The 10 states with the worst quality of life (90% Red States)

Are you surprised?

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And you wonder why you get nearly 0.00% of the black vote....Keep up the good work.

B) I don't wonder at all why nearly every free loading , lazy, good for nothing piece of shit with their hand out regardless of color votes Democrat , even when the statistics show that they are as a group FAR worse off under Democrats than Republicans.

See on top of being lazy, good for nothing criminals, they are stupid. "oh the last 4 years under Obama we were worse off as a people than under Bush even" Who cares, that's my niggah right there.."

Yet nearly all of the welfare states are red states.

I love the anger....oh so angry and oh so helpless. The facts are not your friends.

You're mistaken, I'm not anger. I'm saddened that you are so stupid that you believe that conservatives take more welfare than liberals, when anyone with a lick of fucking sense knows that there are plenty of liberals AND conservatives sucking up welfare. it is probably in fact 50/50. Again those of us who understand statistics understand this fact.

Let me add something else "candycorn" , it is beyond childish to admit that you find it humorous to think that someone else is angry over the state of our nation. Grow the fuck up , our country is going down the toilet regardless of who caused it and antics such as yours help nothing.

And your profane, idiotic, and silly posts ( just contradicted your earlier post from this evening) are "helping" in your mind?

Those are the facts, now back to your bitch fest.

Do you know how they determine red state/blue state moron? Simply by which party won that state's electoral votes in the last election. That's it.

Now, ANYONE with a half a brain knows that most welfare spending is spent you know where most people are, in the urban areas. Pick 5 "red states" and tell me which party their urban area probably supports.

Since we're using Tennessee as the example, I'll continue to do so

Taxpayers fund special unusual perks for Memphis welfare recipients

Now, next let's be clear. Tenn went 39% for Obama in 2012 which obviously tells you there are quite a few Democrats in Tenn, Now let's think REAL hard, where in Tenn are those Dems likely to live?

Oh I know where they live. SHELBY FUCKING COUNTY (AKA MEMPHIS)

Tennessee Election Results

Where Barrack Obama received 63% of the vote in 2012.

Get the fuck out of here Candy, you belong on a Candy Land board playing games with children, not discussing serious topics with adults.

Oh I get what you're saying....since we're using Memphis. That tiny part where Democrats are in the extreme west edge of the State drags down the entire quality of living in the rest of the State. Gotcha.

I'd be amazed if you could walk and chew bubble gum at the same time.
Check this out ... the ten dumbest states ...

1. West Virginia
2. Arkansas
3. Mississippi
4. Kentucky
5. Louisiana

6. Nevada
7. Alabama
8. Indiana
9. Oklahoma
10. Tennessee

the ten smartest states ...

1. Massachusetts
2. Colorado
3. Maryland
4. Connecticut
5. New Jersey
6. Virginia
7. Vermont
8. New York
9. New Hampshire
10. Minnesota

The 10 Smartest and Dumbest States in America - TheStreet

You simpleton, that is a list of nothing more than states ranked on percentage of the population who have college degrees. College degrees =/= smart and lack of college degrees =/= stupid.


That is how most employers see candidates...degrees mean qualified, intelligent, upwardly mobile etc... Lack of a degree means unmotivated, less intelligent, complacent etc...

When your industries are low tech and the political leaders label the college educated as "snobs", it stands to reason that the red states will lag far behind in those categories.

When your industries are high tech and the political leaders embrace education as the great equalizer, it stands to reason that the blue states will be far ahead of the red states in those categories.

Unfortunately for the red states, we're likely not going to return to an economy where we're trading chickens or labor for food. It's okay though...the world needs ditch diggers too so there is hope for ya.
Check this out ... the ten dumbest states ...

1. West Virginia
2. Arkansas
3. Mississippi
4. Kentucky
5. Louisiana

6. Nevada
7. Alabama
8. Indiana
9. Oklahoma
10. Tennessee

the ten smartest states ...

1. Massachusetts
2. Colorado
3. Maryland
4. Connecticut
5. New Jersey
6. Virginia
7. Vermont
8. New York
9. New Hampshire
10. Minnesota

The 10 Smartest and Dumbest States in America - TheStreet

Ah, Faun? I'm from Massachusetts (which according to you makes me MENSA material!) and I think this string is stupid...therefore it must be! :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:
My quality of life improved considerably when I moved to South Carolina from Massachusetts.
It's always
Well, no, I see some states with a higher standard of living with a higher percentage of blacks than some lower standard of living states.

You understand how correlations work, don't you?
Sure .. red states are dumb and vote republican. Blue states are smart and vote Democrat. Along with that, States voting Democrat are not only smarter, they have a higher standard of living. States voting Republican are not only dumber, they collect more welfare and have a lower standard of living.

You may be even dumber than Candy

Pick a "red state" and I'll find the major urban area and we'll compare the Democrats there in terms of education versus the rest of that state and blow your stupid theory that smart people vote Democrat right out of the water.

Moron, some stupid people vote Dem, some vote Republican, some smart people likewise vote for both parties.

What kind of simpleton idiot tries to say otherwise?
Of course there are some smart people who vote Republican and some stupid people who vote Democrat. No one ever said it was all or nothing. But overall, by and large ... well, the lists speak for themselves.

But that's ok, I understand why you protest.

Again, your list is nothing but a list of states ranked by percentage of people who have a college degree. Nothing else. Are you arguing that a college degree = smart and lack of a college degree = stupid??

And further , why haven't you picked a state yet and we can compare counties , I'm quite confident that Memphis TN has less college grads by percentage than Knoxville, TN does. Memphis = Democrat Knoxville = Republican, just as an example.
Again, there are exceptions; and again, it's not an all or nothing situation. But overall, yes, smarter people have a better chance at completing a 4 year degree. And again, before you get your panties in a wad, of course there are exceptions for a variety of reasons. But overall .....

And here's an example of why you're a "fairly Liberal idiot" .... you're trying to establish an exception to the rule by comparing two cities ... but fairly liberal idiot ... the measurement is by graduation rates and most people in college aren't registered to vote in the city where they are attending college. So what difference does it make if more smart Liberals are attending school in Knoxville compared to more dumb Conservatives attending school in Memphis? That's why the list is by state. :eusa_doh:
here's how stupid liberals are

"herr derr see "red states" have a lowre percentage of people with college degrees which proves they're dumber, but black people being SIX times more likely to commit crimes than whites doesn't mean blacks are more likely to be crminals derp"
It's always fun watching rightards contort themselves when polls like these are posted. Thanks for playin' . :mm:

Actually, I'm fairly liberal idiot, but are you serious here?

Directly from YOUR link

Here is a list of the 10 "smartest" and "dumbest" states based on percentage of the population with Bachelor's degrees...

Exactly as I stated.

Go join Candy in a rousing game of tic tac toe, you don't belong in any debate.
Well you would be one of the stupid Liberals since I never said that wasn't how formulated their lists. You act as though I challenged you on that. :dunno:

You certainly implied it. Be a man stand behind your implied statements.
Nope, I never even implied it. Why would I? I read the article I linked.
Check this out ... the ten dumbest states ...

1. West Virginia
2. Arkansas
3. Mississippi
4. Kentucky
5. Louisiana

6. Nevada
7. Alabama
8. Indiana
9. Oklahoma
10. Tennessee

the ten smartest states ...

1. Massachusetts
2. Colorado
3. Maryland
4. Connecticut
5. New Jersey
6. Virginia
7. Vermont
8. New York
9. New Hampshire
10. Minnesota

The 10 Smartest and Dumbest States in America - TheStreet

Ah, Faun? I'm from Massachusetts (which according to you makes me MENSA material!) and I think this string is stupid...therefore it must be! :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:
As I've stated repeatedly, there are exceptions to the rule. Thanks for proving me right. :afro:
To nobody's surprise, nine out of ten states (rated by Yahoo) for poorest quality of life for it's citizens are Red states in the South.

The 10 states with the worst quality of life - Yahoo Finance

Yet each one will be red in the next election or two....(with the possible exception of Arkansas). How Texas missed the list is anyone's guess.

so are those compassionate libs going to send some aid to them?
They already do in the form of welfare. Those red states also collect the most...

Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider
It's always
10 Poorest Quality of Life States in the Union

#10 Georgia = 56.3% white; 30.1% black
#9 New Mexico = 40.9% white; 1.7% black
#8 Louisiana = 60.7% white; 31.7% black
#7 South Carolina = 64.3% white; 27.8% black
#6 Oklahoma = 69.1% white; 7.2% black
#5 Tennessee = 75.9% white; 16.5% black
#4 West Virginia = 93.2% white; 3.1% black
#3 Arkansas = 74.8% white; 15.4% black
#2 Alabama = 67.3% white; 26.1% black
#1 Mississippi = 58.2% white; 36.9% black

10 Richest Quality of Life States in the Union

#10 Wisconsin = 83.6% white; 6.1% black
#9 Washington = 73.1% white; 3.4% black
#8 Maine = 94.6% white; 1.0% black
#7 Massachusetts = 76.9%white; 6.1% black
#6 Colorado = 70.3% white; 3.7% black

#5 North Dakota= 89.2% white; 1.0% black
#4 Iowa = 89% white; 2.6% black
#3 Vermont = 94.4% white; 0.8% black
#2 Minnesota = 83.4% white; 4.9% black
#1 New Hampshire = 92.4% white; 1.0% black

Anyone seeing a pattern?
I do. :mm:

I see what you're saying. Lack of black people around allows states to vote for Democrats but states inundated with blacks try to grab a life preserver by voting for Republicans. It's the same pattern with whites who voted for Obama. The whites who lived in states where the closest the came to a black person was watching a Denzel movie had the highest level of white support for Obama while the whites who lived in states with the highest levels of black population proportion had the lowest levels of support for Obama.

Here's the lesson. Whites who are most vocal about multiculturalism are those who know it only in theory while the whites who are most critical of multiculturalism are those who have to live with its misery.
Well, no, I see some states with a higher standard of living with a higher percentage of blacks than some lower standard of living states.

You understand how correlations work, don't you?
Sure .. red states are dumb and vote republican. Blue states are smart and vote Democrat. Along with that, States voting Democrat are not only smarter, they have a higher standard of living. States voting Republican are not only dumber, they collect more welfare and have a lower standard of living.
i got news for you in California the Counties where all the wealth is are doing pretty good......the others not so good......lot of people on welfare in this blue state....where i sit it doesnt matter what side you vote for.....the wealthy get shit first.....gee it seems Democrats are no different than Republicans....imagine that......
B) I don't wonder at all why nearly every free loading , lazy, good for nothing piece of shit with their hand out regardless of color votes Democrat , even when the statistics show that they are as a group FAR worse off under Democrats than Republicans.

See on top of being lazy, good for nothing criminals, they are stupid. "oh the last 4 years under Obama we were worse off as a people than under Bush even" Who cares, that's my niggah right there.."

Yet nearly all of the welfare states are red states.

I love the anger....oh so angry and oh so helpless. The facts are not your friends.

You're mistaken, I'm not anger. I'm saddened that you are so stupid that you believe that conservatives take more welfare than liberals, when anyone with a lick of fucking sense knows that there are plenty of liberals AND conservatives sucking up welfare. it is probably in fact 50/50. Again those of us who understand statistics understand this fact.

Let me add something else "candycorn" , it is beyond childish to admit that you find it humorous to think that someone else is angry over the state of our nation. Grow the fuck up , our country is going down the toilet regardless of who caused it and antics such as yours help nothing.

And your profane, idiotic, and silly posts ( just contradicted your earlier post from this evening) are "helping" in your mind?

Those are the facts, now back to your bitch fest.

Do you know how they determine red state/blue state moron? Simply by which party won that state's electoral votes in the last election. That's it.

Now, ANYONE with a half a brain knows that most welfare spending is spent you know where most people are, in the urban areas. Pick 5 "red states" and tell me which party their urban area probably supports.

Since we're using Tennessee as the example, I'll continue to do so

Taxpayers fund special unusual perks for Memphis welfare recipients

Now, next let's be clear. Tenn went 39% for Obama in 2012 which obviously tells you there are quite a few Democrats in Tenn, Now let's think REAL hard, where in Tenn are those Dems likely to live?

Oh I know where they live. SHELBY FUCKING COUNTY (AKA MEMPHIS)

Tennessee Election Results

Where Barrack Obama received 63% of the vote in 2012.

Get the fuck out of here Candy, you belong on a Candy Land board playing games with children, not discussing serious topics with adults.

Oh I get what you're saying....since we're using Memphis. That tiny part where Democrats are in the extreme west edge of the State drags down the entire quality of living in the rest of the State. Gotcha.

I'd be amazed if you could walk and chew bubble gum at the same time.

I was addressing welfare, not quality of life overall

Back to the Barbies with you.
Liberals will believe anything. In the BI article, he doesn't reveal his source but for the benefit of the argument, NM isn't very populated but heavy in military spending, for example. Also farming gets a lot of subsidies, not a lot of people to collect tax from though. Discounting things like that means it's just a political smear piece. Let's put missles in San Fran and make them pay the real going rate for food and see how fast they change their tune.
Looks like most aren't surprised red states have low quality of life. Seems to be what republican policies get you.
B) I don't wonder at all why nearly every free loading , lazy, good for nothing piece of shit with their hand out regardless of color votes Democrat , even when the statistics show that they are as a group FAR worse off under Democrats than Republicans.

See on top of being lazy, good for nothing criminals, they are stupid. "oh the last 4 years under Obama we were worse off as a people than under Bush even" Who cares, that's my niggah right there.."
I doubt that lazy, good for nothing criminals register to vote, let alone vote. Please provide evidence that they do.
Looks like most aren't surprised red states have low quality of life. Seems to be what republican policies get you.
lots of people in my blue State aint jumping for joy with their "quality" of life here......lots of Counties with over 10% UE......
You in the top ten?

Looks like most aren't surprised red states have low quality of life. Seems to be what republican policies get you.
lots of people in my blue State aint jumping for joy with their "quality" of life here......lots of Counties with over 10% UE......
it should be......but numbers are very misleading......the wealthy coastal Counties here bring the numbers down lower than what reality UE.....there are 27 Counties out of 58 who are higher than the State Avg of 7.4%.....11 over over 20% that has gone up 4 points over the last few months...

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