Thanks to Obama Policies, DOW is up 8,000 points from Bush debacle

I'm no genius, but I do know that tax policy is going to have a relatively small impact on where companies will choose to manufacture their product.

Agree, you are no genius.

Bush tax policy enticed U.S. companies to manufacture their products overseas and keep profits from overseas operations tax free.

As a result, 82 of the largest 100 U.S. companies keep subsidiaries overseas to avoid/evade taxes.

You need some spec'ing up to qualify as informed, let alone genius!

Bush and Republicans outsourced 8 million jobs with their tax incentives to manufacturers.

Until those Bush tax policies are rescinded - as Obama is trying to do - those industries Bush and Republicans sent overseas - have no incentive to return.


Drivebymedia - I'm no genius, but I do know that tax policy is going to have a relatively small impact on where companies will choose to manufacture their product. And if it did, wouldn't the Republicans probably be in the lead in this front as they generally push for lower corporate taxes?

We live in a world where a Chinese worker is willing to make $2/hr, work 12-hr shifts, and live on site in a sort of corporate bunker.

It's a new world, and my hope is that we learn to adapt to it quickly.

driveby is a lying bitch. The more you interact with him, the more you'll discover that.

Besides, I think he's only about 15. 16 tops. And probably a girl. Most likely an ugly one to boot

and dont worry school starts soon.
....wouldn't Republicans be in the lead in that department given the fact they generally push for lower corporate tax rates?

Republicans certainly took the lead - they wrote the tax law that resulted in 8 million low wage, unskilled jobs being outsourced overseas, along with the manufacturing facilities that went with those jobs.

See, it's not that hard ....

I'm no genius, but I do know that tax policy is going to have a relatively small impact on where companies will choose to manufacture their product.

Agree, you are no genius.

Bush tax policy enticed U.S. companies to manufacture their products overseas and keep profits from overseas operations tax free.

As a result, 82 of the largest 100 U.S. companies keep subsidiaries overseas to avoid/evade taxes.

You need some spec'ing up to qualify as informed, let alone genius!


Where exactly in the tax policy do you see that?
Drivebydumbass wise up??

Not hardly. He's dumber than a box of rocks. In fact the rocks are smarter.

Wait till the Fed stops dumping all that unbacked money into the system then see what dumbass has to say about the great job the current jackass in chief has done.

That won't happen unless or until a Republican gets back into the WH. The Feds will continue this charade ad infinitum, barring some unforseen "other" disaster (other than Barack Obama and Obamacare).
I'm no genius, but I do know that tax policy is going to have a relatively small impact on where companies will choose to manufacture their product.

Agree, you are no genius.

Bush tax policy enticed U.S. companies to manufacture their products overseas and keep profits from overseas operations tax free.

As a result, 82 of the largest 100 U.S. companies keep subsidiaries overseas to avoid/evade taxes.

You need some spec'ing up to qualify as informed, let alone genius!


See? You're a lying motherfucker.

Those Companies DO pay taxes on the profits they make WHERE they make the profits.

They only pay taxes here when they repatriate the money.

And on Private Citizens, they tax the income of ALL Americans no matter where they are....

Tax History: Why U.S. Pursues Citizens Overseas - Washington Wire - WSJ

The U.S. is the only country that taxes its citizens on their world-wide income, no matter where they live.

You are an ignorant lying bitch.
I'm no genius, but I do know that tax policy is going to have a relatively small impact on where companies will choose to manufacture their product.

Agree, you are no genius.

Bush tax policy enticed U.S. companies to manufacture their products overseas and keep profits from overseas operations tax free.

As a result, 82 of the largest 100 U.S. companies keep subsidiaries overseas to avoid/evade taxes.

You need some spec'ing up to qualify as informed, let alone genius!


Didn't realize you were a dick... anyways...

Do you realize that we have a House of Representatives and a Senate with over 500 individuals (Republican and Democrat), who also have a say at the lawmaking, lol? Or did we suspend those rules during the Bush era? You know, if all the Dems would have voted "no" to the Iraq war, we wouldn't have sacrificed 6,000+ US lives and wasted $3 trillion. Both parties share the blame for these things.

We have what's called a Representative Democracy, and are not ruled by a single dictator. This is politics 101. Moving on..

Do you realize that it takes years for laws to be enacted and sometimes decades for large companies to react to them? You don't just pick up and ship out overnight..

Do you realize the economic collapse that began in 2006 (and really picked up in 2008) was literally decades in the making, stemming back to the late 1980's? The economy was already on autopilot, headed towards the side of a mountain by the time Bush 2 took office.

Before you go about insulting other people, you should first evaluate your own position. You appear to have a very naive and simplified way of looking at how our world economy functions. Hate to break it my friend!

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Drivebydumbass wise up??

Not hardly. He's dumber than a box of rocks. In fact the rocks are smarter.

Wait till the Fed stops dumping all that unbacked money into the system then see what dumbass has to say about the great job the current jackass in chief has done.

That won't happen unless or until a Republican gets back into the WH. The Feds will continue this charade ad infinitum, barring some unforseen "other" disaster (other than Barack Obama and Obamacare).

The Stuttering Clusterfukk can't control Bernanke.

Can't do it. Not unless he wants a worldwide panic.
The reason stocks are up is because Bernanke has had the printing presses running non stop printing fiat money pumping it into the system. When that stops, and it will, there's a crash coming the likes of the world has never seen, and it's not a matter of IF, it's a matter of WHEN... and this is the work of someone who is doing his best to make it APPEAR as though his boss obama is actually helping America, when in reality the two of them are doing more to HARM this nation and it's economy than anyone else in the history of this nation...

... you have to be a complete FOOL to deny it.

Yes....but....the Feds won't stop moving decimal points (they're not really, literally, printing fake money on a printing press, you know)....on a magic spreadsheet and pretending like there is a lot more money circulating...unless or until a GOPer gets back into the WH. And I don't see that happening again (See: conservatives abandoning the Republican Party Rinos-in-charge) unless Obama and the Democratic Party does something so heinous that even their leftist mainstream media abandons them and starts reporting the truth (for a change).

Presuming that a Republican ever does get elected as President again.....the bottom will, quite literally, drop out of the economy (or rather, the rug will be yanked out from under)....and we will be in the grips of the worst Depression you said "the likes of which the world has never seen".

So bottom line, we're damned and doomed any way you cut it. Best just accept the reality and prepare as best we can.
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So bottom line, we're damned and doomed any way you cut it. Best just accept the reality and prepare as best we can.

Not a matter of if but when. Obama's policies will not escape the wrath of history. Hoover will shine like a diamond in comparison.
... Before you go about insulting other people ....

That's funny, you do read my responses to the filth the tea baggers throw at us, right?


Dodging questions like you do, shows everyone, you have nothing but partisan talking points. So where exactly in the tax laws that Bush signed and Congress passed, gives additional tax breaks for companies moving overseas?

Is the question that hard for you to answer? You spout it out so much, one would think you would know it right away, yet you refuse to answer.
Actually closer to 9,000 - but why quibble.

America's 401K's and IRA's have doubled under Obama policies.



Name the exact policies and how they have cause the DOW to climb.
Federal Reserve prints money which is given to Banks at Low Interest Rates who then play the Stock Market with it.

The Stock Market is a huge Bubble.

Good thing the IRA's and 401K's have "doubled" because the Broke US Govt has plans to confiscate at least PART of those accounts.
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If the thread is still here when I come back from covering my short on the DOW

Strange, the thread is still here ...

Anyway, I covered the DOW short because the Markets will have a good week.

Trust me ....

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