Thanks to White Supremacy There's 2 Americas: White America & Black America

Everyone should care when our government (the police) is killing the citizens of this country.

I understand that some concepts are hard for some people to grasp but it's never too late to try to gain some knowledge.

And you have no case, not on this thread.
Bullshit. Citizens are killing citizens in far larger numbers than cops are killing innocent citizens. Sell your propaganda to some naive college kids.
Way to not answer the question. I was no where near the Capital on January 6th and have never burned down anything in my life nor attempted to.

Again, which group were the people who stormed the Capital on January 6th 2021? What did you call them again? "...kind logical people and the other with people like you" addressing MarcATL.

It's a peculiar distinction because whenever I think about that poor police officer who the rioters had wedged in a doorway and were attempting to squeeze the life out of him while he was screaming in pain, nothing about that imagery classifies as logical and particularly not as "kind".

So what exactly are you trying to say other than attempting to insult MarcATL?
I did answer you. They were bad people. Bad people may be on both sides of the political aisle. I have to spell it out for you? People like you are the epitome of what is wrong with America. You’re an evil person. Spelled out cleanly enough or do you require more detail? Let me know.
People like you. The same ones who burned down cities because of one rogue police officer.

All they had to do is arrest the other cops and charge all of them with first degree murder of Floyd. It’s that simple but white supremacy hates taking L’s so they rather let the country burn than charge those cops.

Further proof that you can’t put a price tag on white supremacy. They will destroy the world before they give it up. For them there is no purpose to life without white supremacy and privilege.

Burn it all down as far as I'm concerned. They're all insured. Plus black people don't own any of it so it's not our businesses to ransack in the first place.

Also most of the looting was done by whites.


People like you and IM2 hate free speech. Why would the other officers be charged with first degree murder? That is not the definition of the crime. You admitted to me that you hate white people. Be a coward like IM2 and put me on ignore. You dumbass leftist loser.
BS Filter
You certainly don't care about Black on Black crime.

And how does that affect white people ?

And why don't you focus on the white criminals in your race ?











There is no worse of crime than the sexual abuse of children and your race of full of ppl like that. White people have an OPEN child molestation culture from the top people in hollywood, to royalty, to millionaires. There is no worse than child sexual abuse. None
There is only one race, the human race. Numb skull.
You guys always talk about per capita, but when blacks are shot by police at 3 times our population and whites about just less than half their population we see the cracker defense bringing up black on black shooting. More whites shoot each other than blacks shooting blacks, but you will have an excuse to try justifying that.
No, you make excuses for criminals who get shot. I feel no pity if a cop shoots a criminal, white or black. You defend the black criminals.
BS Filter
Looks like White people care more about Black people than some Black people do.

Really ? And how come these tons of good caring white people (that you claim are out there somewhere) are never in the court room ?





A white man was just freed after 20 years in prison because DNA proved his innocence.

BS Filter
You certainly don't care about Black on Black crime.

And how does that affect white people ?

And why don't you focus on the white criminals in your race ?











There is no worse of crime than the sexual abuse of children and your race of full of ppl like that. White people have an OPEN child molestation culture from the top people in hollywood, to royalty, to millionaires. There is no worse than child sexual abuse. None
whites aren’t the only monsters
BS Filter
You certainly don't care about Black on Black crime.

And how does that affect white people ?

And why don't you focus on the white criminals in your race ?











There is no worse of crime than the sexual abuse of children and your race of full of ppl like that. White people have an OPEN child molestation culture from the top people in hollywood, to royalty, to millionaires. There is no worse than child sexual abuse. None

People like you and IM2 hate free speech.

You have free speech. What you don't have is protection against how ppl respond to your free speech.

That's why there are slander and libel laws. I could open a coffee shop and put a Starbucks sign up. But I'd sued and shut down very quickly.

Why would the other officers be charged with first degree murder? That is not the definition of the crime.

Let a black man do what that white cop did Floyd and see how quickly he get's charged with 1st degree murder

You admitted to me that you hate white people. Be a coward like IM2 and put me on ignore. You dumbass leftist loser.

I never said I hated white ppl
A white man was just freed after 20 years in prison because DNA proved his innocence.
People like you and IM2 hate free speech.

You have free speech. What you don't have is protection against how ppl respond to your free speech.

That's why there are slander and libel laws. I could open a coffee shop and put a Starbucks sign up. But I'd sued and shut down very quickly.

Why would the other officers be charged with first degree murder? That is not the definition of the crime.

Let a black man do what that white cop did Floyd and see how quickly he get's charged with 1st degree murder

You admitted to me that you hate white people. Be a coward like IM2 and put me on ignore. You dumbass leftist loser.

I never said I hated white ppl
The cop who killed Floyd is in prison. What more do you want?
"People like you and IM2 hate free speech."

Wrong. I won't speak for Paul, but I don't tolerate white racists. You are on ignore because you're a waste of fucking time. You're a neo nazi jew, which means you have a mental disorder.
I'll admit that when you accept the reality of Blacks shooting Blacks is out of control.
I won't admit to something that facts show not to be true. And the facts show George Floyd was murdered, that 85 percent of whites are killed by other whites and that whites shoot each other more than blacks. What you believe is racist bullshit.
I did answer you. They were bad people. Bad people may be on both sides of the political aisle. I have to spell it out for you? People like you are the epitome of what is wrong with America. You’re an evil person. Spelled out cleanly enough or do you require more detail? Let me know.

I did answer you. They were bad people. Bad people may be on both sides of the political aisle. I have to spell it out for you? People like you are the epitome of what is wrong with America. You’re an evil person. Spelled out cleanly enough or do you require more detail? Let me know.
You did not answer me until now. So you're stating that the people who stormed the Capital on January 6th 2021 were "bad" people as are the people who "who burned down cities because of one rogue police officer" in spite of them being two entirely different groups, my being in neither group. It it particularly interesting that were I a part of the 1/6/21 group, then I would be of the same mind as Correll and we ALL know that is not correct either.

So you've struck out on each of the items you picked to support your claim that I'm a "bad" person and now you claim that I'm "evil". Can you cite even one thing that defines me as evil although I'm interested in all of the reasons you believe this to be true. And your personal opinion does not count, it has to be fact.

You asked, I'm answering, spell it out.

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