Thanks to Obama Policies, DOW is up 8,000 points from Bush debacle

If the the dow going up means the economy is doing good why is it that companies are ONLY hiring PART-TIME workers? Oh gee... Do you think maybe that only hiring part-time workers and the DOW going up might have something to do with each other ? Like more liquid assets?

Companies have reported RECORD earnings for almost consecutive 12 quarters, and have pushed the DOW to record highs.

And DOW tracks the economy .... tick for tick ....


Dow tracks the economy? More like 30 of the largest companies by market capitalisation.

I'd hardly look at the well-being of the entire US economy based on only 30 companies. If you do, that's great, but this is probably why you think the Average American having only $500 dollars in their IRA is a good thing.
Indeed, it is almost impossible to make the case that stocks are starting another major move up here. We have, in no certain order:

1) A collapse in corporate earnings

2) The collapse in US GDP

3) The European banking crisis back

4) The European sovereign crisis back (Portugal’s 10 year spiked above 8%)

5) China’s hard landing (electrical consumption is up just 2.3%)

6) A Fed that is literally beginning to mutiny with calls to end QE growing louder by the week

Against this backdrop, stocks are undoubtedly in a bubble. Today, the S&P 500 is sitting a full 30% above its200-weekly moving average. We have NEVER been this overextended above this line at any point in the last 20 years.

Indeed, if you compare where the S&P 500 is relative to this line, we’re even MORE overbought that we were going into the 2007 peak at the top of the housing bubble.

We all know how bubbles end: BADLY.

This time will be no different. The last time a major bubble of these proportions burst, we fell to break through this line in a matter of weeks.

We then plunged into one of the worst market Crashes of all time.

By today’s metrics, this would mean the S&P 500 falling to 1,300 then eventually plummeting to new lows.

This is not doom and gloom. This is a fact. The Fed has created an even bigger bubble than the 2007 one.

The time to prepare for this is not once the collapse begins, but NOW, while stocks are still rallying. Stocks take their time moving up, but when they crash it happens VERY quickly.

With that in mind, I’ve already urged my Private WealthAdvisory clients to start prepping. We’ve opened six targeted trades to profit from the stock bubble bursting.
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Tell us exactly what obama has done to cause the DOW to go up.

Could it be allowing the FED to continue printing money that has caused inflation and the value of the dollar to go down.

In terms of actual purchasing power, the increase in the value of 401K accounts has stayed constant or dropped slightly.

But, if you think the obama has caused the DOW to go up,,,,,,,,,,,tell us which of his policies has caused it and how.

One important thing he has done is ignored Republicans in Congress and gone his own way!


Purchasing power? ... the Fed's big worry for 5 years is DEflation !

Obama has kept interest rates down to prevent the oil and bank cartels from dragging the country back into the Bush-hole


you are either a moron or a parrot-------which is it?
Actually, it's both. lol
The dot com bubble hurt a few sharks, and helped as many

It was a non-factor effect on the economy.


It caused a recession dumb ass.

What recession was that dumb ass?

In 2000 there was a recession, it was caused by the DotCom boom, it almost crippled us and with 9/11, it should have started the Great Recession, however it was held up by a housing boom.

I don't blame Clinton or Bush for either recession, it was based on bubbles that went back decades. It was government policies and economic cycles that created both recessions and we are due for another because of the current policies. We can't sustain debt by printing tons of money.
The dot com bubble hurt a few sharks, and helped as many

It was a non-factor effect on the economy.


It caused a recession dumb ass.

A very minor recession compared to the Big Republican Recession that the policies of Bush Inc. caused.

Bush caused nothing, neither did Clinton, economic forces worldwide, domestic economic policies and natural ebbs and flows in the economy all converged to creat the Great Recession. But that doesn't fit with partisan rhetoric, it's plain idiotic.
Actually closer to 9,000 - but why quibble.

America's 401K's and IRA's have doubled under Obama policies.



More like....thanks to the Feds' policies and in spite of Obama policies. But never let facts, truth and reality get in the way of that leftie agenda.

I find it ironic that the left poo-pooed Bush's initiative to allow younger Americans to choose to put a portion of their social security taxes into privatized accounts, instead. But the rabid left all bleated about how unstable that would be ....based on the stock market. And yet, here they (you) are....bleating about how great the stock market is now and basing that incorrectly (as usual) on Obama's "policies". The stupidity, hypocrisy and idiocy of the left just never ends.
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The reason stocks are up is because Bernanke has had the printing presses running non stop printing fiat money pumping it into the system. When that stops, and it will, there's a crash coming the likes of the world has never seen, and it's not a matter of IF, it's a matter of WHEN... and this is the work of someone who is doing his best to make it APPEAR as though his boss obama is actually helping America, when in reality the two of them are doing more to HARM this nation and it's economy than anyone else in the history of this nation...

... you have to be a complete FOOL to deny it.
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Actually closer to 9,000 - but why quibble.

America's 401K's and IRA's have doubled under Obama policies.



Did the US turn a corner and is now gaining back manufacturing jobs? No. Are there significant, new and exciting markets that have emerged since 2008, adding headway to our economy? No. Do the banks still hold 700 trillion in derivatives, the same 'tool' that helped cause the collapse of 2008? Yes.

Fact is, nothing's changed since 2008, so why are we seeing a surge?

You have to ask yourself that question first...
Did the US turn a corner and is now gaining back manufacturing jobs?

Bush and Republicans outsourced 8 million jobs with their tax incentives to manufacturers.

Until those Bush tax policies are rescinded - as Obama is trying to do - those industries Bush and Republicans sent overseas - have no incentive to return.

It caused a recession dumb ass.

What recession was that dumb ass?

In 2000 there was a recession, it was caused by the DotCom boom, it almost crippled us and with 9/11, it should have started the Great Recession, however it was held up by a housing boom.

I don't blame Clinton or Bush for either recession, it was based on bubbles that went back decades. It was government policies and economic cycles that created both recessions and we are due for another because of the current policies. We can't sustain debt by printing tons of money.

I believe the term coined by the NASDAQ Bubble was 'Irrational Exuberance'

People were paying 500 times earnings for Tech Stocks. In some cases, they were paying ridiculous prices for Stocks that had no earnings.

People think the NASDAQ collapse was no big deal. And that's because they're stupid.

The biggest Corporation on Earth is a NASDAQ Company.... Apple Computer with a Market Cap of 439 BILLION dollars. Symbol AAPL

Google is in the top three largest/wealthiest Companies with a Market Cap of 257 Billion, ticker symbol GOOG

Microsoft is typically in the top five biggest Companies but Always in the top ten with a Market Cap of 233 Billion, ticker symbol MSFT.

All of those Companies.....? On the NASDAQ exchange.

So yeah, when the 'daq took a shit, it was a big deal.... A really big deal.

The difference was.... Bush handled it with class and intelligence and got us out of it fast. FAST.

Where the Stuttering Clusterfukk is milking this one for everything it's worth.

He doesn't give a FUCK about the American People or America. He can stay in power by keeping us down -- So he does
Did the US turn a corner and is now gaining back manufacturing jobs?

Bush and Republicans outsourced 8 million jobs with their tax incentives to manufacturers.

Until those Bush tax policies are rescinded - as Obama is trying to do - those industries Bush and Republicans sent overseas - have no incentive to return.


Stupid, lying, dickbreath cocksucker of a lying whore.

I can't neg this piece of shit anymore. The computer won't let me.

Anybody else wanna pick up the slack
Did the US turn a corner and is now gaining back manufacturing jobs?

Bush and Republicans outsourced 8 million jobs with their tax incentives to manufacturers.

Until those Bush tax policies are rescinded - as Obama is trying to do - those industries Bush and Republicans sent overseas - have no incentive to return.


What specific tax policies are in place that Bush put into place, caused jobs to go overseas?

What specific tax policy is Obama trying to rescind that caused jobs to go overseas?

This should be pretty easy for you.
Did the US turn a corner and is now gaining back manufacturing jobs?

Bush and Republicans outsourced 8 million jobs with their tax incentives to manufacturers.

Until those Bush tax policies are rescinded - as Obama is trying to do - those industries Bush and Republicans sent overseas - have no incentive to return.


Drivebymedia - I'm no genius, but if tax policy did have a sizable impact on where manufacturers chose to build their products, wouldn't Republicans be in the lead in that department given the fact they generally push for lower corporate tax rates?

We live in a world where a Chinese worker is willing to make $2/hr, work 12-hr shifts, and live on site in a sort of corporate bunker. Personally, I don't think any form of tax policy will bear much of an impact against those factors.

It's a new world, and my hope is that we learn to adapt to it quickly.
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Did the US turn a corner and is now gaining back manufacturing jobs?

Bush and Republicans outsourced 8 million jobs with their tax incentives to manufacturers.

Until those Bush tax policies are rescinded - as Obama is trying to do - those industries Bush and Republicans sent overseas - have no incentive to return.


What specific tax policies are in place that Bush put into place, caused jobs to go overseas?

What specific tax policy is Obama trying to rescind that caused jobs to go overseas?

This should be pretty easy for you.

And let us not forget, the dimocraps had two years in which they could have changed any tax law they were in the mood to change.

And they could NOT be fillibustered -- It's called "Reconciliation" and dimocraps couldn't have been stopped if they wanted to change tax law.

But they didn't.

Did the US turn a corner and is now gaining back manufacturing jobs?

Bush and Republicans outsourced 8 million jobs with their tax incentives to manufacturers.

Until those Bush tax policies are rescinded - as Obama is trying to do - those industries Bush and Republicans sent overseas - have no incentive to return.


Drivebymedia - I'm no genius, but I do know that tax policy is going to have a relatively small impact on where companies will choose to manufacture their product. And if it did, wouldn't the Republicans probably be in the lead in this front as they generally push for lower corporate taxes?

We live in a world where a Chinese worker is willing to make $2/hr, work 12-hr shifts, and live on site in a sort of corporate bunker.

It's a new world, and my hope is that we learn to adapt to it quickly.

driveby is a lying bitch. The more you interact with him, the more you'll discover that.

Besides, I think he's only about 15. 16 tops. And probably a girl. Most likely an ugly one to boot
Are there significant, new and exciting markets that have emerged since 2008, adding headway to our economy

Republicans have turned down any bill supporting clean energy development - but more important, Obama has repaired and restored the U.S. auto, retail, home building, and basic research industries from the Bush/Republican wreckage.

And the economy has followed ....

Are there significant, new and exciting markets that have emerged since 2008, adding headway to our economy

Republicans have turned down any bill supporting clean energy development - but more important, Obama has repaired and restored the U.S. auto, retail, home building, and basic research industries from the Bush/Republican wreckage.

And the economy has followed ....


Why do you dodge the questions, you make lots of stupid unbacked, accusations, yet you refuse to prove what you claim.
Did the US turn a corner and is now gaining back manufacturing jobs?

Bush and Republicans outsourced 8 million jobs with their tax incentives to manufacturers.

Until those Bush tax policies are rescinded - as Obama is trying to do - those industries Bush and Republicans sent overseas - have no incentive to return.


Drivebymedia - I'm no genius, but if tax policy did have a sizable impact on where manufacturers chose to build their products, wouldn't Republicans be in the lead in that department given the fact they generally push for lower corporate tax rates?

We live in a world where a Chinese worker is willing to make $2/hr, work 12-hr shifts, and live on site in a sort of corporate bunker. Personally, I don't think any form of tax policy will bear much of an impact against those factors.

It's a new world, and my hope is that we learn to adapt to it quickly.

Its taxes, American Unions, china low labor rate and China currency manipulation

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