Thank you Donald Trump

I probably thought I was on another thread.

thought is a process that eludes you

I am a busy person, sometimes. Busy spreading the word of truth, justice and freedom. God bless America.

supporting obama and his marxism is contrary to truth, justice, freedom and God bless america. obama is against all of those very important precepts.

he lies, his justice is corrupt, he wants to reduce freedom, and is a closet muslim.
thought is a process that eludes you

I am a busy person, sometimes. Busy spreading the word of truth, justice and freedom. God bless America.

supporting obama and his marxism is contrary to truth, justice, freedom and God bless america. obama is against all of those very important precepts.

he lies, his justice is corrupt, he wants to reduce freedom, and is a closet muslim.

gets all his news from the rush limbaugh show^
I am a busy person, sometimes. Busy spreading the word of truth, justice and freedom. God bless America.

supporting obama and his marxism is contrary to truth, justice, freedom and God bless america. obama is against all of those very important precepts.

he lies, his justice is corrupt, he wants to reduce freedom, and is a closet muslim.

gets all his news from the rush limbaugh show^

gets all his news from the final call ^
Being a business wizard does not make you a political wizard or an expert on birth certificates. You would not believe anything Trump had to say about physical cosmology, so why give him a platform to talk about other things of which he knows squat?

Trump is a walking Argument From Authority Fallacy, and as such the left wing media is happy to parade him and the other yahoos about as voices of the Right.

Yeah obama proved being a community organizer wizard, definetly doesn't make a great president.
Self made my ass. He's a silver spooner little whiney bitch.. His father was rich.

Yes. That is the liberal narrative. Not true. But believed by the class envy whiny little bitch lib community.
Hey genius, there is no nobility in poverty nor jealousy.
Like it or not Trump's story is the American dream signified. He only makes deals that turn a profit. His employees are the best of the best. He has made millionaires of thousands. He has put tens of thousands in permanent jobs across the globe.
And you and those like you hate him for it.
Well, hate on. He's not going away and neither are his companies.
Stick that in your sandwich and chew on it.

Yeah, the american dream. Rich kid inherits a fortune from his daddy and gets richer. What's new?

Got a problem with that? See your US House member and recommend he or she sponsor a bill outlawing the practice of passing one's estate onto their children.
Until then, you'll just have to keep complaining.
Yes. That is the liberal narrative. Not true. But believed by the class envy whiny little bitch lib community.
Hey genius, there is no nobility in poverty nor jealousy.
Like it or not Trump's story is the American dream signified. He only makes deals that turn a profit. His employees are the best of the best. He has made millionaires of thousands. He has put tens of thousands in permanent jobs across the globe.
And you and those like you hate him for it.
Well, hate on. He's not going away and neither are his companies.
Stick that in your sandwich and chew on it.

Yeah, the american dream. Rich kid inherits a fortune from his daddy and gets richer. What's new?

Got a problem with that? See your US House member and recommend he or she sponsor a bill outlawing the practice of passing one's estate onto their children.
Until then, you'll just have to keep complaining.

That's what I do, bitch, bitch, bitch.
Donald Trump is a very rich, very self-made man, liberals hate him.
Self made my ass. He's a silver spooner little whiney bitch.. His father was rich.

Donald Trump can't be that bad. I love the way he slams that establishment idiot Karl Rove.

Donald Trump: 'Karl Rove is a total loser? - Kevin Robillard -

And it's not like Trump is a gold digger, you know like John Kerry who married into the wealth of the Teresa Heinz.
The only people who pretend Trump is an authority on the right are people from the left.

The man knows business. Which sadly makes him far more qualified then the President.


Those lefties put Trump on Fox news and the RNC conventions because they are trying to make the right look bad
A lot of the whites were inbred.

Obviously including yourself, now that you have decided to be white.
Donald Trump knows people. For instance he knows that the birth certificate issue is one that not liberals find pleasing. It need not be true. It is a stick to beat democrats up with. It is a weapon against obama. That automatically makes it worth repeating.

This is what I am talking about with respect to the Right today. You fools manufacture strawmen, then beat the shit out of your own inventions, then high five each other for a job well done.

Meanwhile, Obama moves along completely unscathed to electoral victory.

Idiots. This is actual mental retardation we are seeing here.

Being black has its perks. It can make a sow's ear president, and make a saint out of a street thug.

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