That freak in Florida doesn't speak for me

Sad thing is he has a lot of followers/supporters (aka fools).

he doesn't. his congregation has about 50 wackos....

i think maybe the media shouldn't have encouraged him by publicizing this. i know that's not what the press does, but sometimes maybe we shouldn't give attention to scum.... especially if it is going to endanger people.

You are correct. The NYT was told over and over again that publishing all those Abu Garhib pictures put the soldiers at risk but that didn't stop them from doing so.
This event is sort of like the building of that mosque in NYC near ground zero. It's legal to do so but not very bright...

I don't see the simlilarity there, Count.

One is building a constructive thing, a gathering place, one that many people disagree with - true. But it has a legitimate purpose beyond simple destruction.

The other is a symbloic gesture that accomplishes nothing but to say to Muslims everywhere that by destroying this paper we want to destroy your ideas, your faith, your heritage. Burning paper will never destroy the ideas inside, as all the hundreds upon thousands of book burnings in history have shown. But that's the only reason for doing it - destruction, the ultimate insult and most importantly a challenge.

That said, as much as it disgusts me to burn books - any books - I'd stand up for their right to do so with my last breath. But that doesn't mean I approve. And the worst is that it's being done in the name of Christianity. That sickens me. Literally sickens me.

No, they do NOT speak for me.

The Mosque, Cordoba House, is a part of The Cordoba Initiative. It is about bringing the world in compliance with Sharia Law, through peace or any other means, so... in one sense you nailed it. ;) Are you Sharia compliant????? ;)

:lol: Do I seem sharia compliant?

No, Cordoba Inititative as an organization has been mislabeled. It's never been about forcing sharia on the world, but about interfaith dialogue. Including dialogue about sharia law, yes. But in a very different context than the blogosphere would have one believe. ;)

Regardless, I stand by my post. I approve in general of the dialogue taking place over the mosque, I think it's a good discussion to have and it's been enlightening to me at least. Both sides, BTW - even though it's pretty clear where I stand on that issue. I stand by these Florida whackjobs' freedom of speech, but I fail to see any constructive thing, conversation or idea coming from an act that says "We want to destroy your thought and belief", an act which is ultimately futile for anything but delivering an insult and a challenge.

Honestly I don't believe it's anything more than a cynical publicity stunt on the part of these faux Christians. It's most likely a cynical ploy to get money from the hate filled crazies that populate the blogosphere and donate to folks like Fred Phelps. But it offends me, not only that they would use their right to free speech to destroy the speech, thought and belief of others but that they would hijack the name of Christianity to do so.
I just find it really odd that the right can see burning this Koran as wrong and stupid but think its great to protest a religious building.

Apples and oranges. There are all kinds of Religious buildings TM. Islam does not separate Church and State, so in effect, Mosques are also Political Buildings. That said, we tolerate them here, because we do respect a person's right to Worship, Whom, What, When, and Where, they choose. We as a whole do not respect another's will to impose that on us. Islam. has yet to realize that, and therefore in need of reform. In a Sharia compliant Country, you would not even be allowed to have this conversation. ;)
I do see him as a nonChristian...why you ask? Because he is NOT FOLLOWING what Christ taught about enemies and adversaries, he is doing the COMPLETE OPPOSITE, and for political purposes and his 15 minutes of fame, only.

He is a worm, imho....
I don't see the simlilarity there, Count.

One is building a constructive thing, a gathering place, one that many people disagree with - true. But it has a legitimate purpose beyond simple destruction.

The other is a symbloic gesture that accomplishes nothing but to say to Muslims everywhere that by destroying this paper we want to destroy your ideas, your faith, your heritage. Burning paper will never destroy the ideas inside, as all the hundreds upon thousands of book burnings in history have shown. But that's the only reason for doing it - destruction, the ultimate insult and most importantly a challenge.

That said, as much as it disgusts me to burn books - any books - I'd stand up for their right to do so with my last breath. But that doesn't mean I approve. And the worst is that it's being done in the name of Christianity. That sickens me. Literally sickens me.

No, they do NOT speak for me.

The Mosque, Cordoba House, is a part of The Cordoba Initiative. It is about bringing the world in compliance with Sharia Law, through peace or any other means, so... in one sense you nailed it. ;) Are you Sharia compliant????? ;)

:lol: Do I seem sharia compliant?

No, Cordoba Inititative as an organization has been mislabeled. It's never been about forcing sharia on the world, but about interfaith dialogue. Including dialogue about sharia law, yes. But in a very different context than the blogosphere would have one believe. ;)

Regardless, I stand by my post. I approve in general of the dialogue taking place over the mosque, I think it's a good discussion to have and it's been enlightening to me at least. Both sides, BTW - even though it's pretty clear where I stand on that issue. I stand by these Florida whackjobs' freedom of speech, but I fail to see any constructive thing, conversation or idea coming from an act that says "We want to destroy your thought and belief", an act which is ultimately futile for anything but delivering an insult and a challenge.

Honestly I don't believe it's anything more than a cynical publicity stunt on the part of these faux Christians. It's most likely a cynical ploy to get money from the hate filled crazies that populate the blogosphere and donate to folks like Fred Phelps. But it offends me, not only that they would use their right to free speech to destroy the speech, thought and belief of others but that they would hijack the name of Christianity to do so.

You need to better study the Cordoba House Website. You might want to study more on the mission statement of Islam Itself. My statement and understanding is not mis characterized. The end game for Islam, as it stands now, is world domination, since before the Crusades. That has not changed, though the world around it has. My only point is the need for True Reform, and the danger imposed on the rest of us until that reform takes place.
Do you think freedom of religion is important in this country?

Do you realize that freedom of Religion is rooted in Christianity??? Want to try building a Church in a Sharia Compliant Country?????

Why is it so many like you cant seem to realise we are a Free country and they are not.

Thats the whole point fool

My point for you, and I won't call you a fool, is that the direction we are on will force us into submission, sacrificing that freedom, and giving them control. Spend more time on International News Events. ;)
Sad thing is he has a lot of followers/supporters (aka fools).

He has a small congregation you douche bag! Take your propaganda and shove it!

Here is the difference between so called main stream Islam and mainstream Christianity. When you ask a mainstream Muslim, like the ground zero Imam about terrorist or labeling certain groups terrorist organizations, they refuse to answer and back off (because for the most part they support their agenda, world Islamic Domination, even if they don't support their means), but when you ask a Christian about their wackos like the "God Hates Fags" Protesters, they immediately denounce them as nutjobs, radicals, asshole and scum of the earth. Same thing is happening with the Koran burning church.
I do see him as a nonChristian...why you ask? Because he is NOT FOLLOWING what Christ taught about enemies and adversaries, he is doing the COMPLETE OPPOSITE, and for political purposes and his 15 minutes of fame, only.

He is a worm, imho....

I come close, but I do subscribe to the view that the Purpose behind each or our reason for being, being created, born, outweighs both our tangent's and stupidity. Call me an optimist. :lol:
Public School Education?

Our Federalist Constitutional Republic is Rooted in Christian Principle.

no it isn't at all... it's rooted in philosophy.

Try reading On Liberty... by Mill and the other great political philosophers. The LAST thing its based on is christianity.
Do you realize that freedom of Religion is rooted in Christianity??? Want to try building a Church in a Sharia Compliant Country?????


Its a democratic idea NOT a religious one

Public School Education?

Our Federalist Constitutional Republic is Rooted in Christian Principle.

Our Republic is founded in many different principles, what you believe depends on which Founders you choose to believe. But as with all grand compromises, none of the individuals who wanted it their way are entirely correct. ;)
The Mosque, Cordoba House, is a part of The Cordoba Initiative. It is about bringing the world in compliance with Sharia Law, through peace or any other means, so... in one sense you nailed it. ;) Are you Sharia compliant????? ;)

:lol: Do I seem sharia compliant?

No, Cordoba Inititative as an organization has been mislabeled. It's never been about forcing sharia on the world, but about interfaith dialogue. Including dialogue about sharia law, yes. But in a very different context than the blogosphere would have one believe. ;)

Regardless, I stand by my post. I approve in general of the dialogue taking place over the mosque, I think it's a good discussion to have and it's been enlightening to me at least. Both sides, BTW - even though it's pretty clear where I stand on that issue. I stand by these Florida whackjobs' freedom of speech, but I fail to see any constructive thing, conversation or idea coming from an act that says "We want to destroy your thought and belief", an act which is ultimately futile for anything but delivering an insult and a challenge.

Honestly I don't believe it's anything more than a cynical publicity stunt on the part of these faux Christians. It's most likely a cynical ploy to get money from the hate filled crazies that populate the blogosphere and donate to folks like Fred Phelps. But it offends me, not only that they would use their right to free speech to destroy the speech, thought and belief of others but that they would hijack the name of Christianity to do so.

You need to better study the Cordoba House Website. You might want to study more on the mission statement of Islam Itself. My statement and understanding is not mis characterized. The end game for Islam, as it stands now, is world domination, since before the Crusades. That has not changed, though the world around it has. My only point is the need for True Reform, and the danger imposed on the rest of us until that reform takes place.

I have studied, since this whole debate started. It's an interesting collection of conflicting information out there, but by discarding the secondary sources and comparing the differences in the primary sources available (relatively scant compared to all of the opinions and "interpretations", but enough with which to form an opinion) I simply don't read what you're reading between the lines. I see nothing in any mainstream primary source that advocates anything different than what many sects of the more evangelical brand of Christianity advocate when they send missionaries out to convert the world to their point of view. Nor do I see any interpretations of Koranic verse that hold up to cross referencing that advocate anything different than many OT verses still included in the Christian Bible. All the brouhaha about world domination seems to be a lot of shouting at the wind to me, really. /shrug

Notice I'm not addressing the fringe crazies in either religion. Yes, they are real. And they are to be watched carefully. But they are, in fact, the fringe. Just like these idiots in Florida.
Contact | Dove World Outreach Center

I have written to Pastor Jones as follows.


I have seen news reports of your proposed burning of the Koran on 9/11/2010. I am writing to respectfully request that you do not undertake this symbolic gesture. Those of us with family and friends in the military - no matter what country they serve - suffer daily strain and concern about our loved ones who risk their lives to defend us. What is a symbolic gesture to you, may result in yet more dead US and other servicemen and women.

Your 'gesture' sickens real Christians, Jews and any other faith, as well as those of no faith. I was raised to ask one question when it comes to making big decisions in life: "What would Jesus do?". The Jesus I know would not burn the holy book of another faith. Nor is it the American way. We are not a nation of book burners - we are a nation of free people, we do not burn books - we embrace them. We embrace anyone, of whatever faith, who comes to us in peace. What you seek to do further drives a wedge between Christians and Muslims.

In the name of Christ, I ask you to reconsider. Please do not put my family, my friends, and the family and friends of other Americans, and other nations, in Afghanistan, Iraq or anywhere else around the world in further danger.

Thank you.
Public School Education?

Our Federalist Constitutional Republic is Rooted in Christian Principle.

no it isn't at all... it's rooted in philosophy.

Try reading On Liberty... by Mill and the other great political philosophers. The LAST thing its based on is christianity.

Too much was borrowed from Locke to float that. I will check out "On Liberty".

Read. I will spend more time on it. ;) Still, it reinforces that there are issues between God and Man, that no Government should have authority over.
It was now perceived that such phrases as "self-government," and "the power of the people over themselves," do not express the true state of the case. The "people" who exercise the power are not always the same people with those over whom it is exercised; and the "self-government" spoken of is not the government of each by himself, but of each by all the rest. The will of the people, moreover, practically means the will of the most numerous or the most active part of the people; the majority, or those who succeed in making themselves accepted as the majority; the people, consequently, may desire to oppress a part of their number; and precautions are as much needed against this as against any other abuse of power. The limitation, therefore, of the power of government over individuals loses none of its importance when the holders of power are regularly accountable to the community, that is, to the strongest party therein. This view of things, recommending itself equally to the intelligence of thinkers and to the inclination of those important classes in European society to whose real or supposed interests democracy is adverse, has had no difficulty in establishing itself; and in political speculations "the tyranny of the majority" is now generally included among the evils against which society requires to be on its guard. 4
Like other tyrannies, the tyranny of the majority was at first, and is still vulgarly, held in dread, chiefly as operating through the acts of the public authorities. But reflecting persons perceived that when society is itself the tyrant—society collectively, over the separate individuals who compose it—its means of tyrannizing are not restricted to the acts which it may do by the hands of its political functionaries.

I. Introductory. Mill, John Stuart. 1869. On Liberty
He SAYS he is doing this because "Someone has to stand up to the Muslims"....

So, the man thinks these actions ARE STANDING up to the Muslims?????

He's a coward, and a fool, twice over!!!!
And another thing,

we are suppose to KNOW our enemies and KNOW their reactions to actions we plan to make.... Petraeus nailed it....he is not wrong.

This is not cowering to the enemy, this is knowing your enemy.

one more thing....the turd IS BREAKING THE LAW....his permits to burn the books were denied, and he plans to burn them anyway....he IS BREAKING THE LAW.....period!

and free speech btw, is free speech to speak out against our government....this is what the first amendment says?
Burning a book or protesting a mosque is not a reason for murder. Anyone who believes that is an asshole nutjob.

I can understand the concept of the anger over the book burning (any Koran is considered a holy item, not just a book) but anyone who thinks killing is a proper response for this needed a JDAM dropped on thier head.

i don't think anyone has said it's a proper response. i think we're just looking at the reality... that it will be a recruiting poster

same as abu ghraib was...

This cannot compare to abu ghraib, as that was a crime, and burining a Koran is not. We punished the people responsible for abu ghraib as was proper.

Only the lower level enlisted were punished.
Koran sales will be up, I wonder if any of his flock will have a quick read thru it?

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