Thanks Obama! You May Have Saved Us

Manafort showed data to prove he had a winning horse (to Ukraine?). So what?

Forgot, only the Clinton Crime Foundation can solicit donations. Obama handed out $150B in secret to terrorists. No vote on it.
So...if Trump PAID for private analytics of voter is THAT any different than Hillary PAYING for a dossier????
It's not, and nobody said there was anything wrong with it. Every campaign does it, and quite legally so. You are going to into a tailspin, now.
So...why is the MSM going into a tailspin if it WAS NOT illegal...other than they HATE TRUMP???
It’s illegal to coordinate with a foreign government on a campaign, or to take anything of value. To do so with an enemy is treason.
#1 - Hillary didn’t pay for the dossier.
#2 - What if she did? The only thing that matters is if it is true. And none of it has been proven false.
You can't claim positive proof with negative evidence...Even a room-temperature IQ hack like you should be able to understand that.
Most of it has been proven true, while none of it has been proven false.

Even a hack like you should be able to understand that.
Next to none one of it has been shown to be true....Stupidity on your level should be physically painful...A tragedy it isn't.
Manafort showed data to prove he had a winning horse (to Ukraine?). So what?
Hmm, no, that's not what the thought is. The thought is that he shared this data with the Russian spy to get it to his Russian-friendly contacts in order that Russian trolls could more effectively target their efforts.
#1 - Hillary didn’t pay for the dossier.
#2 - What if she did? The only thing that matters is if it is true. And none of it has been proven false.
You can't claim positive proof with negative evidence...Even a room-temperature IQ hack like you should be able to understand that.
Most of it has been proven true, while none of it has been proven false.

Even a hack like you should be able to understand that.
None of it has been proven true, you fucking dumbass. How many times are you imbeciles going to repeat this lie? You all repeat the same lies over and over and over. It's impossible for facts to penetrate your thick skulls. When I was younger I would never have believed that anyone could be this stupid. When I see this kind of idiocy I realize this country is doomed.
Most likely the same "polling data" that was available to ANYONE on the world wide web...
What a stupid thing to say. For one, campaigns pay for private analytics of voter data, so this is likely the information that was shared. And it is absurd to imply that a Russian spy would go to the trump campaign chief for information he could find with the click of a mouse. Really, truly peak Trump cultism, on display by you.
So...if Trump PAID for private analytics of voter is THAT any different than Hillary PAYING for a dossier????

I'll give you a few "re-group"...
#1 - Hillary didn’t pay for the dossier.
#2 - What if she did? The only thing that matters is if it is true. And none of it has been proven false.
I beg to differ...

Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier

OK...ok...the DNC helped a little, too...
Tell me why it matters who paid if it’s true.
If Hill & co. paid for a FAKE dossier...and initiated an "investigation" that has thus far cost tax payers $$$MILLIONS$$$...then SOMEONE indeed is guilty of a crime...and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law...

Me thinks that Hill, Mueller, Comey etc are VERY worried...
Manafort showed data to prove he had a winning horse (to Ukraine?). So what?
Hmm, no, that's not what the thought is. The thought is that he shared this data with the Russian spy to get it to his Russian-friendly contacts in order that Russian trolls could more effectively target their efforts.
That's the thought of idiots like you.
Another move by Obama to subvert our elections and our country, just as we have always known.
How does it do that? Use your words.
First of all, there was and is no evidence of collusion, so Obama assumed trump was guilty on the basis of nothing. His move was only made to make sensitive intelligence that thousands should never see available to deep state operatives throughout the govt to be leaked or passed on to others. Every intelligence person said this was unprecedented and unheard of. Obama knew if not directed all the shenanigans of the fbi. He subverted the whole govt by opening all the doors to a soft coup. I guess you forgot about the directive from Susan rice on Inauguration Day that Obama wasn’t guilty of anything. I have stated before, Obama is the most corrupt president of my lifetime, the fact he had a justice dept. that buried all his crimes does not make him less guilty.
What a stupid thing to say. For one, campaigns pay for private analytics of voter data, so this is likely the information that was shared. And it is absurd to imply that a Russian spy would go to the trump campaign chief for information he could find with the click of a mouse. Really, truly peak Trump cultism, on display by you.
So...if Trump PAID for private analytics of voter is THAT any different than Hillary PAYING for a dossier????

I'll give you a few "re-group"...
#1 - Hillary didn’t pay for the dossier.
#2 - What if she did? The only thing that matters is if it is true. And none of it has been proven false.
I beg to differ...

Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier

OK...ok...the DNC helped a little, too...
Tell me why it matters who paid if it’s true.
If Hill & co. paid for a FAKE dossier...and initiated an "investigation" that has thus far cost tax payers $$$MILLIONS$$$...then SOMEONE indeed is guilty of a crime...and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law...

Me thinks that Hill, Mueller, Comey etc are VERY worried...
But they didn’t, and the dossier is true.
First of all, there was and is no evidence of collusion
First of all, you just made that up, could not possibly know the truth of it, and have no good reason to think it.. Second of all, you just made that up,could not possibly know the truth of it, and have no good reason to think it.
Another move by Obama to subvert our elections and our country, just as we have always known.
How does it do that? Use your words.
First of all, there was and is no evidence of collusion, so Obama assumed trump was guilty on the basis of nothing. His move was only made to make sensitive intelligence that thousands should never see available to deep state operatives throughout the got to be leaked or passed on to others. Every intelligence person said this was unprecedented and unheard of. Obama knew if not directed all the shenanigans of the fbi. He subverted the whole govt by opening all the doors to a soft coup. I guess you forgot about the directive from Susan rice on Inauguration Day that Obama wasn’t guilty of anything. I have stated before, Obama is the most corrupt president of my lifetime, the fact he had a justice dept. that buried all his crimes does not make him less guilty.
Who says they should never see that intel? I doubt it’s thousands, and who sees it should be left to the top agents in the FBI and CIA. That’s why they’re in charge.
Next to none one of it has been shown to be true....Stupidity on your level should be physically painful...A tragedy it isn't.
It's always so easy to show what a fool you are, Oddball. Don’t go changin’.

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated

Here's what's true in the infamous Trump-Russia dossier
Slate and Newsweak?!? LMAO!!!!!

What weak sauce of truth that is slathered on that stinking pile of shit has zero to do with Trump...And the "facts" (i.e. the DNC was hacked) have next to zero forensic evidence to back them up.

But hey, just keep it up with the confirmation bias form your favored party man hack sources...Don't go changin'.
So...if Trump PAID for private analytics of voter is THAT any different than Hillary PAYING for a dossier????

I'll give you a few "re-group"...
#1 - Hillary didn’t pay for the dossier.
#2 - What if she did? The only thing that matters is if it is true. And none of it has been proven false.
I beg to differ...

Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier

OK...ok...the DNC helped a little, too...
Tell me why it matters who paid if it’s true.
If Hill & co. paid for a FAKE dossier...and initiated an "investigation" that has thus far cost tax payers $$$MILLIONS$$$...then SOMEONE indeed is guilty of a crime...and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law...

Me thinks that Hill, Mueller, Comey etc are VERY worried...
But they didn’t, and the dossier is true.
That just shows that it was HILLARY that colluded with the Ruskies...

You're Welcome. Glad I could clear that up for you...

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