Thank you Donald Trump

Yes. That is the liberal narrative. Not true. But believed by the class envy whiny little bitch lib community.
Hey genius, there is no nobility in poverty nor jealousy.
Like it or not Trump's story is the American dream signified. He only makes deals that turn a profit. His employees are the best of the best. He has made millionaires of thousands. He has put tens of thousands in permanent jobs across the globe.
And you and those like you hate him for it.
Well, hate on. He's not going away and neither are his companies.
Stick that in your sandwich and chew on it.

Adam Smith and Republican Attitudes Toward The Wealthy and The Poor

“The disposition to admire, and almost to worship, the rich and the powerful, and to despise, or, at least, to neglect persons of poor and mean condition is the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments.”
-Adam Smith

I was unaware the Smith was alive after the formation of the GOP :confused:

or do you mean this idiot?

U.S. Congressman Adam Smith - Representing Washington's 9th District

Perhaps I should've written "conservatives" instead of "Republicans".
Adam Smith and Republican Attitudes Toward The Wealthy and The Poor

“The disposition to admire, and almost to worship, the rich and the powerful, and to despise, or, at least, to neglect persons of poor and mean condition is the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments.”
-Adam Smith

I was unaware the Smith was alive after the formation of the GOP :confused:

or do you mean this idiot?

U.S. Congressman Adam Smith - Representing Washington's 9th District

Perhaps I should've written "conservatives" instead of "Republicans".

you will still be wrong
Donald Trump knows people. For instance he knows that the birth certificate issue is one that not liberals find pleasing. It need not be true. It is a stick to beat democrats up with. It is a weapon against obama. That automatically makes it worth repeating.

That it is neither true nor even logical makes the birther thing not a weapon against a Obama but a stick with which Republicans swing and miss Obama but chase away more reasonable, intelligent voters.

I see you've met Katzndogz :tinfoil: We just humor her here ;) I think she's like 80 years old.

As to the OP, there is one thing that The Donald said that I DID like :up: maybe Cruz can't run for President because he was born in Canada. (not that he'd have a chance in hell of winning)
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We would be far better off with Cruz than the lying scumbucket we have now! If Trump can expose some of the dishonesty of Obama perhaps that will help the next president to be Republican.

Of course the libs prefer someone to disrespect the Constitution and issue illegal orders like Obama does. Anyone but Obama! All of you idiots who voted for Obama should apologize to the American public!
The only people who pretend Trump is an authority on the right are people from the left.

The man knows business. Which sadly makes him far more qualified then the President.


Those lefties put Trump on Fox news and the RNC conventions because they are trying to make the right look bad
A lot of the whites were inbred.
We would be far better off with Cruz than the lying scumbucket we have now! If Trump can expose some of the dishonesty of Obama perhaps that will help the next president to be Republican.

Of course the libs prefer someone to disrespect the Constitution and issue illegal orders like Obama does. Anyone but Obama! All of you idiots who voted for Obama should apologize to the American public!
Dumb follows dumb^
Donald Trump knows people. For instance he knows that the birth certificate issue is one that not liberals find pleasing. It need not be true. It is a stick to beat democrats up with. It is a weapon against obama. That automatically makes it worth repeating.

This is what I am talking about with respect to the Right today. You fools manufacture strawmen, then beat the shit out of your own inventions, then high five each other for a job well done.

Meanwhile, Obama moves along completely unscathed to electoral victory.

Idiots. This is actual mental retardation we are seeing here.

obama moves along into complete global humiliation.

And it couldn't happen to a more deserving creature.
Donald Trump knows people. For instance he knows that the birth certificate issue is one that not liberals find pleasing. It need not be true. It is a stick to beat democrats up with. It is a weapon against obama. That automatically makes it worth repeating.

This is what I am talking about with respect to the Right today. You fools manufacture strawmen, then beat the shit out of your own inventions, then high five each other for a job well done.

Meanwhile, Obama moves along completely unscathed to electoral victory.

Idiots. This is actual mental retardation we are seeing here.

obama moves along into complete global humiliation.

And it couldn't happen to a more deserving creature.

Go ahead. Keep putting down our country. Our enemies love people like you.
This is what I am talking about with respect to the Right today. You fools manufacture strawmen, then beat the shit out of your own inventions, then high five each other for a job well done.

Meanwhile, Obama moves along completely unscathed to electoral victory.

Idiots. This is actual mental retardation we are seeing here.

obama moves along into complete global humiliation.

And it couldn't happen to a more deserving creature.

Go ahead. Keep putting down our country. Our enemies love people like you.

NO one has put this country down like obama---or did you forget his apology tour?

Your messiah hates the USA and everything it stands for. He is determined to punish this country for being successful, because in his ignorance, he believes that the US became successful at the expense of the rest of the world.

He is without a doubt, the worst president in history.

But, you fools elected him twice---you deserve what you vote for.
If Trump was president in stead of the turnip you elected, the country would be in much better fiscal condition and we would once again be respected in the world.

Yes, Trump is a a narcissist. But so is obama, so is clinton. So are most DC politicians. The difference is being able to run the business of the government sensibly.
obama moves along into complete global humiliation.

And it couldn't happen to a more deserving creature.

Go ahead. Keep putting down our country. Our enemies love people like you.

NO one has put this country down like obama---or did you forget his apology tour?

Your messiah hates the USA and everything it stands for. He is determined to punish this country for being successful, because in his ignorance, he believes that the US became successful at the expense of the rest of the world.

He is without a doubt, the worst president in history.

But, you fools elected him twice---you deserve what you vote for.

You better lay off the lsd.
Go ahead. Keep putting down our country. Our enemies love people like you.

NO one has put this country down like obama---or did you forget his apology tour?

Your messiah hates the USA and everything it stands for. He is determined to punish this country for being successful, because in his ignorance, he believes that the US became successful at the expense of the rest of the world.

He is without a doubt, the worst president in history.

But, you fools elected him twice---you deserve what you vote for.

You better lay off the lsd.

I don't do drugs, but its quite obvious that you are either a crack head or exceedingly stupid----which is it?
We would be far better off with Cruz than the lying scumbucket we have now! If Trump can expose some of the dishonesty of Obama perhaps that will help the next president to be Republican.

Of course the libs prefer someone to disrespect the Constitution and issue illegal orders like Obama does. Anyone but Obama! All of you idiots who voted for Obama should apologize to the American public!
Dumb follows dumb^

Katzndogz :tinfoil: male counterpart :D Sounds just like her :rofl:

As to the OP, Trump is a godsend :eusa_angel: to us Lefties ;)
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NO one has put this country down like obama---or did you forget his apology tour?

Your messiah hates the USA and everything it stands for. He is determined to punish this country for being successful, because in his ignorance, he believes that the US became successful at the expense of the rest of the world.

He is without a doubt, the worst president in history.

But, you fools elected him twice---you deserve what you vote for.

You better lay off the lsd.

I don't do drugs, but its quite obvious that you are either a crack head or exceedingly stupid----which is it?

You are lying. You are a drug addict.
The only people who pretend Trump is an authority on the right are people from the left.

The man knows business. Which sadly makes him far more qualified then the President.


Those lefties put Trump on Fox news and the RNC conventions because they are trying to make the right look bad
A lot of the whites were inbred.

how did this become about race?

thought it was everyone else, as you stated earlier today, that made everything about race ??
If Trump can expose some of the dishonesty of Obama perhaps that will help the next president to be Republican.

I'm not saying Obama isn't dishonest, but what dishonesty has Trump ever exposed? What you support is Republicans making shit up to try and smear the President, to get a Republican elected. And even that didn't work. Guess what? Obama isn't running in 2016.

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