Thanks to Jussie Smollett for blowing open the fake hate crime epidemic


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Thanks to Jussie Smollett for blowing open the fake hate crime epidemic
By Earick Ward ~~ As a long-suffering California Republican, I have engaged the radical left for the past couple decades and have found their modus operandi to be this; create a caricature of their opponents, and demand that said opponents defend said caricature. Racist, misogynist, homophobe, xenophobe, ageist, on and on and on. Who among us, over the past handful of years has not been tarnished by the broad brush of these ad hominem claims?
You and I know they're nonsense, but it seemed the more we argued against the claims, the more the general populace seemed to accept them as truth. If we ignored them, we accepted their validity. If we defended ourselves, we acknowledged their validity — a vicious catch-22.... Enter Jussie Smollett, a prototypical Trump-deranged leftist. While he orchestrated a hate crime hoax on a grand scale, the reality is that his is only the latest such hoax to rear its ugly head.
The Daily Caller has compiled a list of Trump-era hate crime hoaxes:
Anti-Muslim Hate Crime In Michigan Turns Out To Be A Hoax (Nov. 2016)
Bisexual Student Fakes Trump-Inspired Hate Crime (Nov. 2016)
White Men Rob Muslim Woman Of Her Hijab And Wallet — Except It Never Happened (Nov. 2016)
Church Organist Vandalizes Own Church (Nov. 2016)
White Guy Sets His Own Car On Fire, Paints Racial Slur On His Own Garage (Dec. 2016)
Fake Hate At Air Force Academy Goes Viral (Sept. 2017)
New York Woman's Hate Crime That Wasn't (Sept. 2018)
The Covington Catastrophe (Jan. 2019)​
Aside from the recent Covington event, most of these hoaxes have flown under the radar. I want to thank Jussie Smollett for bringing these deranged hoaxes to light.


The Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left created a lie that MAGA really means racism, hate etc. and now they have to create HOAXES to prove it true. Of course, media gets giddy when a possible MAGA HATE CRIME erupts and they go breaking news way too soon......but OH the possibilities, just can’t help themselves. Yes,.... Progressive Commie Leftists, doing the hate the Right won't do.
"Smolletting" should become a common usage term to describe a false-flag/hoax hate crime.
Whenever one of these things happens use the term over and over again to laugh at them until the fake-stream media decide 'Smolletting' is not a good tactic for them to pursue. YOU'VE BEEN SMOLLETED!
You know things are getting weird when you have to outsource your hate crimes to a nation like Nigeria known for one thing - frauds.
The MSM bullshit never ends. On CNN this morning they are still defending Smollette, saying that we shouldn't rush to judgment on him. Calling him a role model?? WTF??

Thankfully FOX just fired the race baiting coxucker. Thankfully no one took his bait and injured anyone, as the Chicago police feared. Why would anyone throw gasoline on a smoldering "hate crime" fire like Jussie did? Why would he want more interracial fighting?
Jussie Smollett Out at Empire: Fox Drama Opts to 'Remove' Embattled Actor From Season's Final 2 Episodes
Everything just blows up in the Dems and medias face. This, the Convington Boys, etc. They so bad are trying to get going Charlie Mansons wet dream of a race war
Anyone with 20/40 vision can observe how a large portion of society has a strong desire to be a victim... Why you ask? It's easier than working for a living...
Thanks to Jussie Smollett for blowing open the fake hate crime epidemic
By Earick Ward ~~ As a long-suffering California Republican, I have engaged the radical left for the past couple decades and have found their modus operandi to be this; create a caricature of their opponents, and demand that said opponents defend said caricature. Racist, misogynist, homophobe, xenophobe, ageist, on and on and on. Who among us, over the past handful of years has not been tarnished by the broad brush of these ad hominem claims?
You and I know they're nonsense, but it seemed the more we argued against the claims, the more the general populace seemed to accept them as truth. If we ignored them, we accepted their validity. If we defended ourselves, we acknowledged their validity — a vicious catch-22.... Enter Jussie Smollett, a prototypical Trump-deranged leftist. While he orchestrated a hate crime hoax on a grand scale, the reality is that his is only the latest such hoax to rear its ugly head.
The Daily Caller has compiled a list of Trump-era hate crime hoaxes:
Anti-Muslim Hate Crime In Michigan Turns Out To Be A Hoax (Nov. 2016)
Bisexual Student Fakes Trump-Inspired Hate Crime (Nov. 2016)
White Men Rob Muslim Woman Of Her Hijab And Wallet — Except It Never Happened (Nov. 2016)
Church Organist Vandalizes Own Church (Nov. 2016)
White Guy Sets His Own Car On Fire, Paints Racial Slur On His Own Garage (Dec. 2016)
Fake Hate At Air Force Academy Goes Viral (Sept. 2017)
New York Woman's Hate Crime That Wasn't (Sept. 2018)
The Covington Catastrophe (Jan. 2019)​
Aside from the recent Covington event, most of these hoaxes have flown under the radar. I want to thank Jussie Smollett for bringing these deranged hoaxes to light.


The Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left created a lie that MAGA really means racism, hate etc. and now they have to create HOAXES to prove it true. Of course, media gets giddy when a possible MAGA HATE CRIME erupts and they go breaking news way too soon......but OH the possibilities, just can’t help themselves. Yes,.... Progressive Commie Leftists, doing the hate the Right won't do.
"Smolletting" should become a common usage term to describe a false-flag/hoax hate crime.
Whenever one of these things happens use the term over and over again to laugh at them until the fake-stream media decide 'Smolletting' is not a good tactic for them to pursue. YOU'VE BEEN SMOLLETED!
You know things are getting weird when you have to outsource your hate crimes to a nation like Nigeria known for one thing - frauds.
Of course there is a certain cohort of people who WANT us to believe that all hate crime accusations are false.
There is a certain cohort of people who WANT us to believe that all accusations of rape are false.
There is a certain cohort of people who WANT us to believe that all accusations of physical and sexual abuse are false.

They are certainly going to have a field day with Smollett. He handed them a HUGE gift.
We don't have a problem believing those crimes happen, we have a problem with you claiming everything is such a crime and claiming that the mere accusation should ruin lives and convict people.
Jessie lied once - HANG HIM

Trump lies 10 times a day - kiss his ass.
Everything just blows up in the Dems and medias face. This, the Convington Boys, etc. They so bad are trying to get going Charlie Mansons wet dream of a race war

That's because Dem's are dumb as a box of rocks.

yeah, I noticed Republicans were smart enough to lie in a federal investigation and go to prison ....
One was even smart enough to threaten his judge. :71: On Instagram :71:
Of course there is a certain cohort of people who WANT us to believe that all hate crime accusations are false.
There is a certain cohort of people who WANT us to believe that all accusations of rape are false.
There is a certain cohort of people who WANT us to believe that all accusations of physical and sexual abuse are false.

They are certainly going to have a field day with Smollett. He handed them a HUGE gift.

Nobody said all hate crime accusations are false.
Nobody said all accusations of rape are false.
Nobody said all accusations of physical and sexual abuse are false.

Thank you for that beautifully constructed Straw Man which you used in lieu of admitting that you recognize these hoaxes are a problem, but for some reason choose not to simply say so. The fact is Smollet's hoax is just one more in a series of dozens that have taken place the past couple of years since Trump was elected. It is yet another example of Trump Derangement Syndrome on full display and they are hurting the real victims of the above mentioned crimes because the public is not going to believe people who keep crying wolf.
Smollette just got fired from Empire, so now he can't afford his high priced legal team. Maybe he can get a job selling MAGA hats??
Liberals can't stand it that yet another person lied in an attempt to paint Trump and his supporters as racists. They are wrong and will never admit that the charges of racism are patently false. MSNBC is trying hard to avoid the updates on Jussie's lies. They didn't cover anything else at first but as soon as it came out that this was a hoax, they quickly switched to other things. The evening shows on MSNBC haven't mentioned a word in over 2 days. It must have been so upsetting when their narrative fell apart yet again.

They drool over the thought of MAGA hat-wearing people attacking over race. I remember when they tried so hard to make the tea party people look bad, too. It's got to be frustrating when the only violence continues to come from leftist groups and not the right.

Oh well, when the demand for racism is far greater than the supply, what's a leftist to do?


"News of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett being accused of orchestrating a fake hate crime has dominated the news cycle the past 48 hours, with everyone from President Trump to some 2020 Democratic candidates to your local barista chiming in – but anyone who relies on MSNBC primetime for their news might not know it even happened.

The hosts of MSNBC’s primetime lineup have oddly avoided the ongoing scandal surrounding Smollett, staying stone silent both Wednesday and Thursday nights about a story that has commanded the attention of the nation.

“All In With Chris Hayes,” “The Rachel Maddow Show,” “The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell” and “The 11th Hour With Brian Williams” did not utter Smollett’s name the last two nights as news unfolded that Smollett was being charged with orchestrating an elaborate hoax involving two "bogus" crimes -- one involving an alleged attack, and one involving a threatening letter -- allegedly all in order to get a pay raise.

MSNBC did not immediately respond to a request for comment."

MSNBC's avoidance of Jussie Smollett story during primetime 'a politically biased journalistic choice,’ expert says
We don't have a problem believing those crimes happen, we have a problem with you claiming everything is such a crime and claiming that the mere accusation should ruin lives and convict people.
"you claiming everything is such a crime"....oh? When have I done that?
You as in your buddies the left and Gay mafia. And yes you have also demanded punishment for someone simply because they were accused.
Thanks to Jussie Smollett for blowing open the fake hate crime epidemic
By Earick Ward ~~ As a long-suffering California Republican, I have engaged the radical left for the past couple decades and have found their modus operandi to be this; create a caricature of their opponents, and demand that said opponents defend said caricature. Racist, misogynist, homophobe, xenophobe, ageist, on and on and on. Who among us, over the past handful of years has not been tarnished by the broad brush of these ad hominem claims?
You and I know they're nonsense, but it seemed the more we argued against the claims, the more the general populace seemed to accept them as truth. If we ignored them, we accepted their validity. If we defended ourselves, we acknowledged their validity — a vicious catch-22.... Enter Jussie Smollett, a prototypical Trump-deranged leftist. While he orchestrated a hate crime hoax on a grand scale, the reality is that his is only the latest such hoax to rear its ugly head.
The Daily Caller has compiled a list of Trump-era hate crime hoaxes:
Anti-Muslim Hate Crime In Michigan Turns Out To Be A Hoax (Nov. 2016)
Bisexual Student Fakes Trump-Inspired Hate Crime (Nov. 2016)
White Men Rob Muslim Woman Of Her Hijab And Wallet — Except It Never Happened (Nov. 2016)
Church Organist Vandalizes Own Church (Nov. 2016)
White Guy Sets His Own Car On Fire, Paints Racial Slur On His Own Garage (Dec. 2016)
Fake Hate At Air Force Academy Goes Viral (Sept. 2017)
New York Woman's Hate Crime That Wasn't (Sept. 2018)
The Covington Catastrophe (Jan. 2019)​
Aside from the recent Covington event, most of these hoaxes have flown under the radar. I want to thank Jussie Smollett for bringing these deranged hoaxes to light.


The Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left created a lie that MAGA really means racism, hate etc. and now they have to create HOAXES to prove it true. Of course, media gets giddy when a possible MAGA HATE CRIME erupts and they go breaking news way too soon......but OH the possibilities, just can’t help themselves. Yes,.... Progressive Commie Leftists, doing the hate the Right won't do.
"Smolletting" should become a common usage term to describe a false-flag/hoax hate crime.
Whenever one of these things happens use the term over and over again to laugh at them until the fake-stream media decide 'Smolletting' is not a good tactic for them to pursue. YOU'VE BEEN SMOLLETED!
You know things are getting weird when you have to outsource your hate crimes to a nation like Nigeria known for one thing - frauds.
Tawana Smollett

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