That's Why Barack Obama Is Such A Good Thing For America.

"He might be a Republican and he might be a Democrat; he might be a Libertarian or a Green. He knows that his wife is more emotional than rational, and he guides the family in a rational manner."

The words of your hero who you are defending here Misty
The asshole who wrote this article you people are all creaming your jeans over is a racist and a sexist.

Says alot about the whole bunch of you.
for Truthmatters, the only ones who ever tell the truth are Democrats-Progressives- Commies..

the rest of us are all LIARS.:lol:
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When a person is denied the care they need to survive simply because they are already sick and then they die due to lack of proper care then you see their death is preventable.

You are fighting a bill that if passed will change this fact.

If it had been allowed to pass MONTHS ago instead of fought and lied about at every turn by the rs then those people would have gottent he care to survive.

you see you view this as a political game, its people lives and you refuse to FACE that FACT.

There are already Americans DEAD because this didnt pass yet..

Well Truth.

Oh and BTW, the Reps had nothing to do with the passage of this bill. This was the Dems all the way. They couldn't pass it even with a supermajority. That should have been your first clue about how much this thing sucks. LOL

Wait until your HC premiums go through the roof as you start to pay for those with pre-existing conditions, cancer, heart disease and god knows what else. YOu will be paying for them for 4 or 5 years before any benefit, if there is any, comes your way.

Oh Yeah. Lets not forget that you and I and every other taxpayer will be footing the bills for anyone wanting to go to college.

Wonder what else is hidden in this bill. Ol'BO did say that he wanted to spread your wealth and he's well on his way.

If you believe those 10yr projections from the CBO then you really are a fool.

Just check with MA. They are yelling for the Fed, i.e. us taxpayers, to bail them out with their HC BS. It ain't worked in MA or TN. What makes anyone think it will work for the entire country??

Mayby you have money to burn but I sure don't. If I'm going to give to charity I prefer to pick and choose my own. Thank you very much.
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Um, for those who can't understand simple writing, this guy didn't compare Obama to Hitler at all. He said Obama will become the face of unchecked liberalism just like Hitler is the face of Fascism. That's no different than saying Obama will be the face of unchecked liberalism like Dwayne Wade is the face of the Miami Heat.

It was a good article. You really can't argue that Obama and his pet congress has really woken people up a bit as far as politics go, including myself.
Obama is the symbol of a creeping liberalism that has infected our society like a cancer for the last 100 years. Just as Hitler is the face of fascism, Obama will go down in history as the face of unchecked liberalism. The cancer metastasized to the point where it could no longer be ignored.

Thanks for the post Masquerade

It is rhetoric like this that keeps independents and moderates from considering voting Republican. Until your side can engage in civil discourse on the critical issues facing this country without resulting to extreme doom and gloom imagery, you will not be taken seriously

Except that in recent elections Moderates and Independents have been voting Republican in massive numbers.

When a person is denied the care they need to survive simply because they are already sick and then they die due to lack of proper care then you see their death is preventable.

You are fighting a bill that if passed will change this fact.

If it had been allowed to pass MONTHS ago instead of fought and lied about at every turn by the rs then those people would have gottent he care to survive.

you see you view this as a political game, its people lives and you refuse to FACE that FACT.

There are already Americans DEAD because this didnt pass yet..


Um, for those who can't understand simple writing, this guy didn't compare Obama to Hitler at all. He said Obama will become the face of unchecked liberalism just like Hitler is the face of Fascism. That's no different than saying Obama will be the face of unchecked liberalism like Dwayne Wade is the face of the Miami Heat.

It was a good article. You really can't argue that Obama and his pet congress has really woken people up a bit as far as politics go, including myself.

He also said white men think women are irrational.
Um, for those who can't understand simple writing, this guy didn't compare Obama to Hitler at all. He said Obama will become the face of unchecked liberalism just like Hitler is the face of Fascism. That's no different than saying Obama will be the face of unchecked liberalism like Dwayne Wade is the face of the Miami Heat.

It was a good article. You really can't argue that Obama and his pet congress has really woken people up a bit as far as politics go, including myself.

He also said white men think women are irrational.
He said they're more emotional than rational. That could be easily be said for you and many others. All you're basically doing is blaming republicans for somehow blocking a health care bill with their super minority and very little media behind them, talking about how republicans should be held responsible for all deaths in America over the last 6 months. Sounds a lot more emotional than rational to me.
Which means he thinks they are irrational you fucking idiot
Only to someone as shallow minded as you. I would definitely say my fiance is more emotional than rational. It doesn't mean she's always irrational even though she is sometimes; everyone is irrational at one point or another in their lives. All it means is that she thinks more with her emotions than she does with her logical reasoning. It could be detrimental in some aspects of life, but a great advantage in others. For example, you need to be an emotionally in tune person to care for a child or someone in need. Why do you think women are usually the more involved, endearing parents? Because they're more emotional in general.

Emotional thinking can even be a big help in the corporate world. Someone who thinks far too rationally or literally might miss when a client is frustrated whereas the more emotional thinker will be able to pick up on that and help adjust the companies' approach to that person/company and save them as a client.

Ok, i'm done. Proceed with your next insult.
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The Angry White Man

The writer of that article is a fucking racist

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


If it was NOT about race why did the asshole have to call himself white?

why is it he thinks only angry WHITE guys need to be spoken for?

That's a good question. Is it because white guys are disenfranchised in this country???

Why did Obama write this in his book?

"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites."

"It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names."

"I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, Dubois and Mandela."

The fact is that Obama has used the race card numerous times. Why? I guess that makes Obama racist. Thanks for clearing that up! :thup:

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