

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
To the dismay of traditionalists, the holiday season seems to shift earlier every year, with retailers selling Christmas decorations well before Halloween. But this year, the season will get a legitimate jump-start of sorts—at least for millions of American Jews.

In other words, make way for Thanksgivukkah.

In a rare convergence of the calendar, Thanksgiving and the first day of Hanukkah, the eight-day Jewish festival of lights that typically commences close to Christmas, fall on the same date in 2013: Nov. 28. And Thanksgivukkah has become a bold platform for expression, with creations ranging from sweet-potato latkes to the “Menurkey.”

The reason for the fuss: It is a holiday mash-up that has happened only once before—in 1888—according to those who track the Jewish calendar. And it is one that isn’t set to happen again for potentially another 70,000-plus years.

To the dismay of traditionalists, the holiday season seems to shift earlier every year, with retailers selling Christmas decorations well before Halloween. But this year, the season will get a legitimate jump-start of sorts—at least for millions of American Jews.

In other words, make way for Thanksgivukkah.

In a rare convergence of the calendar, Thanksgiving and the first day of Hanukkah, the eight-day Jewish festival of lights that typically commences close to Christmas, fall on the same date in 2013: Nov. 28. And Thanksgivukkah has become a bold platform for expression, with creations ranging from sweet-potato latkes to the “Menurkey.”

The reason for the fuss: It is a holiday mash-up that has happened only once before—in 1888—according to those who track the Jewish calendar. And it is one that isn’t set to happen again for potentially another 70,000-plus years.


Nothing like trying to survive not one, but rather, two holidays filled with fatty foods.

Oy, vey!!

On the other hand, latkes with Cranberry Sauce are just plain old delish!
The difference is that, yes, Hanukkah is ACUTALLY happening on Thanksgiving. For the rest of us the Red Fatso's day is still December 25th, about a month from now.

I dont need Thanksgiving subordinated to Christmas, thank you very much.
The difference is that, yes, Hanukkah is ACUTALLY happening on Thanksgiving. For the rest of us the Red Fatso's day is still December 25th, about a month from now.

I dont need Thanksgiving subordinated to Christmas, thank you very much.

Uh, you do realize that the 8 day liberation holiday named "Chanukah" (which is Ivrit for: "rededication") has absolutely nothing at all in the world to do with Christmas, right? So, noting the one-time historical significance of this doesn't take away even one little bit from the Holiday called "Christmas".

Do you always make "apples to shoe leather" comparisons?

Perhaps you can save-up your faux outrage for when you really may need it. Just sayin'...
The difference is that, yes, Hanukkah is ACUTALLY happening on Thanksgiving. For the rest of us the Red Fatso's day is still December 25th, about a month from now.

I dont need Thanksgiving subordinated to Christmas, thank you very much.

Uh, you do realize that the 8 day liberation holiday named "Chanukah" (which is Ivrit for: "rededication") has absolutely nothing at all in the world to do with Christmas, right? So, noting the one-time historical significance of this doesn't take away even one little bit from the Holiday called "Christmas".

Do you always make "apples to shoe leather" comparisons?

Perhaps you can save-up your faux outrage for when you really may need it. Just sayin'...

Please try to figure out what I am saying before you get all butthurt. It makes it easier to have a conversation.

The fact is due to thier proximity, Christmas and Hanukkah have been related for the last century at least. Plus, there is no Hanukkah war on Christmas, or vise versa. My irriation is with people pushing Christmas season to before Thanskgiving. What I gave a caveat to is that considering Haunukkah actually STARTS on thanksgiving, it gets a pass from an critisicm regarding the holiday interfering with Thanksgiving.

Chirstmas gets no such pass, as it is still on December 25th.

Again, try reading and comprehending before you blow a gasket.
The difference is that, yes, Hanukkah is ACUTALLY happening on Thanksgiving. For the rest of us the Red Fatso's day is still December 25th, about a month from now.

I dont need Thanksgiving subordinated to Christmas, thank you very much.

Uh, you do realize that the 8 day liberation holiday named "Chanukah" (which is Ivrit for: "rededication") has absolutely nothing at all in the world to do with Christmas, right? So, noting the one-time historical significance of this doesn't take away even one little bit from the Holiday called "Christmas".

Do you always make "apples to shoe leather" comparisons?

Perhaps you can save-up your faux outrage for when you really may need it. Just sayin'...

Please try to figure out what I am saying before you get all butthurt. It makes it easier to have a conversation.

The fact is due to thier proximity, Christmas and Hanukkah have been related for the last century at least. Plus, there is no Hanukkah war on Christmas, or vise versa. My irriation is with people pushing Christmas season to before Thanskgiving. What I gave a caveat to is that considering Haunukkah actually STARTS on thanksgiving, it gets a pass from an critisicm regarding the holiday interfering with Thanksgiving.

Chirstmas gets no such pass, as it is still on December 25th.

Again, try reading and comprehending before you blow a gasket.

My gaskets are just super-duper, but I thank you for your genuine concern.

The bolded: the only reason for this is because there is some limited gift giving on each of the 8 days of Chanukah.

I don't believe I misinterpreted you even one bit.

You wrote:

"For the rest of us the Red Fatso's day is still December 25th, about a month from now."

But for us Jews, there is no fatso to celebrate in the first place. So, there is no reason for you to write "For the rest of us".

If your sentiment is that Christmas should not be commercialized, I agree with you 100%.

But the purpose of this thread was to highlight the historical significance of the fact that theses two holidays, one secular, the other religious, will converge on the same that and that this is a once-in-forever type of event.

It is the first time it has happened since Thanksgiving was declared a national holiday, and it will, for all intents and purposes, will never happen again.

The OP itself has absolutely nothing to do with commercialism, and certainly not about, Thanksgiving being subordinated to Christmas.

If you don't want the commercialization of Christmas, then organize a 300 million man boycott of all Christmas advertising before, say, December 20th.

Here, this could help you:

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Uh, you do realize that the 8 day liberation holiday named "Chanukah" (which is Ivrit for: "rededication") has absolutely nothing at all in the world to do with Christmas, right? So, noting the one-time historical significance of this doesn't take away even one little bit from the Holiday called "Christmas".

Do you always make "apples to shoe leather" comparisons?

Perhaps you can save-up your faux outrage for when you really may need it. Just sayin'...

Please try to figure out what I am saying before you get all butthurt. It makes it easier to have a conversation.

The fact is due to thier proximity, Christmas and Hanukkah have been related for the last century at least. Plus, there is no Hanukkah war on Christmas, or vise versa. My irriation is with people pushing Christmas season to before Thanskgiving. What I gave a caveat to is that considering Haunukkah actually STARTS on thanksgiving, it gets a pass from an critisicm regarding the holiday interfering with Thanksgiving.

Chirstmas gets no such pass, as it is still on December 25th.

Again, try reading and comprehending before you blow a gasket.

My gaskets are just super-duper, but I thank you for your genuine concern.

The bolded: the only reason for this is because there is some limited gift giving on each of the 8 days of Chanukah.

I don't believe I misinterpreted you even one bit.

You wrote:

"For the rest of us the Red Fatso's day is still December 25th, about a month from now."

But for us Jews, there is no fatso to celebrate in the first place. So, there is no reason for you to write "For the rest of us".

If your sentiment is that Christmas should not be commercialized, I agree with you 100%.

But the purpose of this thread was to highlight the historical significance of the fact that theses two holidays, one secular, the other religious, will converge on the same that and that this is a once-in-forever type of event.

It is the first time it has happened since Thanksgiving was declared a national holiday, and it will, for all intents and purposes, will never happen again.

The OP itself has absolutely nothing to do with commercialism, and certainly not about, Thanksgiving being subordinated to Christmas.

If you don't want the commercialization of Christmas, then organize a 300 million man boycott of all Christmas advertising before, say, December 20th.

Here, this could help you:


You are the one who got all butthurt and misunderstood my post, and yet "I" need the chill pill?

The OP is about ANOTHER end of year holdiay mishmoshing with Thanksgiving, however it does not compare to the current Christmasization of Thanksgiving.

Reading is fundemental newbie.
Please try to figure out what I am saying before you get all butthurt. It makes it easier to have a conversation.

The fact is due to thier proximity, Christmas and Hanukkah have been related for the last century at least. Plus, there is no Hanukkah war on Christmas, or vise versa. My irriation is with people pushing Christmas season to before Thanskgiving. What I gave a caveat to is that considering Haunukkah actually STARTS on thanksgiving, it gets a pass from an critisicm regarding the holiday interfering with Thanksgiving.

Chirstmas gets no such pass, as it is still on December 25th.

Again, try reading and comprehending before you blow a gasket.

My gaskets are just super-duper, but I thank you for your genuine concern.

The bolded: the only reason for this is because there is some limited gift giving on each of the 8 days of Chanukah.

I don't believe I misinterpreted you even one bit.

You wrote:

"For the rest of us the Red Fatso's day is still December 25th, about a month from now."

But for us Jews, there is no fatso to celebrate in the first place. So, there is no reason for you to write "For the rest of us".

If your sentiment is that Christmas should not be commercialized, I agree with you 100%.

But the purpose of this thread was to highlight the historical significance of the fact that theses two holidays, one secular, the other religious, will converge on the same that and that this is a once-in-forever type of event.

It is the first time it has happened since Thanksgiving was declared a national holiday, and it will, for all intents and purposes, will never happen again.

The OP itself has absolutely nothing to do with commercialism, and certainly not about, Thanksgiving being subordinated to Christmas.

If you don't want the commercialization of Christmas, then organize a 300 million man boycott of all Christmas advertising before, say, December 20th.

Here, this could help you:


You are the one who got all butthurt and misunderstood my post, and yet "I" need the chill pill?

The OP is about ANOTHER end of year holdiay mishmoshing with Thanksgiving, however it does not compare to the current Christmasization of Thanksgiving.

Reading is fundemental newbie.

I am so sorry, for your stupidity, I am not responsible.

The OP is about the one time in all of history where the Chankuah, even just the first day, will EVER coincide with Thanksgiving. It will never ever again happen in history - well, perhaps in 69,000 years from now.

So, it has nothing to do with mishmoshing. It has to do with a convergence of events that will be unique in our history.

Reading is a fundamental, idiot.
My gaskets are just super-duper, but I thank you for your genuine concern.

The bolded: the only reason for this is because there is some limited gift giving on each of the 8 days of Chanukah.

I don't believe I misinterpreted you even one bit.

You wrote:

But for us Jews, there is no fatso to celebrate in the first place. So, there is no reason for you to write "For the rest of us".

If your sentiment is that Christmas should not be commercialized, I agree with you 100%.

But the purpose of this thread was to highlight the historical significance of the fact that theses two holidays, one secular, the other religious, will converge on the same that and that this is a once-in-forever type of event.

It is the first time it has happened since Thanksgiving was declared a national holiday, and it will, for all intents and purposes, will never happen again.

The OP itself has absolutely nothing to do with commercialism, and certainly not about, Thanksgiving being subordinated to Christmas.

If you don't want the commercialization of Christmas, then organize a 300 million man boycott of all Christmas advertising before, say, December 20th.

Here, this could help you:


You are the one who got all butthurt and misunderstood my post, and yet "I" need the chill pill?

The OP is about ANOTHER end of year holdiay mishmoshing with Thanksgiving, however it does not compare to the current Christmasization of Thanksgiving.

Reading is fundemental newbie.

I am so sorry, for your stupidity, I am not responsible.

The OP is about the one time in all of history where the Chankuah, even just the first day, will EVER coincide with Thanksgiving. It will never ever again happen in history - well, perhaps in 69,000 years from now.

So, it has nothing to do with mishmoshing. It has to do with a convergence of events that will be unique in our history.

Reading is a fundamental, idiot.

To the dismay of traditionalists, the holiday season seems to shift earlier every year, with retailers selling Christmas decorations well before Halloween. But this year, the season will get a legitimate jump-start of sorts—at least for millions of American Jews.

Read it again dickwad.

Also, I held off on negging to see if you had any redeeming qualities, clearly you do not, so eat a neg, and as always, go fuck yourself.

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