Thanks Biden!

The far left wing dinosaurs don’t give a shit because a lot of them are retired … they’re dinosaurs of the worst part they won’t be around in time to come and this country will be much better. The hope is that these old left-wing dinosaurs change their ways for the better and start to benefit this country.

You can see the older left wing US message board posters are the types of psychopaths who support abortion of any kind, they don’t care about young men having a higher suicide rate in this country than they have ever had. They just don’t care anymore they laugh at these things. They don’t give a shit about it. They don’t even care about their grandchildren.
I don't consider the older left wingers to be quite as bad as the newer ones like AOC & the squad type's.
Now the ones on this board are just mostly batshit crazy from TDS so nothing bad happens unless it can be blamed on DT. Everything else is spun as good news despite reality.
They grew up trusting the MSM & can't even figure out how they went from no war, don't trust the man with a complete 180 to we can take Russian & do whatever the authorities tell you.

The left is continuing to go straight towards totalitarianism.
Whether it is a system of fascism where they partner with the biggest multi-nationals, communism where they take over the means of production or a neo-feudal where we are all serfs subject to the whims of the new elite globalist aristocracy matters not.
They all end up a totalitarian system where the ones at the top have complete control of an ignorant & weakened mass of proles.

You didn't leave the Dems, they left you behind chasing after Big Brother
I don't consider the older left wingers to be quite as bad as the newer ones like AOC & the squad type's.
Now the ones on this board are just mostly batshit crazy from TDS so nothing bad happens unless it can be blamed on DT. Everything else is spun as good news despite reality.
They grew up trusting the MSM & can't even figure out how they went from no war, don't trust the man with a complete 180 to we can take Russian & do whatever the authorities tell you.

The left is continuing to go straight towards totalitarianism.
Whether it is a system of fascism where they partner with the biggest multi-nationals, communism where they take over the means of production or a neo-feudal where we are all serfs subject to the whims of the new elite globalist aristocracy matters not.
They all end up a totalitarian system where the ones at the top have complete control of an ignorant & weakened mass of proles.

You didn't leave the Dems, they left you behind chasing after Big Brother
There is a good point there this young generation of squad left wingers are more nuts than the older generation of left wingers just as you pointed out the old-school left was against bad wars, they were against the overt military industrial complex. I would even venture to say that leftist Democrats of the Bill Clinton era were much much better people than the leftist Democrats of today.

And I shouldn’t called the older generation of leftist nuts what I mean by the older generation of leftists that are nuts are the ones who openly supported the enemies of America the ones who openly sided with our enemies during times of war and that kind of thing. These types of Democrats were never JFK or RFK Democrats.
Inflation has gone all the way down to 5% now and Democrats and their lefty media are telling us how much better things are going month after month after month. Every month things get better and better, and yet we are still much worse off than we were when Biden first took office and we're not getting back anytime soon. Two thirds of the country (and that includes Democrats themselves) think the country is on the wrong track.

Inflation is staying at 5% because they're afraid to raise interest rates much more or banks will go belly up and we certainly can't have that. So, it's a choice of accepting 5% inflation from now on or having runs on banks. Meanwhile, people couldn't afford housing, groceries, or other things before and now we can look forward to those high costs going up 5% more every year from that.

But, don't ever forget, orange man bad. It's Trump's fault and, come to think of it, it's Reagan's fault too. Biden and the democrats refuse to take responsibility for anything. They want us to thank them for how good things are.
at 5% inflation is still more than double what it was during the previous admin .. and 5% is the amount of increase in prices ! but the left believes that means prices are falling ...
That is the attitude where you end up with real despots running.
I'm not too sure things are getting "better and better." My rent just went up. Gas prices are on the rise. A bag of groceries is more than $100.00. And it doesn't appear that Pedo "The Wrecking Ball" Biden has any plans to slow down. I don't mind the fact that he's an imbecile, but the problem is that he's not under professional, psychiatric care. It's elderly abuse to let him continue making believe that he knows how to lead a nation.
In his defense though, it's not his senility. He's doing the very same things most Democrats would do.
Considering they don't count things like fuel & groceries in the BS inflation numbers they gaslight us with, I'm surprised they aren't trying to tell us it's even lower.

Everybody knows inflation on everyday items is much higher than 5%.
So what if Post-its have only gone up slightly when everything we actually need is unaffordable?
Yes, that's very convenient. Why have inflation numbers which don't include volatile everyday expenses like gas and groceries? They are gaslighting us. But, even their drones wonder how things are so great when they can't afford gas, groceries, or housing.
Do you actually have a response to what he wrote in his post? It had nothing to do with AR's or penises.
So far ... I haven't met a single liberal on this site that has answered me directly. They either "debate" by hurling insults or they change the subject, altogether. But, in their defense, what choice do they have?
So far ... I haven't met a single liberal on this site that has answered me directly. They either "debate" by hurling insults or they change the subject, altogether. But, in their defense, what choice do they have?
You know you've won your argument when they start hurling insults.
Every post he offers has to do with his penis extension. Its right there under his silly missive.
You sure seem obsessed with penis size for a fat & lonely lesbian...
Are you looking to hop back on the old pogo stick or did you just run out of peanut butter & stupid dogs?
I'm not gong down his rabbit hole. One day he might back off on the absurd claims. He might be capable of rational discussion at that point.
Then why did you bother posting at all? If you don't like rabbit holes then don't reply to rabbit hole posts.

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