Thanks to liberals, abortion clinics are dangerous, not monitored adequately


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
While tanning salons and restaurants are inspected annually, abortion clinics in Illinois are inspected "as deemed necessary." 63% of the licensed abortion centers have been inspected every 2 - 3 1/2 years. 54% of Illinois' abortion clinics are unlicensed and haven't been inspected in 14 years. Wow, just open an unlicensed abortion clinic and you don't need to worry about health standards.

That is alarming. Where is the outrage over this gross lack of concern for women's health? Women have died and suffered complications. Many clinics didn't even have a registered nurse available. Many are too far away from a hospital, which poses a huge danger in the event of emergencies. Many are unclean. It's a nightmare. Abortion is a woman's right, but how about at least having some minimum standards here.

It is clear that the left doesn't treat abortion as a medical procedure. It's been reduced to the level of a haircut and the liberals now want non-physicians to perform the abortions. Liberals often defend big government by saying restaurant food would be poison if not for the federal government. It's bullshit and most restaurants have higher standards than government. But the left acts like government is the only honest entity on the planet and they have a strong distrust of the private sector, yet they fight against safety precautions for abortion clinics and play it off as such a minor procedure and major necessity that no one should interfere with, especially trained medical people who like adhering to safety standards.

There is no excuse for this. Every time measures are proposed to make abortion clinics safer, the liberals whine that women's rights are being trampled. It makes no sense at all and certainly gives the impression that liberals just want the population controlled and if some women die or suffer permanent injury in the process, then so be it. Liberals would be more outraged at a case of food poisoning than a botched abortion that ended a woman's life.

"The five Illinois Planned Parenthood abortion clinics have settled at least six malpractice lawsuits, including two over abortions that left the women dead.

Another woman who allegedly had a botched abortion at Planned Parenthood "suffered amputation of [her] uterus and cervix."

Abortion advocates generally oppose safety requirements for providers as a Trojan horse designed to eliminate the procedure altogether.

In 2011, unhealthy conditions at abortion clinics received national attention when Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell was convicted of killing three babies at his "house or horrors" clinic, which authorities had repeatedly failed to inspect.

Zender says that the bad publicity prompted the Illinois Department of Health then inspected all 14 licensed facilities.

A total of 193 health and sanitary violations were found in all but one of the clinics.

They included:

The failure to employ a registered nurse during "an invasive and operative procedure."

Inadequate evaluation of patients before administering anesthesia

A recovery room worker was observed covering a food tray with a paper towel he retrieved from the garbage

Surgical tools "were stained with a brown substance."

The Department of Health could not provide any evidence that it informed patients about the unsanitary and dangerous conditions it uncovered.

The report, composed with Illinois Department of Health documents obtained through FOIA requests, proposes a host of reforms. Zender says her top priority is mandating annual abortion clinic inspections. Illinois currently requires the Department of Health to inspect women’s health clinics only "as it deems necessary." "
Why would you compare an abortion clinic to a tanning salon for the purposes of inspection? How often is any other doctor's office inspected?
Why would you compare an abortion clinic to a tanning salon for the purposes of inspection? How often is any other doctor's office inspected?

Abortion clinics should be treated the same as all facilities where surgical procedures are performed. Funny that you need a license for a kid to open a lemonade stand these days, but abortion clinics are not licensed and don't even have to have qualified medical people on staff.

Medical clinics should be held to high standards. They do invasive procedures there and that is not done at tanning salons, yet the liberals are more worried about everything except abortions.
Abortion advocates generally oppose safety requirements for providers as a Trojan horse designed to eliminate the procedure altogether.

Then inspect them more often. I don't think anyone objects to inspections. Its the 'must meet the admittance standards of hospitals' and 'must widen the hallways to admit gurneys' nonsense that makes people suspicious.

And don't get me started on the 'must have a transvaginal ultrasound' stuff.
Funny that you need a license for a kid to open a lemonade stand these days

Now you are moving the goal post. Your original post said nothing about licensing, it complained about inspection schedules. Stick to one thing and go with it.

but abortion clinics are not licensed and don't even have to have qualified medical people on staff.

I call bullshit.

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