Thatcher Opponents Celebrate Her Death With Champagne

All this really shows us is that the UK is as divided politically as this nation is.
LONDON -- Hundreds of opponents of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher partied in London's Trafalgar Square to celebrate her death, sipping Champagne and chanting "Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead."

Thatcher's most strident critics had long vowed to hold a gathering in central London on the Saturday following her passing, and the festivities were an indication of the depth of the hatred which some Britons still feel for their former leader.

"We've been waiting a long time for this," Richard Watson, a 45-year-old from eastern England wearing a party hat, said. "It's an opportunity of a lifetime."

As a huge effigy of Thatcher – complete with hook nose and handbag – made its way down the stairs in front of the National Gallery, the crowd erupted into cries of "Maggie! Maggie! Maggie! Dead! Dead! Dead!" and sang lyrics from the "Wizard of Oz" ditty "Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead."

Hundreds of people clutched their umbrellas in the rain between Nelson's Column and the National Gallery on the square, drinking cider or Champagne. The mood appeared festive and the celebration was peaceful, although there was a minor scuffle with police at one point. Police said they made nine arrests, most for drunkenness.

Britons remain deeply divided over Thatcher, who died Monday aged 87, and the debate over her legacy has revived the strong feelings that marked her more than decade-long term in office. Thatcher's funeral is Wednesday and police are bracing for possible trouble along the procession route in central London.

Margaret Thatcher Opponents Party In Trafalgar Square

are all progressives such ghouls they fell the need to post stuff like this?
does this give you tingles or what?
good ole Hufferpost, speading the joy like usual


We are ghouls.

We celebrated the death of this conservative hero as well.

[ame=]Time Square party for Osama Bin Laden death - New York 10 - YouTube[/ame]

You folks didn't have any parties. Which makes you "not ghouls".
All this really shows us is that the UK is as divided politically as this nation is.

Most countries have the liberal/conservative dynamic.

Funny thing is..that when true conservatives rule, there is no dialogue.

There's just conservative rule.

Like Saudi Arabia.
LONDON -- Hundreds of opponents of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher partied in London's Trafalgar Square to celebrate her death, sipping Champagne and chanting "Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead."

Thatcher's most strident critics had long vowed to hold a gathering in central London on the Saturday following her passing, and the festivities were an indication of the depth of the hatred which some Britons still feel for their former leader.

"We've been waiting a long time for this," Richard Watson, a 45-year-old from eastern England wearing a party hat, said. "It's an opportunity of a lifetime."

As a huge effigy of Thatcher – complete with hook nose and handbag – made its way down the stairs in front of the National Gallery, the crowd erupted into cries of "Maggie! Maggie! Maggie! Dead! Dead! Dead!" and sang lyrics from the "Wizard of Oz" ditty "Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead."

Hundreds of people clutched their umbrellas in the rain between Nelson's Column and the National Gallery on the square, drinking cider or Champagne. The mood appeared festive and the celebration was peaceful, although there was a minor scuffle with police at one point. Police said they made nine arrests, most for drunkenness.

Britons remain deeply divided over Thatcher, who died Monday aged 87, and the debate over her legacy has revived the strong feelings that marked her more than decade-long term in office. Thatcher's funeral is Wednesday and police are bracing for possible trouble along the procession route in central London.

Margaret Thatcher Opponents Party In Trafalgar Square

are all progressives such ghouls they fell the need to post stuff like this?
does this give you tingles or what?
good ole Hufferpost, speading the joy like usual


We are ghouls.

We celebrated the death of this conservative hero as well.

[ame=]Time Square party for Osama Bin Laden death - New York 10 - YouTube[/ame]

You folks didn't have any parties. Which makes you "not ghouls".

you really have become sick..
to compare Thatcher to Bin laden and say he was a conservative hero
hateful and disappointed in you
Sorry, what?

What big pitch?

The right thing to do would have been to seize the banks and financial institutions and done a proper audit.

That wasn't done.

In effect, the boys at the top got away with some of the biggest financial crimes in US history.

Anyone that thinks Bernie Madoff was an outlier is delusional.
Bernie stole from the rich, which is always a bad idea in the land of the free.

I was referring to Clinton's and Bush's attempt to reform (privatize) Social Security.
Am I mistaken in believing the Social Security Trust Fund is something like the Mississippi of all cash flows from a Wall Street perspective? aren't.

Market went wild on prospects of privatization.
Do you expect Obama to follow in the (privatization) footsteps of his predecessors?
If so, when?
It's sad to see what the UK has become

A once proud people have now been reduced to celebrating peoples death


but not to worry, they are working on bringing our country down to this sad display of human beings..and as we see they are winning
Progressives define traitors as those instrumental in the defeat of Communism
The communists were never the biggest threat to this country.
Those getting rich from the private creation of money are.

Sure they are, especially since they've taken over the Democrat Party
If Democrats are communists, why haven't any rich Wall Street bankers been prosecuted for control accounting fraud?
I imagine that the celebration of her death is in reaction to the deification that some of her admirerers are attempting to do to her memory.

Like Reagan's memory here in the USA, some Brits can't stand her or what she did, while others think she walked on water.

I think American media was much more obedient in Reagan's death.

I think it was more along the lines that Reagn was still popular and sympathetic with his Alzheimers.
Progressive love the idea of living in a shattered economy like Greece or Spain or the USSR, but in the good old days, before Reagan and Thatcher brought them kicking and screaming to civilized society

All three economies were "shattered" by the mega rich..doing what the mega rich do.

Coming up with schemes to shovel even more money into their personal accounts.

Why anyone thinks it's okay for one guy to have billions of dollars secreted away in offshore accounts is beyond me.
Actually sallow, you clueless fool, these economies were shattered by crippling buisnesses with idiotic regulations and high taxation.
Not forgetting the excessive spending by governments, spending more than they could afford.
But don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.

I would say the same to you.

Except for the government spending part. Greece took out loans to by expensive military hardware. I can't, for the life of me, think about a good reason to do that..except maybe they wanted to attack Macedonia or something.

All the governments were hit with the same financial crisis that started in the US.

It's that "broker algo" stuff that is rarely discussed outside the egghead circles..that you folks really should look into.

Here's another buzzword you should be aware of..because if something big will definitely involve this.

"Dark Pools."
Bernie stole from the rich, which is always a bad idea in the land of the free.

I was referring to Clinton's and Bush's attempt to reform (privatize) Social Security.
Am I mistaken in believing the Social Security Trust Fund is something like the Mississippi of all cash flows from a Wall Street perspective? aren't.

Market went wild on prospects of privatization.
Do you expect Obama to follow in the (privatization) footsteps of his predecessors?
If so, when?

I do not.

But I do expect him to sacrifice SSI somewhat to get a deal with Republicans. Like most Presidents, he's interested in Legacy.

But Republicans have been doing him a huge favor by rebutting all his attempts at a deal. I fully expect this grand bargain thing to fail as well.
How does celebrating the death of a Brit political hack and water carrier for The City connect to either the lives or the deaths of people in other countries?

The level of projection in this thread is hilarious on many levels, but it is sort of sad to see Bizarro World level associations projected where none exist.

Any American who celebrated the death of Saddam Hussein, a man who did nothing to America after 1992 and arguably saved the world billions by checking Iran, and who then criticizes Brit working class folks for celebrating the death of one of the most malignant influences against labor in 20th century England is either a hypocrite or a fool - or both.
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are all progressives such ghouls they fell the need to post stuff like this?
does this give you tingles or what?
good ole Hufferpost, speading the joy like usual


We are ghouls.

We celebrated the death of this conservative hero as well.

[ame=]Time Square party for Osama Bin Laden death - New York 10 - YouTube[/ame]

You folks didn't have any parties. Which makes you "not ghouls".

you really have become sick..
to compare Thatcher to Bin laden and say he was a conservative hero
hateful and disappointed in you

Well..perhaps you can help me out here, Steph..

Osama Bin Laden authored the attack on 9/11. Yet Bush turned attention to Iraq. And after spending several trillion dollars, he sent Saddam Hussein to the gallows for something he never did.

While Bin Laden lived it up in Pakistan.

Now why is that?

We are ghouls.

We celebrated the death of this conservative hero as well.

Time Square party for Osama Bin Laden death - New York 10 - YouTube

You folks didn't have any parties. Which makes you "not ghouls".

you really have become sick..
to compare Thatcher to Bin laden and say he was a conservative hero
hateful and disappointed in you

Well..perhaps you can help me out here, Steph..

Osama Bin Laden authored the attack on 9/11. Yet Bush turned attention to Iraq. And after spending several trillion dollars, he sent Saddam Hussein to the gallows for something he never did.

While Bin Laden lived it up in Pakistan.

Now why is that?

Yeah, Steph - or any other, uh, "conservative" - what the fuck was up with that?

Didn't you see "Mission Accomplished"? No, not the movie, the thing with Junebug on that aircraft carrier. What happened? Was the ratty little fuck back on the hop? Or did his boss, Cheney put him up to that so the world - including kindred spirits Maggie, Osama, and Saddam - could have a good laugh?
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you really have become sick..
to compare Thatcher to Bin laden and say he was a conservative hero
hateful and disappointed in you

Well..perhaps you can help me out here, Steph..

Osama Bin Laden authored the attack on 9/11. Yet Bush turned attention to Iraq. And after spending several trillion dollars, he sent Saddam Hussein to the gallows for something he never did.

While Bin Laden lived it up in Pakistan.

Now why is that?

Yeah, Steph - or any other, uh, "conservative" - what the fuck was up with that?

Didn't you see "Mission Accomplished"? No, not the movie, the thing with Junebug on that aircraft carrier. What happened? Was the ratty little fuck back on the hop? Or did his boss, Cheney put him up to that so the world - including kindred spirits Maggie, Osama, and Saddam - could have a good laugh?

the thread was about people celebrating Thatchers death
all of this^^^, who the hell knows
Brits are still suffering from her policy of trickle down economics.

Trickle down wasn't known in Thatcherism.
You don't know what you are talking about, again.


Margaret Thatcher’s economic policies were guided by one principle: that wealth will ‘trickle down’ to the masses from the top. She believed that if the rich and super-rich prospered the rising tide would life all boats.

New Labour bought into this fantasy, epitomised by Mandelson’s infamous remark that they were “intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich as long as they pay their taxes”. In practice of course, the super-rich were highly averse to paying their taxes and the entire philosophy turned out to be a sham.

Thatcher?s key legacy ? ?trickle down economics? ? may come to an end sooner than later | Liberal Conspiracy

As retarded as I am I always knew trickle down economics is idiotic. Only a moron could believe the rich/banks/corporations would allocate resources for the benefit of the working class or the poor.
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