Thanks for nothing Obamacare

Any tests? You sure about that?

According to the Insurance company any tests done in the doctors office I will be billed for
the cost of the test...I end up in the hospital I will have to pay out of pocket until the deductible is met. :mad:

Man! You sure did get a shit plan. You should look into that. You might have the worst health insurance plan known to man!

It's pretty obvious now he's Full of it.
Why didn't you switch to a plan in the Marketplace?

I was told you must keep your company plan unless it does not meet certain rules which my plan, as bad as it is, does meet. My current plan has a $4800 deductible on the family and will not cover much of anything till I meet it. My plan went from a $1500 deductible to $4800 all because of obamacare. So to me Obamacare is CRAP and everyone who voted for it lost my vote.

Who told you that?

Derp the freaking law. If your employer offers benefits you don't qualify for subsidies.
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Why didn't you switch to a plan in the Marketplace?

I was told you must keep your company plan unless it does not meet certain rules which my plan, as bad as it is, does meet. My current plan has a $4800 deductible on the family and will not cover much of anything till I meet it. My plan went from a $1500 deductible to $4800 all because of obamacare. So to me Obamacare is CRAP and everyone who voted for it lost my vote.

There are two sides to the story. First of all, the main reason you are paying more is because company plans are no longer being subsidized by allowing insurance companies to not cover those with pre-existing conditions. The second part about that is that we still do not know whether the insurance companies' numbers are good. Only time will tell on that. It could turn out that things will get even more expensive, but we could also see the exact opposite. There was an assumption made that health care spending would increase dramatically because of the ACA, but we have not yet seen that happen. In fact, from 2010 to 2012, we saw a massive slow down in healthcare spending, but that does not mean that will continue.

As for plans on the exchanges, they are not much different. If you pay for a cheaper plan, you get high deductibles also. For you personal situation, you do know that there is a generic for Lipitor, do you not? Is generic atorvastatin as good as brand-name Lipitor? - Harvard Health Publications It might be something you want to look into.

Personally, I am against the statins such as Lipitor for most people because they cause many bad side effects. While I do not know your situation personally, many people can lower their cholesterol through diet changes and exercise. My cholesterol used to be over 250; now it runs between 150 and 170 with a very high HDL. Last time they were checked, my total was 159; HDL 69, LDL 87, and Triglycerides were 44.

My last comment on all of this is that I do support the ACA and think it is a good start. What bothers me is that even most of us that support it realize there are problems with it that need to be addressed. If Republicans weren't so Hell bent on repealing it and concentrated on fixing the problems, we might actually be able to make it work for everyone.

Actually I take the generic for Lipitor but even $20 per month is hard to come up with when you are the only one working and supporting the family. I have already cut bills as far as I can so now if I can not afford a medicine I take I will have to find a cheaper one or stop taking it.
I was told you must keep your company plan unless it does not meet certain rules which my plan, as bad as it is, does meet. My current plan has a $4800 deductible on the family and will not cover much of anything till I meet it. My plan went from a $1500 deductible to $4800 all because of obamacare. So to me Obamacare is CRAP and everyone who voted for it lost my vote.

There are two sides to the story. First of all, the main reason you are paying more is because company plans are no longer being subsidized by allowing insurance companies to not cover those with pre-existing conditions. The second part about that is that we still do not know whether the insurance companies' numbers are good. Only time will tell on that. It could turn out that things will get even more expensive, but we could also see the exact opposite. There was an assumption made that health care spending would increase dramatically because of the ACA, but we have not yet seen that happen. In fact, from 2010 to 2012, we saw a massive slow down in healthcare spending, but that does not mean that will continue.

As for plans on the exchanges, they are not much different. If you pay for a cheaper plan, you get high deductibles also. For you personal situation, you do know that there is a generic for Lipitor, do you not? Is generic atorvastatin as good as brand-name Lipitor? - Harvard Health Publications It might be something you want to look into.

Personally, I am against the statins such as Lipitor for most people because they cause many bad side effects. While I do not know your situation personally, many people can lower their cholesterol through diet changes and exercise. My cholesterol used to be over 250; now it runs between 150 and 170 with a very high HDL. Last time they were checked, my total was 159; HDL 69, LDL 87, and Triglycerides were 44.

My last comment on all of this is that I do support the ACA and think it is a good start. What bothers me is that even most of us that support it realize there are problems with it that need to be addressed. If Republicans weren't so Hell bent on repealing it and concentrated on fixing the problems, we might actually be able to make it work for everyone.

Actually I take the generic for Lipitor but even $20 per month is hard to come up with when you are the only one working and supporting the family. I have already cut bills as far as I can so now if I can not afford a medicine I take I will have to find a cheaper one or stop taking it.


You don't have a spare $20 per month for meds? need to get that second job and start bootstrap pulling.....and FAST!
At work we were told a couple years ago that because of the extra cost associated with Obamacare our Health insurance was going to a high deductible health plan that would not cover prescriptions till we reach the deductible. So now I can no longer afford Lipitor that is working so well for me and will have to go on something else that my Dr. doubts will work. So my health is getting worse thanks to Obamacare. I think it is crazy that health insurances have to cover contraceptives at 100% but I can get no help paying for LIpitor which is more much more of a life saver.

AAAAAAAAAAH pooooooooooooor beeby....
Have faith.

A Libtard will be along momentarily to tell you that you are lying.

he's lying ... heres why ... all insurance are required to have a prescription drug plan in their health care plan ... were you pay nothing, or a dollar amount ... usually no more the 40 dollars ... we realize you have shit for brains...every time you take a shit you lose a little more of your mind ... we understand you will believe just about anything your told.. but hey !!!! he's lying and we know it... you, not so much
At work we were told a couple years ago that because of the extra cost associated with Obamacare our Health insurance was going to a high deductible health plan that would not cover prescriptions till we reach the deductible. So now I can no longer afford Lipitor that is working so well for me and will have to go on something else that my Dr. doubts will work. So my health is getting worse thanks to Obamacare. I think it is crazy that health insurances have to cover contraceptives at 100% but I can get no help paying for LIpitor which is more much more of a life saver.

Why didn't you switch to a plan in the Marketplace?

because they have shit for brains
I have to try to find a way now to come up with cold hard cash to satisfy my $6,000.00 deductible.
So in the meantime I can go to the doctor because the visit is coverered under the copay...
As far as any tests he did in the past...I can no longer have them done.
So the extent of my healthcare is now having someone who can write my prescriptions and that's about it.

So in closing I fall into the liar catagory.
And I'm a racist because I say ObamaCare sucks...

Thanks Libs...
your welcome .... is their anything else we can do to piss you off beyond belief ???...
Have faith.

A Libtard will be along momentarily to tell you that you are lying.

he's lying ... heres why ... all insurance are required to have a prescription drug plan in their health care plan ... were you pay nothing, or a dollar amount ... usually no more the 40 dollars ... we realize you have shit for brains...every time you take a shit you lose a little more of your mind ... we understand you will believe just about anything your told.. but hey !!!! he's lying and we know it... you, not so much

Right on cue... :thup:
Have faith.

A Libtard will be along momentarily to tell you that you are lying.

he's lying ... heres why ... all insurance are required to have a prescription drug plan in their health care plan ... were you pay nothing, or a dollar amount ... usually no more the 40 dollars ... we realize you have shit for brains...every time you take a shit you lose a little more of your mind ... we understand you will believe just about anything your told.. but hey !!!! he's lying and we know it... you, not so much[/QUO

Not True My insurance will not pay anything on most meds till the $4800 deductible is met
I think Obama has given low class help for the economy and he has done very little benefits for giving us the need for insurance.
Have faith.

A Libtard will be along momentarily to tell you that you are lying.

he's lying ... heres why ... all insurance are required to have a prescription drug plan in their health care plan ... were you pay nothing, or a dollar amount ... usually no more the 40 dollars ... we realize you have shit for brains...every time you take a shit you lose a little more of your mind ... we understand you will believe just about anything your told.. but hey !!!! he's lying and we know it... you, not so much

Not True My insurance will not pay anything on most meds till the $4800 deductible is met

Some people don't understand there is a difference in HI policies sold across the country.
Have faith.

A Libtard will be along momentarily to tell you that you are lying.

he's lying ... heres why ... all insurance are required to have a prescription drug plan in their health care plan ... were you pay nothing, or a dollar amount ... usually no more the 40 dollars ... we realize you have shit for brains...every time you take a shit you lose a little more of your mind ... we understand you will believe just about anything your told.. but hey !!!! he's lying and we know it... you, not so much[/QUO

Not True My insurance will not pay anything on most meds till the $4800 deductible is met
he's lying ... heres why ... all insurance are required to have a prescription drug plan in their health care plan ... were you pay nothing, or a dollar amount ... usually no more the 40 dollars ... we realize you have shit for brains...every time you take a shit you lose a little more of your mind ... we understand you will believe just about anything your told.. but hey !!!! he's lying and we know it... you, not so much

Not True My insurance will not pay anything on most meds till the $4800 deductible is met

Some people don't understand there is a difference in HI policies sold across the country.
like you of all people know anything ... you've proved your stupidity on health care on a daily basis...
at work we were told a couple years ago that because of the extra cost associated with obamacare our health insurance was going to a high deductible health plan that would not cover prescriptions till we reach the deductible. So now i can no longer afford lipitor that is working so well for me and will have to go on something else that my dr. Doubts will work. So my health is getting worse thanks to obamacare. I think it is crazy that health insurances have to cover contraceptives at 100% but i can get no help paying for lipitor which is more much more of a life saver.

I was told you must keep your company plan unless it does not meet certain rules which my plan, as bad as it is, does meet. My current plan has a $4800 deductible on the family and will not cover much of anything till I meet it. My plan went from a $1500 deductible to $4800 all because of obamacare. So to me Obamacare is CRAP and everyone who voted for it lost my vote.

There are two sides to the story. First of all, the main reason you are paying more is because company plans are no longer being subsidized by allowing insurance companies to not cover those with pre-existing conditions. The second part about that is that we still do not know whether the insurance companies' numbers are good. Only time will tell on that. It could turn out that things will get even more expensive, but we could also see the exact opposite. There was an assumption made that health care spending would increase dramatically because of the ACA, but we have not yet seen that happen. In fact, from 2010 to 2012, we saw a massive slow down in healthcare spending, but that does not mean that will continue.

As for plans on the exchanges, they are not much different. If you pay for a cheaper plan, you get high deductibles also. For you personal situation, you do know that there is a generic for Lipitor, do you not? Is generic atorvastatin as good as brand-name Lipitor? - Harvard Health Publications It might be something you want to look into.

Personally, I am against the statins such as Lipitor for most people because they cause many bad side effects. While I do not know your situation personally, many people can lower their cholesterol through diet changes and exercise. My cholesterol used to be over 250; now it runs between 150 and 170 with a very high HDL. Last time they were checked, my total was 159; HDL 69, LDL 87, and Triglycerides were 44.

My last comment on all of this is that I do support the ACA and think it is a good start. What bothers me is that even most of us that support it realize there are problems with it that need to be addressed. If Republicans weren't so Hell bent on repealing it and concentrated on fixing the problems, we might actually be able to make it work for everyone.

Actually I take the generic for Lipitor but even $20 per month is hard to come up with when you are the only one working and supporting the family. I have already cut bills as far as I can so now if I can not afford a medicine I take I will have to find a cheaper one or stop taking it.

you need to stop mooching off your company plan and pay for a real plan like the rest of us do, you moocher !!!!
I think Obama has given low class help for the economy and he has done very little benefits for giving us the need for insurance.

you should stop thinking .. it's not working for you ...

Well it didn't work for Obammy we can say that.

Not True My insurance will not pay anything on most meds till the $4800 deductible is met

that is not possible under the current law. that would be a scam policy.

You need to wake up and put down the Kool Aid.
Have faith.

A Libtard will be along momentarily to tell you that you are lying.

he's lying ... heres why ... all insurance are required to have a prescription drug plan in their health care plan ... were you pay nothing, or a dollar amount ... usually no more the 40 dollars ... we realize you have shit for brains...every time you take a shit you lose a little more of your mind ... we understand you will believe just about anything your told.. but hey !!!! he's lying and we know it... you, not so much

Right on cue... :thup:
wasn't there a dick you had to smoke ... you're late...

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