Thanks to White Supremacy There's 2 Americas: White America & Black America

1996, cry baby Mark has daddy issues.

Black immigrants lead themselves to success
I have a theory of my own. Black immigrants come here looking to themselves as their own leaders. They haven't been inculcated with the doctrine of the black-liberal-Democrat leadership that the majority of native-born blacks follow. You know what the doctrine is. The one that says white racism is to blame for virtually every ill afflicting black America.

White racism causes black teen pregnancies. White racism causes the staggering homicide rate among young black men. White racism leads blacks to abuse drugs. White racism causes blacks to do poorly academically. White racism leads to blacks having a disproportionate amount of earwax than other ethnic groups. White racism, white racism, white racism..........................

I wasn't asking you, I was asking the person who made the statement. And why are you talking to me?

It was a simple question to answer, so I answered for him, so you would not have to wait.

You're welcome.

The point stands. Yes, the 1/6 riot was US.

No one is perfect and we, as a group, as getting very angry and we had a riot.

You asked a question, now you have your answer. What of it?
What an idiotic post. You don't care about Blacks shooting each other, only if a Black is shot by a White cop, huh.
Stop trying to tell blacks what we don't care about.

BS Filter
Too late. You've already admitted that you don't care about Black people who are victims of crime. You only care about Black victims of White cops, and you've proven that again. Keep going, you're making my case for me.

And this coming from white people in USMB who literally want white people to die at the hands of a big scary green mile black man.
1996, cry baby Mark has daddy issues.

Black immigrants lead themselves to success
I have a theory of my own. Black immigrants come here looking to themselves as their own leaders. They haven't been inculcated with the doctrine of the black-liberal-Democrat leadership that the majority of native-born blacks follow. You know what the doctrine is. The one that says white racism is to blame for virtually every ill afflicting black America.

White racism causes black teen pregnancies. White racism causes the staggering homicide rate among young black men. White racism leads blacks to abuse drugs. White racism causes blacks to do poorly academically. White racism leads to blacks having a disproportionate amount of earwax than other ethnic groups. White racism, white racism, white racism..........................

Go read about the H1B Visa program then come discuss black immigrants.

Because the Africans I know understand white American racism real well.
BS Filter
Too late. You've already admitted that you don't care about Black people who are victims of crime. You only care about Black victims of White cops, and you've proven that again. Keep going, you're making my case for me.

And this coming from white people in USMB who literally want white people to die at the hands of a big scary green mile black man.
You're stupid.
Stop trying to tell blacks what we don't care about.

You certainly don't care about Black on Black crime. There's no political benefit. All you and your pals pretend to care about is when a white cop is involved. You're race hustlers. You prove it here every day.
Too late. You've already admitted that you don't care about Black people who are victims of crime. You only care about Black victims of White cops, and you've proven that again. Keep going, you're making my case for me.
Everyone should care when our government (the police) is killing the citizens of this country.

I understand that some concepts are hard for some people to grasp but it's never too late to try to gain some knowledge.

And you have no case, not on this thread.
Obsession over the color of one's skin ...

The very thing Martin Luther King, Jr warned EVERYONE against is EVIL.

The OSSESSION part .... makes it a Mental Disorder.

Once again proving the fact .... as evidence by your own comment .... that Leftism is a Mental Disorder.

Martin Luther King did not do that. Furthermore, he was telling whites to stop being racists. You have not stopped yet but want to try telling black people about Dr. King.

Keep Dr. Kings name out of your mouth.
Everyone should care when our government (the police) is killing the citizens of this country.

I understand that some concepts are hard for some people to grasp but it's never too late to try to gain some knowledge.

And you have no case, not on this thread.

I'll keep the police around where I live, thank you.
You're stupid.

You certainly don't care about Black on Black crime. There's no political benefit. All you and your pals pretend to care about is when a white cop is involved. You're race hustlers. You prove it here every day.
White boy, I worked in the black community pretty much non stop from the age of 21 to 52. And I helped reduce black crime. What we weren't able to reduce was white racism.
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White boy, I worked in the black community pretty much non stop from the age ofc21 to 52. And I helped reduce black crime. What we weren't able to reduce was white racism.
well you need to get back out there pal ! the inner cities are once again turning into war zones .
Go read about the H1B Visa program then come discuss black immigrants.

Because the Africans I know understand white American racism real well.
Indians are every bit as black as Africans lol. W. African immigrants love the USA, and no they think hotep crybabies and American Black culture is garbage.
Obama was wrong in his infamous speech where he talked about being one America, although I know he was trying to placate to racist white America, he shouldn't have.

He should have just told the truth. We live in two Americas....

Can you imagine anybody Black surviving an episode like this w/o being tazed, gang tackled, beaten or even shot?

This is the Black American experience...

We live in two Americas. Two totally. different. Americas.

And here we have necked support of bigotry. But I'm sure he believes only whites can be bigots.

Tonights lesson:

Shutting White Mouths About Black Crime

It seems that when we black folks start talking about race, we have to get the lecture about our supposed lack of concern about black-on-black crime from white people.

I began looking at this in 1994. At the time I was working in an organization with a mission to improve the lives of black youths and adults as well as to help black businesses. I had been in the process of organizing an all-night vigil to protest the violence in a particular of a city when a long-time resident who was black heard of what I was trying to do and read me the riot act. I listened to that person and said nothing, but then I spent the following 2 weeks living in that community. I walked those streets late at night. I wandered through the neighborhoods all day. I met all kinds of people there. I watched the activities as school began and let out. I visited after-school programs in that community. What I saw were people needing resources that the white-controlled government would not give to them trying to make it, trying to help their kids succeed and not one time did I see an act of violence.

I began studying the facts and figures of arrests and crime. Beginning then I saw that whites were arrested more than double that of blacks. Yet still, what I heard was the mounting cries of how we black people needed to stop black-on-back crime. I lived in that city for several years and watched the killing and crime on the news and how most of those things went on in the white community, yet nothing was said. Yet if it happened in the black community black leaders were asked all kinds of questions about what they were going to do. Still, when the national numbers came out about arrests, whites were arrested at double the rate of blacks.

Having said all this, it is now time to end the lectures from those who rant incessantly about back on black crime while ignoring the equally huge problem of white-on-white crime that exists in their community.

End of Pt. 1
Indians are every bit as black as Africans lol. W. African immigrants love the USA, and no they think hotep crybabies and American Black culture is garbage.
I guarantee I have met many more Africans than you and I know your racist ---- has no clue. Go read the H1B program, learn what it does then shut the fuck up.

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