Thanks, leftist propagandists, for making Nazis great again...

Nice to hear radical white wingers finally admitting their Nazi heritage.
When Stalin took over, like in China, the first people killed were teachers and college professors.

You know,

The very people Republicans hate.

Not Stalin, he was a very small murder, most of crimes were committed by Lenin and his gang in 1917-1924

Two biggest Mass-Murders (Lenin & Trotzki ) in the human history

After escape from Stalin to the West Trotzki found KFC

All lefts must be cursed for their immense crimes on humanity!
Hopefully Nazis in Western Countries will stop leftist insanity!

Liberals are "authoritarian"?

Like Trump? Well no. Clearly Trump is authoritarian.

Like Hitler? No again, authoritarian.

Stalin? No, authoritarian.

The problem with liberals and Democrats being authoritarian is that you need to have a single leader. Like a white leader who leads whites. Nazi's, Republicans and so on.

Democrats are a coalition party. Too diverse for an authoritarian to take hold.

That's the way it is. The way it works. It's obvious. Even someone with a "simple" mind gets it. For many Republicans, "simple" is way too complex.
Authoritarian like rioting to prevent scary people from speaking their minds. Authoritarian like demolishing statues they find offensive. Authoritarian like censoring certain words they find offensive. Authoritarian like murdering tens of millions of babies for political expediency.

That kind of authoritarian.
Notice the OP thanking people for making NAZIS great again.....thanking people
People like you are responsible for making nazis great again. And you did it intentionally.

Just like people like you are responsible for giving us Trump. Though you did that by accident.

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