Thanks to Obama Policies, DOW is up 8,000 points from Bush debacle

Black unemployment is still around 13%

Most of the 8 million jobs Bush and Republicans outsourced were unskilled, low wage jobs

These workers didn't go away anywhere near as fast as the jobs did.

But we notice the rash of bills Republicans have pushed through Congress to make jobs for these folks that they put on food stamps !


OK, asshole, I am tired of your lies.

what specific bills did Bush sign that caused companies to outsource jobs?

which specific bills have passed the house that put people on food stamps?

Now, you want some truth?

Obamacare has destroyed and is destroying millions of jobs every day. Even the Teamsters and UAW hate that piece of shit bill.

the FED printing money under obama has only helped the very rich who deal in fake money every day-------it has hurt the middle and lower class.
The dot com bubble hurt a few sharks, and helped as many

It was a non-factor effect on the economy.


You do realise that the NASDAQ Bubble and the Housing Bubble are the same bubble, right?

It did more than hurt a few sharks. More like the entire ecosystem.

Good grief no, they are not the same, not even close - they are 8 YEARS apart!


Where exactly do you think all the liquidity when into after the bursting of the Dot Com Bubble, The Iraq War?

Wise up.

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Oh oh, we're having too much fun .... hang on kids, I think it's coming: BANG off to the Rubber Room!

Drivebydumbass wise up??

Not hardly. He's dumber than a box of rocks. In fact the rocks are smarter.

Wait till the Fed stops dumping all that unbacked money into the system then see what dumbass has to say about the great job the current jackass in chief has done.
If the the dow going up means the economy is doing good why is it that companies are ONLY hiring PART-TIME workers? Oh gee... Do you think maybe that only hiring part-time workers and the DOW going up might have something to do with each other ? Like more liquid assets?
Black unemployment is still around 13%

Most of the 8 million jobs Bush and Republicans outsourced were unskilled, low wage jobs

These workers didn't go away anywhere near as fast as the jobs did.

But we notice the rash of bills Republicans have pushed through Congress to make jobs for these folks that they put on food stamps !


OK, asshole, I am tired of your lies.

what specific bills did Bush sign that caused companies to outsource jobs?

which specific bills have passed the house that put people on food stamps?

Now, you want some truth?

Obamacare has destroyed and is destroying millions of jobs every day. Even the Teamsters and UAW hate that piece of shit bill.

the FED printing money under obama has only helped the very rich who deal in fake money every day-------it has hurt the middle and lower class.

If the the dow going up means the economy is doing good why is it that companies are ONLY hiring PART-TIME workers? Oh gee... Do you think maybe that only hiring part-time workers and the DOW going up might have something to do with each other ? Like more liquid assets?

Or like Big Companies telling employees, "You're gonna work twice as hard and produce twice as much for the same money. Otherwise, we got ten people waiting who will take your job."

That tends to drive profits up.

Meanwhile, the typical libtard scumbag is hanging out in front of the Drug Store, sittin' and spttin', gettin' high and being stupid while collecting Food Stamps and living with his mommy.
If the the dow going up means the economy is doing good why is it that companies are ONLY hiring PART-TIME workers? Oh gee... Do you think maybe that only hiring part-time workers and the DOW going up might have something to do with each other ? Like more liquid assets?

Companies have reported RECORD earnings for almost consecutive 12 quarters, and have pushed the DOW to record highs.

And DOW tracks the economy .... tick for tick ....

If the market goes up, if more jobs are created, it is in spite of the President, but if the market goes down, if there are job losses, it is the President's fault.

The daily decisions made by the President affects the market, thus far, the market is very positive on this President.

Jobs? Much slower, due to a very large problem with education within our nation. We have far too much unemployment, and yet the industries have millions of jobs going begging because of the lack of trained technicians. Electricians, millwrights, automation people are in high demand, and command salaries of 50k to 150k. As a millwright in a steel mill, I have cracked 100k for four of the past five years. And will only miss it this year for the fact that I am avoiding overtime while I take two classes a quarter at a university.
Black unemployment is still around 13%

Most of the 8 million jobs Bush and Republicans outsourced were unskilled, low wage jobs

These workers didn't go away anywhere near as fast as the jobs did.

But we notice the rash of bills Republicans have pushed through Congress to make jobs for these folks that they put on food stamps !


Obama gets credit and GOP gets blame. LOL! Typical partisan hack.
If the the dow going up means the economy is doing good why is it that companies are ONLY hiring PART-TIME workers? Oh gee... Do you think maybe that only hiring part-time workers and the DOW going up might have something to do with each other ? Like more liquid assets?

Companies have reported RECORD earnings for almost consecutive 12 quarters, and have pushed the DOW to record highs.

And DOW tracks the economy .... tick for tick ....


You STUPID motherfucker.

Do you know what 'DOW' is?

It is the Ticker Symbol for Dow Chemical Company. It is NOT an acronym for the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

You can use the term, 'Dow' or 'Dow Jones' or you can use DJIA. Never 'DOW'

You are just too stupid for words and the only reason anybody responds to you is to tell you that
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If the market goes up, if more jobs are created, it is in spite of the President, but if the market goes down, if there are job losses, it is the President's fault.

The daily decisions made by the President affects the market, thus far, the market is very positive on this President.

Jobs? Much slower, due to a very large problem with education within our nation. We have far too much unemployment, and yet the industries have millions of jobs going begging because of the lack of trained technicians. Electricians, millwrights, automation people are in high demand, and command salaries of 50k to 150k. As a millwright in a steel mill, I have cracked 100k for four of the past five years. And will only miss it this year for the fact that I am avoiding overtime while I take two classes a quarter at a university.

Good one!

...But it's not what Limbaugh and Hannity teach the ditto heads!

Republicans have voted against any aide to education and job re-training bill that manages to get past the House Sargeant-at-Arms

The last number I saw from BLS was 3.4 million skilled jobs are going begging.

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The dot com bubble hurt a few sharks, and helped as many

It was a non-factor effect on the economy.


It caused a recession dumb ass.

A very minor recession compared to the Big Republican Recession that the policies of Bush Inc. caused.

What policies, bitch?

What policies enacted by Bush caused the Housing Bubble to collapse and the financial Markets to crash?

What policies by Bush caused Lehman to go belly-up?

What policies by Bush caused Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to be taken over by the US Government?

What policies by Bush caused Mortgage Foreclosures to triple? Like you even know what a Mortgage is.

Like every other libtard scumbag... You have no idea.

And even if I bothered to take the time to inform you, it would be a waste.

You're just too stupid to comprehend it.

Like trying to teach Algebra to a Monkey. What's the point....

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