Thanks, leftist propagandists, for making Nazis great again...

So, what did Trump mean when he called them fine people?

***GASP*** Trump a secret Leftist?!!!!!!
You’re a dupe. That’s not what trump said. That’s what your fascist media handlers wanted your easily manipulated mind to think.

he said there were fine people on both sides.... so yaaaaa............. that included the sieg heil animals.
You have issues distinguishing the difference between some and all. Because you want to.
Go get some objectivity.

there is no objectivity when you are expecting me to 'understand' the perspective of anybody that supported or attended a march to 'preserve' white culture &/or the denigration of anybody not white or wanted to defend the confed flag & their civil war heroes as being 'fine'.
Nazism, socialism same difference...

lol.... i'll bet a socialist is also no different than a democratic socialist in your bigot bubble.
so much for the party of personal responsibility 'eh? c'mon, blame this on the black man too, kosherchicky.... you know you wanna...... just say it-

thanx obama........ :afro:
Obama is only half black shit for brains

riiiiiiiiiiiiight................. but we both know what that 1 drop rule is all about....don't we, bigot?
His mom was a white upper-class progressive… The apple does not fall far from the tree

yaaaaaaaaa & all those obama memes reflected that.............:auiqs.jpg:
You’re a dupe. That’s not what trump said. That’s what your fascist media handlers wanted your easily manipulated mind to think.

he said there were fine people on both sides.... so yaaaaa............. that included the sieg heil animals.
You have issues distinguishing the difference between some and all. Because you want to.
Go get some objectivity.

there is no objectivity when you are expecting me to 'understand' the perspective of anybody that supported or attended a march to 'preserve' white culture &/or the denigration of anybody not white or wanted to defend the confed flag & their civil war heroes as being 'fine'.
Nazism, socialism same difference...

lol.... i'll bet a socialist is also no different than a democratic socialist in your bigot bubble.
All socialism is about control, cowardly people are drawn to socialism
so much for the party of personal responsibility 'eh? c'mon, blame this on the black man too, kosherchicky.... you know you wanna...... just say it-

thanx obama........ :afro:
Obama is only half black shit for brains

riiiiiiiiiiiiight................. but we both know what that 1 drop rule is all about....don't we, bigot?
His mom was a white upper-class progressive… The apple does not fall far from the tree

yaaaaaaaaa & all those obama memes reflected that.............:auiqs.jpg:
I know obama is a hypocrite... lol
Nazis have been pulled from obscurity by leftists..who gleefully provide them a platform and a voice. When communists are breathing down your throat, nazis look good by comparison:

Nazis are made to look good in comparison to most hard Leftist Democrat people! At least a Nazi looked you in the eye and told you he was going to f you over, rather than stick it in your back while shaking your hand with a smile!

Be honest. Admit that it's really a little lower than your back, and you like it.
he said there were fine people on both sides.... so yaaaaa............. that included the sieg heil animals.
You have issues distinguishing the difference between some and all. Because you want to.
Go get some objectivity.

there is no objectivity when you are expecting me to 'understand' the perspective of anybody that supported or attended a march to 'preserve' white culture &/or the denigration of anybody not white or wanted to defend the confed flag & their civil war heroes as being 'fine'.
Nazism, socialism same difference...

lol.... i'll bet a socialist is also no different than a democratic socialist in your bigot bubble.
All socialism is about control, cowardly people are drawn to socialism

lol.... cowardly people are drawn to the cult of personality.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”
Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal
You’re a dupe. That’s not what trump said. That’s what your fascist media handlers wanted your easily manipulated mind to think.

he said there were fine people on both sides.... so yaaaaa............. that included the sieg heil animals.
You have issues distinguishing the difference between some and all. Because you want to.
Go get some objectivity.

there is no objectivity when you are expecting me to 'understand' the perspective of anybody that supported or attended a march to 'preserve' white culture &/or the denigration of anybody not white or wanted to defend the confed flag & their civil war heroes as being 'fine'.
Given the ignorance in that post I suppose expecting any objectivity would be unrealistic.

uh-huh. why did those 'fine' people show up then? what exactly were they doing there? to support what.... exactly?
Some of the people there were legitimately protesting the left's nazi-style censorship and attempt at rewriting of American history.
You have issues distinguishing the difference between some and all. Because you want to.
Go get some objectivity.

there is no objectivity when you are expecting me to 'understand' the perspective of anybody that supported or attended a march to 'preserve' white culture &/or the denigration of anybody not white or wanted to defend the confed flag & their civil war heroes as being 'fine'.
Nazism, socialism same difference...

lol.... i'll bet a socialist is also no different than a democratic socialist in your bigot bubble.
All socialism is about control, cowardly people are drawn to socialism

lol.... cowardly people are drawn to the cult of personality.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”
Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal
Most of the most effective sports coaches successfully employ that tactic.
Condemning Nazis would have to be the lowest of bars to clear...but Trump can't even get off the ground.
It must be all those McDonalds.
We didn't make Nazi's look great again.

That's what Republicans did. Giving them a home and all.
Only Nazis can release folks from leftist plaque. Do you want it or not.
Only European Nazis saved Europa ( e.g. in Spain, Italy, Hungary etc. ) from Bolshevik communism which killed 1917-1937 more as 66m Russians




All Lefts are from Devil! Nazis have killed hundred times less people as lefts in name of their crazy utopia!
The invention of Lefts in Russia!

Cheka which killed in 1917/1937 in Russia alone more as 66m innocent victims!



All lefts must be cursed for their immense crimes on humanity!
Hopefully Nazis in Western Countries will stop leftist insanity!

All lefts must be cursed for their immense crimes on humanity!
Hopefully Nazis in Western Countries will stop leftist insanity!

Liberals are "authoritarian"?

Like Trump? Well no. Clearly Trump is authoritarian.

Like Hitler? No again, authoritarian.

Stalin? No, authoritarian.

The problem with liberals and Democrats being authoritarian is that you need to have a single leader. Like a white leader who leads whites. Nazi's, Republicans and so on.

Democrats are a coalition party. Too diverse for an authoritarian to take hold.

That's the way it is. The way it works. It's obvious. Even someone with a "simple" mind gets it. For many Republicans, "simple" is way too complex.
When Stalin took over, like in China, the first people killed were teachers and college professors.

You know,

The very people Republicans hate.
there is no objectivity when you are expecting me to 'understand' the perspective of anybody that supported or attended a march to 'preserve' white culture &/or the denigration of anybody not white or wanted to defend the confed flag & their civil war heroes as being 'fine'.
Nazism, socialism same difference...

lol.... i'll bet a socialist is also no different than a democratic socialist in your bigot bubble.
All socialism is about control, cowardly people are drawn to socialism

lol.... cowardly people are drawn to the cult of personality.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”
Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal
Most of the most effective sports coaches successfully employ that tactic.

lol.... that doesn't even make sense.
Nazism, socialism same difference...

lol.... i'll bet a socialist is also no different than a democratic socialist in your bigot bubble.
All socialism is about control, cowardly people are drawn to socialism

lol.... cowardly people are drawn to the cult of personality.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”
Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal
Most of the most effective sports coaches successfully employ that tactic.

lol.... that doesn't even make sense.
Only if you're dense.
Funny watching leftists go at each other.

Communists and Nazis are from a barbaric era. Take cyanide and spare the world.

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