That Ex Marine Held In Mexico?

huh. those lanes don't look divided. also, i've got a picture too.

are you going to continue to take exception to facts?
Will qw finally admit that hero was returning to hotel in Mexico after going after the guns? Or that he had made run several times previously.

He got caught breaking the law in a foreign country. He knew the risks.

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one of us is taking exception to the facts. i'll give you a hint - it's not me.

there is a u-turn area before the booths, inside the united states. that's a fact.
he claims to have made a wrong turn. i find that part of the story a bit incredible. the lanes are clearly marked. that too is a fact.
there is a difference between lanes. at a 'no declaration' lane, you don't declare anything. in the declarations lane you'll be directed to the customs facility, where you get to fill out paperwork. it may have made no difference, but it would go a long way, in my mind, towards this all being an honest mistake.

and i would like to inform you that there is a difference between guilty and convicted. in the us, you are presumed innocent, and must be proven guilty to be convicted. however, one's state of guilt or innocence is not dependent on the outcome of a trial. either a person is guilty, or they aren't. granted sometimes it gets a little more complicated, but in cases like this it's pretty cut and dry. either Tahmooressi entered the country with illegal weapons, or he didn't. he did. he's guilty. that's a fact, but feel free to take exception to it as well.

There is no U-Turn area.

I have pictures, all you have is a fantasy that you know something you do not.

huh. those lanes don't look divided. also, i've got a picture too.

are you going to continue to take exception to facts?

Like the fact that my picture is of the San Ysidro crossing, which is in the US, and yours is a picture of Tijuana, which is actually in Mexico, after the border checkpoints? Or does that fact confuse you too much because it agrees 100% with what I have been telling you all along?
Will qw finally admit that hero was returning to hotel in Mexico after going after the guns? Or that he had made run several times previously.

He got caught breaking the law in a foreign country. He knew the risks.

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Made the run? What run was that? Walking across the border is not gun running, unless you think that they just watch as people carry an arsenal across the bridge.
Seriously dude, get a life, he didn't even get close to me.
No, you look like someone stubbornly making a bigger and bigger ass of himself despite all logic and reason going against you.

It is pretty funny to watch.

He posted a photo of Tijuana, which is in Mexico, after you go through the border checkpoints. My point all along is that you cannot turn around before the checkpoints, and his photo backed me up. The funny part is all the idiots that have never been withing 100 miles of a border telling a guy that grew up in the Constitution Free Zone what it is like by the border.
Well, he was breaking the law in California for carrying those weapons in the cab of his truck anyway, so I figure that it is a win/win situation. Mexico will be the one to pick up the tab for his incarceration.
There is no U-Turn area.

I have pictures, all you have is a fantasy that you know something you do not.

huh. those lanes don't look divided. also, i've got a picture too.

are you going to continue to take exception to facts?

Like the fact that my picture is of the San Ysidro crossing, which is in the US, and yours is a picture of Tijuana, which is actually in Mexico, after the border checkpoints? Or does that fact confuse you too much because it agrees 100% with what I have been telling you all along?

Oh bullshit. Doesn't that sign say "Return to the US" with a U turn arrow right before the crossing guard?
huh. those lanes don't look divided. also, i've got a picture too.

are you going to continue to take exception to facts?

Like the fact that my picture is of the San Ysidro crossing, which is in the US, and yours is a picture of Tijuana, which is actually in Mexico, after the border checkpoints? Or does that fact confuse you too much because it agrees 100% with what I have been telling you all along?

Oh bullshit. Doesn't that sign say "Return to the US" with a U turn arrow right before the crossing guard?

Yes, it says Return to US, as in go back to the US, which means it is inside Mexico.

Even you should be able to understand that.
Oh ThHowey ... what are you jabbering about thith time?

About once a year I go target shooting in this little, remote spot up in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. It's a hard place to find and I've gotten lost a couple of times trying to find it. When I go there I always have a minimum of a thousand rounds of ammo. So am I a criminal because I make wrong turns sometimes or because of the amount of ammo I carry?
Will qw finally admit that hero was returning to hotel in Mexico after going after the guns? Or that he had made run several times previously.

He got caught breaking the law in a foreign country. He knew the risks.

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Made the run? What run was that? Walking across the border is not gun running, unless you think that they just watch as people carry an arsenal across the bridge.

I didn't say he was "gun running". Read the links. He got a hotel room in Mexico, then went back to the us, got the guns and started back to Mexico. That's when he was caught. The articles also stated he had done it before.

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Will qw finally admit that hero was returning to hotel in Mexico after going after the guns? Or that he had made run several times previously.

He got caught breaking the law in a foreign country. He knew the risks.

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Made the run? What run was that? Walking across the border is not gun running, unless you think that they just watch as people carry an arsenal across the bridge.

I didn't say he was "gun running". Read the links. He got a hotel room in Mexico, then went back to the us, got the guns and started back to Mexico. That's when he was caught. The articles also stated he had done it before.

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I read the article, oh he who thinks zoos save shit to feed to animals, which is why I understand that the issue is that he claims to have made a wrong turn. I also understand that, under Mexican law, that is irrelevant. You, on the other hand, want to hand him because you insist he did it deliberately, which makes you an idiot who thinks zoos feed shit to animals.
Also known as the right's newest hero? The poor innocent who says he couldn't turn around heading to Mexico and didn't know he had a gun in his car?


The same guy Rand Paul's comparing to Bowe Bergdahl as a "real hero" who should be traded for Hillary Clinton and other democrats?

I questioned this whole thing from the beginning for several reasons.

Looks like I'm right again!


On Tuesday, the Union Tribune confirmed that this wasn’t the vets first rodeo in Tijuana, that indeed, he had entered the country at least 6 times previously. That would seem to destroy his claims of innocence and of being lost and ending up on the Mexico side of the border.+

But it gets more bizarre. An April 4 e-mail correspondence from Tahmooressi’s Mexican lawyer, Alejandro Osuna, seems to show that the attorney coached his client to not reveal the prior trips to Mexico. According to the e-mail, Osuna told his client to “stick to the script ” — which was that he was had never been to Tijuana and that he missed the last U.S. exit on Interstate 5 while driving to meet friends in San Ysidro.+

“Andrew kept insisting he wanted to change it, but our concern was that if he mentioned he had been in Tijuana about six times prior to his detention (which seems to be the case), his story would have been less credible,” according the email, which was read to U-T San Diego by Hunter’s spokesman Joe Kasper

So you did not believe his assertion of why he fired his lawyer nearly a month ago? Where he stated he was in Mexico before and his lawyer wanted him to lie about it= a month ago.

Tahmooressi, 25, fired his attorney, Alejandro Osuna, before appearing in court Wednesday. He said Osuna told him to lie to authorities regarding the case.

US Marine Fires Mexican Lawyer |
Like the fact that my picture is of the San Ysidro crossing, which is in the US, and yours is a picture of Tijuana, which is actually in Mexico, after the border checkpoints? Or does that fact confuse you too much because it agrees 100% with what I have been telling you all along?

Oh bullshit. Doesn't that sign say "Return to the US" with a U turn arrow right before the crossing guard?

Yes, it says Return to US, as in go back to the US, which means it is inside Mexico.

Even you should be able to understand that.
seriously? are you being that obtuse? it's clear that the sign is for a u-turn. you cannot be this dense. and you must realize that with all the news stories agreeing that there is a u-turn area, but that he missed it because he didn't want to go to the far left from the far right, that you are the only one trying to claim that such an area does not exist.
Like the fact that my picture is of the San Ysidro crossing, which is in the US, and yours is a picture of Tijuana, which is actually in Mexico, after the border checkpoints? Or does that fact confuse you too much because it agrees 100% with what I have been telling you all along?

Oh bullshit. Doesn't that sign say "Return to the US" with a U turn arrow right before the crossing guard?

Yes, it says Return to US, as in go back to the US, which means it is inside Mexico.

Even you should be able to understand that.

And its before the guard shack, whiz mud.
Oh bullshit. Doesn't that sign say "Return to the US" with a U turn arrow right before the crossing guard?

Yes, it says Return to US, as in go back to the US, which means it is inside Mexico.

Even you should be able to understand that.
seriously? are you being that obtuse? it's clear that the sign is for a u-turn. you cannot be this dense. and you must realize that with all the news stories agreeing that there is a u-turn area, but that he missed it because he didn't want to go to the far left from the far right, that you are the only one trying to claim that such an area does not exist.

No, I said the U-turn does not exist until you get into Mexico. You posted a picture that showed a U-turn lane inside Mexico.

Talk about dense.
Oh bullshit. Doesn't that sign say "Return to the US" with a U turn arrow right before the crossing guard?

Yes, it says Return to US, as in go back to the US, which means it is inside Mexico.

Even you should be able to understand that.

And its before the guard shack, whiz mud.

No it isn't. The proof of that is I actually posted a picture of the crossing, and none of the border crossing posts are that color.

But, please, keep trying, it amuses me to see you desperately telling someone who lived by the border his entire life, and used to walk, and drive, into Mexico to shop, what the border is like even though you have never seen it.

By the way, did you ever notice that the Mexican authorities never contradicted his claim that, once you get into the lanes to Mexico, there is no place to turn around? Did you notice that not a single US official has contradicted that claim either? Does it make you feel smart to stick to an unsupported position based on nothing more than your belief that it is possible to do the impossible?
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Yes, it says Return to US, as in go back to the US, which means it is inside Mexico.

Even you should be able to understand that.
seriously? are you being that obtuse? it's clear that the sign is for a u-turn. you cannot be this dense. and you must realize that with all the news stories agreeing that there is a u-turn area, but that he missed it because he didn't want to go to the far left from the far right, that you are the only one trying to claim that such an area does not exist.

No, I said the U-turn does not exist until you get into Mexico. You posted a picture that showed a U-turn lane inside Mexico.

Talk about dense.

except no, i didn't. you're making a fool of yourself.
Oh ThHowey ... what are you jabbering about thith time?

About once a year I go target shooting in this little, remote spot up in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. It's a hard place to find and I've gotten lost a couple of times trying to find it. When I go there I always have a minimum of a thousand rounds of ammo. So am I a criminal because I make wrong turns sometimes or because of the amount of ammo I carry?

Reported. And the mods have permission to post the report. :)

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