Thanks to Obama Policies, DOW is up 8,000 points from Bush debacle

Actually closer to 9,000 - but why quibble.

America's 401K's and IRA's have doubled under Obama policies.



How is he debt under Obama ..

Student Loan debt has exploded, but overall household debt other than that is down.

Individuals are Deleveraging while the Government piles on more debt.

This is not going to end well.
This is why the Dow is up:

Bush and Republicans dumped a $1.4 trillion deficit ANNUALLY into their Great Recession, and crashed the DOW 50% from what Clinton left them.

The debt Obama's policies has racked up is going to sink us. We're projected to pay $1 trillion a year on interest by 2020. The federal government only took in 2.3 trillion in revenue in 2012.

Look at what we're paying now:
Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

Those are billions that can't be spent on other things.

We're paying a very low interest rate now on a huge debt that is getting bigger. When interests rates increase, and they will, Obama's debt will drive a default. No avoiding it. When the U.S. defaults, interests rates will spike making the default deeper and unrecoverable.

Discuss it all you want but we'll all be around to see it happen in real time.

Obama's legacy.
Student Loan debt has exploded ....B]

College tuition and admissions have exploded much faster ....


You clearly don't understand causality and economics, do you?

When the federal government enables massive amounts of student loans to people with no credit histories and sets up the system so those loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy, it's an incentive for educational institutions to jack up prices and hoover up the cash.
Oh great, he's never heard of the NASDAQ bubble either...

NOTE TO AMAZONTANIA: He doesn't understand or even know about the market. He's parrotting the propaganda given to him by Barry and his cronies. He wants us to just say, "Oh, okay" and bow down to the 'messiah' like he does.
Funny how the bi-polar left gets away with condemning corporate wealth and then raves about corporate wealth when they can credit Obama. Black unemployment is still around 13%. Are Obama's policies racist?
And now we have hit a milestone! The Fed's share of public debt is now over $2T!

That's FOUR TIMES HIGHER than it was in at the end of 2008.

The Federal Reserve’s holdings of publicly traded U.S. Treasury securities—federal government debt—pushed above $2 trillion for the first time last week, hitting approximately $2,001,093,000,000 as of Aug. 14, according to the Fed’s latest weekly accounting.

The Fed’s accounting for the previous week showed that it had owned approximately $1,993,375,000,000 in U.S. Treasury securities as of Aug. 7.

Back on Dec. 31, 2008, before the Fed began its strategy of “Quantitative Easing," the Fed owned only $475.9 billion in U.S. Treasury securities. Since then, the Fed’s holdings of U.S. government debt have more than quadrupled...

$2,001,093,000,000: Fed?s Ownership of U.S. Debt Breaks $2T for First Time | CNS News

How Hopenchangey is that??!11!!!!!!!!!
Digitally dumping $850,000,000,000,.00 into the bond market since his re-election.

Bush and the Republicans dumped $1.4 TRILLION A YEAR Deficit into the garbage pit of their Great Recession


Name which policies the GOP passed which caused the great recession. And while you're at it, name those policies that Obama passed to cause the DOW to surge.
When the federal government enables massive amounts of student loans to people with no credit histories

College freshmen have "credit histories"?

Really? ....


Giving an undergrad majoring in Aggrieved Minority Studies $100K of student loans is the equivalent of no doc liar loans that drove the housing bubble.

Oh. And You.Are.An.Idiot.

Black unemployment is still around 13%

Most of the 8 million jobs Bush and Republicans outsourced were unskilled, low wage jobs

These workers didn't go away anywhere near as fast as the jobs did.

But we notice the rash of bills Republicans have pushed through Congress to make jobs for these folks that they put on food stamps !

Student Loan debt has exploded ....B]

College tuition and admissions have exploded much faster ....


You clearly don't understand causality and economics, do you?

When the federal government enables massive amounts of student loans to people with no credit histories and sets up the system so those loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy, it's an incentive for educational institutions to jack up prices and hoover up the cash.

The Govt shouldn't be in the business of making loans to anyone for anything.

Bush I stopped the Govt student loan program because the loans weren't being payed back and the taxpayers were stuck with the bill.

Billy Boy Clinton comes into office and starts them up again.

Load of bs in my book. You want a loan for college then get off your dead ass and go to a bank for a loan. Better yet get a fucking job and pay your way through college.
Oh great, he's never heard of the NASDAQ bubble either...

The dot com bubble hurt a few sharks, and helped as many

It was a non-factor effect on the economy.


You do realise that the NASDAQ Bubble and the Housing Bubble are the same bubble, right?

It did more than hurt a few sharks. More like the entire ecosystem.

Good grief no, they are not the same, not even close in content - and they are 8 YEARS apart!

Oh great, he's never heard of the NASDAQ bubble either...

The dot com bubble hurt a few sharks, and helped as many

It was a non-factor effect on the economy.


You do realise that the NASDAQ Bubble and the Housing Bubble are the same bubble, right?

It did more than hurt a few sharks. More like the entire ecosystem.

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

But one problem we have is that we Patriotic Americans have to be right all the time every time while dimocrap scum can run around lying like the scumbags they are.

driveby is a lying dog. He just simply is a lying bitch.

Everything he posts is couched in one kind of misrepresentation or another.

I'm responding in the thread only to warn you of how he works. If he, or any of the disgusting slimy libtards, catch you in a mistake, they'll beat you over the head with it for the next week.

While they just continue to lie in every post.

Best thing to do with driveby fuckwad is just to ignore him.

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