Thanks Joe! Homicide Rates Plummet from Trump Era Highs

For the avg American their grocery bill is up 25 percent since xiden and the demafasict took office and started their war on the working class

What policies does the GOP have that addresses food prices or the struggle of middle and lower class Americans? 100% chance of no response here.
A place without the US government would be awesome. Don’t you agree?
You try it and report back how it went.


You try it and report back how it went.


I’d love to.

I find your support of a government that enslaved and mistreated your race very strange. What has happened to you?

What policies does the GOP have that addresses food prices or the struggle of middle and lower class Americans? 100% chance of no response here.
Tax cuts, energy production

Pretty simple, let folks keep more of what they earn and save, and make sure energy is produced affordability so cost are down

Not rocket science
The hundred thousand murdered in Gaza by Genocide Joe, kind of destroys your point.
Hundred thousand? Where are you getting your bullshit so I know where not to go?
Hundred thousand? Where are you getting your bullshit so I know where not to go?
You too?

Is it beyond your comprehension that a tiny area containing over 2 million people that Israel has flattened, would incur 100,000 deaths?
The US murder rate has plummeted this year, so far, after already falling the previous year. The US is at all time lows in murder and crime rates. Looks like the booming economy and the healing Biden has brought to the nation is producing the fruit of prosperity. Biden really has the US humming right now.

The US exited 2020 with a spike in homicide rates for the first time in decades. Most studies attribute Trump’s spike in violence to Pandemic strain, shifting police tactics, and increased guns. Studies show that crime rates were unrelated to BLM protests.

Data Summary:
Homicide Rates Plummet in the US


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Tax cuts, energy production

Pretty simple, let folks keep more of what they earn and save, and make sure energy is produced affordability so cost are down

Not rocket science
Tax cuts for the rich do not help middle class and poor. Cut their taxes by reinstating the child tax credit, how about that? GOP doesnt support it. Oil production is at record levels. That only helps oil companies and the price of oil is global and the cut back in OPEC is keeping prices at their current levels which are normal.

You dont really have anything do you?
Poor baby. Don’t like it when I bring a link destroying your bullshit threads, do ya?


:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Your lies dont destroy anything. I linked a NON-FBI analysis on the crime rate and you linked some stupid article on the FBI rate .
Hey stupid, 1/3 don’t gather the data.

What a dumbass.
You’re a moron and lying. All the cities they cite have the data reported. NYC for instance tracks crime better than anyone they just dont fill out FBI surveys. The firm pulls the data from NYCs extensive and accurately reported data. You dont understand what you read or what you post. I understand you are retarded so I tried to explain it to you simply.

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