"Thank you" Alabama for helping to turn sane women AGAINST the GOP

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By playing the abortion card, Republicans have solidified their standing in the Bible Belt. States they already run

Success in swing states......Virginia, Florida, NC, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona will depend on the women’s vote

Many women are hesitant about abortion. But callously forcing women to bear children from rape or incest will be their worst nightmare
What card? We are saving lives

Republicans across the land are cringing that they now have to defend these punitive abortion laws after claiming for decades that they didn’t support them

Republicans will do well in Alabama, Mississippi and Oklahoma, but they already do

Women voters in strongholds like Texas, Arizona, Georgia and Florida will revolt and possibly flip those states

Republicans in the rest of the country will lose seats
Lol so flip and vote for infanticide , open borders, free health care for the world.. would they rafter live in a great country or live in chaos ? Gross culture, no freedom, 90% income tax, home invasions, no protection, slavery?

I’d go for a end of abortion and be more responsible.. I know you hate that word lol
I’m game for that fight

If women were on the fence before about the Republican intent to repeal Roe before...there is no question now

I can just see the political ads with women who were raped being forced to bear that child

Borders will be fun too when Dems show families being ripped apart, babies being tear gassed

Yes, healthcare will be big in 2020, just like it was in 2018
And we can show a sonogram Of a 13 week old fighting for his life as a doc snips his limbs..

Can we show that to every child in elementary school?? You ok with that?? Lol

You will lose..
They can show them eating paint chips because they are so hungry like they did from the dayz when I was a kid..
Such cases represent the tiniest fraction of those who used abortion to kill their child.

Morons like you should check out if your fellow idiots in Alabama made the distinction for raped women and incest raped children......

AND......eternal nitwit........look up the definition of a "child"
What card? We are saving lives

Republicans across the land are cringing that they now have to defend these punitive abortion laws after claiming for decades that they didn’t support them

Republicans will do well in Alabama, Mississippi and Oklahoma, but they already do

Women voters in strongholds like Texas, Arizona, Georgia and Florida will revolt and possibly flip those states

Republicans in the rest of the country will lose seats
Lol so flip and vote for infanticide , open borders, free health care for the world.. would they rafter live in a great country or live in chaos ? Gross culture, no freedom, 90% income tax, home invasions, no protection, slavery?

I’d go for a end of abortion and be more responsible.. I know you hate that word lol
I’m game for that fight

If women were on the fence before about the Republican intent to repeal Roe before...there is no question now

I can just see the political ads with women who were raped being forced to bear that child

Borders will be fun too when Dems show families being ripped apart, babies being tear gassed

Yes, healthcare will be big in 2020, just like it was in 2018
And we can show a sonogram Of a 13 week old fighting for his life as a doc snips his limbs..

Can we show that to every child in elementary school?? You ok with that?? Lol

You will lose..
They can show them eating paint chips because they are so hungry like they did from the dayz when I was a kid..
So no hungry kid ever made it in America? They should have been killed ? Lol you want to commit suicide on behalf of abortion please do it
Snip the back of your neck first, then limbs
Once again, the GOP shows that white, older, right wing males want to rule over women's rights......Regardless of what the eventual SCOTUS decision will be, the GOP has once again shown their misogynist view.
Once again Republicans show their contempt for the constitution, its case law,and the rule of law.
Just like Democrats showed their contempt for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to the children, likewise guaranteed by the constitution.

Disgusting: New York not only legalized late-term abortions, but also celebrated like it won the Super Bowl
Disgusting: New York not only legalized late-term abortions, but also celebrated like it won the Super Bowl


Cuomo says One World Trade Center's 408-foot spire, the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, the Kosciuszko Bridge and the Alfred E. Smith Building in Albany will be lit in pink tonight to celebrate passage of Reproductive Health Act https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/politics/albany/2019/01/22/abortion-laws-new

". . . Two of the most heinous parts of the bill describe the new parameters of abortion: if “the patient is within twenty-four weeks from the commencement of pregnancy” and second, and this is the worst qualifier, “or the abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s life or health.” The wording of that second phrase is so comprehensive, even in legal lingo, protecting the patient’s health could mean almost anything.

This new bill ensures that New York remains the most progressive of all the states in pushing forward “reproductive rights” (an absurd term for baby-killing). Per the CDC, about one in three unborn babies are aborted in New York City. Statistics also show more black babies are aborted than born alive in New York City.

Still, New Yorkers not only fail to be discouraged by this news, they also celebrate it.

To be clear, this is not the passage of abortion rights, but the permission to commit infanticide and call it by another name — an eight-pound baby can survive outside the womb with very little medical aid. Late-term abortion procedures are ghoulish and graphic: The Lozier Institute reports that "Abortions performed after 20 weeks gestation, when not done by induction of labor (which leads to fetal death due to prematurity), are most commonly performed by dilation and evacuation (D & E) procedures. These particularly gruesome surgical techniques involve crushing, dismemberment and removal of a fetal body from a woman’s uterus, mere weeks before, or even after, the fetus reaches a developmental age of potential viability outside the mother. . . . ”

So. . . as you can see, maybe both side should quit bitching and just leave it to the states. Let the people in each state decide for themselves, instead of lobbing opinions and Ad hominem at the other side.

So stupid.
Ultimately, the "good news" is that the Alabama fuck up will NEVER overturn Roe.....and the stupid showcase to hold on to the Bible base will allow yet ANOTHER reason for the GOPers to lose next year.........

Women (and sane men like myself) ....especially minority women have been given an ADDITIONAL reason to show up to vote and kick the sorry white, male asses off the senate and WH.
Republicans across the land are cringing that they now have to defend these punitive abortion laws after claiming for decades that they didn’t support them

Republicans will do well in Alabama, Mississippi and Oklahoma, but they already do

Women voters in strongholds like Texas, Arizona, Georgia and Florida will revolt and possibly flip those states

Republicans in the rest of the country will lose seats
Lol so flip and vote for infanticide , open borders, free health care for the world.. would they rafter live in a great country or live in chaos ? Gross culture, no freedom, 90% income tax, home invasions, no protection, slavery?

I’d go for a end of abortion and be more responsible.. I know you hate that word lol
I’m game for that fight

If women were on the fence before about the Republican intent to repeal Roe before...there is no question now

I can just see the political ads with women who were raped being forced to bear that child

Borders will be fun too when Dems show families being ripped apart, babies being tear gassed

Yes, healthcare will be big in 2020, just like it was in 2018
And we can show a sonogram Of a 13 week old fighting for his life as a doc snips his limbs..

Can we show that to every child in elementary school?? You ok with that?? Lol

You will lose..
They can show them eating paint chips because they are so hungry like they did from the dayz when I was a kid..
So no hungry kid ever made it in America? They should have been killed ? Lol you want to commit suicide on behalf of abortion please do it
Snip the back of your neck first, then limbs
I done had all I'm gonna put up with, four was e-nough..
Such cases represent the tiniest fraction of those who used abortion to kill their child.

Morons like you should check out if your fellow idiots in Alabama made the distinction for raped women and incest raped children......

AND......eternal nitwit........look up the definition of a "child"
The means of conception, confer no guilt upon the unborn child. No one shall be deprived of life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness...
BTW - this Alabama ruling should be good news for the Dems in 2020.

Excellent...anything to get Trump booted out of office. ANYTHING. Legally. Illegally. With him standing, sitting, on a stretcher or in the back or a Hearse...ANYTHING to get that senile madman out of the White House.
Brain dead assessment...This affects Alabama, not the entire nation.....And do you really think that the Alabama politicians who voted for this are concerned about their seats?
No one shall be deprived of life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness...

Moron....THAT "deprivation" is EXACTLY what you dimwits are offering women who exercise their own right........

.....but . "thank you" you're fucking up your own chances of even holding on to vivid red states next year..........GO FOR IT !!!................lol
The whole crux of the debate for most pro-life people is if a fetus is a human being or not.

Just because you see it as a worthless lump of tissue doesn't mean the other view doesn't exist or isn't valid.


hysterical religious manipulators, SO desperate for political power, bear false witness and pretend to know how others "see it".

meanwhile, the legal FACTS are indisputable.

the court never once debated "if the fetus is human"... that is for sideshow emos, like you. :itsok:

Casey v. Planned Parenthood (1992)

In Casey v. Planned Parenthood (1992), the Supreme Court affirmed the basic ruling of Roe v. Wade that the state is prohibited from banning most abortions.

The Supreme Court . Printable Page | PBS

U.S. Abortion Rate Falls To Lowest Level Since Roe v. Wade

January 17, 2017

The abortion rate in the United States fell to its lowest level since the historic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision struck down unconstitutional laws that criminalized abortion nationwide...

Roe v. Wade Fast Facts - CNN

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The whole crux of the debate for most pro-life people is if a fetus is a human being or not.

Just because you see it as a worthless lump of tissue doesn't mean the other view doesn't exist or isn't valid.

hysterical religious manipulators, SO desperate for political power, bear false witness and pretend to know how others "see it".

meanwhile, the legal FACTS are indisputable.

the court never once debated "if the fetus is human"... that is for sideshow emos, like you. :itsok:

Casey v. Planned Parenthood (1992)

In Casey v. Planned Parenthood (1992), the Supreme Court affirmed the basic ruling of Roe v. Wade that the state is prohibited from banning most abortions.

The Supreme Court . Printable Page | PBS

U.S. Abortion Rate Falls To Lowest Level Since Roe v. Wade

January 17, 2017

The abortion rate in the United States fell to its lowest level since the historic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision strike down unconstitutional laws that criminalized abortion nationwide...

Roe v. Wade Fast Facts - CNN


I'm talking about the debate, but you keep bringing up the courts. You dance away from the argument because you can't do anything with it.

And what's with the retard spacing?
Nice job trying to add qualifiers.

And to people who consider a fetus to be a human being, Roe takes away the fetuses natural right to existence.

the law and the court never once "debated" whether a fetus was human...

that is just the ongoing "debate" among dishonest morons..

...you've got it all backwards... way to go, "conservative" moron! :eusa_clap:
You are right.

That is why these laws are being passed.

They want the Supreme Court to specifically address two issues. Not whether people have a right to privacy, that is a given.

Everyone now agrees that women have a right to abortion. None of these bills are outlawing abortions, anymore than liberals are trying to outright BAN ownership of guns.

What they are attempting to do, is two things.

FIRST, put the regulatory scheme where it belongs, ON THE STATES.

and . . . .

SECOND, define sovereignty. This is an issue of civil liberties and civil rights. It is the individual civil right, that is, the woman's RIGHT TO PRIVACY, versus her infant's civil liberty, the RIGHT TO LIFE.

When does one end, and the other begin?

And who gets to make that decision? The Federal Court? And the voters (women) of the individual states?

Do you know why this isn't a hot button issue in any other western nation? It is because in every other politically designated territory, THE VOTERS decided for themselves when to make abortion legal.

I am sure you remember when the Irish finally allowed women to allow early abortions, right? THAT WAS THE VOTERS, not courts.

Ireland votes by landslide to legalise abortion

Abortion in Ireland is regulated by the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2018. Abortion is permitted during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, and later in cases where the pregnant woman's life or health is at risk, or in the cases of a fatal foetal abnormality. Abortion services commenced on 1 January 2019 following its legalisation by the aforementioned Act, which became law on 20 December 2018. This law followed a constitutional amendment approved by a referendum in May 2018. This replaced the Eighth Amendment, which had given the life of the unborn foetus the same value as that of its mother, with a clause permitting the Oireachtas (parliament) to legislate for the termination of pregnancies.[1][2][3] The constitutional amendment was signed into law on 18 September 2018.[4]
Abortion in the Republic of Ireland - Wikipedia
Ignorant and poorly educated Trump cultists would readily negate the 14th Amendment but would die fighting for the 2nd Amendment..........

Constitutionalists????.............NO.....just a bunch of ignorant misogynists
Roe v. Wade was a landmark legal decision issued on January 22, 1973, in which the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Texas statute banning abortion, effectively legalizing the procedure across the United States. The court held that a woman’s right to an abortion was implicit in the right to privacy protected by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.
No one shall be deprived of life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness...

Moron....THAT "deprivation" is EXACTLY what you dimwits are offering women who exercise their own right........

.....but . "thank you" you're fucking up your own chances of even holding on to vivid red states next year..........GO FOR IT !!!................lol
You seem to think women have a right to murder innocent children. They don’t. Women deserve the same rights, as anyone else. No more. No less. Welcome to equality..:
Ignorant and poorly educated Trump cultists would readily negate the 14th Amendment but would die fighting for the 2nd Amendment..........

Constitutionalists????.............NO.....just a bunch of ignorant misogynists

Where does the 14th amendment require Abortion on Demand?
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