Thanks to Cohen, we maybe finding out where some of the bodies are buried


VIP Member
May 4, 2018
Trump, Cohen feud draws more mob comparisons

Turns out, the source to blowing up some of this illegal activity by Trump, may take us straight to the mob.
Authorities are ready to question Trump's Financial chief Allen Weisselberg in connection with these cover up payments for Trump, to hide affairs for the purpose of not getting any of this out as it relates to Trump's campaign. Apparently Trump has been using the mob through Cohen to get certain things fixed, and Weisselberg is the body, or mob guy that actually got it done. Stay tuned. The Trump Organization executive who knows all about the business has been subpoenaed
Rudy's head is exploding on CNN right now. His double talk is confusing him. HILARIOUS!!!
I am cracking up watching all these idiots back peddle to now BELIEVING Cohen because he is not Anti Trump....its hilarious...nothing like watching a weasel like Jew lawyer trying to save his own ass by lying to Mueller....this is boring hell it has been boring for a while...charge the president so he can then pardon himself and tell you and the deep state to go fuck yourselves!
I am cracking up watching all these idiots back peddle to now BELIEVING Cohen because he is not Anti Trump....its hilarious...nothing like watching a weasel like Jew lawyer trying to save his own ass by lying to Mueller....this is boring hell it has been boring for a while...charge the president so he can then pardon himself and tell you and the deep state to go fuck yourselves!
Lol! Jumping the gun a little bit are we? Who says Cohen put this all out tonight? Patience, patience! When you want to get something right, you must exercise patience.
I am cracking up watching all these idiots back peddle to now BELIEVING Cohen because he is not Anti Trump....its hilarious...nothing like watching a weasel like Jew lawyer trying to save his own ass by lying to Mueller....this is boring hell it has been boring for a while...charge the president so he can then pardon himself and tell you and the deep state to go fuck yourselves!
Lol! Jumping the gun a little bit are we? Who says Cohen put this all out tonight? Patience, patience! When you want to get something right, you must exercise patience.
You do realize Jew Cohen is under investigation right? He is doing what every greasy little lawyer does when he gets in trouble he turns on his clients..nothing new...I truly don't care anymore...nor do the American people. Mueller will whine and dig to his hearts content and charge President Trump with some bullshit charge he will just declare he is immune from prosecution and then leftists heads will explode and they will riot in the streets as usual and threaten politicians as usual and assault Trump supporters as usual but this time a few will get put down for good and then its all over! Easy as that!
I am cracking up watching all these idiots back peddle to now BELIEVING Cohen because he is not Anti Trump....its hilarious...nothing like watching a weasel like Jew lawyer trying to save his own ass by lying to Mueller....this is boring hell it has been boring for a while...charge the president so he can then pardon himself and tell you and the deep state to go fuck yourselves!
Lol! Jumping the gun a little bit are we? Who says Cohen put this all out tonight? Patience, patience! When you want to get something right, you must exercise patience.
You do realize Jew Cohen is under investigation right? He is doing what every greasy little lawyer does when he gets in trouble he turns on his clients..nothing new...I truly don't care anymore...nor do the American people.
Folks like you don't care, but you respond anyway right? Lol! You don't care because it isn't convenient to care. We have ourselves a "crook lawyer fixer" for Trump, while Trump is also the crook. Not much way to wiggle out of that quagmire.
while his Mueller will whine and dig to his hearts content and charge President Trump with some bullshit charge he will just declare he is immune from prosecution and then leftists heads will explode and they will riot in the streets as usual and threaten politicians as usual and assault Trump supporters as usual but this time a few will get put down for good and then its all over! Easy as that!
Yea, a "criminal bullshit charge " you mean right? But ha, you said you don't care, while being complicit for this criminal, hoping he will be recused from mounting this conspiracy to attack the U.S. and our election process. I seriously doubt, with your complicity for criminals, they'll be handing out any boy scout badges for you.

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