turn in your victim card. We’re in the age of “equality”. So you won’t be needing it anymore. Responsibility, agency, and self determination is all you need.
Not your womb, not your business.
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