The 100 Year War on Palestine

Your critical thinking skills rival Trump's.
Here's a chance for redemption:
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What percentage of Palestinian land did Jews own in 1947?
You never identified any "Pal'istanian land". There is no such thing. The geographic land area islamics view as an entitlement was held as sovereign territory by the Ottoman Turks for centuries. The Turks relinquished all rights and title to that territory at the end of WW1.

While the prayer leader at your madrassah may have told you of a perceived entitlement to the territory, you have no such entitlement.

As you know from the Ottoman land records, absentee land owners in Lebanon and Syria, not falsely labeled "Pal'istanians", were owners of large tracts of land which they sold to Jewish agencies. This is a historical fact from the Ottoman land records. Pal'istanians were not invented until Arafat assigned an invented label to the Arab squatters in the late 1960's.
PS The History Channel link you provided is risible. Don't they air such nonsense as UFO & Big Foot sightings?
I don't know.
Did they ever lie about a "land without a people for a people without a land?"
the present day existence of Israel as a country is the result
of a project involving buying land in "Palestine" over the
past MORE THAN 200 years----not 100 years. It began at
the beginning of the 19th century
What percentage of the land in 1947 Palestine was owned by Jews?
What do your critical thinking skills tell you about land ownership in 1917 Palestine with land ownership in 1947 Palestine?

Palestinian vs Jewish Land Ownership Per District, 1945 - Palestine Remembered
Pretty desperate are we?

Your earlier cut and paste map which you hoped to fraudulently use to portray "Pal'istanian" land was, as you now know, a total bust.

You're now reduced to cutting and pasting maps of unknown origin which you hope to portray as showing "Pal'istanian" land.

Why not just announce you're a dishonest fraud and be done with it?
Fuck Palestine. And oh, yeah. Fuck Lilliput, too.
What percentage of the land in 1947 Palestine was owned by Jews?
approximately 7 % of the land----what percentage of USA
land do you own? Does you auntie own the Grand Canyon? Jews also had hospitals and even a UNIVERSITY.
What part of the MISSISSIPPI river do you own
You never identified any "Pal'istanian land". There is no such thing. The geographic land area islamics view as an entitlement was held as sovereign territory by the Ottoman Turks for centuries. The Turks relinquished all rights and title to that territory at the end of WW1.

While the prayer leader at your madrassah may have told you of a perceived entitlement to the territory, you have no such entitlement.

As you know from the Ottoman land records, absentee land owners in Lebanon and Syria, not falsely labeled "Pal'istanians", were owners of large tracts of land which they sold to Jewish agencies. This is a historical fact from the Ottoman land records. Pal'istanians were not invented until Arafat assigned an invented label to the Arab squatters in the late 1960's.
ALL of the Indian subcontinent, the Iberian Penninsula
and ALL of the Levant is ALL MUSLIM LAND ----I know
that because muslims told me. Jews cannot OWN muslim
land------they cannot buy it-----such a transaction does
NOT EXIST------because allah said so. There is more----
MANY of the historical persons YOU IMAGINE were jews---
were really muslims. Abraham bought Hebron-----HE
I don't know.
Did they ever lie about a "land without a people for a people without a land?"
Mark Twain THE JEW -----noticed the same thing---the land was desolate. Jews began the CURRENT program
of BUYING LAND circa 1800. According to BOTH
SHARIAH LAW and CANON LAW----jews cannot OWN
LAND ------and black africans are slaves----SHARIAH AND CANON LAW -------were NEVER VALID
the present day existence of Israel as a country is the result
of a project involving buying land in "Palestine" over the
past MORE THAN 200 years----not 100 years. It began at
the beginning of the 19th century
And the land you bought was done with racist rules, like no one other than a Jew could work the land. That meant there were no jobs for Muslim residents. And that is pretty fucked for you people to do.
You failed to answer the question. Again, where were the "Palestinians" when the Jewish People were defending their homeland from the Romans?
I don't know the answer to that question. But I do know over 400 Jews lives were saved by their Muslim neighbors during the 1929 Hebron riots.
And the land you bought was done with racist rules, like no one other than a Jew could work the land. That meant there were no jobs for Muslim residents. And that is pretty fucked for you people to do.
It is? do you know anything at all about Canon Law and
Shariah Law? and ---IN FACT and PRACTICE---your
information is incorrect. Jewish landowners ---since
1800 to the present time provided so many JOBS to
muslims that the population of muslims GREW to far
far more than it had been before the present ZIONIST
PROJECT of 1800. ISLAMO NAZI propaganda has you
confused. Even now-----getting into Israel to GET A JOB
is as popular with arabs as getting into Texas is with

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