Thanks to Obama Policies, DOW is up 8,000 points from Bush debacle

Actually closer to 9,000 - but why quibble.

America's 401K's and IRA's have doubled under Obama policies.



Tell us exactly what obama has done to cause the DOW to go up.

Could it be allowing the FED to continue printing money that has caused inflation and the value of the dollar to go down.

In terms of actual purchasing power, the increase in the value of 401K accounts has stayed constant or dropped slightly.

But, if you think the obama has caused the DOW to go up,,,,,,,,,,,tell us which of his policies has caused it and how.

One important thing he has done is ignored Republicans in Congress and gone his own way!


And by doing so has passed what policies leading to the DOW climbing?
Notice that the idiot troll still cannot point to a policy

Well.. I'll give him one.. the ramped up printing of money with nothing to back it up.. devaluing the dollar.. devaluing it faster than the % increase on investment

Next we will hear how Obamalama's policies are so great that they make gold more valuable... LOL
Actually closer to 9,000 - but why quibble.

America's 401K's and IRA's have doubled under Obama policies.



Name the exact policies and how they have cause the DOW to climb.

Digitally dumping $850,000,000,000,.00 into the bond market since his re-election.

The moment the markets catch wind he's ending the practice it crashes.
I was wondering, how much does drivebymedia get for mouthing Barry and his cronies party lines? As an American, I've never understood this willingness to stand in line like I'm told to, do what I'm told, parrot the party line like I'm told. I just don't get it. Talk about your low-information voter.

Don't know much about the stock market do you? If you did, you'd know why there is a slow but methodical exodus of investors out of the market at this time. Want a good read, search out Richard Stansberry and see what he has to say about the immediate future. Also look at some of the wealthiest (Buffett, Soros even) and what they are doing. Some say a correction is in order of around 20%. There are some who say 80 - 90 %. Why? China and a number of nations are demanding a change from the dollar as the currency of record to something else. That 17 trillion in debt and the 'quantitative easing' that you liberals are saying means nothing and Barry is adding to at record rates? Well, it does mean something and it WILL come around to hurt us very badly. The arguement is not on how, but when.

Also, check the bond market and look at interest rates. The 10-year note is up to above two percent plus. And what happens when the bond market interest rates climb?

That is why a majority of my money is now out of this country and literally in something that will weather a melt-down. I believe it is coming...
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Actually closer to 9,000 - but why quibble.

America's 401K's and IRA's have doubled under Obama policies.



Tell us exactly what obama has done to cause the DOW to go up.

Could it be allowing the FED to continue printing money that has caused inflation and the value of the dollar to go down.

In terms of actual purchasing power, the increase in the value of 401K accounts has stayed constant or dropped slightly.

But, if you think the obama has caused the DOW to go up,,,,,,,,,,,tell us which of his policies has caused it and how.

One important thing he has done is ignored Republicans in Congress and gone his own way!


right, he has done that.

more people on foodstamps than ever before
more people below the poverty level than ever before
more people on welfare than ever before
the longest run of high unemployment in history
full time workers being put on part time due to obozocare
wprkers being laid off due to obozocare
4 dead americans in benghazi due to his incompetence
the IRS spying on americans
the NSA spying on americans
continual race baiting has divided the country like never before
tax increases on every taxpayer
backed the muslim brotherhood in the mid east
corrupt DOJ
done nothing about illegal immigration
no federal budget for 5 years
made the USA the laughing stock of the world

Yes, you are right, obama's vision is taking over. He is succeeding in bringing the best country in the history of the world to its knees.

And why is he doing that????? Read his books, its obvious. Obama hates this country and everything it stands for.
Actually closer to 9,000 - but why quibble.

America's 401K's and IRA's have doubled under Obama policies.



Tell us exactly what obama has done to cause the DOW to go up.

Could it be allowing the FED to continue printing money that has caused inflation and the value of the dollar to go down.

In terms of actual purchasing power, the increase in the value of 401K accounts has stayed constant or dropped slightly.

But, if you think the obama has caused the DOW to go up,,,,,,,,,,,tell us which of his policies has caused it and how.

One important thing he has done is ignored Republicans in Congress and gone his own way!


Purchasing power? ... the Fed's big worry for 5 years is DEflation !

Obama has kept interest rates down to prevent the oil and bank cartels from dragging the country back into the Bush-hole


you are either a moron or a parrot-------which is it?
It's awesome for people like me. I don't see how this helps the little guy like you, but great for the financial industry.

If you had a 401K or IRA - like we little guys do ... you saw them drop 50% under Bush, and rise 80% under Obama.

Do the math and go open a retirement account - like we little guys!

Tell us exactly what obama has done to cause the DOW to go up.

Could it be allowing the FED to continue printing money that has caused inflation and the value of the dollar to go down.

In terms of actual purchasing power, the increase in the value of 401K accounts has stayed constant or dropped slightly.

But, if you think the obama has caused the DOW to go up,,,,,,,,,,,tell us which of his policies has caused it and how.

One important thing he has done is ignored Republicans in Congress and gone his own way!


Purchasing power? ... the Fed's big worry for 5 years is DEflation !

Obama has kept interest rates down to prevent the oil and bank cartels from dragging the country back into the Bush-hole


you are either a moron or a parrot-------which is it?

Tell us exactly what obama has done to cause the DOW to go up.

Could it be allowing the FED to continue printing money that has caused inflation and the value of the dollar to go down.

In terms of actual purchasing power, the increase in the value of 401K accounts has stayed constant or dropped slightly.

But, if you think the obama has caused the DOW to go up,,,,,,,,,,,tell us which of his policies has caused it and how.

One important thing he has done is ignored Republicans in Congress and gone his own way!


Purchasing power? ... the Fed's big worry for 5 years is DEflation !

Obama has kept interest rates down to prevent the oil and bank cartels from dragging the country back into the Bush-hole


you are either a moron or a parrot-------which is it?

That's about what you've learned from Limbaugh ... but you are out in the street now, unprotected!

It's awesome for people like me. I don't see how this helps the little guy like you, but great for the financial industry.

If you had a 401K or IRA - like we little guys do ... you saw them drop 50% under Bush, and rise 80% under Obama.

Do the math and go open a retirement account - like we little guys!


to be honest about it, neither president had anything to do with it. But, the president gets the credit or the blame. Thats the way it works.
It's awesome for people like me. I don't see how this helps the little guy like you, but great for the financial industry.

If you had a 401K or IRA - like we little guys do ... you saw them drop 50% under Bush, and rise 80% under Obama.

Do the math and go open a retirement account - like we little guys!


Actually my IRA raised much more under Bush II... and my 401K's raised under both Bush and Obama...

And lest ye forget the effect of printing money for the sake of printing money by Obamalama, making the market rise mean much less... but hey, with a troll like you, why let reality get in the way??

Again, who keeps pos repping this troll into the positive numbers??
It's awesome for people like me. I don't see how this helps the little guy like you, but great for the financial industry.

If you had a 401K or IRA - like we little guys do ... you saw them drop 50% under Bush, and rise 80% under Obama.

Do the math and go open a retirement account - like we little guys!


What's in your IRA, penny stocks? The 50% of Americans have less than $500 dollars saved. That's barely enough to buy you one share of Apple Inc.

Yeah, living da good life on $500 worth of savings for retirement, LMAO. Sign me up (no, don't sign me up...).
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Notice that the idiot troll still cannot point to a policy

Well.. I'll give him one.. the ramped up printing of money with nothing to back it up.. devaluing the dollar.. devaluing it faster than the % increase on investment

Next we will hear how Obamalama's policies are so great that they make gold more valuable... LOL

That has little to do with Obama. That's the Federal Reserve.
Notice that the idiot troll still cannot point to a policy

Well.. I'll give him one.. the ramped up printing of money with nothing to back it up.. devaluing the dollar.. devaluing it faster than the % increase on investment

Next we will hear how Obamalama's policies are so great that they make gold more valuable... LOL

Yup. One has to wonder what happens when the Fed stops pumping those unbacked dollars into the economy.

I doubt it will be a fun time.
Digitally dumping $850,000,000,000,.00 into the bond market since his re-election.

Bush and the Republicans dumped $1.4 TRILLION A YEAR Deficit into the garbage pit of their Great Recession

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