Thanks for nothing Obamacare

don't ya love it... in the news today Republicans sent a invitation to all health care insurance companies to air their grievances in a hearing today ... what happen is none of them came to the hearing... all the insurance companies sent messages to these republicans saying they need to stop their hearing ... it will make the republicans look foolish ... you know republicans, you can't tell them anything ... they had their hearing none of the insurance companies came to their hearing ... we all got to watch these republicans slither out of the meeting one republican at a time...
it was priceless !!!!
Have faith.

A Libtard will be along momentarily to tell you that you are lying.

he's lying ... heres why ... all insurance are required to have a prescription drug plan in their health care plan ... were you pay nothing, or a dollar amount ... usually no more the 40 dollars ... we realize you have shit for brains...every time you take a shit you lose a little more of your mind ... we understand you will believe just about anything your told.. but hey !!!! he's lying and we know it... you, not so much

Dear Billy:
Do you understand the concept
that some people PREFER to pay for their own health care themselves,
and PREFER to help other people reduce or cover health care costs
OTHER WAYS besides these federal mandates and requirements on INSURANCE?

Can we try comparing this to Atheists vs. Christians.
That some people who are Atheists prefer to live by their morality
and free choice WITHOUT being forced to go through the Bible or Churches.

even if it means they could get a lot
of the best care donated for FREE through Christian charities or networks.

They'd rather go through OTHER systems
and NOT be forced under some system that Christians
have set up that runs better, covers more people, for less.

Do you understand FREEDOM is more important to some people?

I worry if you don't get this, you may never understand why
Conservatives and Constitutionalist find this ACA set up so unlawful.

Billy I am a prochoice liberal Democrat, and I find it intolerable
and contradictory not only to Constitutional principles but to human nature.

People need free will, and when this is imposed upon, it causes disruption, revolt,
division and rejection. The public will not be unified until this issue is resolved.
Treating it like a fake issue is like letting cancer go unchecked because "everyone is prone to cancer."
That's no reason to take it for granted and assume if it's really bad, it can be fixed later. It's already a problem.
These symptoms that "something is wrong if half the nation is opposed" should NOT be ignored.

first of all emiily there aren't any federal mandates... once you've learn that you'll do fine... if you want to pay for your own insurance you can ... there isn't an law that says you can't... like always Emily cinicola you have your head in your ass ... you say the stupidest things Ive ever heard ... your
scenarios are just comical at best... they make no sense at all
Why not lobby the Democrat Party to negotiate the same low rates
through their PARTY so it is legal to set up optional exchanges and plans?

You can have the best system in the world, but if it is abusing federal govt
to regulate and impose business contracts, it is outside the rules and agreements of govt.

Christianity is the best system in the world for healing spiritual ills;
but I would never imposed that through federal govt because it is NOT DESIGNED for it.
Same here, where people have different beliefs, which by law are supposed to be protected, not violated this way.

Political party programs could easily be structured locally, statewide and nationally
to provide these services LEGALLY with the same group rates to members and to the public voluntarily.

If Congress and Courts could be pressured to push this bill and regulations against Constitutional limits,
surely the Democrat Party and insurance companies
could be pressured to offer the same through Party which is and always has been legal to do.
It is NOT Constitutional to impose business mandates on citizens who didn't consent to the contracts.

Why settle for doing this unlawfully outside the stated limits of federal govt?

That's like taking someone's car as a shortcut to buying your own legally.
What kind of ethics are we teaching people by lowering or violating standards for govt?

At work we were told a couple years ago that because of the extra cost associated with Obamacare our Health insurance was going to a high deductible health plan that would not cover prescriptions till we reach the deductible. So now I can no longer afford Lipitor that is working so well for me and will have to go on something else that my Dr. doubts will work. So my health is getting worse thanks to Obamacare. I think it is crazy that health insurances have to cover contraceptives at 100% but I can get no help paying for LIpitor which is more much more of a life saver.

You do realize that the high deductible plan that you chose, has a lower premium than the plan with the lower this savings in a less costly premium, you should be able to use for covering your medications, no? At least this is how it is at my husband's job....we had 3 policies we could choose from, the most expensive with the lowest deductible and highest payout of 80%, and the least expensive premium policy amount for the 70% coverage, high deductible plan....

Instead of making this "political" why not TRY to HELP YOURSELF jtw?

One little google search on Lipitor and I was able to find THIS for you....

you should be able to get your medication for as little as $5 a month and the highest amount with this program, $30 a month...

Please take care of yourself and GO TO THAT LINK and fill out the information so you can get your needed and preferred meds, cheaply....


there isn't anything illegal ina the ACA plan where you get this Idea of setting up optional exchanges is totally insane ... it will never work its been tried in some st6ates and it failed big time ... isn't there some fool you can go and entertain next door to you with your insane Ideas ... maybe they will listen to your nonsense ...
again thats was a different plan .... one I had in 2003 ... that I also said in my post... try and keep up moron you're really makling a fool of your self here ... I was pposting it to tell them here how bad health care was when they could change the rulse at any time they pleased moron ... man you're ignorant ... you can't even comprehend what I wrote ... I was telling them here how bad health care was before obmama care was pass

you fucking lying sack of said the guy on the phone said you were covered when you were not...when you were asked if you checked their booklet you did not answer meaning you did took the word of some dumbass on the phone and you got fucked and of course you blame the nasty Ins.Com. for your are a dumbass are no different than those on the far right....a stupid dumb fuck who gets fucked over by a Company because he is too stupid to comprehend a simple little does it feel billy to be just like those dummies from the backwoods? you have all your teeth?....

I said the person on the phone said I was covered, on a speaker phone, at the place where I was going to get it ... they said it to the people who gave the MRI .... I was never asked by the insurance company if I checked my book ... I never posted that question in my post did in a follow up post you said to me "poor baby" you should have look in your book... that's what you said ... you assumed that I didn't check my book ... I replied to you at the time I said in my post if you don't get it in writing you're fuck... that's what I said ... you came back with this you didn't look in your book shit... I never look in my book ... even now i don't look in my book I get the company to commit in writing ... Pluss I never discussed here to anyone about me looking in my book ... I said Now when I have some costly thing done I get it in writing first .... so there isn't any discussion about who pays what... I said that dumb fuck... when they time came to pay for the bill, the insurance company declined it ... I said that too in my post ... I also said this was a practice the insurance companies did all the time ...the insurance company who said they did cover it said it wasn't cover after telling us it was ... pay fucking attention you dumb fuck !!!! that's the way insurance companies were ... you dumb fuck repub-lie-tards seem to love it for some stupid reason ...

I didn't blame any insurance company in my post... I blamed my self for not getting it in writing ...I said that too in my post ... like this one you dumb fuck, you went off the deep end again cause you don't comprehend a thing you read ...

geezus billy calm down.....and i went off the deep end?.....i think there is only one person in the deep end billy.....and you dumbass you dont need to get it in writing ....if its in your book and it says its covered....its got fucked billy and you made the mistake of telling us and you got kicked around by the did not like you got upset and started spraying everyone with your spit....hey you live and learn....and i never said to you "poor baby".....if you can find me saying that to anyone here i will ban myself for a month.....
he's lying ... heres why ... all insurance are required to have a prescription drug plan in their health care plan ... were you pay nothing, or a dollar amount ... usually no more the 40 dollars ... we realize you have shit for brains...every time you take a shit you lose a little more of your mind ... we understand you will believe just about anything your told.. but hey !!!! he's lying and we know it... you, not so much

Dear Billy:
Do you understand the concept
that some people PREFER to pay for their own health care themselves,
and PREFER to help other people reduce or cover health care costs
OTHER WAYS besides these federal mandates and requirements on INSURANCE?

Can we try comparing this to Atheists vs. Christians.
That some people who are Atheists prefer to live by their morality
and free choice WITHOUT being forced to go through the Bible or Churches.

even if it means they could get a lot
of the best care donated for FREE through Christian charities or networks.

They'd rather go through OTHER systems
and NOT be forced under some system that Christians
have set up that runs better, covers more people, for less.

Do you understand FREEDOM is more important to some people?

I worry if you don't get this, you may never understand why
Conservatives and Constitutionalist find this ACA set up so unlawful.

Billy I am a prochoice liberal Democrat, and I find it intolerable
and contradictory not only to Constitutional principles but to human nature.

People need free will, and when this is imposed upon, it causes disruption, revolt,
division and rejection. The public will not be unified until this issue is resolved.
Treating it like a fake issue is like letting cancer go unchecked because "everyone is prone to cancer."
That's no reason to take it for granted and assume if it's really bad, it can be fixed later. It's already a problem.
These symptoms that "something is wrong if half the nation is opposed" should NOT be ignored.

first of all emiily there aren't any federal mandates... once you've learn that you'll do fine... if you want to pay for your own insurance you can ... there isn't an law that says you can't... like always Emily cinicola you have your head in your ass ... you say the stupidest things Ive ever heard ... your
scenarios are just comical at best... they make no sense at all

you should talk billy......why are you in the red?.....even your fellow lefties dont like what you know why...because you ARE A DUMBASS!......
he's lying ... heres why ... all insurance are required to have a prescription drug plan in their health care plan ... were you pay nothing, or a dollar amount ... usually no more the 40 dollars ... we realize you have shit for brains...every time you take a shit you lose a little more of your mind ... we understand you will believe just about anything your told.. but hey !!!! he's lying and we know it... you, not so much[/QUO

Not True My insurance will not pay anything on most meds till the $4800 deductible is met
I don't think he is lying billy

at my husband's work, they offered 3 plans all ACA acceptable, the cheapest premium one had a $1500 deductible, $6200 out of pocket per individual, 70% coverage after the deduct is met, and prescription drugs other than for specific conditions like diabetes, comes out of the deductible BEFORE the plan makes you pay only $20 copay for them....premium was $183 for the 2 of us...

the most expensive plan, covered 80%, had a $600 deductible, total $1500 out of pocket per individual, covered prescriptions with just a copay....premium was nearly $400($392) a month for just the 2 of us...

so i believe it all depends on the kind of policy you buy.....even if bought on the ACA Exchange, i'm sure it varies by policy....
[MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION] I used to think there was hope for an actual conversation with you but this thread is just more evidence that all you want to do is call names and lie.

WTH is wrong with you people?
At work we were told a couple years ago that because of the extra cost associated with Obamacare our Health insurance was going to a high deductible health plan that would not cover prescriptions till we reach the deductible. So now I can no longer afford Lipitor that is working so well for me and will have to go on something else that my Dr. doubts will work. So my health is getting worse thanks to Obamacare. I think it is crazy that health insurances have to cover contraceptives at 100% but I can get no help paying for LIpitor which is more much more of a life saver.

I don't believe your story but -

Lipitor is being taken off the market.

There are better choices. If you're off Lipitor, count your blessings.
[MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION] I used to think there was hope for an actual conversation with you but this thread is just more evidence that all you want to do is call names and lie.

WTH is wrong with you people?

Task Billy with the same question you are asking Harry.

Bet you won't.

So, WTH is wrong with you people?

he's lying ... heres why ... all insurance are required to have a prescription drug plan in their health care plan ... were you pay nothing, or a dollar amount ... usually no more the 40 dollars ... we realize you have shit for brains...every time you take a shit you lose a little more of your mind ... we understand you will believe just about anything your told.. but hey !!!! he's lying and we know it... you, not so much

Not True My insurance will not pay anything on most meds till the $4800 deductible is met

[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION] ^^There's 'you people'.^^

At work we were told a couple years ago that because of the extra cost associated with Obamacare our Health insurance was going to a high deductible health plan that would not cover prescriptions till we reach the deductible. So now I can no longer afford Lipitor that is working so well for me and will have to go on something else that my Dr. doubts will work. So my health is getting worse thanks to Obamacare. I think it is crazy that health insurances have to cover contraceptives at 100% but I can get no help paying for LIpitor which is more much more of a life saver.

I don't believe your story but -

Lipitor is being taken off the market.

There are better choices. If you're off Lipitor, count your blessings.

I don't believe your story but -

Lipitor is not being taken off the market.

His doctor is rxing Lipitor for him. Please stop playing doctor.
[MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION] I used to think there was hope for an actual conversation with you but this thread is just more evidence that all you want to do is call names and lie.

WTH is wrong with you people?

what am i lying about?....and how come you never say a fucking thing when your fellow lefties like billy call people names?.....Billy called people names in his first 4 posts before i even got here....where were you getting on him?....he called me a name first.....why did you not say anything to him?.....your buddy Billy calls everyone he is talking to a name.....why are you not saying anything to him? wanna say something Luddy i suggest if you cant be fair and honest maybe you should shut the fuck up.....just sayin....
[MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION] I used to think there was hope for an actual conversation with you but this thread is just more evidence that all you want to do is call names and lie.

WTH is wrong with you people?

Task Billy with the same question you are asking Harry.

Bet you won't.

So, WTH is wrong with you people?

[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION] ^^There's 'you people'.^^

At work we were told a couple years ago that because of the extra cost associated with Obamacare our Health insurance was going to a high deductible health plan that would not cover prescriptions till we reach the deductible. So now I can no longer afford Lipitor that is working so well for me and will have to go on something else that my Dr. doubts will work. So my health is getting worse thanks to Obamacare. I think it is crazy that health insurances have to cover contraceptives at 100% but I can get no help paying for LIpitor which is more much more of a life saver.

I don't believe your story but -

Lipitor is being taken off the market.

There are better choices. If you're off Lipitor, count your blessings.

I don't believe your story but -

Lipitor is not being taken off the market.

His doctor is rxing Lipitor for him. Please stop playing doctor.

Task Billy with the same question you are asking Harry.

Bet you won't.

So, WTH is wrong with you people?

you know dam well he wont....he probably wont be back because of what we both said.....but then thats his problem.....anyone who reads this thread will see who called who names first and who called out the wrong people because, some people,dont question another fellow party member,no matter what.....
[MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION] I used to think there was hope for an actual conversation with you but this thread is just more evidence that all you want to do is call names and lie.

WTH is wrong with you people?

Task Billy with the same question you are asking Harry.

Bet you won't.

So, WTH is wrong with you people?

[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION] ^^There's 'you people'.^^

I don't believe your story but -

Lipitor is being taken off the market.

There are better choices. If you're off Lipitor, count your blessings.

I don't believe your story but -

Lipitor is not being taken off the market.

His doctor is rxing Lipitor for him. Please stop playing doctor.

Task Billy with the same question you are asking Harry.

Bet you won't.

So, WTH is wrong with you people?

you know dam well he wont....he probably wont be back because of what we both said.....but then thats his problem.....anyone who reads this thread will see who called who names first and who called out the wrong people because, some people,dont question another fellow party member,no matter what.....

Why would anyone task Billy with anything? He's on the right side of the issue, but other than that, he's a fucking idiot maniac. That is why you supposed intellectual superstars can't help but seek out long discussions with him. You wait for him to say something stupid....and then apply his words to every liberal here.

Try harder.
I don't think he is lying billy

at my husband's work, they offered 3 plans all ACA acceptable, the cheapest premium one had a $1500 deductible, $6200 out of pocket per individual, 70% coverage after the deduct is met, and prescription drugs other than for specific conditions like diabetes, comes out of the deductible BEFORE the plan makes you pay only $20 copay for them....premium was $183 for the 2 of us...

the most expensive plan, covered 80%, had a $600 deductible, total $1500 out of pocket per individual, covered prescriptions with just a copay....premium was nearly $400($392) a month for just the 2 of us...

so i believe it all depends on the kind of policy you buy.....even if bought on the ACA Exchange, i'm sure it varies by policy....

I think what your premiums are depend of your locality. Here's an example:
"A 50-year-old Minnesotan who lives just south of the Twin Cities in Dakota County can buy a mid-level, silver plan for $241 a month. Just 20 miles away, across the state line in St. Croix County, the least expensive silver plan available to a 50-year-old Wisconsinite costs nearly three times that price — $622 a month.” Further proof that “it’s working” in Wisconsin"
Wisconsin health care plans much more expensive than Minnesota's | MinnPost
I have to try to find a way now to come up with cold hard cash to satisfy my $6,000.00 deductible.
So in the meantime I can go to the doctor because the visit is coverered under the copay...
As far as any tests he did in the past...I can no longer have them done.
So the extent of my healthcare is now having someone who can write my prescriptions and that's about it.

So in closing I fall into the liar catagory.
And I'm a racist because I say ObamaCare sucks...

Thanks Libs...

Maybe not liar, but not exactly honest, either.

You don't have to come up with the $6,000 right away, your healthcare providers will take payments. There are also caps on how much individual providers can charge.

So you don't have to have the $6,000 up front.
So if my heart explodes because of a new problem that was not detected because I no longer get it checked I guess I can rest peacefully knowing that the 48 million that didn't
have coverage now have it thanks in part to my sacrifice.....

Wait...where are those 48 million?

Most kept their employment insurance and have not had any major complaints. Those under 25 went on their parents' plans. So they are there, they didn't have to sign up online.
Task Billy with the same question you are asking Harry.

Bet you won't.

So, WTH is wrong with you people?

[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION] ^^There's 'you people'.^^

I don't believe your story but -

Lipitor is not being taken off the market.

His doctor is rxing Lipitor for him. Please stop playing doctor.

Task Billy with the same question you are asking Harry.

Bet you won't.

So, WTH is wrong with you people?

you know dam well he wont....he probably wont be back because of what we both said.....but then thats his problem.....anyone who reads this thread will see who called who names first and who called out the wrong people because, some people,dont question another fellow party member,no matter what.....

Why would anyone task Billy with anything? He's on the right side of the issue, but other than that, he's a fucking idiot maniac. That is why you supposed intellectual superstars can't help but seek out long discussions with him. You wait for him to say something stupid....and then apply his words to every liberal here.

Try harder.

since you quoted me i will assume you are talking to me.....i did not task the little fucker with anything......and what issue?..... he and i are talking about something he said in another unless you were there,which you were not,maybe you should quote someone else.....and did i say every liberal is like the little twerp?.....i dont think so...maybe you should try harder....

Task Billy with the same question you are asking Harry.

Bet you won't.

So, WTH is wrong with you people?

you know dam well he wont....he probably wont be back because of what we both said.....but then thats his problem.....anyone who reads this thread will see who called who names first and who called out the wrong people because, some people,dont question another fellow party member,no matter what.....

Why would anyone task Billy with anything? He's on the right side of the issue, but other than that, he's a fucking idiot maniac. That is why you supposed intellectual superstars can't help but seek out long discussions with him. You wait for him to say something stupid....and then apply his words to every liberal here.

Try harder.

since you quoted me i will assume you are talking to me.....i did not task the little fucker with anything......and what issue?..... he and i are talking about something he said in another unless you were there,which you were not,maybe you should quote someone else.....and did i say every liberal is like the little twerp?.....i dont think so...maybe you should try harder....

the problem you have Harry Dresden you didn't comprehend one thing that I was trying to say in that other post..

I was pointing out how bad health care was before Obama care the insurance company would tell you one thing, then deny you after the fact ... this was common practice ...the you brought up crap about it being in the had book ....didn't matter if it was in the book or not ... back then they did what they wanted you didn't get that you went loff on some tangent

then you came up with I didn't have health care ... I have had a health care plan of some sort all my life ... you were tying to make we out to be a moocher on the left ... like all you little pricks do ...
you fucking lying sack of said the guy on the phone said you were covered when you were not...when you were asked if you checked their booklet you did not answer meaning you did took the word of some dumbass on the phone and you got fucked and of course you blame the nasty Ins.Com. for your are a dumbass are no different than those on the far right....a stupid dumb fuck who gets fucked over by a Company because he is too stupid to comprehend a simple little does it feel billy to be just like those dummies from the backwoods? you have all your teeth?....

I said the person on the phone said I was covered, on a speaker phone, at the place where I was going to get it ... they said it to the people who gave the MRI .... I was never asked by the insurance company if I checked my book ... I never posted that question in my post did in a follow up post you said to me "poor baby" you should have look in your book... that's what you said ... you assumed that I didn't check my book ... I replied to you at the time I said in my post if you don't get it in writing you're fuck... that's what I said ... you came back with this you didn't look in your book shit... I never look in my book ... even now i don't look in my book I get the company to commit in writing ... Pluss I never discussed here to anyone about me looking in my book ... I said Now when I have some costly thing done I get it in writing first .... so there isn't any discussion about who pays what... I said that dumb fuck... when they time came to pay for the bill, the insurance company declined it ... I said that too in my post ... I also said this was a practice the insurance companies did all the time ...the insurance company who said they did cover it said it wasn't cover after telling us it was ... pay fucking attention you dumb fuck !!!! that's the way insurance companies were ... you dumb fuck repub-lie-tards seem to love it for some stupid reason ...

I didn't blame any insurance company in my post... I blamed my self for not getting it in writing ...I said that too in my post ... like this one you dumb fuck, you went off the deep end again cause you don't comprehend a thing you read ...

geezus billy calm down.....and i went off the deep end?.....i think there is only one person in the deep end billy.....and you dumbass you dont need to get it in writing ....if its in your book and it says its covered....its got fucked billy and you made the mistake of telling us and you got kicked around by the did not like you got upset and started spraying everyone with your spit....hey you live and learn....and i never said to you "poor baby".....if you can find me saying that to anyone here i will ban myself for a month.....

I'm quit calm ... yes you went off the deep end with all you attack words... it quit apparent you were losing it ... I just use the same tactics that you would use.. and dumb ass you do need to get it in writing back then ... these insurance companies would screw you any why they could, you dumb fuck ... no the only poster that said anything was you and you alone ... fine me saying I'd looked in the hand book like you implied ...find me saying any of the crap you were tying to imply here... you were the only one here trying to make it look like, a liberal moocher of some kind ... like you were trying here ...Like I was trying to get something for nothing... one would think if you are at the doctors office and you call your health care provider, where they say "yes he's covered" would be enough... you would think, hand book or not, your health care provider telling you and your doctor you're cover, after all I just blew out a disk .. I was in the hospital ... I didn't have the luxury to go to my house to look at a hand book to find out if they covered it or not . you idiot ...

I was just trying to point out how bad these insurance companies were and you want to make out to be a liberal moocher trying to get something for nothing.. I got your number....

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