That freak in Florida doesn't speak for me

Or 99.999% of Christians.

He is someone that has distorted views of what it is to be a Christian, and doesn't hold OUR viewpoints. He is the same as Fred Phelps, with an agenda of hate to spread.

And if ANY soldiers or innocent people are killed because of what he wants to do, the blood is on HIS HANDS, and anyone else that participates in this sideshow of burning the Koran.

This is my opinion. -EZ

First off I don't agree with burning Any Religious Book including the Koran.

Second off, it is a matter of free speech, and is both a legal act and Constitutionally protected. There is so much we are expected to tolerate. How about showing some consistency. The Pastor will not have blood on his hands, for a book burning. Those that murder will have the blood o their hands. Do you actually condone the draconian manipulation of behavior through threat and fear????? Do you condone Bible burning or American Flag burning by extremists???? What penalty do we impose????? None.

By your reasoning, if you don't do everything I expect of you, you risk the chance of angering me, and you don't want that, therefore you, by virtue of your fear of angering me, become subservient, sacrificing free will and self determination. That is not what God created us to be.

So if we disagree with the position or action's of other's, do we force our position on them or seek to effect through reason. I'm against the Koran Burning because I find the action offensive and in bad taste. The Pastor is not leading in a positive direction, and he is setting a bad example. What does that say for Islam????? The Pastor is not responsible for what anybody does in the name of Islam or any other religion or cause.
I agree with your first comments, EZ, but not the second part. The blood is on the hands of who ever does the killing. Anyone that can use some event such as this as an excuse to kill someone is the one deserving of scorn and should take the full responsibility for his/her actions. No one forces another to kill, there are no excuses.

no. the blood is on the lunatic pretend christian, too... he knows he is endangering people. he doesn't care because people like him want the apocalypse and are no better than the imam's who tell children they will go to paradise if they blow themselves up and take a few 'infidels' with them.

if he wasn't christian, i suspect you'd agree.

I have to disagree on that one. Once speech is limted by how we think people will react to said speech, then free speech is lost. Speech can and has been limited in a proper way with the whole "yelling fire in a crowded building" interpretation, and you can get in trouble saying "I want my followers to kill people X" but there is no direct harm in a Koran Burning, reprehensible as I find it to be. Any violent negative reaction would be on the part of those who react. 100%.
His book burning will get soldiers killed just like the protests of a prayer center near GZ will.

Burning a book or protesting a mosque is not a reason for murder. Anyone who believes that is an asshole nutjob.

I can understand the concept of the anger over the book burning (any Koran is considered a holy item, not just a book) but anyone who thinks killing is a proper response for this needed a JDAM dropped on thier head.

i don't think anyone has said it's a proper response. i think we're just looking at the reality... that it will be a recruiting poster

same as abu ghraib was...
His book burning will get soldiers killed just like the protests of a prayer center near GZ will.

Burning a book or protesting a mosque is not a reason for murder. Anyone who believes that is an asshole nutjob.

I can understand the concept of the anger over the book burning (any Koran is considered a holy item, not just a book) but anyone who thinks killing is a proper response for this needed a JDAM dropped on thier head.

You are right they are idiots for killing anyone for burning a book.

It doesnt mean they wiull refrain from doing so.

Petraeus Condemns U.S. Church's Plan to Burn Qurans -
Burning the book is right on par with protesting the building of a mosque
I agree with your first comments, EZ, but not the second part. The blood is on the hands of who ever does the killing. Anyone that can use some event such as this as an excuse to kill someone is the one deserving of scorn and should take the full responsibility for his/her actions. No one forces another to kill, there are no excuses.

no. the blood is on the lunatic pretend christian, too... he knows he is endangering people. he doesn't care because people like him want the apocalypse and are no better than the imam's who tell children they will go to paradise if they blow themselves up and take a few 'infidels' with them.

if he wasn't christian, i suspect you'd agree.

I can turn on Cable TV and watch the Muslim programs preach about the Apocalypse almost any day of the week. They can't wait for Iran to develop the bomb. ;)
I agree with your first comments, EZ, but not the second part. The blood is on the hands of who ever does the killing. Anyone that can use some event such as this as an excuse to kill someone is the one deserving of scorn and should take the full responsibility for his/her actions. No one forces another to kill, there are no excuses.

no. the blood is on the lunatic pretend christian, too... he knows he is endangering people. he doesn't care because people like him want the apocalypse and are no better than the imam's who tell children they will go to paradise if they blow themselves up and take a few 'infidels' with them.

if he wasn't christian, i suspect you'd agree.

No, i wouldn't agree regardless of his religion. You're treading a very fine line there on freedom of speech. So, threats of violence on others should keep people from voicing their opinions then? How far do you take it?
His book burning will get soldiers killed just like the protests of a prayer center near GZ will.

Burning a book or protesting a mosque is not a reason for murder. Anyone who believes that is an asshole nutjob.

I can understand the concept of the anger over the book burning (any Koran is considered a holy item, not just a book) but anyone who thinks killing is a proper response for this needed a JDAM dropped on thier head.

i don't think anyone has said it's a proper response. i think we're just looking at the reality... that it will be a recruiting poster

same as abu ghraib was...

It is alway's going to be something.
I agree with your first comments, EZ, but not the second part. The blood is on the hands of who ever does the killing. Anyone that can use some event such as this as an excuse to kill someone is the one deserving of scorn and should take the full responsibility for his/her actions. No one forces another to kill, there are no excuses.

no. the blood is on the lunatic pretend christian, too... he knows he is endangering people. he doesn't care because people like him want the apocalypse and are no better than the imam's who tell children they will go to paradise if they blow themselves up and take a few 'infidels' with them.

if he wasn't christian, i suspect you'd agree.

I can turn on Cable TV and watch the Muslim programs preach about the Apocalypse almost any day of the week. They can't wait for Iran to develop the bomb. ;)

see my part in bold. i think they're all lunatics...
His book burning will get soldiers killed just like the protests of a prayer center near GZ will.

So you would kill to retaliate for someone burning a book you held sacred?

Where in the hell did you make up that shit from?

Its idiots like this preacher and the people protesting freedom of religion at GZ who distroy Americas good name for freedom of religion.

That is what this country was founded on.

America has a good name now? I guess since Obama is in office, we're the 'good' guys now? :lol: And it's 'destroy', not 'distroy'.
Burning a book or protesting a mosque is not a reason for murder. Anyone who believes that is an asshole nutjob.

I can understand the concept of the anger over the book burning (any Koran is considered a holy item, not just a book) but anyone who thinks killing is a proper response for this needed a JDAM dropped on thier head.

i don't think anyone has said it's a proper response. i think we're just looking at the reality... that it will be a recruiting poster

same as abu ghraib was...

It is alway's going to be something.

yes... and i've never believed we can make terrible people nice. but... when general petraeus is telling them that this act endangers his troops, don't you think they should listen.... if they're sane.

you're not justifying what this so-called christian is doing, are you?
This event is sort of like the building of that mosque in NYC near ground zero. It's legal to do so but not very bright...

I don't see the simlilarity there, Count.

One is building a constructive thing, a gathering place, one that many people disagree with - true. But it has a legitimate purpose beyond simple destruction.

The other is a symbloic gesture that accomplishes nothing but to say to Muslims everywhere that by destroying this paper we want to destroy your ideas, your faith, your heritage. Burning paper will never destroy the ideas inside, as all the hundreds upon thousands of book burnings in history have shown. But that's the only reason for doing it - destruction, the ultimate insult and most importantly a challenge.

That said, as much as it disgusts me to burn books - any books - I'd stand up for their right to do so with my last breath. But that doesn't mean I approve. And the worst is that it's being done in the name of Christianity. That sickens me. Literally sickens me.

No, they do NOT speak for me.

The Mosque, Cordoba House, is a part of The Cordoba Initiative. It is about bringing the world in compliance with Sharia Law, through peace or any other means, so... in one sense you nailed it. ;) Are you Sharia compliant????? ;)
i don't think anyone has said it's a proper response. i think we're just looking at the reality... that it will be a recruiting poster

same as abu ghraib was...

It is alway's going to be something.

yes... and i've never believed we can make terrible people nice. but... when general petraeus is telling them that this act endangers his troops, don't you think they should listen.... if they're sane.

you're not justifying what this so-called christian is doing, are you?

No, I don't support it, I tolerate it. You notice how much we are forced to tolerate it these days. ;) :lol:

He's sinking to their level. I don't see him as non Christian, but misguided. Do you think his action's will have any effect on Iran's Nuclear Program or Hezbollah????? Is the West Bank somehow more unsafe?????
I just find it really odd that the right can see burning this Koran as wrong and stupid but think its great to protest a religious building.
His book burning will get soldiers killed just like the protests of a prayer center near GZ will.

Burning a book or protesting a mosque is not a reason for murder. Anyone who believes that is an asshole nutjob.

I can understand the concept of the anger over the book burning (any Koran is considered a holy item, not just a book) but anyone who thinks killing is a proper response for this needed a JDAM dropped on thier head.

i don't think anyone has said it's a proper response. i think we're just looking at the reality... that it will be a recruiting poster

same as abu ghraib was...

This cannot compare to abu ghraib, as that was a crime, and burining a Koran is not. We punished the people responsible for abu ghraib as was proper.

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