Thanks Joe! Homicide Rates Plummet from Trump Era Highs

Tax cuts for the rich do not help middle class and poor. Cut their taxes by reinstating the child tax credit, how about that? GOP doesnt support it. Oil production is at record levels. That only helps oil companies and the price of oil is global and the cut back in OPEC is keeping prices at their current levels which are normal.

You dont really have anything do you?
I didn’t say tax cuts for just the rich…nobody has suggested that. Why do you lie?
And how much are their wages up? My wages are up 37% since 2019. (It would be 60% if I took 2020 as a starting point because I was out of work for 14 weeks and my side business tanked thanks to Trump.)
They aren’t, real wages are down due to xidenflation
It's very simple, YOU said hundred thousand were killed by Israel. Everyone knows that's BS. Either post a link supporting your absurd claim or shut up. Simple, eh?

You're an antisemitic. That's clear. Don't come back at me with anything other than a credible link
Assume it’s true. Would you stop supporting Israel’s actions in Gaza?
And how much are their wages up? My wages are up 37% since 2019. (It would be 60% if I took 2020 as a starting point because I was out of work for 14 weeks and my side business tanked thanks to Trump.)
And while I am happy for you, the majority of Americans are worse off since xiden took office and the demafacist policies have taken hold
Any link I provide you’ll label it unacceptable.

Assume it’s right. Now what will you do?
Why should she assume it right? You don’t get to make shit up with impunity
You can't provide one you antisemitic sob. Pound sand already. Fuckin loser
Oh no not you too. Antisemitic. Just like libs and Ds, yet you’re a con. Weird.

Here you go. From the BBC. NOW LABEL IT PROPAGANDA.

Then came the December 29, 2023, opinion piece in The Guardian by the Chair of Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh, Devi Sridhar. She predicted half a million deaths in 2024 if conditions continue unabated. (See her piece here: Itâs not just bullets and bombs. I have never seen health organisations as worried as they are about disease in Gaza | Devi Sridhar).

From Ralph Nader, no doubt you’ll label him poorly. Dumb cons always do

In recent days, the situation has become more dire. In the March 2, 2024, Washington Post, reporter, Ishaan Tharoor writes: “The bulk of Gaza’s more than 2 million people face the prospect of famine — a state of affairs that constitutes the fastest decline in a population’s nutrition status ever recorded, according to aid workers. Children are starving at the fastest rate the world has ever known. Aid groups have been pointing to Israel restricting the flow of assistance into the territory as a major driver of the crisis. Some prominent Israeli officials openly champion stymying these transfers of aid.”

From accounts of people on the ground, videos and photographs of deadly episode after episode, plus the resultant mortalities from blocking or smashing the crucial necessities of life, a more likely estimate, in my appraisal, is that at least 200,000 Palestinians must have perished by now and the toll is accelerating by the hour.
Stop the Worsening UNDERCOUNT of Palestinian Casualties in Gaza - Ralph Nader

Again, if the death toll is 100,000 or 200,000 do you pull your support?
Biden has lower crime, higher full time employment, more job opportunities, higher wages than inflation since 2019, no wars, and has zero criminal cases against him. I bet Biden is probably even a better golfer than Trump based on how many other thing Biden is better than Trump at and it is especially reflective in the polls shifting bigly. Cant wait for the election. Should be fun.

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