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Jul 17, 2012
The landscape looks pretty good for an Elizabeth Warren win in Massachusetts. She might or might not win but I did want to take this opportunity to thank Karl Rove for stopping by.

Karl's strategy was clever but in the end he could just not pull it off. The first part of his strategy was to generate as much hate as possible about Elizabeth Warren. Then when Warren's likability dropped by 10 points turn on a dime and be ever so super sweet. This is designed to have two benefits for Scott Brown. First the base is energized by the hate for Warren and even long after the election these people will hate Warren with a passion. The other benefit is it is to bring Warren into a nasty campaign mode to ward off the attacks Brown is using. Then when Brown spins 180 degrees from one day to the next on that next day Warren is running negative ads and Brown is this really sweet guy who is being attacked by the mean and nasty Warren. Well Warren did not fall for the tactic either by being aware that Rove has used this tactic in the past or that she in not really a nasty person. I am guessing both but I am sure about the latter.

Probably the main reason Rove's style of campaign did not work is that it fits Brown too well. First Brown is not the nicest guy in the world. His votes show as much. For all his claims of being for women his actions do not back up that claim. One of the main reasons he uses to show he is for women is that he was raised by a single mother and that she and he was abused by men in their lives. I have met several men who were raised by single mothers and blame their mothers for the loss of their childhood and take it out on the women they are close to years later. Also Brown turning on a dime seems to be exactly what he did to Massachussets when he talks about being 'one of us' in Massachusetts and being 'for himself' when he got to Washington. Then again Brown might believe that 'one of us' means that anyone in his shoes would do exactly the same thing, elected by the populous and wined and dined by the rich and powerful, Karl Rove included. Not everyone is like that and not everyone will be voting for Scott Brown.

So in closing I would like to thank Karl Rove for coming to our wonderful state of Massachusetts and embedding all the hate and anger he possibly could and running away back to his multimillionaire lifestyle when he is done. So while I thank him I also request that he never comes back to Massachusetts. A Northeastern man don't need you around anyhow.
More impressed with FL maintaining their Democrat seat. It will effectively be a democratic pick up in ME as well. IN and MO will be sweet too if it holds true.

When Obama appoints replacements on the high court, they're sure to sail through. Some semblance of reason may be returning to our national discourse.
I expect nothing less from the sheep in my former home state than to vote for a wacko carpetbagger instead of one of their own native sons
I expect nothing less from the sheep in my former home state than to vote for a wacko carpetbagger instead of one of their own native sons

And which right wing radio station did you get that from? Here you can get that exact same line from Michael Graham on 96.9. Asks for different options and then runs over anyone who calls with a different opinion from his with a fucking truck. He was so damn rude to a woman the other day I honestly hate the guy, and yet I listen because there is nothing else on. That and it is good to know what mental mush they are feeding you loons these days.
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