That Ex Marine Held In Mexico?

seriously? are you being that obtuse? it's clear that the sign is for a u-turn. you cannot be this dense. and you must realize that with all the news stories agreeing that there is a u-turn area, but that he missed it because he didn't want to go to the far left from the far right, that you are the only one trying to claim that such an area does not exist.

No, I said the U-turn does not exist until you get into Mexico. You posted a picture that showed a U-turn lane inside Mexico.

Talk about dense.

except no, i didn't. you're making a fool of yourself.

If you go look at the URL for the picture you posted you will see it says that it is a picture of Tijuana. In case you need a clue here is a map that clearly shows Tijuana is in Mexico.

Oh ThHowey ... what are you jabbering about thith time?

About once a year I go target shooting in this little, remote spot up in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. It's a hard place to find and I've gotten lost a couple of times trying to find it. When I go there I always have a minimum of a thousand rounds of ammo. So am I a criminal because I make wrong turns sometimes or because of the amount of ammo I carry?

Reported. And the mods have permission to post the report. :)

Reported for what?
Oh ThHowey ... what are you jabbering about thith time?

About once a year I go target shooting in this little, remote spot up in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. It's a hard place to find and I've gotten lost a couple of times trying to find it. When I go there I always have a minimum of a thousand rounds of ammo. So am I a criminal because I make wrong turns sometimes or because of the amount of ammo I carry?

Reported. And the mods have permission to post the report. :)

Reported for what?

Ask a mod.
No, I said the U-turn does not exist until you get into Mexico. You posted a picture that showed a U-turn lane inside Mexico.

Talk about dense.

except no, i didn't. you're making a fool of yourself.

If you go look at the URL for the picture you posted you will see it says that it is a picture of Tijuana. In case you need a clue here is a map that clearly shows Tijuana is in Mexico.

so just so everyone is clear you believe that a u-turn lane that says 'return to us' before the crossing gates is inside of mexico.

in other words, if you're in mexico, approaching the gates, you have to make a u-turn and avoid the gates to cross into the united states?

is that your position?
except no, i didn't. you're making a fool of yourself.

If you go look at the URL for the picture you posted you will see it says that it is a picture of Tijuana. In case you need a clue here is a map that clearly shows Tijuana is in Mexico.

so just so everyone is clear you believe that a u-turn lane that says 'return to us' before the crossing gates is inside of mexico.

in other words, if you're in mexico, approaching the gates, you have to make a u-turn and avoid the gates to cross into the united states?

is that your position?

No, my position is that there is no U-turn until after you pass through the border crossing. That is the same position the Marine has, and it has not been contradicted by any official from either side of the border. The only people who have a problem with that statement are ignorant assholes who think they know about something they have never seen.

Any other questions?
The Mexicans should give him the benefit of the doubt but should keep his guns AND he shouldn't be allowed to have any more until he gets passed his PTSD. Unless there really are signs along the freeway saying no guns....if so, he should stop whining.
The Mexicans should give him the benefit of the doubt but should keep his guns AND he shouldn't be allowed to have any more until he gets passed his PTSD. Unless there really are signs along the freeway saying no guns....if so, he should stop whining.

There are lots of signs, so I guess he should stop.
except no, i didn't. you're making a fool of yourself.

If you go look at the URL for the picture you posted you will see it says that it is a picture of Tijuana. In case you need a clue here is a map that clearly shows Tijuana is in Mexico.

so just so everyone is clear you believe that a u-turn lane that says 'return to us' before the crossing gates is inside of mexico.

in other words, if you're in mexico, approaching the gates, you have to make a u-turn and avoid the gates to cross into the united states?

is that your position?

In case you haven't notice it yet, [MENTION=37219]QuantumWindbag[/MENTION] isn't the brightest piece of candy in the Piñata.
The Mexicans should give him the benefit of the doubt but should keep his guns AND he shouldn't be allowed to have any more until he gets passed his PTSD. Unless there really are signs along the freeway saying no guns....if so, he should stop whining.

There are lots of signs, so I guess he should stop.
good. And the uturn is before the border crossing.
The Mexicans should give him the benefit of the doubt but should keep his guns AND he shouldn't be allowed to have any more until he gets passed his PTSD. Unless there really are signs along the freeway saying no guns....if so, he should stop whining.

There are lots of signs, so I guess he should stop.
good. And the uturn is before the border crossing.

Actually, it isn't, but thanks for joining the chorus of ignoramuses that have never been near a border crossing.
Granny says Obama needs to send in Navy Seal Team 6 an' bust him out...

Marine held in Mexico on weapons charges set for 3rd hearing
September 9, 2014 ~ A U.S. Marine held in a Mexican prison on weapons charges since April 1 is slated to attend his third evidentiary hearing Tuesday in Tijuana where his attorney plans to argue that his rights were violated by the arresting officers.
The hearing is likely to take all day, and no immediate decision is expected. The case has garnered national attention and prompted dozens of U.S. politicians to call for Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi to be freed. Tahmooressi's lawyer has cautioned his supporters that a decision could be weeks away as a federal judge sifts through conflicting accounts of the night the sergeant was arrested. Tahmooressi was taken into custody after crossing the border at San Ysidro with a rifle, shotgun, pistol and about 500 rounds of ammunition in his pickup truck. The 25-year-old reservist insists he crossed the border by mistake after missing the last exit to remain in the United States.

His attorney, Fernando Benitez, argues that the customs agents who arrested Tahmooressi violated Mexican procedure by not providing him with a translator and not getting a judge's approval before searching his truck. There are also irregularities with the paperwork documenting the arrest, he said. At Tuesday's hearing, the federal judge may review the video surveillance of the border crossing the night that Tahmooressi was arrested. Mexican federal authorities had resisted providing the video to the judge. "This is critical evidence that has not yet been revealed and could be crucial in the exoneration of Sgt. Tahmooressi," said Philip Dunn, criminal defense attorney and president of Serving California, a faith-based organization in Malibu that assists military veterans, crime victims and inmates. Dunn assisted Tahmooressi's mother, Jill, in hiring Benitez after she concluded that two previous attorneys were not adequately defending her son.

Tahmooressi, who served two tours in Afghanistan, had recently moved to San Diego to receive treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. Under the Mexican legal system, a judge holds multiple hearings to hear all sides of the case before deciding, without an American-style trial by jury, whether the defendant is guilty. If convicted, Tahmooressi could face as long as 21 years in prison. Jill Tahmooressi has said that her son plans to enroll in a PTSD program sponsored by Texas-based Mighty Oaks Warrior Foundation, which partners with Serving California. Tahmooressi is being held without bail in El Hongo II prison outside Tecate.

Marine held in Mexico on weapons charges set for 3rd hearing - U.S. - Stripes
The facts have been out there since the beginning. The marine had bee to mexico several times. He had been to mexico just before this incident. The same day. He parked his car in a parking lot in San Diego and walked across the border. To see how he could have gotten lost Greta VanSusteren took a film crew on that same route so everyone could see how it happened. Exiting the parking lot is a road going north. It isn't visible at that point but the road takes a sharp turn south. The sign was small and covered with graffiti. It has since been replaced by a larger better lit sign. A short distance beyond that sign is a turnaround. This is the turnaround that was missed in the dark. Once that was passed there was no other place to turn around until the border.

and he chose not to go through a declararion lane because.... why?

He didn't. He told the Mexican border guards that he was lost and had guns in the car. He didn't even try to get into mexico. He called 911 and said he had guns in his car and needed help.

Do you think he was trying to smuggle 3 guns, registered to him, into mexico by telling the border guards that he had them?

well that's not true. he went through the no declarations lane in to mexico and was flagged to be inspected because his vehicle didn't have a front license plate and had a bunch of stuff in the bed. that's when he claims he volunteered that he had weapons.

and according to the border guards, he didn't claim he was lost at all.

On that Monday night, Mexican border officials pulled Tahmooressi’s truck into an inspection lane when they noticed his pickup didn’t have a front license plate and was loaded with items that included a ladder, according to Alejandro Gonzalez Guilbot, head of Mexican customs in Tijuana.
“All I can say is that the individual entered though a ‘nothing to declare lane’ with weapons that are for exclusive use of the Mexican military,” Gonzalez said. “He never said, ‘I got lost.’ He never said, ‘I am a Marine.’”
According to Gonzalez, when Andrew Tahmooressi was questioned about why he crossed the border, the traveler gave two answers: That he was crossing to visit friends, and that he was coming for medical treatment.

Gonzalez rejected Tahmooressi’s claims that he told inspectors he crossed accidentally. “Never, and I want to say this categorically, never did he say that he had made a mistake.”
New details muddy Marine vet's story? |

The video that the marines lawyers got from the border checkpoint is going to prove you libtards wrong yet again.

You guys like taking it up the ass, don't you?
The facts have been out there since the beginning. The marine had bee to mexico several times. He had been to mexico just before this incident. The same day. He parked his car in a parking lot in San Diego and walked across the border. To see how he could have gotten lost Greta VanSusteren took a film crew on that same route so everyone could see how it happened. Exiting the parking lot is a road going north. It isn't visible at that point but the road takes a sharp turn south. The sign was small and covered with graffiti. It has since been replaced by a larger better lit sign. A short distance beyond that sign is a turnaround. This is the turnaround that was missed in the dark. Once that was passed there was no other place to turn around until the border.

I need to fix that second photo when I get home. That's the extensive arsenal "he didn't know" was in the car.


Here ya go -



I can see now his this well-trained ex-Marine was soooooo aware that he was lugging an arsenal of weapons across the border "forgot" them.



He never said he forgot the weapons.
Hope for release of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi suffering from PTSD...

Mother of Marine imprisoned in Mexico says release possible within weeks
October 1, 2014 ~ WASHINGTON — A Marine veteran with PTSD who has been imprisoned in Mexico on weapons charges for the past six months may be released within weeks, his mother and House lawmakers said Wednesday.
Court-appointed Mexican psychiatrists confirmed Tuesday that Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, who served multiple tours as an infantryman in Afghanistan, suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, Jill Tahmooressi told a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee. Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif., the full committee chairman, said he was told by Mexico’s attorney general that the finding clears the way for Tahmooressi’s release back to the United States where he can again receive treatment for the condition.

Tahmooressi’s case has become a cause celebre following his arrest and imprisonment in March on charges that he crossed the border from San Diego with three registered guns, which is a crime under Mexican law. The House convened a mostly GOP hearing Tuesday and heard impassioned pleas from his mother, a fellow Marine and former talk-show host Montel Williams to keep pressure on the Mexican government. “I believe we are just several weeks away [from his release]. We are hopeful,” said Jill Tahmooressi, a Florida nurse who has campaigned energetically for her son’s return. The Mexican government may allow the release because it said it cannot provide the mental health treatment Tahmooressi needs.


Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi looks down from his seat in a Marine combat vehicle during one of his combat tours in Afghanistan sometime between 2010 and 2012. Tahmooressi is now in a Tijuana prison on weapons charges.

The Afghanistan vet had been diagnosed with PTSD in the United States just days before he was detained in March by Mexican border authorities. His mother said Wednesday that he had made a wrong turn into a barricaded border crossing lane and could not turn back, despite notifying Mexican border agents of the weapons and calling U.S. authorities. “No one was able to help him including the 911 operator,” she said.

During his six-month confinement, Tahmooressi attempted to escape and commit suicide and also feared torture. He was once restrained with chains on a cot, according to his mother. Tahmooressi was recently transferred to a new prison and given his own cell, but she and other advocates said he still desperately needs PTSD treatment. “Every day that he is down there is a day he will need to readjust to civilian life” when he returns, said Sgt. Robert Buchanan, a Marine Corps veteran who served with Tahmooressi in Afghanistan. “Isolation is the last thing anyone needs.” Pete Hegseth, CEO of the Concerned Veterans for America advocacy group, said his condition could become permanent if not treated or lead to death through a successful suicide attempt. “His condition has only been exacerbated by his treatment there [in prison] and his lack of treatment in the United States,” he said.

Meanwhile, House Republican lawmakers, who returned to Washington in the midst of mid-term election campaigning for the hearing Wednesday, hammered President Barack Obama and his administration on its handling of the case. Rep. Matt Salmon, R-Ariz., the Foreign Affairs subcommittee chairman, said the administration negotiated the release of five Taliban fighters in exchange for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl earlier this year but has left Tahmooressi to languish in a foreign prison. “I am mystified that President Obama couldn’t find time while negotiating with terrorists to call our ally Mexico and negotiate for the return of our Marine,” he said.

Mother of Marine imprisoned in Mexico says release possible within weeks - U.S. - Stripes

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