Thanks to USMB for always supporting free speech and thought

Serves you right. Undoubtedly you went there to stir shit and piss people off.

Then when it works, you're all hurt.
Never heard of the policies of DU, Randi Rhodes or numerous other leftist wackaloon forums out there, have you?
Never heard of the policies of DU, Randi Rhodes or numerous other leftist wackaloon forums out there, have you?

I don't really understand why people - on either side - would want to go and debate an issue with people they agree with.
Never heard of the policies of DU, Randi Rhodes or numerous other leftist wackaloon forums out there, have you?

I don't really understand why people - on either side - would want to go and debate an issue with people they agree with.

They don't. If you had read the agreement you had to click off on to join that forum, you would have understood it is a CONSERVATIVE forum where CONSERVATIVES discuss issues.

"The Conservative's Forum (CF) is for conservatives. You can be banned, posts deleted or not permitted to post for any reason, no reason or for editorial purposes."
Conservative's Forum, Conservative Politics

It's not a debate forum, it's where conservatives talk shop.
Serves you right. Undoubtedly you went there to stir shit and piss people off.

Then when it works, you're all hurt.

Oh please. A long time ago, I got kicked of LittleGreenFootballs by posting Chapter 8 of the 911 Commission Report. I was suddenly denied access to the comment section of HumanEvents when I spoke out against some of Ann Coulter's screeds. It's not unusual at all for conservative websites (and probably liberal ones too, I don't know) to attempt to thin the opposition.
Never heard of the policies of DU, Randi Rhodes or numerous other leftist wackaloon forums out there, have you?

I don't really understand why people - on either side - would want to go and debate an issue with people they agree with.

They don't. If you had read the agreement you had to click off on to join that forum, you would have understood it is a CONSERVATIVE forum where CONSERVATIVES discuss issues.

"The Conservative's Forum (CF) is for conservatives. You can be banned, posts deleted or not permitted to post for any reason, no reason or for editorial purposes."
Conservative's Forum, Conservative Politics

It's not a debate forum, it's where conservatives talk shop.

And a Catholic Church is for Catholics but they typically don't mind non-Catholics coming to their services. Alcoholics Anonymous is for drunks but they don't mind non-drunks coming to their meetings.

They should be more specific and simply state that non-conservatives are not allowed.
You can't get much more specific than "THIS SITE IS FOR CONSERVATIVES". That's pretty specific. It's the first line of the agreement, nitwit.

And your ridiculous Catholic church parallel is...well, ridiculous.
What a dumbass thing to do...

The site specifically said it didn't want you leftoids, yet you go and sign up anyway... Like some stupid MAC user signing up at a PC users forum...

Spidey just proves, once again, how stupid he truly is...
You can't get much more specific than "THIS SITE IS FOR CONSERVATIVES". That's pretty specific. It's the first line of the agreement, nitwit.

And your ridiculous Catholic church parallel is...well, ridiculous.

That's why I went. I wanted to debate with conservatives. Where do you recommend I go to debate with conservatives, a liberal forum?
You can't get much more specific than "THIS SITE IS FOR CONSERVATIVES". That's pretty specific. It's the first line of the agreement, nitwit.

And your ridiculous Catholic church parallel is...well, ridiculous.

That's why I went. I wanted to debate with conservatives. Where do you recommend I go to debate with conservatives, a liberal forum?

Just because you want to debate and force your presence upon them doesn't mean they're going to turn into a debate forum. That's not what they're there for.

THIS is a debate forum. You can debate here. There are others. When you look for debate, you might want to include the word "debate" in the search. You can't force people to debate with you, if that's not the purpose of the site.
You can't get much more specific than "THIS SITE IS FOR CONSERVATIVES". That's pretty specific. It's the first line of the agreement, nitwit.

And your ridiculous Catholic church parallel is...well, ridiculous.

That's why I went. I wanted to debate with conservatives. Where do you recommend I go to debate with conservatives, a liberal forum?
There are probably about five real conservatives living in this country, so good luck finding one to debate with.
You can't get much more specific than "THIS SITE IS FOR CONSERVATIVES". That's pretty specific. It's the first line of the agreement, nitwit.

And your ridiculous Catholic church parallel is...well, ridiculous.

That's why I went. I wanted to debate with conservatives. Where do you recommend I go to debate with conservatives, a liberal forum?
Go to Hannity...They'll love you. :rofl:
You can't get much more specific than "THIS SITE IS FOR CONSERVATIVES". That's pretty specific. It's the first line of the agreement, nitwit.

And your ridiculous Catholic church parallel is...well, ridiculous.

That's why I went. I wanted to debate with conservatives. Where do you recommend I go to debate with conservatives, a liberal forum?

I recommend you NOT go to a site that doesn't want YOU to even sign up...

This shouldn't be a difficult concept, but somehow it is to you...
I just got kicked off of

Conservative's Forum, Conservative Politics

just for being liberal. Literally.

So far as I can tell, I can say anything I want on this board that I could say in public - and more! Thanks to USMB for giving myself and everyone here a forum to voice our opinions without fear of being muzzled!
Don't worry. This site permits all kinds of fuckin' idiots to post what they please. You're in like Flynn! You're a fuckin' idiot!!!
I just got kicked off of

Conservative's Forum, Conservative Politics

just for being liberal. Literally.

So far as I can tell, I can say anything I want on this board that I could say in public - and more! Thanks to USMB for giving myself and everyone here a forum to voice our opinions without fear of being muzzled!

Here here.

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Never heard of the policies of DU, Randi Rhodes or numerous other leftist wackaloon forums out there, have you?

I don't really understand why people - on either side - would want to go and debate an issue with people they agree with.

They don't. If you had read the agreement you had to click off on to join that forum, you would have understood it is a CONSERVATIVE forum where CONSERVATIVES discuss issues.

"The Conservative's Forum (CF) is for conservatives. You can be banned, posts deleted or not permitted to post for any reason, no reason or for editorial purposes."
Conservative's Forum, Conservative Politics

It's not a debate forum, it's where conservatives talk shop.

AllieBaba, who qualifies as a "Conservative"? Who decides? I'd like to take a flame thrower to the organizational chart of the federal government and the Code of Federal Regulations.

Am I a "Conservative" just because of that, or do my social views outweigh my fiscal POVs? Some people, like me, don't lend themselves to pigeon-holing easily. I suspect this is true for most of us. We have different values and different hierarchies. I've been a card-carrying Republican since the 1980's....does THAT make me a "Conservative"?
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