Thanks a lot, Baby Boomers

So baby boomers....

(1) Go to college dirt cheap, then jack up the price about 700% by the time I attended, (2) traded the idea of sane responsible banking for a "live for the moment" get rich quick profit scheme that crashed our global economy in 2006-2008, and (3) have drilled a giant divide in Washington D.C. by encouraging and perpetuating a nasty culture of political extremism.

Am I just being cynical, or does the "baby boom" generation have some explaining to do?

Sort of a half serious post, but I just thought I'd throw it out there.


I get what you're saying.

It sometimes troubles me how one generation can completely forget what made the previous one work.

My grandparents generation picked themselves up after the Depression and created the safety net. It was a time when America insisted on not being second rate at anything, and instead of waging a race to the bottom with countries like China when it comes to job security and benefits, they propped each other up, only for the boomers to come along and undo everything.

It's like we've been taken back to the 20's instead of appreciating and mending the aspects of the safety net that actually work alright!

Jeebus! LW boomers or RW boomers? If you can't tell the difference, you are a total pawn.
Under Pubs, grants and Fed loans are cut, prices at public colleges doubled under Booosh while deregulation led to a plague of over priced scam online "universities". Ay caramba! Pub dupes!! And I mean ANYONE who doesn't know this. JFC!!:eusa_liar::cuckoo::mad:
Look at your post this way, if you blame baby boomers for the situation we are in now, just think about the state of our country when you young ones suck your share out of the country.

This is what we are talking about when we say Obama, via his healthcare agenda, will stick your generation with a nightmare ten times what it is now.

Personally, I hope that our government begins to scale back over the next 20-30 years. And to note, I’m not an Obama fan, nor a Democrat.

My generation is not one of entitlements, and the reason being is that we simply don’t trust the government for the things that maybe those born in the 50’s and 60’s would trust the government for. Social Security? Fat chance I’ll ever see a check, so I’m planning retirement for myself via a 401k.

I like the idea of good and effective social safety nets, but there are a lot of aspects of our government that have grown rampant and out of control. Especially when it comes to the authority of the government, and it's access to matters that should remain personal and private. The bipartisan NDAA 2012 act sends SHIVERS up my spine.

I think a lot of young people are somewhat conservative (at heart) or can be conservative when it comes to an approach to government. So why do we generally not vote Republican?

A few reasons:

1.) Modern Republicans generally are as fiscally expansive and authoritarian as Democrats. Small Gov’t my ass.
2.) The Republican Party is on the “wrong side” of social issues with regards to the youth. Shouldn’t a small gov’t party care less if gay people marry?

Anyways, just my two cents.
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Look at your post this way, if you blame baby boomers for the situation we are in now, just think about the state of our country when you young ones suck your share out of the country.

This is what we are talking about when we say Obama, via his healthcare agenda, will stick your generation with a nightmare ten times what it is now.

Personally, I hope that our government begins to scale back over the next 20-30 years. And to note, I’m not an Obama fan, nor a Democrat.

My generation is not one of entitlements, and the reason being is that we simply don’t trust the government for the things that maybe those born in the 50’s and 60’s would trust the government for. Social Security? Fat chance I’ll ever see a check, so I’m planning retirement for myself via a 401k.

I like the idea of good and effective social safety nets, but there are a lot of aspects of our government that have grown rampant and out of control. Especially when it comes to the authority of the government, and it's access to matters that should remain personal and private. The bipartisan NDAA 2012 act sends SHIVERS up my spine.

I think a lot of young people are somewhat conservative (at heart) or can be conservative when it comes to an approach to government. So why do we generally not vote Republican?

A few reasons:

1.) Modern Republicans generally are as fiscally expansive and authoritarian as Democrats. Small Gov’t my ass.
2.) The Republican Party is on the “wrong side” of social issues with regards to the youth. Shouldn’t a small gov’t party care less if gay people marry?

Anyways, just my two cents.

AARP calls SS going down the #1 myth (Pubcrappe YOU believe!)- IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. But vote Pub and make it close LOL.
Look at your post this way, if you blame baby boomers for the situation we are in now, just think about the state of our country when you young ones suck your share out of the country.

This is what we are talking about when we say Obama, via his healthcare agenda, will stick your generation with a nightmare ten times what it is now.

Personally, I hope that our government begins to scale back over the next 20-30 years. And to note, I’m not an Obama fan, nor a Democrat.

My generation is not one of entitlements, and the reason being is that we simply don’t trust the government for the things that maybe those born in the 50’s and 60’s would trust the government for. Social Security? Fat chance I’ll ever see a check, so I’m planning retirement for myself via a 401k.

I like the idea of good and effective social safety nets, but there are a lot of aspects of our government that have grown rampant and out of control. I think a lot of young people are somewhat conservative (at heart) or can be conservative when it comes to an approach to government. So why do we generally not vote Republican?

A few reasons:

1.) Modern Republicans generally are as fiscally expansive and authoritarian as Democrats. Small Gov’t my ass.
2.) Generally are on the “wrong side” of social issues with regards to the youth. Shouldn’t a small gov’t party care less if gay people marry?

Anyways, just my two cents.

I was born in 1980, I will soon be 32 and I know certainly I will never see a SS check despite the fact I pay 15% into the program.

I cannot blame those who are now collecting for being born, however I will say I find their constant whining annoying - they should feel fortunate they're getting a check, however it's not their fault they were born 65+ years ago, but I do believe they should be more humble considering my (or our) futures....

Social Security should without question be addressed..... I believe SS accounts should be "individualized" - meaning you pay 15% into your own personal account - that way you can retire when you want, or believe you have enough to live on for the rest of your life.

Of course our government doesn't understand logic.... At the same time our government already raided the SS funds and spent them so now they're taxing younger individuals just so they can pay for what they owe to the "baby boomers."

Not to mention old welfare recipients (or welfare recipients in general) who have never contributed to SS don't help the situation either.... Why should I work so they can live for free their entire lives? meanwhile I will get nothing 30 years from now....
Well you teach economics - economics usually doesn't focus on social ideas... I suppose basic microeconomics does but that is as far as economics gets to real social ideas....

My intended target was more of the Liberal Arts professors/teachers.....

I cant see how economics could even be political, maybe theoretical (such as Keynesian)...

Nick, I think economics goes hand in hand with politics, a lot more than in other subjects such as accounting, finance, engineering, to name a few.


Economics like accounting should have absolutely nothing to do with politics...

Politics are what impedes economics....

Capitalism is the only successful economic model.... Quite frankly I wouldn't even call socialism an economic model considering the idea is more social than economic....

I would certainly label a dictated economy (or planned economy) not economic but an economy dictated by a social outcome.... Almost the opposite of true capitalism...


For instance, say my assertion is that it’s the role of government to correct negative externatities created by businesses (say business A pollutes to a tune of a $50 million cost to the environment a year) in order to facilitate a healthier market and society; how are you going to keep that non-political?
You're an IDIOT if you believe SS will certainly end. Change the channel, fear mongered Pub dupe. Jeebus.
Do you have a Che' Tee-Shirt?

I was at Magic Mountain last summer and a teen Mexican girl had a Che' shirt on; I blurted out "what the fuck are you wearing that for, was your Osama bin Laden shirt dirty?" I thought my wife would have apoplexy. The girl seemed too dumb to comprehend the connotation.

No, I don't have a Che shirt. Why the should I care about some random Marxist revolutionary? Sniper/Nick like to put people in buckets; it makes 'understanding' the world easier for them, because it saves them from having to think too hard.
I teach a college class, Nick. I'm sure not praising socialism.

The liberal arts and humanities areas do not reflect hard science, finance and economics. You'll find the latter to be mostly moderate to conservative.

The majority of books I have read that are required reading for college students are sympathetic to socialism/communism..

Few focus on the horrors of socialism/communism, authoritarianism or totalitarianism...

"Li Da" by Nick Knight is a perfect example.

There is no objectivity - actually, reality and facts are blatantly hidden or minimized when it comes to socialism/communism in these books.
The liberal college professors have their own communal system embedded in their own labor union in order to assure their jobs are not taken from them due to their own incompetency. Tenured professors cannot be fired. That is pretty much a communist thing. One might logically expect praise of communism to come from such a group.

Engineering schools are likely to present less praise of politics than do the liberal arts schools. However, I did have an English prof at Georgia Tech that made sure we all knew he was pro-collectivism. The math and engineering profs rarely revealed their political fantasies. They seemed more keen on teaching students how to use their own brains rather than convincing them to join a certain party.

BTW, Kevin...the tsunami of citizens that came as baby boomers created waves of demands for certain goods to begin and end understandably in sequences. First came diapers, cribs, baby food, baby clothes..then toddler goods and toys along with other foods and cereals, then schools and teachers, then teenager staples and so on until it got to be time for the first baby boomer to go to college. Then the demand for college educations rose...and of course, the baby boomers started having babies of their own.


I am not aware as to why 1967 was chosen as the end of the baby boom. 21 years seems a bit long for all the boys to "come home". It appears that the boom in births started a few years before the boys came home. (Maybe there was a lot of infidelity while the boys were away...or maybe a lot of the boys wanted the wife to be pregnant before they left.)

Anyway, it is perfectly natural for the cost of college education to rise with the demand...and due to INFLATION. Most people that were born in 1967 have likely completed all the college they plan to do. But the price ain't gonna fall much.

Blame who you want. It doesn't matter one bit to me.

Thanks for the graph.

Demand playing into the cost - that's a very good point. But inflation? Not sure so much, as college costs inflate about 4-6% every year vs about 2% across the economy as a whole.
Look at your post this way, if you blame baby boomers for the situation we are in now, just think about the state of our country when you young ones suck your share out of the country.

This is what we are talking about when we say Obama, via his healthcare agenda, will stick your generation with a nightmare ten times what it is now.

Personally, I hope that our government begins to scale back over the next 20-30 years. And to note, I’m not an Obama fan, nor a Democrat.

My generation is not one of entitlements, and the reason being is that we simply don’t trust the government for the things that maybe those born in the 50’s and 60’s would trust the government for. Social Security? Fat chance I’ll ever see a check, so I’m planning retirement for myself via a 401k.

I like the idea of good and effective social safety nets, but there are a lot of aspects of our government that have grown rampant and out of control. Especially when it comes to the authority of the government, and it's access to matters that should remain personal and private. The bipartisan NDAA 2012 act sends SHIVERS up my spine.

I think a lot of young people are somewhat conservative (at heart) or can be conservative when it comes to an approach to government. So why do we generally not vote Republican?

A few reasons:

1.) Modern Republicans generally are as fiscally expansive and authoritarian as Democrats. Small Gov’t my ass.
2.) The Republican Party is on the “wrong side” of social issues with regards to the youth. Shouldn’t a small gov’t party care less if gay people marry?

Anyways, just my two cents.

AARP calls SS going down the #1 myth (Pubcrappe YOU believe!)- IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. But vote Pub and make it close LOL.

There is no SS account you pathetic old ass loser......

Your big fucking government used all the money and now your SS check is coming out of my fucking pocket.... Your greedy ass doesn't give a fuck either....

You should be grateful at least......

I'm not getting shit 30 years from now....
So baby boomers....

(1) Go to college dirt cheap, then jack up the price about 700% by the time I attended, (2) traded the idea of sane responsible banking for a "live for the moment" get rich quick profit scheme that crashed our global economy in 2006-2008, and (3) have drilled a giant divide in Washington D.C. by encouraging and perpetuating a nasty culture of political extremism and billion dollar campaigns.

Am I just being cynical, or does the "baby boom" generation have some explaining to do?

Sort of a half serious post, but I just thought I'd throw it out there.

What do you know about Mao and his batshit insane youth revolution - that or Pol Pot???

If you were smart you would realize you're nothing more than a collectivist tool...

Says the collectivist tool of the far right. Sigh.

For instance, say my assertion is that it’s the role of government to correct negative externatities created by businesses (say business A pollutes to a tune of a $50 million cost to the environment a year) in order to facilitate a healthier market and society; how are you going to keep that non-political?

Kevin, that isn't economics.

You might be able to form a corralary between environmental regulation complience costs and expansion of markets in certain regions. Or even the effect that a lack of environmental regulation in foreign markets has on domestic production patterns.

Economics is the study of markets and monetary supplies.
You're an IDIOT if you believe SS will certainly end. Change the channel, fear mongered Pub dupe. Jeebus.

Does everyone need social security though? I mean, I'd much rather hold onto the money that I'm paying into the program now - out of each paycheck - and instead throw it into investments of my choice.

I know that I can't do this, however, because the money I pay now is directly going to support current SS recipients. Kind of like we're stuck.

I read somewhere that when SS was started there were about 3-4 workers for every 1 retiree (or something like that). Now we're headed towards 1-2 workers for every 1 retiree. It's going to cause us problems by the time I'm 60, you can count on that.
Well you teach economics - economics usually doesn't focus on social ideas... I suppose basic microeconomics does but that is as far as economics gets to real social ideas....

My intended target was more of the Liberal Arts professors/teachers.....

I cant see how economics could even be political, maybe theoretical (such as Keynesian)...

Nick, I think economics goes hand in hand with politics, a lot more than in other subjects such as accounting, finance, engineering, to name a few.


Economics like accounting should have absolutely nothing to do with politics...

Politics are what impedes economics....

Capitalism is the only successful economic model.... Quite frankly I wouldn't even call socialism an economic model considering the idea is more social than economic....

I would certainly label a dictated economy (or planned economy) not economic but an economy dictated by a social outcome.... Almost the opposite of true capitalism...

Mr. Nick is the Rob Swanson of the Board.

What a hoot!
Nick, I think economics goes hand in hand with politics, a lot more than in other subjects such as accounting, finance, engineering, to name a few.


Economics like accounting should have absolutely nothing to do with politics...

Politics are what impedes economics....

Capitalism is the only successful economic model.... Quite frankly I wouldn't even call socialism an economic model considering the idea is more social than economic....

I would certainly label a dictated economy (or planned economy) not economic but an economy dictated by a social outcome.... Almost the opposite of true capitalism...


For instance, say my assertion is that it’s the role of government to correct negative externatities created by businesses (say business A pollutes to a tune of a $50 million cost to the environment a year) in order to facilitate a healthier market and society; how are you going to keep that non-political?

I never claimed politics didn't have an impact on economics - I said economics had their own "system" if you will...

My point was that humans dictate economies through their intervention (most notably capitalism) ....

The only economic model that can survive without human intervention or dictation is true capitalism.... Socialism is a failure and all a mixed economy does is hinder growth and the standard of living...
Nick, I think economics goes hand in hand with politics, a lot more than in other subjects such as accounting, finance, engineering, to name a few.


Economics like accounting should have absolutely nothing to do with politics...

Politics are what impedes economics....

Capitalism is the only successful economic model.... Quite frankly I wouldn't even call socialism an economic model considering the idea is more social than economic....

I would certainly label a dictated economy (or planned economy) not economic but an economy dictated by a social outcome.... Almost the opposite of true capitalism...

Mr. Nick is the Rob Swanson of the Board.

What a hoot!

You have anything to add that has something to do with the topic or economics???

No, didn't think so - so shut the fuck up and let the adults debate and exchange ideas..
Personally, I hope that our government begins to scale back over the next 20-30 years. And to note, I’m not an Obama fan, nor a Democrat.

My generation is not one of entitlements, and the reason being is that we simply don’t trust the government for the things that maybe those born in the 50’s and 60’s would trust the government for. Social Security? Fat chance I’ll ever see a check, so I’m planning retirement for myself via a 401k.

I like the idea of good and effective social safety nets, but there are a lot of aspects of our government that have grown rampant and out of control. Especially when it comes to the authority of the government, and it's access to matters that should remain personal and private. The bipartisan NDAA 2012 act sends SHIVERS up my spine.

I think a lot of young people are somewhat conservative (at heart) or can be conservative when it comes to an approach to government. So why do we generally not vote Republican?

A few reasons:

1.) Modern Republicans generally are as fiscally expansive and authoritarian as Democrats. Small Gov’t my ass.
2.) The Republican Party is on the “wrong side” of social issues with regards to the youth. Shouldn’t a small gov’t party care less if gay people marry?

Anyways, just my two cents.

AARP calls SS going down the #1 myth (Pubcrappe YOU believe!)- IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. But vote Pub and make it close LOL.

There is no SS account you pathetic old ass loser......

Your big fucking government used all the money and now your SS check is coming out of my fucking pocket.... Your greedy ass doesn't give a fuck either....

You should be grateful at least......

I'm not getting shit 30 years from now....

Sure there is, it won't go broke till 2033 as is, and a little tinkering is plenty to make it last for you and your kids...change the channel, young pup/dupe/moron, AND your PARTY lol.:cuckoo:

And boomers aren't about when the boys came home, it's about when they had babies.

Sorry you missed the party and the Great Society, and get this Reaganist/Neocon deconstruction and DEPRESSION. Pubs ALWAYS SUQ and ruin the nonrich and the country. You listen to Rush and Fox and corporate cowardly media and think you KNOW something. You are MORONS! tyvm

For instance, say my assertion is that it’s the role of government to correct negative externatities created by businesses (say business A pollutes to a tune of a $50 million cost to the environment a year) in order to facilitate a healthier market and society; how are you going to keep that non-political?

Kevin, that isn't economics.

You might be able to form a corralary between environmental regulation complience costs and expansion of markets in certain regions. Or even the effect that a lack of environmental regulation in foreign markets has on domestic production patterns.

Economics is the study of markets and monetary supplies.

What about monetary policy? What about laws and rules and how a market would function in the absence (or over abundance) of those things? What about a government’s role in correcting negative externalities generated by a market or an industry? How about a government’s role in correcting/dismantling monopolies? What about public goods and services? What about government stabilizing the economy in the event of a disaster?

Don’t those things fall under the umbrella of “Economics”?
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No, you're a brainwashed Rush/Beck/Foxbot who is absolutely clueless, and you have PLENTY of company here.. Change the channel and get some fresh air...


View attachment 18562

The one trick is figuring out you believe a pile of RW BULLSHYTTE from the biggest propaganda machine the USA has ever seen.

Murdoch the REAL thug and the hordes of RW bought off liars are a threat to our wonderful country. Murdoch is about to be thrown out of the UK, should be here too. A liar/bully/thug.

Read something fer chrissake, and not RW BS, one of those "marxist", actually respected worldwide, NY Times, Wash. Post, or even USA Today or your local big city paper. Get off the net, it's 90% RW BS, because it's so easy to make money off the dupes...

Frank and beans > View attachment 18572
Ike was an independant and we had no competition, only time Pubs weren't a disaster or setting the stage for a corrupt bust...
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