Thanks to White Supremacy There's 2 Americas: White America & Black America

How does a black person shooting a black person affect white people ?

Many ways.

1. Human nature not to want to see innocent people die needlessly.

2. Our American cities you lefties have turned into blood soaked shit holes.

3. Many ways the costs and ramifications bounce back to US.

4. and of course as the other poster mentioned, your incompetence in aiming often gets innocent whites killed in the crossfire.
Obama was wrong in his infamous speech where he talked about being one America, although I know he was trying to placate to racist white America, he shouldn't have.

He should have just told the truth. We live in two Americas....

Can you imagine anybody Black surviving an episode like this w/o being tazed, gang tackled, beaten or even shot?

This is the Black American experience...

We live in two Americas. Two totally. different. Americas.

There are two Americas. One filled with kind logical people and the other with people like you.
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Looks like White people care more about Black people than some Black people do.

Really ? And how come these tons of good caring white people (that you claim are out there somewhere) are never in the court room ?





Too late. You've already admitted that you don't care about Black people who are victims of crime. You only care about Black victims of White cops, and you've proven that again. Keep going, you're making my case for me.
Obama was wrong in his infamous speech where he talked about being one America, although I know he was trying to placate to racist white America, he shouldn't have.

He should have just told the truth. We live in two Americas....

Can you imagine anybody Black surviving an episode like this w/o being tazed, gang tackled, beaten or even shot?

This is the Black American experience...

We live in two Americas. Two totally. different. Americas.

so who is preventing you from moving to some nice starving african nation
so who is preventing you from moving to some nice starving african nation
The same thing stopping you from moving to a nice European nation with a smaller government.

Not everybody is starving in Africa and those who are is due to weather and not the inability of blacks.
Obama was wrong in his infamous speech where he talked about being one America, although I know he was trying to placate to racist white America, he shouldn't have.

He should have just told the truth. We live in two Americas....

Can you imagine anybody Black surviving an episode like this w/o being tazed, gang tackled, beaten or even shot?

This is the Black American experience...

We live in two Americas. Two totally. different. Americas.

Obsession over the color of one's skin ...

The very thing Martin Luther King, Jr warned EVERYONE against is EVIL.

The OSSESSION part .... makes it a Mental Disorder.

Once again proving the fact .... as evidence by your own comment .... that Leftism is a Mental Disorder.
Whites moved to Africa in the 1800's and it's why Africa is fucked up now.
Africa was fucked up because they were busy killing each other.
South Africa was the usual White success story.
But you continue on your Merry Denial Way.

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