Thanks for nothing Obamacare

Why would anyone task Billy with anything? He's on the right side of the issue, but other than that, he's a fucking idiot maniac. That is why you supposed intellectual superstars can't help but seek out long discussions with him. You wait for him to say something stupid....and then apply his words to every liberal here.

Try harder.

since you quoted me i will assume you are talking to me.....i did not task the little fucker with anything......and what issue?..... he and i are talking about something he said in another unless you were there,which you were not,maybe you should quote someone else.....and did i say every liberal is like the little twerp?.....i dont think so...maybe you should try harder....

the problem you have Harry Dresden you didn't comprehend one thing that I was trying to say in that other post..

I was pointing out how bad health care was before Obama care the insurance company would tell you one thing, then deny you after the fact ... this was common practice ...the you brought up crap about it being in the had book ....didn't matter if it was in the book or not ... back then they did what they wanted you didn't get that you went loff on some tangent

then you came up with I didn't have health care ... I have had a health care plan of some sort all my life ... you were tying to make we out to be a moocher on the left ... like all you little pricks do ...

no it wasnt like ins company covered what they say they cover in their booklet and how much you and they pay.....your problem billy was you let some dufas on the phone tell you what is what....if it said they covered MRI's in the book you could have pointed that out to him.....AND most companies that are doing something for you like MRI's....they ask for your Ins card and they run it through to see if you are covered.....i have never had a medical procedure were my card was not asked for first....

and i never said you never had health care billy.....i said you had a shitty plan....if someone said that in that discussion it wasnt me......but then little "pricks" like you never do get their past conversations ya? fucked up back then billy, just admit it and get on with your pathetic i hate everyone who doesnt agree with me life...
since you quoted me i will assume you are talking to me.....i did not task the little fucker with anything......and what issue?..... he and i are talking about something he said in another unless you were there,which you were not,maybe you should quote someone else.....and did i say every liberal is like the little twerp?.....i dont think so...maybe you should try harder....

the problem you have Harry Dresden you didn't comprehend one thing that I was trying to say in that other post..

I was pointing out how bad health care was before Obama care the insurance company would tell you one thing, then deny you after the fact ... this was common practice ...the you brought up crap about it being in the had book ....didn't matter if it was in the book or not ... back then they did what they wanted you didn't get that you went loff on some tangent

then you came up with I didn't have health care ... I have had a health care plan of some sort all my life ... you were tying to make we out to be a moocher on the left ... like all you little pricks do ...

no it wasnt like ins company covered what they say they cover in their booklet and how much you and they pay.....your problem billy was you let some dufas on the phone tell you what is what....if it said they covered MRI's in the book you could have pointed that out to him.....AND most companies that are doing something for you like MRI's....they ask for your Ins card and they run it through to see if you are covered.....i have never had a medical procedure were my card was not asked for first....

and i never said you never had health care billy.....i said you had a shitty plan....if someone said that in that discussion it wasnt me......but then little "pricks" like you never do get their past conversations ya? fucked up back then billy, just admit it and get on with your pathetic i hate everyone who doesnt agree with me life...

no I just hate uninformed little pricks like you... you can't comprehend what you read ... because you're ignorant ... then when you're confronted with what was said, you try and trap dance out of what was being said ... because you couldn't comprehend what you read
the problem you have Harry Dresden you didn't comprehend one thing that I was trying to say in that other post..

I was pointing out how bad health care was before Obama care the insurance company would tell you one thing, then deny you after the fact ... this was common practice ...the you brought up crap about it being in the had book ....didn't matter if it was in the book or not ... back then they did what they wanted you didn't get that you went loff on some tangent

then you came up with I didn't have health care ... I have had a health care plan of some sort all my life ... you were tying to make we out to be a moocher on the left ... like all you little pricks do ...

no it wasnt like ins company covered what they say they cover in their booklet and how much you and they pay.....your problem billy was you let some dufas on the phone tell you what is what....if it said they covered MRI's in the book you could have pointed that out to him.....AND most companies that are doing something for you like MRI's....they ask for your Ins card and they run it through to see if you are covered.....i have never had a medical procedure were my card was not asked for first....

and i never said you never had health care billy.....i said you had a shitty plan....if someone said that in that discussion it wasnt me......but then little "pricks" like you never do get their past conversations ya? fucked up back then billy, just admit it and get on with your pathetic i hate everyone who doesnt agree with me life...

no I just hate uninformed little pricks like you... you can't comprehend what you read ... because you're ignorant ... then when you're confronted with what was said, you try and trap dance out of what was being said ... because you couldn't comprehend what you read

when the MRI place ran your card through they would have known right then and there if you were covered.....did that happen billy? medical facility is going to do a $5,000.00 procedure without seeing if you are covered.....your story is starting to sound made up,so you can try and bad mouth Ins Companies.....why did YOU have to call your Ins Co.?.....they would have found out if you were covered by running your either made this story up or you are one dumb individual Billy.....which is it?....
no it wasnt like ins company covered what they say they cover in their booklet and how much you and they pay.....your problem billy was you let some dufas on the phone tell you what is what....if it said they covered MRI's in the book you could have pointed that out to him.....AND most companies that are doing something for you like MRI's....they ask for your Ins card and they run it through to see if you are covered.....i have never had a medical procedure were my card was not asked for first....

and i never said you never had health care billy.....i said you had a shitty plan....if someone said that in that discussion it wasnt me......but then little "pricks" like you never do get their past conversations ya? fucked up back then billy, just admit it and get on with your pathetic i hate everyone who doesnt agree with me life...

no I just hate uninformed little pricks like you... you can't comprehend what you read ... because you're ignorant ... then when you're confronted with what was said, you try and trap dance out of what was being said ... because you couldn't comprehend what you read

when the MRI place ran your card through they would have known right then and there if you were covered.....did that happen billy? medical facility is going to do a $5,000.00 procedure without seeing if you are covered.....your story is starting to sound made up,so you can try and bad mouth Ins Companies.....why did YOU have to call your Ins Co.?.....they would have found out if you were covered by running your either made this story up or you are one dumb individual Billy.....which is it?....

yes it was ran through ... that's why I had it done ... they got an approval to do it on the phone ... with the doctor and myself sitting their ... then I got a letter in the mail from the hospital telling me they don't cover it ... that I had to pay for it ... getting a lawyer would have cost me more then if I went and paid for it... I was in a situation, on my back, in a hospital bead, where I had no other choice then to get the MRI ... like the did all the time back then, when the actual payment came to the hospital, it i was told that I was deny ... they denied that the whole conversation took place from me and my doctor... they asked me who did I talk to, they asked me if I got it in writing ...beings it was the hospital that called from my insurance card information on the back .... I was fuck ...
what you are trying to do here is try to say because its in the hand book they will cover it if they say its covered ... thats not always true back in 2003 ...they made up their own rules ... did I get a hand book ??? yes I did ... did I look ate it??? hell know ... I was in traction in a bead looking to have surgery ... this kind of crap back then happen all the time ... at the end of the year where I could pick a new provider ... I canceled them ... the fact that now I had a preexisting condition no health care provide would take me ... colorado has a health care company for people with previous conditions ... it was called covered colorado ...I went with them and canceled humana my previous provider ...
what you are trying to do here is try to say because its in the hand book they will cover it if they say its covered ... thats not always true back in 2003 ...they made up their own rules ... did I get a hand book ??? yes I did ... did I look ate it??? hell know ... I was in traction in a bead looking to have surgery ... this kind of crap back then happen all the time ... at the end of the year where I could pick a new provider ... I canceled them ... the fact that now I had a preexisting condition no health care provide would take me ... colorado has a health care company for people with previous conditions ... it was called covered colorado ...I went with them and canceled humana my previous provider ...

you had humana?.....ok that might settle that....i knew a few people who had them and did not like them.....i have had Blue Shield for a long time and they have never even argued with our Doctors on covering a matter of fact right now since Jan 1st the Fed Govt.,my Health Plan Administrator i guess you would call them.....will not pay what BS will pay....they pay less on a few things that BS has always covered .....we had a misunderstanding Billy, if you would have said in that other thread what you said here,we would not have had this conversation....
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what you are trying to do here is try to say because its in the hand book they will cover it if they say its covered ... thats not always true back in 2003 ...they made up their own rules ... did I get a hand book ??? yes I did ... did I look ate it??? hell know ... I was in traction in a bead looking to have surgery ... this kind of crap back then happen all the time ... at the end of the year where I could pick a new provider ... I canceled them ... the fact that now I had a preexisting condition no health care provide would take me ... colorado has a health care company for people with previous conditions ... it was called covered colorado ...I went with them and canceled humana my previous provider ...

you had humana?.....ok that might settle that....i knew a few people who had them and did not like them.....i have had Blue Shield for a long time and they have never even argued with our Doctors on covering a matter of fact right now since Jan 1st the Fed Govt.,my Health Plan Administrator i guess you would call them.....will not pay what BS will pay....they pay less on a few things that BS has always covered .....we had a misunderstanding Billy, if you would have said in that other thread what you said here,we would not have had this conversation....

here's the deal ... not only you have, but others have, unless you are writing a novel here, if its not in exact detail I find if you leave out anything in what you are trying to get across you get jumped all over because of what others say ... then out comes the cuss word, vulgar word ... my fellow Dems/liberals have said to me in the past that I shouldn't cuss or use vulgar words ... they have not been very supportive of me when I do ... I usually respond to my liberal/Dems friends, if your going to get hammered from the right, you must be ready to hammer from the left ... lots of times when I'm trying to get things across and point out a source or what ever I use, you're call a fucking idiot or dumb fuck ... that's their debate they didn't challenge the source as being credible instead they use those sort of things, name calling ... so I respond back with the same kind of name calling ... I've been doing this for a couple years now ... prior to that, back in the AOL days, I would try to explain it or try to point out what ever the debate was .... never once was a source of mine debated or challenged ... never once has anyone from the right ever tried to prove what I posted was wrong ... it was always some sort of negative remark along with an bunch of you moron ,you idiot you dumb fuck, and so on to follow... did I just start posting in the last couple years ... I started on these post site on the web in 1998 ... nothing has changed state a position and you get verbally attack called a liar and what ever name can be said to you ... I decided a couple of years ago, no matter how mad my fellow Dems get at me, which they do, I will attack back in the same manor ... its nothing personal ... I just doing what I believes pisses the people involved off .... but if they truly want a debate I will debate to the best of my knowledge and ability... it will be sources that I believe to be true ... until proven other wise I will use them .. like I say, its nothing personal, its the old golden rule in place here ... you start the name calling, and well, I will too
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what you are trying to do here is try to say because its in the hand book they will cover it if they say its covered ... thats not always true back in 2003 ...they made up their own rules ... did I get a hand book ??? yes I did ... did I look ate it??? hell know ... I was in traction in a bead looking to have surgery ... this kind of crap back then happen all the time ... at the end of the year where I could pick a new provider ... I canceled them ... the fact that now I had a preexisting condition no health care provide would take me ... colorado has a health care company for people with previous conditions ... it was called covered colorado ...I went with them and canceled humana my previous provider ...

you had humana?.....ok that might settle that....i knew a few people who had them and did not like them.....i have had Blue Shield for a long time and they have never even argued with our Doctors on covering a matter of fact right now since Jan 1st the Fed Govt.,my Health Plan Administrator i guess you would call them.....will not pay what BS will pay....they pay less on a few things that BS has always covered .....we had a misunderstanding Billy, if you would have said in that other thread what you said here,we would not have had this conversation....

here's the deal ... not only you have, but others have, unless you are writing a novel here, if its not in exact detail I find if you leave out anything in what you are trying to get across you get jumped all over because of what others say ... then out comes the cuss word, vulgar word ... my fellow Dems/liberals have said to me in the past that I shouldn't cuss or use vulgar words ... they have not been very supportive of me when I do ... I usually respond to my liberal/Dems friends, if your going to get hammered from the right, you must be ready to hammer from the left ... lots of times when I'm trying to get things across and point out a source or what ever I use, you're call a fucking idiot or dumb fuck ... that's their debate they didn't challenge the source as being credible instead they use those sort of things, name calling ... so I respond back with the same kind of name calling ... I've been doing this for a couple years now ... prior to that, back in the AOL days, I would try to explain it or try to point out what ever the debate was .... never once was a source of mine debated or challenged ... never once has anyone from the right ever tried to prove what I posted was wrong ... it was always some sort of negative remark along with an bunch of you moron ,you idiot you dumb fuck, and so on to follow... did I just start posting in the last couple years ... I started on these post site on the web in 1998 ... nothing has changed state a position and you get verbally attack called a liar and what ever name can be said to you ... I decided a couple of years ago, no matter how mad my fellow Dems get at me, which they do, I will attack back in the same manor ... its nothing personal ... I just doing what I believes pisses the people involved off .... but if they truly want a debate I will debate to the best of my knowledge and ability... it will be sources that I believe to be true ... until proven other wise I will use them .. like I say, its nothing personal, its the old golden rule in place here ... you start the name calling, and well, I will too

Billy your 2nd post said Mr. H has shit for brains....he was not even talking to also called me a name before i said anything like that to who started the name calling there?.....just sayin Billy...
Billy your 2nd post said Mr. H has shit for brains....he was not even talking to also called me a name before i said anything like that to who started the name calling there?.....just sayin Billy...

just to point out where you are in error here... Mr. H posted the very second post here it is

Old 04-28-2014, 01:16 AM
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A Libtard will be along momentarily to tell you that you are lying.
For only in nothing shall I have everything.

his was the first attack to us liberals, Just saying...
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After seeing Mr. H. start with the personal attacks on the very first response ... instead of pointing out where the original poster was wrong, or right to the original poster .... where the original poster went wrong or right, Mr H starts with the name calling ... that's when I determine that this is a attack post not an informative post and I start attacking back ... its something republicans don't like or expect.... the difference between me and other liberals is I won't be nice about it ... again that usually pisses off republicans ... nobody wants to debate here even LL ... Ive watched him respond ... then out of nowhere he too starts the name calling... but when he sees mine, all of a sudden I'm over the top... for what ever reason LL has deemed himself as the board nice person monitor ... myself, if they want to debate, then that's fine .... nobody here really wants to debate ... they want to vent their frustration on whom ever they want at that point in time ... I get that ... go back and look at all of the post that a dem/liberal started, you'll see a personal attack by the very first response post ... go back and look at a conservative post ... the very first response is a personal attack ... thats what they do here ... people don't come here to debate
Have faith.

A Libtard will be along momentarily to tell you that you are lying.

he's lying ... heres why ... all insurance are required to have a prescription drug plan in their health care plan ... were you pay nothing, or a dollar amount ... usually no more the 40 dollars ... we realize you have shit for brains...every time you take a shit you lose a little more of your mind ... we understand you will believe just about anything your told.. but hey !!!! he's lying and we know it... you, not so much

Billy your 2nd post said Mr. H has shit for brains....he was not even talking to also called me a name before i said anything like that to who started the name calling there?.....just sayin Billy...

just to point out where you are in error here... Mr. H posted the very second post here it is

A Libtard will be along momentarily to tell you that you are lying.
For only in nothing shall I have everything.

his was the first attack to us liberals, Just saying...

Dang Billy~

Are you calling yourself a libtard?

Harry said your second post here...not the second post here.

Learn how to use the quote function.
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