The 12 GOP traitors that voted against American Security

  1. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), who is retiring at the end of the current Congress
  2. Susan Collins
  3. Mike Lee (Utah)
  4. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) (She voted against Kavanaugh too)
  5. Roy Blunt (Mo.)
  6. Rand Paul (Ky.)
  7. Pat Toomey (Pa.)
  8. Rob Portman (Ohio)
  9. Jerry Moran (Kan.)
  10. Marco Rubio (Fla.) (Go to any foam parties recently, little Marco?)
  11. Roger Wicker (Miss.)
  12. Mitt Romney (Utah) (Really, Mormons, you couldn't find anyone else??)

You mean the 12 Republican Senators who voted to keep the appropriate Constitutional checks and balances in place between two branches of government?
Some Republicans realize the long term effects of forfeiting Congressional Power

They know Republicans will not hold the White House much longer and Dems have a lot of emergencies to take care of
Marco Rubio is SUCH a disappointment. As a Floridian I am embarrassed by his dissention into RINOhood.

He has always been. Like Ted Cruz.


Had Cruz got the nomination instead of Trump you would be spending your days on here kissing his ass instead of Trump's.

Hillary would have beaten him and I would have spent my days here saying “told you so”

I am not sure Hillary could have beaten much of anyone after she quit campaigning in August
Marco Rubio is SUCH a disappointment. As a Floridian I am embarrassed by his dissention into RINOhood.

He has always been. Like Ted Cruz.


Had Cruz got the nomination instead of Trump you would be spending your days on here kissing his ass instead of Trump's.

Hillary would have beaten him and I would have spent my days here saying “told you so”

I am not sure Hillary could have beaten much of anyone after she quit campaigning in August

It’s Saturday. Take a break.

Marco Rubio is SUCH a disappointment. As a Floridian I am embarrassed by his dissention into RINOhood.

He has always been. Like Ted Cruz.


Had Cruz got the nomination instead of Trump you would be spending your days on here kissing his ass instead of Trump's.

Hillary would have beaten him and I would have spent my days here saying “told you so”

I am not sure Hillary could have beaten much of anyone after she quit campaigning in August

It’s Saturday. Take a break.

View attachment 250568

Stuck inside mostly as I fight to keep a chest cold from becoming something worse. Wife is working 13 hour shift and my son is sleeping. I have lots of time to kill.

but hey, thanks for tracking that for me, I did not even know it was a thing. I like how all you spend so much time thinking about me
You have no clue what a constitutional conservative is. Your reading of the Constitution depends on whether the President has a R or a D in front of their name. If this was Obama, you would be demanding his impeachment.

You are the cocksucking asshole.

Projection. And deflection. So I’ll ask again so as to add humiliation.

You are a huge supporter of “constitutional conservatives” aren’t you?

There is no such thing as a “constitutional conservative”. You either believe in and support the Constitution or you don’t.

Those who support Trumps emergency declaration are opposing not just the Constitution but the separation of powers it contains.

You Russian pieces of shit don’t get that.

No, its you EU kibitzers that don't get what the AG of the US says is perfectly constitutional. If the AG isn't good enough for the dems, they can tee it up in court and have the courts confirm that Trump is well within his lane. A proof that the dems are simply playing politics is that the GOP offered to change the "National Emergencies" law to claw back the power for the president to declare a national emergency, requiring congressional confirmation within (30) days, and Nancy said no. Please recall that this entire episode could have beenj averted if the dems approved $5.3b for the wall, as requested. But no, Nancy said no money, so here we are and Nancy lost.

Congress is fine with this. This is the “check” part of checks and balances. If Congress wants to check the President in this then 2/3 can stop him.
Or 51% can rescind the law. But President Trump would veto that :)

I think Trump would sign the law revising the "emergencies" (requiring congressional approval within (30)days), but Nancy said she will not revise it?! So after all the whining about the "constitution" its all about petty politics.
I'm sure Trump is willing to change the rules so Dems can't do the same thing
He has always been. Like Ted Cruz.


Had Cruz got the nomination instead of Trump you would be spending your days on here kissing his ass instead of Trump's.

Hillary would have beaten him and I would have spent my days here saying “told you so”

I am not sure Hillary could have beaten much of anyone after she quit campaigning in August

It’s Saturday. Take a break.

View attachment 250568

Stuck inside mostly as I fight to keep a chest cold from becoming something worse. Wife is working 13 hour shift and my son is sleeping. I have lots of time to kill.

but hey, thanks for tracking that for me, I did not even know it was a thing. I like how all you spend so much time thinking about me

.do not ignore an apparent chest cold this season. We’ve been seeing it turn to pneumonia here due to a strange type flu.

Had Cruz got the nomination instead of Trump you would be spending your days on here kissing his ass instead of Trump's.

Hillary would have beaten him and I would have spent my days here saying “told you so”

I am not sure Hillary could have beaten much of anyone after she quit campaigning in August

It’s Saturday. Take a break.

View attachment 250568

Stuck inside mostly as I fight to keep a chest cold from becoming something worse. Wife is working 13 hour shift and my son is sleeping. I have lots of time to kill.

but hey, thanks for tracking that for me, I did not even know it was a thing. I like how all you spend so much time thinking about me

.do not ignore an apparent chest cold this season. We’ve been seeing it turn to pneumonia here due to a strange type flu.

I have COPD, so I never ignore chest colds! It helps to be married to a nurse...she will not let me ignore them!
Hillary would have beaten him and I would have spent my days here saying “told you so”

I am not sure Hillary could have beaten much of anyone after she quit campaigning in August

It’s Saturday. Take a break.

View attachment 250568

Stuck inside mostly as I fight to keep a chest cold from becoming something worse. Wife is working 13 hour shift and my son is sleeping. I have lots of time to kill.

but hey, thanks for tracking that for me, I did not even know it was a thing. I like how all you spend so much time thinking about me

.do not ignore an apparent chest cold this season. We’ve been seeing it turn to pneumonia here due to a strange type flu.

I have COPD, so I never ignore chest colds! It helps to be married to a nurse...she will not let me ignore them!

I'm stuck at home with the flu as well. Nausea, headache and a cough in my chest. I'm asthmatic so I don't mess around with chest colds either. I hauled out the Simbicort and the Ventolin.
So you are saying Trump doesn't have the power to declare a National Emergency??

Obama declared several NE's. Didn't hear you bitching about that.

If it goes to the SC Trump will win because he does have that authority.

EMERGENCY: a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.

Emergency: Billions of tax payer dollars used to take care of illegals.

Emergency: American citizens robbed, raped and murdered.

Emergency: Human Trafficers using the border to move their human cargo.

Emergency: Drug mules hauling drugs across our border.

Emergency: A dumb ass like who doesn't know what an emergency is.

Those are all problems, none of them is an emergency unless you make up your own definition of the word.

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I call spending billions on illegals more than a problem.

I call the robbing, raping an murder of American citizens by illegals more than just a problem.

Oh and human trafficking and drug trafficking are more than just a problem.

I'd venture to say that if one of your loved ones was murdered by an illegal you would call in more than just a problem.

Voters disagree with you. They do not see a crisis on the border and oppose using a national emergency to build a wall by a 2/3rds majority.
Actually, they do see a crisis on the border, and if you call it a "barrier" instead of a wall, a majority supports it.
Stuck inside mostly as I fight to keep a chest cold from becoming something worse. Wife is working 13 hour shift and my son is sleeping. I have lots of time to kill.

but hey, thanks for tracking that for me, I did not even know it was a thing. I like how all you spend so much time thinking about me

Kinda creepy actually
EMERGENCY: a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.

Emergency: Billions of tax payer dollars used to take care of illegals.

Emergency: American citizens robbed, raped and murdered.

Emergency: Human Trafficers using the border to move their human cargo.

Emergency: Drug mules hauling drugs across our border.

Emergency: A dumb ass like who doesn't know what an emergency is.

Those are all problems, none of them is an emergency unless you make up your own definition of the word.

Sent from my iPhone using

I call spending billions on illegals more than a problem.

I call the robbing, raping an murder of American citizens by illegals more than just a problem.

Oh and human trafficking and drug trafficking are more than just a problem.

I'd venture to say that if one of your loved ones was murdered by an illegal you would call in more than just a problem.

Voters disagree with you. They do not see a crisis on the border and oppose using a national emergency to build a wall by a 2/3rds majority.
Actually, they do see a crisis on the border, and if you call it a "barrier" instead of a wall, a majority supports it.
Only paranoid Conservatives see a crisis
People coming to mow lawns and make beds
Not much change in the last ten years
Emergency: Billions of tax payer dollars used to take care of illegals.

Emergency: American citizens robbed, raped and murdered.

Emergency: Human Trafficers using the border to move their human cargo.

Emergency: Drug mules hauling drugs across our border.

Emergency: A dumb ass like who doesn't know what an emergency is.

Those are all problems, none of them is an emergency unless you make up your own definition of the word.

Sent from my iPhone using

I call spending billions on illegals more than a problem.

I call the robbing, raping an murder of American citizens by illegals more than just a problem.

Oh and human trafficking and drug trafficking are more than just a problem.

I'd venture to say that if one of your loved ones was murdered by an illegal you would call in more than just a problem.

Voters disagree with you. They do not see a crisis on the border and oppose using a national emergency to build a wall by a 2/3rds majority.
Actually, they do see a crisis on the border, and if you call it a "barrier" instead of a wall, a majority supports it.
Only paranoid Conservatives see a crisis
People coming to mow lawns and make beds
Not much change in the last ten years

Poll: Most of U.S. sides with Trump on immigration

“More than half (61 percent) also said border security is ‘inadequate,’ while 79 percent said America needs stronger borders,” Enloe pointed out from the poll results.

Curbing migration into the U.S. is also another policy where Americans stand behind Trump.

“On annual visa allotment, the poll found that 72 percent of Americans believe the number of immigrants allowed into the U.S. each year should be less than 1 million, while 54 percent said it should be less than 500,000 and 35 percent said it should be under 250,000 annually,” Enloe noted. “Currently, more than 1 million people
immigrate to the U.S. annually.”​
Those are all problems, none of them is an emergency unless you make up your own definition of the word.

Sent from my iPhone using

I call spending billions on illegals more than a problem.

I call the robbing, raping an murder of American citizens by illegals more than just a problem.

Oh and human trafficking and drug trafficking are more than just a problem.

I'd venture to say that if one of your loved ones was murdered by an illegal you would call in more than just a problem.

Voters disagree with you. They do not see a crisis on the border and oppose using a national emergency to build a wall by a 2/3rds majority.
Actually, they do see a crisis on the border, and if you call it a "barrier" instead of a wall, a majority supports it.
Only paranoid Conservatives see a crisis
People coming to mow lawns and make beds
Not much change in the last ten years

Poll: Most of U.S. sides with Trump on immigration

“More than half (61 percent) also said border security is ‘inadequate,’ while 79 percent said America needs stronger borders,” Enloe pointed out from the poll results.

Curbing migration into the U.S. is also another policy where Americans stand behind Trump.

“On annual visa allotment, the poll found that 72 percent of Americans believe the number of immigrants allowed into the U.S. each year should be less than 1 million, while 54 percent said it should be less than 500,000 and 35 percent said it should be under 250,000 annually,” Enloe noted. “Currently, more than 1 million people
immigrate to the U.S. annually.”​
You listening to polls now Finger Boy?
Fake News

Depends on how the question is asked
Online polls have little credibility
Those are all problems, none of them is an emergency unless you make up your own definition of the word.

Sent from my iPhone using

I call spending billions on illegals more than a problem.

I call the robbing, raping an murder of American citizens by illegals more than just a problem.

Oh and human trafficking and drug trafficking are more than just a problem.

I'd venture to say that if one of your loved ones was murdered by an illegal you would call in more than just a problem.

Voters disagree with you. They do not see a crisis on the border and oppose using a national emergency to build a wall by a 2/3rds majority.
Actually, they do see a crisis on the border, and if you call it a "barrier" instead of a wall, a majority supports it.
Only paranoid Conservatives see a crisis
People coming to mow lawns and make beds
Not much change in the last ten years

Poll: Most of U.S. sides with Trump on immigration

“More than half (61 percent) also said border security is ‘inadequate,’ while 79 percent said America needs stronger borders,” Enloe pointed out from the poll results.

Curbing migration into the U.S. is also another policy where Americans stand behind Trump.

“On annual visa allotment, the poll found that 72 percent of Americans believe the number of immigrants allowed into the U.S. each year should be less than 1 million, while 54 percent said it should be less than 500,000 and 35 percent said it should be under 250,000 annually,” Enloe noted. “Currently, more than 1 million people
immigrate to the U.S. annually.”​
Too bad the right wing is simply clueless and Causeless. There is no immigration clause in our Constitution.

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