The 12 GOP traitors that voted against American Security

MS 13 stab 16 year old Highschool boy in MD 100 times, dump body by the side of the road and set it on fire. But there's no border emergency riiiiiiight.
That’s sad

The mafia used to kill a lot of people
Did we need to build a wall around Italy?
We have no security problem; we have a naturalization problem and the right wing is simply too lazy.
Illegal immigration is just a paperwork problem
The Cold War is over and all of those programs should be abolished.
Easy enough to issue working papers

Problem solved
You do make a point. Republicans are making illegal immigrants the boogeyman to win elections. The minute corporate America tells republicans they need more bodies they’ll just hand out citizenship to anyone who wants it. Provided they pass the background check of course.

Just let’s not pretend republicans are anti immigrants. Only their crazy supporters are. That’s who trump caters to. The racist voters. The nationalists. He blames brown people for their woes.
Exactly. The only reason they don't rein Trump in on the Wall bullshit is that figure it'll probably never get built and won't have much if any effect anyway.

Do something like going after employers for hiring illegals? Ya know something that would actually work?

They'll come down on you like avenging angels

You're being played...again
  1. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), who is retiring at the end of the current Congress
  2. Susan Collins
  3. Mike Lee (Utah)
  4. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) (She voted against Kavanaugh too)
  5. Roy Blunt (Mo.)
  6. Rand Paul (Ky.)
  7. Pat Toomey (Pa.)
  8. Rob Portman (Ohio)
  9. Jerry Moran (Kan.)
  10. Marco Rubio (Fla.) (Go to any foam parties recently, little Marco?)
  11. Roger Wicker (Miss.)
  12. Mitt Romney (Utah) (Really, Mormons, you couldn't find anyone else??)
1 is retiring thankfully,Collins,
Murkowski,Lee,Blunt,Paul,Toomey,Portman,Moran,Rubio are up for reelection in 2022.
Wicker and Romney are up for reelection in 2024

Murkowski BARELY won reelection a few years ago she had to use a write in ballot to "win" her race so let's send all these FAKE conservatives packing.

Those are 12 GOPers who finally showed some spine.
Now that a handful have stood up to Don the Con, there will be more.
That's how it happened with Nixon, too.
You're out of touch if you didn't think this wasn't going to happen at some point.
  1. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), who is retiring at the end of the current Congress
  2. Susan Collins
  3. Mike Lee (Utah)
  4. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) (She voted against Kavanaugh too)
  5. Roy Blunt (Mo.)
  6. Rand Paul (Ky.)
  7. Pat Toomey (Pa.)
  8. Rob Portman (Ohio)
  9. Jerry Moran (Kan.)
  10. Marco Rubio (Fla.) (Go to any foam parties recently, little Marco?)
  11. Roger Wicker (Miss.)
  12. Mitt Romney (Utah) (Really, Mormons, you couldn't find anyone else??)
1 is retiring thankfully,Collins,
Murkowski,Lee,Blunt,Paul,Toomey,Portman,Moran,Rubio are up for reelection in 2022.
Wicker and Romney are up for reelection in 2024

Murkowski BARELY won reelection a few years ago she had to use a write in ballot to "win" her race so let's send all these FAKE conservatives packing.

I sent an email to each one thanking them for putting the Constitution before the party.

For putting country and the Constitution before Trump.
  1. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), who is retiring at the end of the current Congress
  2. Susan Collins
  3. Mike Lee (Utah)
  4. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) (She voted against Kavanaugh too)
  5. Roy Blunt (Mo.)
  6. Rand Paul (Ky.)
  7. Pat Toomey (Pa.)
  8. Rob Portman (Ohio)
  9. Jerry Moran (Kan.)
  10. Marco Rubio (Fla.) (Go to any foam parties recently, little Marco?)
  11. Roger Wicker (Miss.)
  12. Mitt Romney (Utah) (Really, Mormons, you couldn't find anyone else??)
1 is retiring thankfully,Collins,
Murkowski,Lee,Blunt,Paul,Toomey,Portman,Moran,Rubio are up for reelection in 2022.
Wicker and Romney are up for reelection in 2024

Murkowski BARELY won reelection a few years ago she had to use a write in ballot to "win" her race so let's send all these FAKE conservatives packing.

The fake conservatives are the 41 Republicans who voted to ignore the Constitution and you fascist pigs. .There are 25 Republicans in the House and Senate who respect the Constitution.

Among Republicans who probably lost their seats. Cory Gardner, Thom Tillis and Martha McSalley. I am sure that Democrats would love them to be primaries. Tim Pawlenty was the one Republican who Democrats worried about and he was defeated. The result was a easy win for Democrats. Mark Sanford was primaried and replaced by a far right extremist who lost to a Democrat.

2/3rds of voters do not support what Trump and the Republicans are doing.
Oh fk off
  1. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), who is retiring at the end of the current Congress
  2. Susan Collins
  3. Mike Lee (Utah)
  4. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) (She voted against Kavanaugh too)
  5. Roy Blunt (Mo.)
  6. Rand Paul (Ky.)
  7. Pat Toomey (Pa.)
  8. Rob Portman (Ohio)
  9. Jerry Moran (Kan.)
  10. Marco Rubio (Fla.) (Go to any foam parties recently, little Marco?)
  11. Roger Wicker (Miss.)
  12. Mitt Romney (Utah) (Really, Mormons, you couldn't find anyone else??)
1 is retiring thankfully,Collins,
Murkowski,Lee,Blunt,Paul,Toomey,Portman,Moran,Rubio are up for reelection in 2022.
Wicker and Romney are up for reelection in 2024

Murkowski BARELY won reelection a few years ago she had to use a write in ballot to "win" her race so let's send all these FAKE conservatives packing.

I sent an email to each one thanking them for putting the Constitution before the party.
I sent them an email saying I'm going to contribute money to their primary challenger.

Yep all crooks are now toast

Those 12 will be investigated to see if they were bought off
Bought off?

Disagreement and dissent is now only found under a veil of corruption ?

I suppose if you traffic in corruption, associate with the corrupt and dismiss corruption as normal, the suspicion of corruption comes naturally.
MS 13 stab 16 year old Highschool boy in MD 100 times, dump body by the side of the road and set it on fire. But there's no border emergency riiiiiiight.
That’s sad

The mafia used to kill a lot of people
Did we need to build a wall around Italy?

That's the dumbest post I've seen from you. Besides Italy instead of Sicily, you ignore the gangs, drugs, and human trafficking. Real threats. Maybe not in your neighborhood (yet). But the threats are real. There is an emergency at the southern border. The dems want to take the wall down, that's crazy, they just spent $40b building it!!

More deaths every year than we lost in VN.

Look at the red line spike up, that's an emergency.
MS 13 stab 16 year old Highschool boy in MD 100 times, dump body by the side of the road and set it on fire. But there's no border emergency riiiiiiight.
That’s sad

The mafia used to kill a lot of people
Did we need to build a wall around Italy?

That's the dumbest post I've seen from you. Besides Italy instead of Sicily, you ignore the gangs, drugs, and human trafficking. Real threats. Maybe not in your neighborhood (yet). But the threats are real. There is an emergency at the southern border. The dems want to take the wall down, that's crazy, they just spent $40b building it!!

More deaths every year than we lost in VN.

Look at the red line spike up, that's an emergency.
Lousy management. We have no immigration clause.
Marco Rubio is SUCH a disappointment. As a Floridian I am embarrassed by his dissention into RINOhood.

He has always been. Like Ted Cruz.

Well, I understand why you would say that but Rubio is much worse than Cruz. Cruz is not on that list, for example.

Cruz usually votes pretty well but I’m thinking of his pathetic behavior in the primaries. Virtue signaling they name is Cruz.
But yes there are a whole lot worse.
Seems those twelve aren't concerned with border security.

Nor are they concerned with the billions we tax payers spend on illegals every year.

They sure aren't concerned with American citizens who are robbed, raped and murder either.

Nor are they concerned with human or drug trafficking.

You can't cure idiots.
No. There is no cure for people like you.

TWELVE Senators stood up to Trump's over reach of Constitutional authority. That's not insignificant.

Traitors? Traitors to Trump?

This "Cult of Personality" is a danger to our Democracy people. And now the Orange Asshole is advocating violence.

We ar going down a bad road and it's time for Congress to stand up to him
All constitutional
MS 13 stab 16 year old Highschool boy in MD 100 times, dump body by the side of the road and set it on fire. But there's no border emergency riiiiiiight.
That’s sad

The mafia used to kill a lot of people
Did we need to build a wall around Italy?

That's the dumbest post I've seen from you. Besides Italy instead of Sicily, you ignore the gangs, drugs, and human trafficking. Real threats. Maybe not in your neighborhood (yet). But the threats are real. There is an emergency at the southern border. The dems want to take the wall down, that's crazy, they just spent $40b building it!!

More deaths every year than we lost in VN.

Look at the red line spike up, that's an emergency.
Building a wall around Italy makes as much sense as building a wall around the US

The drug problem is OUR problem. We are the ones consuming drugs at any cost. I blame the stupid war on drugs more than Mexico

The spike in drug deaths are a result of opioids ...again our problem not a walls problem
brothers and sisters: here you have this great country taking little kids from their parents after they surveyed a 2,000mile journey on foot and at their most vulnerable desperate moment taken away from their parents
MS 13 stab 16 year old Highschool boy in MD 100 times, dump body by the side of the road and set it on fire. But there's no border emergency riiiiiiight.
That’s sad

The mafia used to kill a lot of people
Did we need to build a wall around Italy?

That's the dumbest post I've seen from you. Besides Italy instead of Sicily, you ignore the gangs, drugs, and human trafficking. Real threats. Maybe not in your neighborhood (yet). But the threats are real. There is an emergency at the southern border. The dems want to take the wall down, that's crazy, they just spent $40b building it!!

More deaths every year than we lost in VN.

Look at the red line spike up, that's an emergency.
Building a wall around Italy makes as much sense as building a wall around the US

The drug problem is OUR problem. We are the ones consuming drugs at any cost. I blame the stupid war on drugs more than Mexico

The spike in drug deaths are a result of opioids ...again our problem not a walls problem

1. Building a wall around your brain makes as much sense as your post. Your post is shit, try using your brain before typing. Walls work.
2. Explain your stupid logic how the war on drugs is causing drug deaths more than the drug cartels. Duh.
3. The death spike may be due to opioids, but Trump's "all of the above" approach wall, POEs, technology, is the correct strategy.
MS 13 stab 16 year old Highschool boy in MD 100 times, dump body by the side of the road and set it on fire. But there's no border emergency riiiiiiight.
That’s sad

The mafia used to kill a lot of people
Did we need to build a wall around Italy?

That's the dumbest post I've seen from you. Besides Italy instead of Sicily, you ignore the gangs, drugs, and human trafficking. Real threats. Maybe not in your neighborhood (yet). But the threats are real. There is an emergency at the southern border. The dems want to take the wall down, that's crazy, they just spent $40b building it!!

More deaths every year than we lost in VN.

Look at the red line spike up, that's an emergency.
Building a wall around Italy makes as much sense as building a wall around the US

The drug problem is OUR problem. We are the ones consuming drugs at any cost. I blame the stupid war on drugs more than Mexico

The spike in drug deaths are a result of opioids ...again our problem not a walls problem

1. Building a wall around your brain makes as much sense as your post. Your post is shit, try using your brain before typing. Walls work.
2. Explain your stupid logic how the war on drugs is causing drug deaths more than the drug cartels. Duh.
3. The death spike may be due to opioids, but Trump's "all of the above" approach wall, POEs, technology, is the correct strategy.
A wall is a child’s solution to immigration that ignores economics, sociology and humanity

War on drugs does this
It creates an unnatural demand for a product and resulting crime in a power struggle

Trumps all of the above approach claims a wall will stop illegal immigrants, drugs, crime, Muslim terrorists,murders and whatever other fear mongering pops into his head

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