The 12 GOP traitors that voted against American Security

So you are saying Trump doesn't have the power to declare a National Emergency??

Obama declared several NE's. Didn't hear you bitching about that.

If it goes to the SC Trump will win because he does have that authority.

EMERGENCY: a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.

Emergency: Billions of tax payer dollars used to take care of illegals.

Emergency: American citizens robbed, raped and murdered.

Emergency: Human Trafficers using the border to move their human cargo.

Emergency: Drug mules hauling drugs across our border.

Emergency: A dumb ass like who doesn't know what an emergency is.

Those are all problems, none of them is an emergency unless you make up your own definition of the word.

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I call spending billions on illegals more than a problem.

I call the robbing, raping an murder of American citizens by illegals more than just a problem.

Oh and human trafficking and drug trafficking are more than just a problem.

I'd venture to say that if one of your loved ones was murdered by an illegal you would call in more than just a problem.

Voters disagree with you. They do not see a crisis on the border and oppose using a national emergency to build a wall by a 2/3rds majority.

Florida voters with the mid terms does agree and elected trumps side kicks
They didn't expect a President with no respect for the Constitution trying to do an end-around Congressional refusal to fund his vanity project.

Its not an end around you stupid cow. He has the authority to declare a National Emergency. Its a power Congress granted.

Yes, The President Can Declare A ‘National Emergency‘ To Build A Wall

It will end up in the SC.

The SC will find he does have the authority.

They won't care about the reason just the fact that he has that authority as past Presidents have had.

The President asked Congress for money to build the wall, and said that if Congress didn't give him the money, he'd simply declare a National Emergency and get it that way. But once again, Claudette the Clueless says that Trump wasn't doing an end-around of the Congressional refusal to give him the money. You don't even believe a thing when Trump says that's what he's doing.

Trump has the authority to declare a National Emergency when ONE EXISTS. What he is trying to do is subvert the Constitutional authority of the Congress to decide what will be funded and what doesn't.

If you had ANY respect for the Constitution at all, you would opposed what Trump is trying to do.

You really are quite stupid.

The emergency has existed for decades hence the over 11 million illegals in our country. We have been invaded by illegals not to mention the thousand that are asking for asylum.

Trump is the first POTUS to actually try to correct the problem.

Congress said no so he declared that National Emergency that should have been declared long ago.

That's not an end around. That's a power congress granted he and all Presidents of this country.

Yes, The President Can Declare A ‘National Emergency‘ To Build A Wall

You are a Trump supporter which makes you automatically stupid.

Voters oppose Trump's policies on immigration. We are not being invaded. Unarmed Guatemalans are hardly a threat to this country. The Congress cannot give away their constitutionally granted powers. The SC has declared a President does not have a unlimited power under a national emergency as Truman's national emergency was overturned.

Dershowitz: Trump's emergency declaration was a ‘mistake’

Judge Napolitano: Trump Cannot Declare A National Emergency And Build The Wall

Dershowitz says it's a mistake not that he can't build it

The mistake could be if you think democrats are fair

But Alan they proved the opposite

So Allan it's not a mistake

And Barr says its constitutional and he can

I suggest you read the article.

"“The Constitution requires that all spending bills originate in the House of Representatives. This is a way of circumventing that provision of the Constitution.”

"“There will be a lawsuit. No doubt about it. It will be tied up in the courts for a long time,” he said."

Dershowitz: Trump's emergency declaration was a ‘mistake’
EMERGENCY: a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.

Emergency: Billions of tax payer dollars used to take care of illegals.

Emergency: American citizens robbed, raped and murdered.

Emergency: Human Trafficers using the border to move their human cargo.

Emergency: Drug mules hauling drugs across our border.

Emergency: A dumb ass like who doesn't know what an emergency is.

Those are all problems, none of them is an emergency unless you make up your own definition of the word.

Sent from my iPhone using

I call spending billions on illegals more than a problem.

I call the robbing, raping an murder of American citizens by illegals more than just a problem.

Oh and human trafficking and drug trafficking are more than just a problem.

I'd venture to say that if one of your loved ones was murdered by an illegal you would call in more than just a problem.

Voters disagree with you. They do not see a crisis on the border and oppose using a national emergency to build a wall by a 2/3rds majority.

Florida voters with the mid terms does agree and elected trumps side kicks

It was nearly dead even. Republicans lost big time in Pennsylvania and Michigan. With those states, Democrats don't need Florida.
  1. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), who is retiring at the end of the current Congress
  2. Susan Collins
  3. Mike Lee (Utah)
  4. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) (She voted against Kavanaugh too)
  5. Roy Blunt (Mo.)
  6. Rand Paul (Ky.)
  7. Pat Toomey (Pa.)
  8. Rob Portman (Ohio)
  9. Jerry Moran (Kan.)
  10. Marco Rubio (Fla.) (Go to any foam parties recently, little Marco?)
  11. Roger Wicker (Miss.)
  12. Mitt Romney (Utah) (Really, Mormons, you couldn't find anyone else??)
1 is retiring thankfully,Collins,
Murkowski,Lee,Blunt,Paul,Toomey,Portman,Moran,Rubio are up for reelection in 2022.
Wicker and Romney are up for reelection in 2024

Murkowski BARELY won reelection a few years ago she had to use a write in ballot to "win" her race so let's send all these FAKE conservatives packing.

The fake conservatives are the 41 Republicans who voted to ignore the Constitution and you fascist pigs. .There are 25 Republicans in the House and Senate who respect the Constitution.

Among Republicans who probably lost their seats. Cory Gardner, Thom Tillis and Martha McSalley. I am sure that Democrats would love them to be primaries. Tim Pawlenty was the one Republican who Democrats worried about and he was defeated. The result was a easy win for Democrats. Mark Sanford was primaried and replaced by a far right extremist who lost to a Democrat.

2/3rds of voters do not support what Trump and the Republicans are doing.

He didn’t say “fake conservatives”. That’s your narrative. He said “traitors”.

They are not traitors. They are constitutional conservatives. The traitors are the 41 Republicans who broke their oath to uphold the Constitution.
The Constitution did not create the President's power to do what Trump did, he got that power due to a statue passed by Congress. If Congress doesn't want the President to have that power, they shouldn't have created the statute.

The power of the purse is written into the Constitution so Congress cannot give it away. A statute does not override the Constitution. You fascists make the claim that gun control laws are unconstitutional because they violate the 2nd Amendment. You want your cake and to eat it to.

How do you people all get the talking points to spout?
We want a wall. And we don’t care about your sophistry as to why we shouldn’t want a wall.

Try studying the Constitution. Judge Napolitano and even Trump toady Alan Dershowitz has said the same thing. A majority of Americans oppose a wall and even more do not support a national emergency.

What a sloppy thought process you have. It comes from trying to co-opt a pretense of constitutional respect.
Study the Constitution because “Neapolitano said...what again? CBS polls of how many support the wall is constitutionalism? The number of people who do not support a national emergency is the definition of constitutionalism?

You are a blathering idiot.
Those 12 traitors are sweating tonight since Barr told them no

Barr will want to know why those 12 said no for this

Barr will check if they have been bought off

Both TN senators of corker and Alexander as RINOS and globalists
They both saw how TN is going so strong for trump they decided to run and hide like rats before they get caught with their hands in the cookie jar
That may be how it works in the Russian Federation Vlad...but here in this country SCOTUS Justices are pretty much untouchable


Andrew Jackson gave the supremes the bird finger and nothing they could do about it

That's how it works when you have the men on your side

They can be criminally prosecuted and should be.
The Constitution did not create the President's power to do what Trump did, he got that power due to a statue passed by Congress. If Congress doesn't want the President to have that power, they shouldn't have created the statute.

They didn't expect a President with no respect for the Constitution trying to do an end-around Congressional refusal to fund his vanity project.

Its not an end around you stupid cow. He has the authority to declare a National Emergency. Its a power Congress granted.

Yes, The President Can Declare A ‘National Emergency‘ To Build A Wall

It will end up in the SC.

The SC will find he does have the authority.

They won't care about the reason just the fact that he has that authority as past Presidents have had.

The Constitution grants Congress the power of the purse not the President.

Judge Napolitano: Trump Cannot Declare A National Emergency And Build The Wall

Dershowitz: Trump's emergency declaration was a ‘mistake’

Truman's attempt to use a national emergency to control the steel mills was overturned by the SC.

Wrong AG Barr says he can

Barr is not a judge.
This by Barr


AG Bill Barr: Mr. President your declaration of an emergency on the southern border was clearly authorized under the law and consistent with past precedent… The humanitarian and security crisis that we currently have right now on the border is exactly the type of emergency that presidents are permitted to address.


This ends the deep state

Trump now has enough power to lock up the whole deep state

He has the military men on active duty

He has the 21 million vets in a landslide

He has the men in America

He has the white men in a landslide

He has the sheriff departments

The rats will now run and hide

It is over and the women will lose their voting rights because of voting for crooks
Its not an end around you stupid cow. He has the authority to declare a National Emergency. Its a power Congress granted.

Yes, The President Can Declare A ‘National Emergency‘ To Build A Wall

It will end up in the SC.

The SC will find he does have the authority.

They won't care about the reason just the fact that he has that authority as past Presidents have had.

The President asked Congress for money to build the wall, and said that if Congress didn't give him the money, he'd simply declare a National Emergency and get it that way. But once again, Claudette the Clueless says that Trump wasn't doing an end-around of the Congressional refusal to give him the money. You don't even believe a thing when Trump says that's what he's doing.

Trump has the authority to declare a National Emergency when ONE EXISTS. What he is trying to do is subvert the Constitutional authority of the Congress to decide what will be funded and what doesn't.

If you had ANY respect for the Constitution at all, you would opposed what Trump is trying to do.

You really are quite stupid.

The emergency has existed for decades hence the over 11 million illegals in our country. We have been invaded by illegals not to mention the thousand that are asking for asylum.

Trump is the first POTUS to actually try to correct the problem.

Congress said no so he declared that National Emergency that should have been declared long ago.

That's not an end around. That's a power congress granted he and all Presidents of this country.

Yes, The President Can Declare A ‘National Emergency‘ To Build A Wall

You are a Trump supporter which makes you automatically stupid.

Voters oppose Trump's policies on immigration. We are not being invaded. Unarmed Guatemalans are hardly a threat to this country. The Congress cannot give away their constitutionally granted powers. The SC has declared a President does not have a unlimited power under a national emergency as Truman's national emergency was overturned.

Dershowitz: Trump's emergency declaration was a ‘mistake’

Judge Napolitano: Trump Cannot Declare A National Emergency And Build The Wall

Dershowitz says it's a mistake not that he can't build it

The mistake could be if you think democrats are fair

But Alan they proved the opposite

So Allan it's not a mistake

And Barr says its constitutional and he can

I suggest you read the article.

"“The Constitution requires that all spending bills originate in the House of Representatives. This is a way of circumventing that provision of the Constitution.”

"“There will be a lawsuit. No doubt about it. It will be tied up in the courts for a long time,” he said."

Dershowitz: Trump's emergency declaration was a ‘mistake’

It's a mistake ONLY if democrats are fair

They proved totally unfair to science and babies with their murdering of us citizens

This is total change coming in voting
A logic test for voting
AG Bill Barr: Mr. President your declaration of an emergency on the southern border was clearly authorized under the law and consistent with past precedent… The humanitarian and security crisis that we currently have right now on the border is exactly the type of emergency that presidents are permitted to address.
  1. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), who is retiring at the end of the current Congress
  2. Susan Collins
  3. Mike Lee (Utah)
  4. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) (She voted against Kavanaugh too)
  5. Roy Blunt (Mo.)
  6. Rand Paul (Ky.)
  7. Pat Toomey (Pa.)
  8. Rob Portman (Ohio)
  9. Jerry Moran (Kan.)
  10. Marco Rubio (Fla.) (Go to any foam parties recently, little Marco?)
  11. Roger Wicker (Miss.)
  12. Mitt Romney (Utah) (Really, Mormons, you couldn't find anyone else??)
1 is retiring thankfully,Collins,
Murkowski,Lee,Blunt,Paul,Toomey,Portman,Moran,Rubio are up for reelection in 2022.
Wicker and Romney are up for reelection in 2024

Murkowski BARELY won reelection a few years ago she had to use a write in ballot to "win" her race so let's send all these FAKE conservatives packing.

The fake conservatives are the 41 Republicans who voted to ignore the Constitution and you fascist pigs. .There are 25 Republicans in the House and Senate who respect the Constitution.

Among Republicans who probably lost their seats. Cory Gardner, Thom Tillis and Martha McSalley. I am sure that Democrats would love them to be primaries. Tim Pawlenty was the one Republican who Democrats worried about and he was defeated. The result was a easy win for Democrats. Mark Sanford was primaried and replaced by a far right extremist who lost to a Democrat.

2/3rds of voters do not support what Trump and the Republicans are doing.

He didn’t say “fake conservatives”. That’s your narrative. He said “traitors”.

They are not traitors. They are constitutional conservatives. The traitors are the 41 Republicans who broke their oath to uphold the Constitution.

Yeah and you are a big supporter of constitutional conservatives.

What they are...cucks.
Seems those twelve aren't concerned with border security.

Nor are they concerned with the billions we tax payers spend on illegals every year.

They sure aren't concerned with American citizens who are robbed, raped and murder either.

Nor are they concerned with human or drug trafficking.

You can't cure idiots.
No. There is no cure for people like you.

TWELVE Senators stood up to Trump's over reach of Constitutional authority. That's not insignificant.

Traitors? Traitors to Trump?

This "Cult of Personality" is a danger to our Democracy people. And now the Orange Asshole is advocating violence.

We ar going down a bad road and it's time for Congress to stand up to him

So you are saying Trump doesn't have the power to declare a National Emergency??

Obama declared several NE's. Didn't hear you bitching about that.

If it goes to the SC Trump will win because he does have that authority.
Show us the express immigration clause.
why not abolish our useless drug war. it is a freebie the right wing should not have to pay for with their tax monies.
This by Barr


AG Bill Barr: Mr. President your declaration of an emergency on the southern border was clearly authorized under the law and consistent with past precedent… The humanitarian and security crisis that we currently have right now on the border is exactly the type of emergency that presidents are permitted to address.


This ends the deep state

Trump now has enough power to lock up the whole deep state

He has the military men on active duty

He has the 21 million vets in a landslide

He has the men in America

He has the white men in a landslide

He has the sheriff departments

The rats will now run and hide

It is over and the women will lose their voting rights because of voting for crooks

It shows what a liar Barr is. None of the national emergencies have directly contradicted the Constitution. Most people did not even know about them as they concerned foreign policy. The only one that concerned domestic policy was overturned by the Supreme Court.


There is no deep state. This is just some crazy delusion that Trump supporters have dreamed up.

You need evidence to lock someone up and even Sessions admitted that.

He does not have military women or female vets.

He leads among white men but white men are dying out thank goodness.

No one is hiding.

Women will not lose their right to vote. Try it and there will be blood on the streets. It will be time to take arms and have a second American Revolution against the new dictatorship. Trump is the biggest crook of them all.
  1. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), who is retiring at the end of the current Congress
  2. Susan Collins
  3. Mike Lee (Utah)
  4. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) (She voted against Kavanaugh too)
  5. Roy Blunt (Mo.)
  6. Rand Paul (Ky.)
  7. Pat Toomey (Pa.)
  8. Rob Portman (Ohio)
  9. Jerry Moran (Kan.)
  10. Marco Rubio (Fla.) (Go to any foam parties recently, little Marco?)
  11. Roger Wicker (Miss.)
  12. Mitt Romney (Utah) (Really, Mormons, you couldn't find anyone else??)
1 is retiring thankfully,Collins,
Murkowski,Lee,Blunt,Paul,Toomey,Portman,Moran,Rubio are up for reelection in 2022.
Wicker and Romney are up for reelection in 2024

Murkowski BARELY won reelection a few years ago she had to use a write in ballot to "win" her race so let's send all these FAKE conservatives packing.

The fake conservatives are the 41 Republicans who voted to ignore the Constitution and you fascist pigs. .There are 25 Republicans in the House and Senate who respect the Constitution.

Among Republicans who probably lost their seats. Cory Gardner, Thom Tillis and Martha McSalley. I am sure that Democrats would love them to be primaries. Tim Pawlenty was the one Republican who Democrats worried about and he was defeated. The result was a easy win for Democrats. Mark Sanford was primaried and replaced by a far right extremist who lost to a Democrat.

2/3rds of voters do not support what Trump and the Republicans are doing.

He didn’t say “fake conservatives”. That’s your narrative. He said “traitors”.

They are not traitors. They are constitutional conservatives. The traitors are the 41 Republicans who broke their oath to uphold the Constitution.

Yeah and you are a big supporter of constitutional conservatives.

What they are...cucks.

You have no clue what a constitutional conservative is. Your reading of the Constitution depends on whether the President has a R or a D in front of their name. If this was Obama, you would be demanding his impeachment.

You are the cocksucking asshole.
  1. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), who is retiring at the end of the current Congress
  2. Susan Collins
  3. Mike Lee (Utah)
  4. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) (She voted against Kavanaugh too)
  5. Roy Blunt (Mo.)
  6. Rand Paul (Ky.)
  7. Pat Toomey (Pa.)
  8. Rob Portman (Ohio)
  9. Jerry Moran (Kan.)
  10. Marco Rubio (Fla.) (Go to any foam parties recently, little Marco?)
  11. Roger Wicker (Miss.)
  12. Mitt Romney (Utah) (Really, Mormons, you couldn't find anyone else??)
1 is retiring thankfully,Collins,
Murkowski,Lee,Blunt,Paul,Toomey,Portman,Moran,Rubio are up for reelection in 2022.
Wicker and Romney are up for reelection in 2024

Murkowski BARELY won reelection a few years ago she had to use a write in ballot to "win" her race so let's send all these FAKE conservatives packing.

The fake conservatives are the 41 Republicans who voted to ignore the Constitution and you fascist pigs. .There are 25 Republicans in the House and Senate who respect the Constitution.

Among Republicans who probably lost their seats. Cory Gardner, Thom Tillis and Martha McSalley. I am sure that Democrats would love them to be primaries. Tim Pawlenty was the one Republican who Democrats worried about and he was defeated. The result was a easy win for Democrats. Mark Sanford was primaried and replaced by a far right extremist who lost to a Democrat.

2/3rds of voters do not support what Trump and the Republicans are doing.

He didn’t say “fake conservatives”. That’s your narrative. He said “traitors”.

They are not traitors. They are constitutional conservatives. The traitors are the 41 Republicans who broke their oath to uphold the Constitution.

Yeah and you are a big supporter of constitutional conservatives.

What they are...cucks.

You have no clue what a constitutional conservative is. Your reading of the Constitution depends on whether the President has a R or a D in front of their name. If this was Obama, you would be demanding his impeachment.

You are the cocksucking asshole.

Projection. And deflection. So I’ll ask again so as to add humiliation.

You are a huge supporter of “constitutional conservatives” aren’t you?

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