The 13 People who can help take back the Senate - and America


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
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Conger For Senate

The GOP hasn't done well in Senate elections lately, giving the Democrats 55 seats in the Upper chamber of our federal legislature. That's got to change. The Senate Democrats Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer have blocked the GOP's job creation bills(like Keystone Pipeline, regulatory reform, tort reform, balanced-budget amendment, and Obamacare repeal). That's got to change. That's why we need Mike Rounds(SD), Shelly Capito(WV), Steve Daines(MT), Tom Cotton(AR), Bill Cassidy(LA), Mead Treadwell(AK), Greg Brannon(NC), Terry Land(MI), Scott Brown(NH), Bill Young(IA), Amy Stephens(CO), Mike McFadden(MN), and Jason Conger(OR) in the US Senate. All 13 of them will vote for less government and more jobs. They all oppose Obamacare and its massive tax increases, government takeovers, and job losses.

Please, support these candidates if possible. This is a do-or-die election. America's future is at stake, and everything's on the line.
The last time the Republicans had the House, Senate, and Presidency, all they did was expand Medicare. Why didn't they "take back America" then? What makes you think they will now?
How does the GOP taking back the Senate help America? Specifics please, not just empty platitudes about freedom and liberty.
I don't think that this is the election that republicans take back anything.

The voters will remember the shut-down and no matter how the republicans try to spin it - it will cost them.
I don't think that this is the election that republicans take back anything.

The voters will remember the shut-down and no matter how the republicans try to spin it - it will cost them.

The shut down is already yesterday's news. Polls have already shown nobody gives a shit.
Steve Daines for United States Senate | SteveDaines.comSteve Daines for United States Senate | | Steve Daines for United States Senate |
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Conger For Senate

The GOP hasn't done well in Senate elections lately, giving the Democrats 55 seats in the Upper chamber of our federal legislature. That's got to change. The Senate Democrats Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer have blocked the GOP's job creation bills(like Keystone Pipeline, regulatory reform, tort reform, balanced-budget amendment, and Obamacare repeal). That's got to change. That's why we need Mike Rounds(SD), Shelly Capito(WV), Steve Daines(MT), Tom Cotton(AR), Bill Cassidy(LA), Mead Treadwell(AK), Greg Brannon(NC), Terry Land(MI), Scott Brown(NH), Bill Young(IA), Amy Stephens(CO), Mike McFadden(MN), and Jason Conger(OR) in the US Senate. All 13 of them will vote for less government and more jobs. They all oppose Obamacare and its massive tax increases, government takeovers, and job losses.

Please, support these candidates if possible. This is a do-or-die election. America's future is at stake, and everything's on the line.

Here's hoping the above and the voters that put them in office understand simple concepts like this one:

Which would be easier to contain, cause the least damage and be cleaned up in months rather then 20 years???
an OIL spill of say less then 2,000 barrels over 3 miles of LAND or
an oil spill of nearly 1 million BARRELS on the open ocean in the middle of Arctic winter???

CLUE: Keystone will carry 800,000 barrels a day in 2,000 miles of pipe or about 400 barrels per mile.
CLUE:Now, 20 years after the Exxon-Valdez spill, about 20 acres of Prince William Sound shoreline are still contaminated with oil. Two species have never come back, ten species haven't quite come back, and five are unknown. Until all species recover, the economy that depends upon them cannot fully recover, either.
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Facts
I don't think that this is the election that republicans take back anything.

The voters will remember the shut-down and no matter how the republicans try to spin it - it will cost them.

The people will also remember the LIES this so-called "President" foisted on them - repeatedly - which was echoed by his mindless acolytes, that if you like your health care and doctor, you can keep them.

The shut-down, which, by the way is just as much a fault of Democrats, hurt nobody.

Losing health insurance hurt everybody.

The blatant repeated lies of this so-called "President" and his acolytes will be remembered more than the shut-down in the next elections, first in 2014, and then in 2016.

As the old saying goes: You can catch up with a liar faster than you can catch up with a lame dog. (No offense meant to any handicapped dogs).
How does the GOP taking back the Senate help America? Specifics please, not just empty platitudes about freedom and liberty.

The GOP House has passed all of the following legislation(which a GOP Senate would approve, and with enough votes, could override Obama's veto):
-Keystone XL pipeline, ANWR and offshore drilling, creates thousands of energy jobs
-Rein in Obama's EPA regulatory overreach and stop his war on coal miners and coal-fired plants to help save jobs and protect American workers
-Repeal Obamacare, which small businesses overwhelmingly call a huge job-killer(US Chamber of Commerce poll of small businesses shows 75% of companies say Obamacare will lead them to cut workers)
-The Ryan budget plan, which will rein in Social Security and Medicare's projected cost explosions and save America from fiscal ruin
-A balanced budget amendment
-Cut, cap, and balance

The GOP of today is different than the GOP of 2005. We're not here to talk about another war or more prescription drugs. That was a mistake and our party has learned from it. Now, our focus is on free enterprise, smaller government, and more freedom. We fight for the individual while liberals constantly fight for bigger, more intrusive government.
I am in NC and Brannon is the only one leading Hagan right now. The rest are close but he is leading her.Just what this state needs,another tea party tard in office. Its bad enough off with the tea party in control of the entire house and senate and governorship here...first thing they did slashed education....BRILLIANT! Stupid voters are exactly what we glad I am moving soon.
I don't think that this is the election that republicans take back anything.

The voters will remember the shut-down and no matter how the republicans try to spin it - it will cost them.

Was it the Republicans standing guard to keep out WW2 veterans from visiting their Memorial and keeping senior citizens from entering Yellowstone?
I don't think that this is the election that republicans take back anything.

The voters will remember the shut-down and no matter how the republicans try to spin it - it will cost them.

Was it the Republicans standing guard to keep out WW2 veterans from visiting their Memorial and keeping senior citizens from entering Yellowstone?

Indeed. Obama made the shutdown suck, not Republicans. It costs money to barricade national monuments, and it was wholly unnecessary.
The last time the Republicans had the House, Senate, and Presidency, all they did was expand Medicare. Why didn't they "take back America" then? What makes you think they will now?

They didn't just expand Medicare.

They passed the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts that redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1%.

They started two unfunded wars.

Their foreign fiascoes caused the deaths and maiming of tens of thousands of young Americans that will cost this country trillions more.

Their deregulation of Wall Street caused an economic collapse.

Their Supreme Court Justices paved the way for Hugo Chavez to influence our elections.

They spent trillions rebuilding Iraq. A country that is now a hard core Islamic theocracy and friends with Iran.

Never has one political party caused such terrible destruction to this country in such a short amount of time. al Qaeda would be proud.
The last time the Republicans had the House, Senate, and Presidency, all they did was expand Medicare. Why didn't they "take back America" then? What makes you think they will now?

They didn't just expand Medicare.

They passed the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts that redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1%.

They started two unfunded wars.

Their foreign fiascoes caused the deaths and maiming of tens of thousands of young Americans that will cost this country trillions more.

Their deregulation of Wall Street caused an economic collapse.

Their Supreme Court Justices paved the way for Hugo Chavez to influence our elections.

They spent trillions rebuilding Iraq. A country that is now a hard core Islamic theocracy and friends with Iran.

Never has one political party caused such terrible destruction to this country in such a short amount of time. al Qaeda would be proud.

^^^^^the parrot of USMB repeats the lies and talking points given to him by his handlers at Kos and huff puff post.

Not a word of truth in it. Truth is the enemy of liberalism and democrats. Dean is a dem/lib tool and the resident idiot.
The last time the Republicans had the House, Senate, and Presidency, all they did was expand Medicare. Why didn't they "take back America" then? What makes you think they will now?

They didn't just expand Medicare.

They passed the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts that redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1%.

They started two unfunded wars.

Their foreign fiascoes caused the deaths and maiming of tens of thousands of young Americans that will cost this country trillions more.

Their deregulation of Wall Street caused an economic collapse.

Their Supreme Court Justices paved the way for Hugo Chavez to influence our elections.

They spent trillions rebuilding Iraq. A country that is now a hard core Islamic theocracy and friends with Iran.

Never has one political party caused such terrible destruction to this country in such a short amount of time. al Qaeda would be proud.

If the Bush tax cuts were so awful, why didn't you repeal them when you had control of all 3 branches of government? Truth is that most liberals only wanted them expired for those earning $250,000+(though when the Dems were out of power, Obama and others tried to eliminate them completely, but he knew he couldn't get away with that when he actually had control), which is actually just a small fraction of the total tax cut. The reason for this is that those tax cuts helped our economy greatly, and the deficit may very well go up without them because it would drag down economic growth so much.

Obama expanded the war in Afghanistan; Iraq was a mistake, but remember that Hilary Clinton, John Kerry, and most congressional Democrats voted for it. Nearly all the intel at the time said Sadamm was making WMDs. It was a mistake. But if you really believe yourself, you would hate both Hilary Clinton and John Kerry as well.

Look, I'm against most foreign wars. I despise Obama's expansion of the Afghanistan war. I hate the idea of wars in Syria and Libya. I'm 100% opposed to giving foreign aid to Muslim Brotherhood members who burn our flag. Most Republicans are with me on this. Also, Dems have generally been the party of war and military aggression historically. Bush is basically an anomaly in this.

Deregulation of Wall Street? It was the GOP who fought to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, against people like Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, as well as John Kerry and Barack Obama(who all happened to be among the top recipients from Fannie/Freddie :) ). Also, the Dems fought for the Community Reinvestment Act requiring banks to give out bad loans.

Hugo Chavez is a socialist. He's on your camp and said he would vote for Obama if he were an American citizen. Nice try, buddy.

Most conservatives wanted Iraq to pay for their liberation against liberals. Sean Hannity is a notable example of this.

Finally, with regards to Medicare Part D, I dislike any expansion of government. But Obamacare is much, much, much worse. And I guarantee you this. With today's tea party, Medicare Part D would never, ever pass the GOP House. If you really oppose more government programs and aren't just saying these things to save your butt, then you'd be a Republican. That's our underlying philosophy.
The last time the Republicans had the House, Senate, and Presidency, all they did was expand Medicare. Why didn't they "take back America" then? What makes you think they will now?

They didn't just expand Medicare.

They passed the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts that redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1%.

They started two unfunded wars.

Their foreign fiascoes caused the deaths and maiming of tens of thousands of young Americans that will cost this country trillions more.

Their deregulation of Wall Street caused an economic collapse.

Their Supreme Court Justices paved the way for Hugo Chavez to influence our elections.

They spent trillions rebuilding Iraq. A country that is now a hard core Islamic theocracy and friends with Iran.

Never has one political party caused such terrible destruction to this country in such a short amount of time. al Qaeda would be proud.

Deany wanta cracker?

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